Lu Qingyuan

The Tianhua Jade Slip is a genuine creation of the Heavenly Dao, and naturally has an inseparable relationship with the Heavenly Dao of the original world. When the majestic luck was infused into the Tianhua Jade Slip, a golden light wheel emerged from Feng Shao's body out of thin air, and in the blink of an eye it expanded to a radius of several meters.

The moment the light wheel swept across their bodies, everyone suddenly felt that after entering the Nine Netherworld, the inexplicable discomfort that had always lingered was swept away, and replaced by an indescribable sense of ease.

At the same time, the three Shuras who were coming towards this side in the distance all threw away their broken limbs and arms and ran towards this side frantically. As they ran, they also made meaningless roars, which seemed to reveal endless anger.

"Oops!" Tang Fei's face suddenly changed, "Those three Shuras are coming! Brother Feng, is there any way to go faster?"

Feng Shao closed his eyes and said lightly: "It doesn't matter."

Everyone was stunned. Before they understood what was going on, they saw a dazzling light suddenly burst out from the light wheel. The light was like the scorching sun in summer, blazing and hot, shining on everyone, giving people a feeling of being in a fire cave.

And the three Shuras who were also illuminated by the light wheel, thick white smoke came out of their bodies at the same time, as if they were burned. The three Shuras howled in pain, stopped at the same time, turned around and ran. The speed was so fast that it was as if there was a natural enemy chasing them.

Everyone was shocked.

Isn't it said that Shuras are ancient enemies? Isn't it said that Shuras have destroyed countless true immortals? Why didn't they dare to get close to them, and just ran away?

In this regard, Feng Shao explained: "They have been trapped in this world for thousands of years. Because the rules of the Nine Nether Realm and the Shura Realm are different, and in order to adapt to this world, their strength has dropped significantly, and now they are only comparable to the strength of the Taiqing Realm.

"In addition, since the Nine Nether Realm was cut out from our original world, the original world naturally suppresses the Nine Nether Realm in terms of rules. When I establish a communication channel with the original world, the surrounding area will be temporarily assimilated by the rules of the original world. And Shuras who have assimilated to the rules of the Nine Nether Realm naturally cannot resist the suppression of the rules of the original world. "

Everyone suddenly realized.

The range of the halo is the rule domain of the original world, and its role in this world is equivalent to the divine domain. With such a layer of protection, everyone does not have to worry about any accidents, and they all wait quietly for Feng Shao to take them away from here.

But Feng Shao couldn't help but frowned when he was building a channel to communicate with the original world. For some reason, he had a very strange feeling, as if he was being peeped at by some unknown existence. This made him feel a little uncomfortable and uneasy.

At the same time, in a chaotic space filled with darkness, a pair of eyes suddenly opened. In those eyes, the scenes of the Nine Netherworld and the original world were reflected respectively.

The scenes in the two eyes kept changing, and in a moment The scene changed into the same one in a moment.

That was Feng Shao who was constructing a channel in the Nine Nether Realm.

After a moment, both eyes closed at the same time, and a faint sigh sounded at the same time.

The Tianhua Jade Slip hidden in Feng Shao's mind quietly lit up.

Then it returned to normal again.

After all, the Nine Nether Realm was once a part of the original world, and some of its rules were interconnected with the original world, so it didn't take Feng Shao too much time to construct the channel. About an incense stick later, the light wheel suddenly rose to a height of three meters above the ground. Then, everyone saw ripples in the light wheel like the surface of water, and a deep blue sky appeared above everyone's head.

Feng Shao smiled at everyone and said, "Okay, everyone can go back to our world now. ”


Upper Domain, Dongzhou, Wuling City.

After Feng Shao left, the development of Wuling City did not stagnate, but became faster and faster. As more and more people moved into Wuling City, Wuling City became more and more lively.

Linglong Pavilion under the name of Yunjian Pavilion was the first to move in, and then Jiuyin Holy Land and Taixuan Holy Land also established branches here. According to the layout plan of Wuling City, they operated their own industries in the city and sold their unique specialties. Many surrounding sects came here because of their reputation. After purchasing many natural treasures, they also rented several stalls to sell some magic tools.

As more and more monks gathered here, Wuling City presented an unprecedented prosperous scene.

The prosperity of Wuling City also promoted the lives of people other than monks. Merchants from all over the world drove Driving their caravans, they came from afar. For them, a newly built city like Wuling City means a rare business opportunity. And who in this world can resist money? Since there is a chance to make money, they naturally work hard, bringing in huge profits and taking away a huge amount of wealth.

As for Wuling City, it is also preparing for other things in full swing.

