After returning to Wuling City, Feng Shao fell into a busy life. During the day, he had to convene various meetings of officials of all sizes, and at night he had to go home to accompany his wife and young son. Now Feng Shao, who has a wife and children, has achieved his life ideal of "grasping both love and career", but his busy life also makes him almost never touch the ground.

After giving birth to her child, Lin Xiaoran started her work again before the full month. She didn't want to be treated as a vase, so she thought that she could do more. Even though Feng Shao asked her to rest more, she just turned a deaf ear.

When the couple were busy with work, Feng Lingxue took the responsibility of taking care of the little guy consciously.

Feng Lingxue had a younger brother before, so she had some experience in taking care of children. Except for breastfeeding, she could do almost everything else. And she didn't care how tedious and troublesome it was to take care of children, but enjoyed it.

In addition to a child, Feng Lingxue also took care of another creature, which was the little phoenix that was born on the same day as Feng Lingyu.

The little phoenix grows much faster than a child, and it can run around on the ground the next day. But looking at its appearance, if you don’t know its origin, I’m afraid everyone will think it is a chicken with a special color.

Lin Xiaoran was really worried that the little phoenix would be caught and stewed as a chicken because it ran around. After thinking about it, he simply found a box to pack it up and really raised it as a chicken.

It’s just that what food should be fed to the little phoenix, which made Lin Xiaoran and Feng Shao a little troubled.

If you raise a chicken, you can feed it some grains, and you can mix some insects when it grows up. But what should the phoenix species...feed?

Various ancient books have their own opinions on this.

Some say that phoenixes eat flames. This statement sounds more reliable, so Feng Shao tried to feed the little phoenix some Nine Heavens Fire. If the phoenix really eats flames, then the Nine Heavens Fire should be considered a high-quality feed for it, right? Unfortunately, as soon as the little phoenix saw the Nine Heavens Fire, it was immediately scared and ran around on the ground, "chirping" non-stop. Not to mention eating, it looked like the little phoenix was afraid of being roasted by the Nine Heavens Fire.

So Feng Shao had to change to other flames. With the full set of Qiankun Palace's family background to rely on, it was not difficult for Feng Shao to take out other flames. But soon, Feng Shao found that too high-level flames such as the Nine Heavens Fire and the Sun's Flame, the phoenix was afraid of just looking at them, let alone eating them. The little phoenix was not afraid of the intermediate ones such as the Six Yang Spirit Fire and the Bifang Flame, but it seemed that it had no appetite to eat them. After switching to the Samadhi True Fire, the little phoenix was finally able to eat a little bit, but it didn't eat much.

It seems that feeding it with flames alone will not grow big. The little phoenix may be able to eat some Nine Heavens Fire when it grows up, but it shouldn't be possible now.

So Feng Shao continued to think of ways.

There are also ancient books saying that the phoenix eats "dragons". However, the "dragon" mentioned here seems to be the name of an ancient snake, not a real dragon. After all, the status of a real dragon is no lower than that of a phoenix, so how could it become the food of a phoenix? But Feng Shao didn't know what this ancient snake looked like, so he could only try to feed it other snakes.

In view of the size of the little phoenix, Feng Shao found the little phoenix with newly hatched young snakes. But even the young snakes were not much smaller than the little phoenix. The little phoenix turned left and right around the young snake, and after chirping for a while, it looked up at Feng Shao, looking confused. The look seemed to be asking: "What is this?"

Feng Shao: "..."

It seems that feeding snakes is not a good idea.

Snakes are not a good idea, and flames can only be used as snacks. In the end, Feng Shao could only choose to feed it with the spiritual rice that monks often eat.

This time, it seems that the right feed has been chosen. As soon as the little phoenix saw the spiritual rice, it rushed over without hesitation and ate it with relish. But in just a short while, the little phoenix had eaten until its belly was round. After eating, the little phoenix stretched its neck and burped, then found a corner in the box and fell asleep.

Feng Shao: "..."

It seems that some ancient books are really not very reliable. If I had known that phoenixes could be raised as chickens, I wouldn't have had to go through so much trouble.

Three days after birth, the little phoenix gradually grew red fluff all over its body, no longer bald as it was when it was just born. But the little phoenix covered with fluff looks more like a chicken, and the majesty of the king of birds is completely lost.

But then again, this little phoenix is ​​quite cute.

Since the little phoenix was born almost at the same time as Feng Lingyu, the box containing the little phoenix has always been placed next to Feng Lingyu's cradle. Feng Lingxue would also feed the little phoenix when she was taking care of Feng Lingyu. This should be a normal scene, but for some reason, Feng Shao always had an inexplicable sense of déjà vu after watching it, as if he saw a rural girl who had grown up early taking care of her younger brother while feeding chickens...

With Feng Lingxue sharing the burden of raising children and raising chickens - no, raising phoenixes - these two things, Feng Shao and Lin Xiaoran felt much more relaxed, and the couple could devote more energy to the construction of Wuling City.

However, when the construction of Wuling City was in full swing, the matter of Qiankun Palace fermented again.

