"Hmph! This Tang Fei is so brave, he dares to go against me!"

In Ziqing Holy Land, the great elder was in his room, looking at the information he had just obtained, and became furious.

After Murong Quan led his clan members to break away from the Murong family, he immediately reported Tang Fei's coming to the Murong family as a surrender letter to the great elder. When the great elder learned that this junior whom he had always looked down on actually started secretly planning a plan to deal with him, he was furious.

In his opinion, a junior like Tang Fei who has no reliance and no strength should stay in that place and wait for him to harvest. Maybe I could give him a treat because of his cooperation. But now, he has begun to covet things that do not belong to him. How can this not make the great elder angry?

Hehe, he’s just a mere Holy Son! A helpless Son is nothing!

The eldest elder wished he could send people to the Murong family now to kill Tang Fei and Murong Pianpian together, and then wipe out the entire Murong family. It's just that his current situation is very special, which makes him have to think more.

The people from the Tiangang Sword Sect haven't left yet. Although the Tiangang Sword Sect has always emphasized that they will not interfere in the internal affairs of the Ziqing Holy Land, that is only within the rules. But if the Great Elder does something outside the rules, who knows what the Tiangang Sword Sect can do? Therefore, not only could he not send people to assassinate Tang Fei, he even had to protect Tang Fei.

Because as soon as Tang Fei died, everyone would immediately suspect him! There is no court in the world of cultivation, no judge to pursue the truth and seek justice. As long as you are doubted, you will lose.

After thinking about it, the Great Elder was shocked to find that his situation in this matter was actually even more unfavorable than Tang Fei's. He is dead, Tang Fei is fine. But if Tang Fei dies, something will happen to him.

This is simply unreasonable!

After the great elder cursed furiously for a while, he calmed down and began to think of countermeasures.

First of all, Tang Fei had to die. It was impossible not to die. If he doesn't die, the great elder will be on pins and needles. But Tang Fei couldn't die in his hands, not even in an unclear way. It would be best if everyone would be suspicious of the second elder after Tang Fei died. That would be the outcome that was in the best interest of the first elder.

But what to do? The great elder couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

After thinking for a while, the great elder was suddenly shocked. Could it be that the second elder has discovered the subtleties of the situation among the three parties? Could he have been preparing to send someone to assassinate Tang Fei and frame it on himself?

The great elder felt that this possibility not only existed, but was also great. After all, the second elder had done such a thing before, and the person he plotted against was the then Holy Lord Ziqing.

If the First Elder had not made a decisive decision and immediately concealed the news, he would have been framed by the Second Elder and stepped down.

But having said that, if the second elder really planned to do that, maybe this would be a good opportunity to take advantage of.

After thinking for a long time, the great elder came up with a detailed plan. After thinking about it clearly, he called a crony in, gave him some instructions, and then let him go out.

He picked up the teacup and drank the tea slowly while looking at the clear sky through the window with a confident smile on his face.

"Ha, you want to fight with me? Tang Fei, Tang Fei, do you still think you have the support of the Holy Lord?"


Tang Fei really lived a comfortable life in the Murong family.

After that night, Murong Pianpian completely let go and would quietly come to Tang Fei's room every night. As soon as they entered the room, the two kissed each other crazily, and then they did everything they should and shouldn't do.

The relationship between the two has heated up rapidly, and the alienation caused by the breakup of their engagement has disappeared. They were like a couple in love, pouring out the love in their hearts unbridled.

Murong Hou was very happy to see this scene, so the whole family gave the two people the green light. He even hoped that his daughter's belly would gain some momentum, and it would be best to get pregnant with Tang Fei's child in the next few days. In this way, Murong Pianpian's position was completely stable.

But Tang Fei knew that behind the comfortable life, there was also infinite murderous intention.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the first change to occur.

While Tang Fei and Murong Pianpian were still engaged, the Murong family received strong support from the Purple Pure Land and was in charge of many resources produced by the Purple Pure Land. Later, after Tang Fei's decline, in order to win over the Murong family, the eldest elder not only failed to take back the resources held by the Murong family, but also allocated a lot of resources to the Murong family, allowing the Murong family's power to further expand.

It is precisely for this reason that the Murong family has a die-hard faction of the elders headed by Murong Quan.

After long-term painstaking efforts, the Murong family is still strong today. It is the real first family among the peripheral families of the Purple Purity Holy Land and holds a decisive position.

It's just that the current position of the Murong family is a bit embarrassing.

