Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 296 Military Industry Development and Army Construction

While Wuling City is vigorously developing the Cultivation Academy, the Cultivation Industry has naturally not fallen behind.

After determining the development route of the Cultivation Industry, Wuling City has vigorously recruited equipment refiners from all walks of life. Some of these equipment refiners are good at casting, some are good at formations, and some are good at making magic tools. But no matter what they are good at, when they enter the "Cultivation Industry Department", they are faced with a project that is somewhat unfamiliar, novel, and challenging to them.

But this not only did not discourage them, but instead aroused a strong fighting spirit from the bottom of their hearts. No matter how famous they are in their own industry, they all remember the ambitions in their hearts when they first chose this industry. However, as inspiration dried up, they gradually embarked on the old path of their predecessors, and the weapons and magic tools they created and the formations they designed began to become stereotyped.

But now, they have seen all kinds of new projects in the Cultivation Industry Department that they have never heard of. How can this not make them excited?

Novel things are always very attractive to people.

With the addition of these talents, the Ministry of Cultivation Industry also began to operate at full capacity, inventing one invention after another that was epoch-making in this world.

Not only are there cars driven by concentrated spiritual energy that make people travel more conveniently, there are also wired telephones with embedded spiritual stones that can achieve simple communication, and even movies invented based on the principle of the photo stone. Various novel inventions have sprung up in Wuling City.

In addition, the military workshop has also been updated many times.

The earliest version of the cultivation version of the pistol has been eliminated, replaced by a new type of pistol with multiple runes and formations embedded in it, which greatly increases the lethality. After testing, this type of pistol was found to have a bullet velocity of 3,000 meters per second, which is no less than the sniper rifles of the world. What's more surprising is that although the lethality is so strong, the recoil of the pistol is pitifully low and almost negligible because the principles of the formation and runes are too special.

In this regard, Feng Shao couldn't help but sigh that cultivation is indeed anti-science.

After the success in the iteration of pistols, the military workshop naturally turned its attention to cannons.

If we refer to the historical development of the present world, we will find that cannons appeared much earlier than guns and muskets. It can even be said that guns and muskets were originally miniaturized cannons. But in this world, this development route is obviously reversed, and it became the invention of guns first and then the invention of cannons.

With the principle and success of guns as a foundation, the development of the cultivation version of cannons is naturally much smoother. It took the Ministry of Cultivation Industry only a short time to develop a cannon that was enough to flatten a mountain, and the reason why this cannon can achieve such a powerful power is mainly due to the thousands of runes and formations in the barrel.

In fact, seriously speaking, weapons like guns that are simple in structure and can exert a good killing effect are not unsatisfactory. It’s just that due to the limitation of the size of the formation, the killing effect of the weapons finally made is always so unsatisfactory. Just like the earliest trains ran slower than cows, if they had given up development at that time, there would naturally be no subsequent inventions.

Under the limitations of the times, such inventions would naturally be swept into the garbage heap by the monks in disappointment.

But with systematic and scientific planning and development, the situation is naturally very different.

The invention of the engraving pen laid the foundation for the miniaturization of weapons. In a short gun barrel, these weapon refiners were engraved with hundreds of runes like crazy. Even the bullets were engraved with dozens of runes, adding effects such as armor breaking, tearing, bleeding, poisoning, dizziness, etc., and even directly affecting the soul!

What is the concept of damage that can affect the soul?

Let's put it this way, after the monks have cultivated to a certain realm, no matter how serious the physical damage is, they can also repair it. But if the soul level is damaged, it is fatal to all monks, including the powerful ones in the Tribulation Realm!

Therefore, a pistol equipped with this kind of bullet actually has the power to threaten the monks in the Tribulation Realm. The only problem is that it is not so easy to hit a cultivator in the Tribulation Realm.

In order to make the pistol hit a cultivator in the Tribulation Realm, Dai Zhixin and the executives of the Cultivation Industry Department worked hard on it, but they could not come up with a useful plan. Just when everyone was a little discouraged, Feng Shao learned about it.

So Feng Shao reminded Dai Zhixin: "Why must ordinary people have the ability to kill cultivators in the Tribulation Realm? Why not settle for the second best and let the Jindan Realm cultivators threaten the Tribulation Realm?"

After Feng Shao's reminder, Dai Zhixin realized that she had gotten into a dead end.

Just like if you want to deal with F22 fighters, the most effective way is to send J-20 fighters. This is called king against king, general against general. Using anti-aircraft artillery to hit F22 fighters, then this person must be mentally ill.