Historically, the Qiankun Palace has appeared many times, and each time it appeared, it caused a great uproar. Every time, many forces would send disciples to explore opportunities with the idea of ​​"trying their luck". Although most of them would die in it, every time someone felt that the luckiest person would definitely be themselves, so there were still many people flocking to it.

Thousands of years ago, every time the Qiankun Palace appeared in the world, it not only attracted the covetousness of many cultivators, but also triggered a war between cultivators. Some lucky people got opportunities from the Qiankun Palace, and then they became the target of all forces. Although their own disciples did not get opportunities, it did not prevent them from getting opportunities from those who got opportunities!

Therefore, the lucky ones who came out alive from the Qiankun Palace a few times before were often not so lucky after coming out. They often faced the pursuit of various forces, like a moving "dragon-slaying sword". If they did not hand over the opportunities in their hands, they would not live for more than half a month.

After repeated attempts, there were not so many people who were still interested in the opportunities in the Qiankun Palace. After all, it's good enough to come out alive after going in, but after coming out, you have to be hunted down? Who can stand this?

But now, the whole cultivation world is not happy. Because there is a situation that no one wants to say, but everyone understands:

Those cultivators who enter the Qiankun Palace are actually cannon fodder sent by various super powers to find opportunities. It doesn't matter if you don't want opportunities, but I do! But if you don't want to go in, who will go in and take out the opportunities?

So later, some super powers in the upper domain and five continents held a meeting because of this matter, and announced a decision shortly afterwards:

No matter who gets the opportunity from the Qiankun Palace, no one can harass or hunt them down within one year, otherwise they will face the joint crusade of the super powers of the upper domain and five continents.

This decision made the Qiankun Palace once again a holy place of opportunity in the eyes of cultivators.

The development of history is always full of coincidences, and the formulation of various rules often means the inevitability of history. Human nature is complex, and it cannot be simply distinguished by good and evil, nor can it be simply induced by interests. Just like this rule, many people find it strange at first, but after careful investigation, they can finally understand its profound meaning.

It's just that any rule often has loopholes. Allowing loopholes to exist is also a tacit understanding among all super powers. The loopholes in this rule are mainly in two aspects:

First, the protection and belonging of casual cultivators. Although cultivators who have obtained opportunities are not allowed to be hunted down, the premise is that there must be a force willing to guarantee you. If no one guarantees, you will die. Anyway, we will avenge you after you die, which is also considered to be abiding by the rules.

The reason why this loophole exists and the major forces do not intend to make up for it is that they still regard the opportunities in the Qiankun Palace as their own. The so-called "a man is innocent, but he is guilty of holding a treasure". If you belong to a big force and get the opportunity, it's fine. But if you are a casual cultivator, what right do you have to take it? Therefore, not making up for this loophole is somewhat meant to scare away casual cultivators, so that too many people will come to grab the opportunity.

However, if a casual cultivator gets an opportunity and takes the initiative to seek shelter from a super power, that is another matter. The training of disciples will eventually consume resources, and it is always a bit reluctant to send disciples to the Qiankun Palace. And if a casual cultivator gets an opportunity and takes the initiative to join, it is equivalent to entering with a dowry. Who can resist such a good thing? Therefore, every time the Qiankun Palace appears, there will be many forces to win over casual cultivators. And because the benefits are common, all forces also acquiesce to this behavior.

It is also worth mentioning that the cultivators of small forces are also included in the scope of "casual cultivators". Unless there is another big force behind the small force, it is also easy to cause trouble for themselves.

The second is the constraints of small forces.

There are many sects and forces in the upper domain, among which there are many unknown small forces with only a few cats in the door. Such small forces naturally cannot enter the eyes of big forces, so some of their behaviors are often not valued by big forces. In addition to the characteristics of small scale, small number of people, and shallow foundation, small forces also have another characteristic, that is: generally do not understand the rules.

Of course, the rules mentioned here mainly refer to the rules made by big forces.

As mentioned above, no matter how bizarre the rules made by big forces are, there are always profound historical significance and inevitability behind them. But small forces are shallow and often fail to see this point. Some self-righteous people regard big forces as fools, thinking that breaking the rules is nothing, at most they just give some benefits to honor a big force and seek a backer, that's enough.

Believe me, such self-righteous small forces are not only not rare, but there are many. And the consequence of treating others as fools is often that they are regarded as real fools.

So, some small forces secretly hunt down the casual cultivators who get the opportunity, and then secretly take the opportunity to join a big force. And then...

Needless to say, the murderer was killed on the spot. The forces behind him were also severely punished. As for the opportunity they took out... naturally, it was accepted without hesitation.

Look, this is the real style of the big forces. Not only did I take advantage of it, I also followed the rules. I gained benefits both on the surface and inside, and no one can find fault with it. Who do you think is the bigger fool?

So, don't break the rules easily. Because others have already thought of countermeasures for the rules you break. Only those who find loopholes within the framework of the rules are truly smart. Don't pretend to be "I'm ignorant, so you can't be too serious" all day long. No one in this world is willing to indulge you. There are more people who take advantage of you breaking the rules and eat you to the bone.

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