In the next month, in order to celebrate the city lord's birth of a son, Wuling City decorated the city with lights and streamers and exempted taxes for a month. The officials affiliated with the council received financial rewards directly from the city lord's palace.

With the current financial resources of Wuling City, actions such as reducing taxes for one month and issuing bonuses will indeed have some impact, but not much. This is mainly due to the industries Feng Shao has established previously, each of which is comparable to a cornucopia.

In addition, when the good news was delivered to Yunjian Pavilion, Yunjian Pavilion also celebrated grandly. The next day, Lin Fengtian brought a group of senior executives of Yunjian Pavilion to Wuling City to see the little grandson with his own eyes.

Other sects and forces that maintained close relations with Wuling City and Yunjian Pavilion also sent descendants to send congratulatory gifts.

All in all, Feng Lingyu's birth can indeed be called a "universal celebration". Not many people in the entire Dongzhou can get this kind of treatment.

However, at this time, Feng Lingyu had no idea what impact his birth would have. Today, he is just a little baby still nestling in his mother's arms and sucking milk.

These past few days have been quite busy for Feng Shao.

On the day he came back, Feng Shao stayed with Lin Xiao for a while, then went straight to the meeting hall and summoned all the managers. Many newly recruited city managers had met their immediate bosses for the first time until now.

This is a large meeting that all managers attend. At the meeting, Dai Zhixin, Bai Shuanghua, Zuo Linglan, Lu Qingyuan and others reported to Feng Shao the development of Wuling City in the past three months and some problems that had arisen.

Feng Shao wrote down these problems one by one and gave a more reasonable solution based on his own ideas. However, whether these solutions are useful depends on the results after implementation.

Among all the people who reported, Dai Zhixin reported the most problems. However, Dai Zhixin also gave a lot of valuable suggestions, but because she did not have enough permission, these suggestions could not be implemented when Feng Shao was away. When Feng Shao returns at this time, he will naturally report everything in order to get permission for implementation as soon as possible.

It has to be said that Dai Zhixin, as the protagonist of the farming stream that Feng Shao relies on most, is really good at urban management. Many of her ideas and concepts are far beyond those of others, and many of her suggestions are incomprehensible to others. That is to say, Feng Shao, as Dai Zhixin's "fellow fellow", can keep up with Dai Zhixin's ideas.

However, during the reporting process, Feng Shao also discovered two problems that Dai Zhixin had in the city management process.

One is too radical, the other is too focused on money.

To use an idiom to describe it, it is "eager for quick success".

Dai Zhixin seems to want to see the results of some policies that take several years to bear fruit in a short period of time, which is quite a bit like "catching up to X in three years and surpassing X in five years", but she doesn't know it yet. That’s all. But it's no wonder, after all, we are young people, so problems like this will always occur to one degree or another. In addition, the construction of Wuling City also has the meaning of "crossing the river by feeling for the stones", so it is not surprising that there are some detours in the development process.

No one ever makes mistakes.

Therefore, after thinking for a long time, Feng Shao decided to suppress some of Dai Zhixin's ideas for the time being, and first implement some policies that were practical and would not occupy too many resources.

The meeting lasted for four hours, and the heads of each department spoke. The vast majority of the attendees were natives of this world and had never been exposed to modern advanced management concepts. They had never even heard of this kind of all-staff meeting, let alone participated in it.

Finally, after working for such a long time, they have almost adapted to the style of Wuling City, so they can still keep up with the ideas of Feng Shao and others. Although the speeches at the meeting were not enthusiastic, they could at least say something useful.

Through this meeting, Feng Shao almost figured out the development status of Wuling City in the past three months. Overall, although the development of Wuling City is a bit too fast, it is still healthy and there will not be any major problems. Of course, the most important thing is that Wuling City's own industries are on the right track. The continuous and increasingly abundant funds give Wuling City ample opportunities for trial and error. As long as the managers are not mentally ill, sooner or later they will be able to find a development path that suits Wuling City.

After the meeting, Feng Shao left the meeting room in a hurry and headed towards the city lord's palace. He has not forgotten that today is his happy day as a father for the first time. His beloved wife and young son are still waiting for him at home, but he can't let work take up all his time.

After returning home, Feng Shao saw Lin Xiaoran half sitting and half lying on the bed, hugging Feng Lingyu, with his shoulders half exposed. The little guy was burying his head in Lin Xiaoran's chest, concentrating on taking his first mouthful of milk. But judging from Lin Xiaoran's slightly frowned brows and the corners of his mouth that twitched from time to time, it seemed that this was not an easy job.