The gap between ordinary people and cultivators in the Tribulation Realm is so big that it is bigger than the gap between ants and humans. They can almost be regarded as two species. It is not impossible to make up for such a huge gap, but at least relying on a few pistols is obviously a bit of a pipe dream. Instead of focusing on weapons, it is better to train mid-level monks to use pistols!

Dai Zhixin suddenly realized and opened up a new idea.

She decided to work hard on individual weapons, trying to arm a Jindan realm cultivator to the teeth.

At the same time, the first batch of students in the Cultivation Academy completed three years of study and officially graduated.

Under the vigorous training of the Cultivation Academy, these students also worked very hard. After three years, the strongest students have cultivated to the Jindan realm, and there are more than 20 people in the Xiantian realm. Except for a few who decided to travel out of the city to seek a more suitable path for themselves, most of these people decided to stay in Wuling City and contribute to the development of Wuling City.

And some of them applied to the City Lord's Mansion and became glorious City Lord's Mansion guards.

After hearing about their choices, other cultivators sneered and felt that these cultivators' choices were simply unworthy of their talents. But after hearing about the treatment of the City Lord's Mansion guards, they immediately changed their minds and said that they could do it.

There is no way, the City Lord's Mansion gives too much.

The City Lord's Mansion guards are an attempt by Feng Shao and Dai Zhixin in this world, an attempt to militaryize cultivators.

Monks generally have much stronger physique and force than ordinary people, but they are a bit like the knights in martial arts novels, too free and undisciplined, and are not suitable to be soldiers. A strong individual force does not mean that a strong army can be established. Just like the country in the north of China in the present world, which is called the "fighting nation", even if their individual strength can beat a bear, their army is far inferior to the Chinese army whose individual strength is far inferior to theirs.

This is the role of discipline.

But the monks who came out of the Cultivation Academy are much better than ordinary monks in terms of discipline, and this laid the foundation for the soldierization of monks.

Feng Shao and Dai Zhixin got together and developed a complete set of monk soldier training procedures. This set of procedures is mainly based on the present Chinese army. After all, the Chinese army is the best in the world. Even the US army, which is known as the invincible army, has never defeated the Chinese army. It can be seen that its army training is indeed superior.

In addition, the two also added a lot of characteristics of this world, such as the use of combined formations, and the combination and use of various monk magic tools in battle, etc.

The first batch of fifty City Lord's Mansion guards became the guinea pigs of two people.

They didn't understand what they did wrong, but they knew that soon after becoming the City Lord's Mansion guards, they were forced to start cruel and strict training. Every day before dawn, they had to get up from the bed and run five laps around Wuling City. They could only eat after running laps. After dinner, they had to learn how to use the new equipment produced by the Ministry of Cultivation Industry. In the afternoon, they were divided into two camps to fight each other. The losing group had to have half the dinner that day...

The hardships they had suffered in the three years of the Cultivation Academy were not as much as the hardships they had suffered in one day after becoming guards!

They couldn't figure it out. There were also cultivator guards in other cities, but why didn't they hear that anyone's guards had to train so much? They were like uncles in the city. The City Lord's Mansion was the boss, and they were the second. No one dared to look at them when they were walking around the streets!

To be frank, their counterparts in other cities, even if they bullied men and women, no one dared to control them!

Look at them again, they are tired like grandsons every day, and they are not allowed to do this or that. Even monks don’t have such miserable treatment!

However, they endured it for the generous rewards and benefits of the City Lord’s Mansion!

Although the training plan formulated by Feng Shao and Dai Zhixin is very harsh, the effect is also obvious.

After a year of training, they gradually adapted to military life, and their faces also showed a more resolute look, which is hard to see on the faces of other monks. They are tall and straight, and they are majestic without anger. Although their realm is not high, they have a kind of momentum like a deep and steep mountain when they stand there, as unshakable as a mountain!

And Feng Shao saw the temperament of Chinese soldiers from them, and nodded with satisfaction.

What is an army? This is an army! They obey orders and march forward without hesitation. As long as the superior gives an order, they are fearless even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead!

And their changes are not only reflected in their momentum.

After learning to skillfully use the new weapons produced in Wuling City, their combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved. Everyone has the strength to fight against opponents of higher levels. When they fight in formation, they can even fight against the cultivators of Taiqing Realm!

The only thing they lack now is actual combat.

Just when Feng Shao was thinking about where to find an opportunity for them to fight in actual combat, the opportunity came unexpectedly.

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