Seeing Deng Jingyun no longer speaking, Liu Shou suddenly felt a shock in his heart, subconsciously stepped forward and pushed him, muttering: "Hey, what do you mean? Speak! Hey?"

But Deng Jingyun did not move.

Liu Shou and Tang Fei's expressions suddenly became complicated.

They also hated Deng Jingyun's betrayal, and Tang Fei even wanted to kill Deng Jingyun directly. But Deng Jingyun died so suddenly, which caught them off guard.

And Deng Jingyun died to activate the formation to protect them, which made them feel even more unspeakable.

Feng Shao glanced at Deng Jingyun and sighed: "This can be regarded as the path he chose!"

This is a person who has been troubled by the family curse all his life, and he has spent his whole life seeking a way to break the curse. To be honest, if it were him, he would probably do the same thing. After his plot was shattered, he repeatedly mentioned that he hoped Feng Shao and others would treat his sister well after they went out. It can be seen that in his heart, his family has always been the most concerned thing in his heart.

And now he is using his life to atone for his sins, isn't it also to seek a glimmer of life for his sister?

Tang Fei also sighed and retracted his gaze.

Liu Shou cast his eyes on Feng Shao and asked: "Brother Feng, are you still not well? I feel that his formation may not last too long."

The shadow of the golden bell became fainter and fainter under the repeated attacks of the monks, and the compass suspended in the air was also shaky. Anyone can see that as long as the monks outside continue to attack, it won't take long for the golden bell formation to break.

A few drops of sweat rolled down Feng Shao's forehead. He said with some difficulty: "Something is not right. I feel like something is preventing me from controlling the Thirty-Three Heavens Formation, and I am competing with it for the control of the Thirty-Three Heavens Formation."

Tang Fei and Liu Shou couldn't help frowning when they heard this.

Unexpected situation has occurred, which is probably not a good thing.

Feng Shao closed his eyes and concentrated on fighting for the control of the Thirty-Three Heavens Formation.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the Golden Bell Formation was about to be broken. Seeing this, the monks outside cheered: "It's about to be broken! Try harder! Try harder!"

"Kill them all first, then talk about the ownership of the opportunity!"

Just when the Golden Bell Formation was about to be broken, and Tang Fei and others were ready for battle, Feng Shao suddenly opened his eyes and shouted: "It's done!"

As soon as the voice fell, the six wheels in Feng Shao's hand suddenly shone, as if holding a small sun in his arms, making it impossible to look directly at it. At the same time, the sky suddenly became overcast, and lightning was lingering in the heavy dark clouds. The monks stopped their attacks at the same time and couldn't help looking up at the sky. They didn't know what happened, but they had a vague ominous premonition in their hearts.

At this time, someone suddenly shouted: "It's Feng Shao! It must be that guy Feng Shao who did it! Let's kill Feng Shao first!"

This sentence immediately awakened everyone, and everyone gathered various spells in their hands again, ready to kill Feng Shao and others.

If it was really Feng Shao who did it, then as long as Feng Shao was killed, nothing would happen.

Feng Shao smiled coldly and said: "Everyone, you are too late this time!"

Then, Feng Shao shouted: "Feel the power of the heavenly tribulation!"

Before the voice fell, rumbling thunder sounded in the sky. Before the monks could react, dozens of lightning suddenly lit up and struck everyone's head!

The monks were horrified and quickly used various means to defend themselves. There were only bursts of loud rumbling noises, and then screams rang out one after another. Dozens of lightning fell one after another, and in an instant, the square turned into a sea of ​​lightning and thunder.

"No! Don't strike me! I don't want the chance anymore! Spare me!"

"What is this! Why can you summon so many lightnings?!"

"This is a heavenly tribulation! It's a heavenly tribulation! How can he summon a heavenly tribulation!"

"I don't want to die..."

Amid the screams and wails of the monks, lightning fell mercilessly, drowning their figures and their screams.

Although this vast power of heaven is not as powerful as Li Huotian, it is equally exciting to be there. Liu Shou and others looked at this scene and couldn't help but open their eyes wide, unconsciously revealing shock and fear in their eyes.

Because they were next to Feng Shao, they were not attacked by lightning. But the shocking feeling of the lightning sea so close to them made them sincerely feel awe of the world.

They even looked at Feng Shao involuntarily, secretly feeling lucky.

Fortunately, Feng Shao was on their side, otherwise they would have become one of these monks.

Next, it seemed that they could get out as long as they waited for all the monks in the square to be killed. But at this moment, Feng Shao's face suddenly changed and he shouted: "Oh no! A big guy is coming out!"

Tang Fei and others looked at Feng Shao and couldn't help asking: "What big guy?"

As soon as they asked, they saw a huge round black hole suddenly appear in the cloudy sky. The black hole appeared very abruptly, and it was pitch black without a trace of light, as if the sky was suddenly broken by an unknown force. Then, they felt a strong breath coming from the black hole, which made people feel a strong sense of fear.

"What...what is that?" Murong Pianpian looked at the black hole and murmured.

The next moment, a figure slowly emerged from the black hole. The figure was so huge that it almost filled the entire black hole. But what really surprised Tang Fei and others was not the huge size, but the strange shape.