After the internal division of the Purple Purity Holy Land, the Murong family has completely lost its backer. The resources and minerals that once enabled the Murong family to grow have become hot potatoes in an instant. In the eyes of many peripheral families, the Murong family is no longer their leader, but a piece of extremely delicious fat. They all looked at the Murong family with great greed, just waiting for an opportunity to appear, they would immediately transform into a pack of wolves and divide the Murong family into pieces!

But in terms of strength, the Murong family is far superior to other families. One or two families cannot attack the Murong family. At least four or five families must unite to fight against the Murong family. It's just that although the benefits are coveted, no one wants to be the one who stands out. After all, everyone knows that if they attack the Murong family in groups, the Murong family will definitely be able to take down the family, but the first family to attack will definitely be the one who suffers the worst death!

Therefore, all major families are waiting for opportunities.

The First Elder also knew this very well, but some time ago he had been a little careless about the Murong family, and there were people from the Tiangang Sword Sect under surveillance. He couldn't find a chance to attack the Murong family even if he wanted to.

But now, Tang Fei's appearance means that the opportunity has come.

The first thing that went wrong was a mine outside the Murong family.

This mine was obtained by the Murong family after relying on the Great Elder, and it can mine high-quality iron ore. After being refined, iron ore can be used to make high-quality magic weapons and weapons with outstanding effects.

Ninety percent of the iron ore mined from the mine needs to be paid tribute to the Purple Qing Holy Land, and the remaining 10% can be distributed by the Murong family themselves. Don't underestimate this 10% share, converted into spiritual stone income, it amounts to nearly one million spiritual stones every year!

We must know that the total income of most peripheral families is less than one million a year!

Because of this, major families have been coveting this mine for a long time. But no one dared to covet him because of the great elder's majesty.

However, on this day, three families simultaneously announced that the Murong family was no longer qualified to continue managing the mine. They first sent people to forcibly occupy the mine and expelled the managers sent by the Murong family, and then announced a joint takeover of the mine.

After Murong Hou heard about this, he couldn't help but became furious. He immediately ordered his troops and horses to rush over and destroy these unscrupulous families. Finally, he still remembered that Tang Fei was now in charge of the Murong family, so he reported to Tang Fei before setting off.

Tang Fei quickly pressed down Murong Hou and reminded: "Uncle, if you just send people there, you will really fall into the opponent's plan! I am very sure that they must have set up an ambush in the mine. Just waiting for you to fall into the trap!"

Murong Hou frowned and said: "Then what should we do? Are we just going to watch them occupy the mine?"

"This..." Tang Fei couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

According to Tang Fei's guess, although these three major families have been coveting the mines for a long time, their strength is not enough to compete with the Murong family. There is most likely someone behind them, and this person is most likely the Great Elder. Their actions were more like a test to test the current strength and position of the Murong family. Whether the Murong family is too radical or too passive, they are easily plotted.

But crises are also opportunities. In Tang Fei's view, this is also an opportunity for the Murong family. If you grasp it well, you may not be able to change from being passive to being active.

After pondering for a long time, Tang Fei made up his mind and whispered to Murong Hou: "Uncle, do you believe me?"

Murong Hou nodded subconsciously: "Of course I believe what the Holy Son said."

Tang Fei smiled and said: "Regarding this matter, my suggestion is that since they want it, then give it to them. It's just that if you eat some things, it's not that easy to spit them out!"

Murong Hou is also a smart man, and he immediately reacted: "What the Holy Son means is to use this mine as bait? Then I wonder what kind of fish the Holy Son is planning to catch?"

Tang Fei said: "Actually, it's not just these three major families who want this mine. The first elder and the second elder also want it. Especially for the second elder, the significance of this mine is even more important. Uncle, I'll tell you later. I will write a letter and send it to the Wu family. Wu Feng will understand what I mean after reading it. "

Murong Hou immediately understood that Tang Fei wanted to provoke a fight between the forces under the First Elder and the Second Elder. But if I do this, I'm afraid I won't be able to get the mine back.

Thinking of this, Murong Hou couldn't help but hesitate on his face.

Tang Fei saw Murong Hou's thoughts and comforted him: "Uncle, why do you need to worry about gains and losses? It's just a mine. Now that you have lost a mine, are you worried that you won't get better compensation in the future?"

After hearing what Tang Fei said, Murong Hou suddenly felt enlightened.

yes! As long as you follow the Holy Son, if the Holy Son succeeds in the future, what does a mere mine mean? As the saying goes, "If you can't let go of your children, you won't be able to catch the wolf." If you can't even let go of a mine, what big thing can you do?

Thinking of this, Murong Hou's expression suddenly became determined. He nodded heavily to Tang Fei and said, "I will obey the orders of the Holy Son!"

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