The first is the establishment of the City Chamber of Commerce. After attracting more and more chambers of commerce, business management will naturally be put on the agenda. In other cities, the City Lord's Mansion basically doesn't care about this. Anyway, the only thing they care about is taxation. But because of this, all large-scale city gatherings are usually organized by merchants themselves. They exchange what they have and share intelligence, and gradually form interest groups.

In this regard, Dai Zhixin believes that business operations cannot be completely handed over to businessmen, which is equivalent to pushing the money that should have belonged to Wuling City to others. Anyway, the Chamber of Commerce will be established sooner or later, so why not let Wuling City take the lead? So, the "Wuling City Business Federation" was established.

The purpose of the Business Federation is to provide convenient services for businessmen, including but not limited to the sale, acquisition and leasing of stores, intelligence of large commercial institutions, real-time price setting of goods, local commodity names, tax payment instructions, etc., with a wide variety and in an orderly manner. Under the leadership of the Business Federation, Wuling City's business quickly got on track and flourished.

The second is the popularization of grassroots cultivation. Feng Shao used this trick when he was recruiting new members for Taiwei Sect in the early years. Simply put, it is to provide the public with simple and easy-to-learn Qi training techniques for free and teach them briefly. As for how much you can practice, it depends on everyone's talent and effort.

The popularization of grassroots cultivation is equivalent to compulsory education in the world. For most people, the threshold of cultivation is too high, and most people will never have the chance to cultivate. However, the benefits of cultivation are also obvious. Immunity to all diseases, prolonged life, infinite strength, eternal youth, etc., these are the benefits of cultivation.

Ordinary people occasionally see cultivators flying in the sky, and it is impossible not to envy them. And this time, Wuling City gave them an opportunity to practice. If they have good qualifications, they can enter the cultivation academy of Wuling City and become a real cultivator; if they have poor qualifications, practicing Qi training can also bring great benefits to their bodies.

Therefore, this move of Wuling City can be said to make those ordinary people in Wuling City who have no cultivation grateful.

Then, it is the establishment of Wuling City industry. Wuling City's current industries include herbs, alchemy, refining, natural aura, engraving pens and spirit gathering devices.

Engraving pens are still not for sale, but spirit gathering devices can be sold in large quantities. The first batch of spirit gathering devices manufactured have been sent to Yunjian Pavilion, and Yunjian Pavilion has therefore gained several places full of aura overnight. The current Yunjian Pavilion has as much spiritual energy as the three holy places and Longhua Temple, and the breeding gardens and plantations have also expanded several times.

As for the industries of herbal medicine, alchemy, and refining, most of them are cooperative projects with Yunjian Pavilion, and the main persons in charge are Jia Chan, the head of Qingxing Hall, and Xue Li, the head of Huolian Hall. The income from the sale of herbs, elixirs, magic tools, and weapons is divided equally between Yunjian Pavilion and Wuling City, and the income is also considerable.

Through these industries, Wuling City has gained a lot of wealth in a very short time, and the city's warehouses are gradually filled.

In addition, there is one last project that Wuling City is secretly carrying out, which is the cultivation of spiritual stones.

Although the cultivation of spiritual stones takes a long time, the income is terrifying. In order to avoid inflation, Feng Shao even deliberately asked Dai Zhixin not to cultivate too many before leaving.

Although spiritual stones are necessities for cultivators, when there are too many, they will also become less and less valuable. Many people may not understand, so here is an analogy:

In the modern world, food, oil, and natural gas are all necessities of life, and no one can live without them in daily life. But the prices of these three things are also affected by the supply and demand relationship. In oil-producing countries, gasoline can be cheaper than water; when there is a bumper harvest, farmers will be forced to feed livestock with food that was originally for human consumption, or simply burn the fields directly because of the sharp drop in grain prices; in the futures market, natural gas will also have negative prices due to oversupply.

In short, whether it is general commodities or general equivalents, the prices are not fixed, and are all affected by market laws. A stable market is an important prerequisite for the prosperity and development of business.

At this time, someone must have objected: once a war broke out in history, the market would be in chaos, but many businessmen could make a lot of money from it. Why can they make a lot of money in an unstable market?

For this question, I can only say: pay attention to the question.

What I am talking about here is business, not businessmen. If businessmen want to make money, there are many ways. If you abandon your conscience, wealth will continue to flow.

But business is a big whole, not an individual. A truly responsible and big-picture superior always wants a prosperous business, not a businessman who is as rich as a country.

Dai Zhixin, who knows that "money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible", adheres to this concept, strives to maintain the overall business environment of Wuling City, and strives to promote the commercial development of Wuling City.

It can be said that the current situation of Wuling City is due to the contribution of this farming heroine.

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