It was a monster like a sack, red all over, with six short legs and four wings. It had no head and naturally no facial features. From a distance, it looked like a big meat ball with wings.

But when Tang Fei and others saw it, they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and a name that they had only seen in ancient books flashed in their minds.

Emperor Hong!

Emperor Hong is rumored to be an extremely ancient beast that existed before the beginning of the world. In Emperor Hong's body, a chaos was bred. Later, from the chaos, a creature named Pangu was born. Pangu propped up the chaos, causing the clear air to rise to the sky and the turbid air to fall to the earth. From that day on, the sky became one zhang higher and the earth became one zhang thicker.

After 80,000 years, Pangu was exhausted and collapsed. His left eye turned into the sun, his right eye turned into the moon, his breath turned into wind and clouds, his voice turned into thunder, his limbs turned into mountains, his blood turned into rivers, his muscles turned into soil, his hair turned into stars, his hair turned into grass and trees, his bones turned into minerals, his bone marrow turned into pearls and jade, and his sweat turned into rain.

This is the legend of Pangu creating the world.

(The Emperor Hong here refers to the Emperor Jiang in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. The word "Jiang" can be pronounced as jiāng or hóng. The latter is a homophone, which is the same as "Hong". Which one is correct has been controversial since ancient times. Here, the latter pronunciation is adopted, so it is written as "Emperor Hong".)

Pangu is an ancient god with unparalleled power. No matter what realm a cultivator has cultivated to, even the Daluo Jinxian in ancient legends has never dared to compare with Pangu. But Pangu was just a creature born from Emperor Hong's body, which shows how terrible this beast is!

But no one would think that Emperor Hong really exists. After all, such a beast that can give birth to an entire world is beyond everyone's cognition. All the ancient books describing Emperor Hong are considered to be the imagination of the ancients. But at this time, when Emperor Hong really appeared in front of them, the first thought in their hearts was not fear, not panic, but doubt.

Doubt whether they are dreaming.

After Emperor Hong appeared, the thunder in the sky disappeared instantly, and even the dark clouds slowly dissipated. The monks who were not killed by thunder wailed and groaned, and their breath was weak and dying. Only a very few people who resisted the thunder could look up at the sky and see the huge figure in the sky.

Song Jue is probably in the best condition among all the monks. With the many magic tools given by the system, he survived the thunder of the heavenly tribulation, but he was also in a mess. But now, he couldn't care about these, because all his attention was focused on the sky.

"What kind of monster is this!" Song Jue murmured.

When Emperor Hong completely came out of the black hole, the strong pressure instantly swept the whole place. Song Jue felt his knees soften and he knelt on the ground involuntarily, unable to even lift his head. He felt that all the bones in his body were crackling, as if they were about to be crushed at any time.

The other cultivators were even more unbearable, and many of them even vomited blood and their breath was weak under the pressure.

Only Feng Shao supported the Thirty-three Heavens Formation through the Six Paths Wheel, and barely resisted the pressure of Emperor Hong. But his face became very ugly, because he could clearly feel the huge pressure that Emperor Hong's pressure brought to the entire Qiankun Palace.

He didn't even dare to breathe deeply, because he was worried that doing so would cause his breath to be disordered, and then the blood would flow back, causing internal injuries.

"Is this the ancient chaotic beast? It's actually... so strong! With just the pressure, people have no power to resist!"

Di Hong has no head and no facial features, so no one knows who Di Hong is paying attention to. But everyone held the same idea at the same time.

Don't let Di Hong notice you! Being noticed by Di Hong is likely not an opportunity, but a fatal disaster!

Di Hong's huge body, which almost covered the sky and the sun, was suspended in the sky, motionless. Just when everyone was wondering what Di Hong wanted to do, Di Hong's huge belly suddenly opened. The next moment, everyone felt a strong airflow sweeping up, and their bodies flew towards Di Hong's belly involuntarily!

Countless cultivators in the square, whether dead or alive, able to move or unable to move, all flew towards Di Hong like moths to a flame. Some of them wanted to break free, but they were powerless to resist this chaotic beast. With a scream of fear, they disappeared into the huge belly of Emperor Hong.

Feng Shao and others were also affected by the strong suction. Under the protection of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Array, they were not directly sucked in. But the strong pull made them feel very uncomfortable.

The first one who couldn't hold on was Murong Pianpian. Murong Pianpian suddenly screamed, and the whole person flew towards Emperor Hong involuntarily.

Tang Fei was shocked and hurriedly grabbed Murong Pianpian. But he failed to pull Murong Pianpian back, and was pulled towards Emperor Hong with Murong Pianpian.

Liu Shou and Feng Shao also hurriedly reached out to grab Tang Fei, but were taken up together. With exclamations, the four were sucked into Emperor Hong's belly one after another.

Instantly, the square was empty, and everyone had been sucked away by Emperor Hong. The opening on Emperor Hong's stomach slowly closed, and Emperor Hong went back into the black hole. When Emperor Hong disappeared into the black hole, the black hole also disappeared.

The whole sky was as clear as a mirror, and the whole Qiankun Palace was silent, as if nothing had happened.

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