Feeling that the door to the room was opened, Lin Xiaoran was startled at first. After seeing the person clearly, he breathed a sigh of relief and said angrily: "Brother Shao, why didn't you knock on the door before entering? You scared me..."

At this point, Lin Xiaoran took a deep breath: "Hiss, it hurts!"

Feng Shao hurriedly stepped forward, gently supported Lin Xiaoran, and asked slightly reproachfully: "Why don't you hire a wet nurse? What if you get hurt?"

Lin Xiaoran rolled her eyes at him: "My own son, of course, I have to breastfeed myself - hiss! This little guy is really energetic!"

Lin Xiaoran complained, but his eyes were full of tenderness when he looked at the child in his arms.

Feng Shao said with some distress: "But I don't want to see you suffer like this."

Lin Xiaoran sighed, leaned his head on Feng Shao's arms, and murmured: "Brother Shao, before giving birth to Yu'er, I was always pampered. When I was young, I was pampered by my parents. Aunt Leng and Aunt Di doted on me, and after I married you, I became your doting one. But after giving birth to Yuer, I suddenly discovered that not only is being pampered a blessing, but having someone dote on me is also a blessing. "

Having said this, she gently touched Feng Lingyu's soft little cheek and said with a smile: "Look, I now have a little guy to spoil. But I don't feel miserable at all, but feel very happy. "

Feng Shao suddenly realized that until this moment, Lin Xiaoran had completely lost her youthfulness and become a truly mature woman. But from then on, she also gained the identity of a "mother".

"Mother" is not only a title and an identity, but also a responsibility and a happiness.

After a while, the little guy finally drank enough milk and burped softly, which made Feng Shao and Lin Xiaoran smile.

Seeing the cute way the little guy danced his limbs, Feng Shao felt tenderness in his heart and carefully stretched out his fingers. The little guy stretched out his little hand, grabbed Feng Shao's finger, and kept saying "baaaaah".

Feng Shao couldn't help but laugh and said: "He is indeed my son, look at how energetic he is! Yu'er, I am your father, please call me daddy!"


"It's 'Dad'!"


Lin Xiaoran rolled her eyes at him: "How can a newborn baby talk? Why didn't I notice you were so out of tune before?"

Feng Shao smiled and said: "Men, no matter how old they are, are always a little childish at heart. What's more, teasing your own son, how can it be considered inappropriate?"

After all, the little guy was only half a day old. After screaming "baaaah" for a while, he felt sleepy again and soon fell asleep again.

Lin Xiaoran carefully placed Feng Lingyu on the inside of the bed, turned to look at Feng Shao, and said softly: "Brother Shao, are you tired from the journey? Go and have a rest! I will take care of Yu'er here."

Feng Shao hugged Lin Xiaoran gently.

Lin Xiaoran couldn't help but tremble.

Feng Shao whispered: "Ran'er, I really miss you these days. I don't want to go anywhere tonight, I just want to stay here with you and see you more."

Feng Shao still remembered the more than ten years he spent in the parallel world, and how he accompanied another Lin Xiaoran from childhood to adulthood. He thought of his other self who had been feeling guilty all his life for failing to protect Lin Xiao, and of the young Lin Xiaoran who would always wait for his other self no matter what the circumstances.

He also thought of Palace Master Wangshu who had been waiting for his lover for thousands of years in the realm of nothingness, in endless loneliness and solitude.

In fact, they are all Lin Xiaoran, but they are not equal to Lin Xiaoran. But Feng Shao realized from that moment that no matter which world he was in, no matter which era he was in, the fate between him and Lin Xiaoran could never be erased.

Lin Xiaoran also stretched out his little hand, hugged Feng Shao gently, and whispered: "Brother Shao, I miss you too, and I also want to see you more. During your absence, I have been telling myself that I will Be strong and can't rely on you all the time, but I still can't help but miss you. Many people say something happened to you and you may not come back, but I believe you will come back because there is me and us here. My child. If you promise I will come back, you will definitely come back.”

The couple, who had been separated for many days, kissed each other passionately, while the child of their love slept soundly.

At this time, on a big tree not far from the room, a petite figure was sitting on the branch. She looked into the room from a distance, while playing with a blue sword, and murmured to herself a little lonely:

"I also want to see my junior brother! What does my junior brother look like?"

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