When the two disciples heard the sound, they quickly turned around and saluted each other: "Senior Sister Lu!"

Standing in front of the two of them at this time was a girl who looked to be only eighteen or nineteen years old. I saw her wearing a white dress, as graceful as a fairy, with an extraordinary temperament, but her face was as cold as frost. At first glance, she could almost tell just by her frozen face. It can freeze people to death.

When the girl saw the two of them, she frowned slightly and said calmly: "What were you talking about just now?"

"Ah this..." The two couldn't help but look at each other, not knowing how to answer for a while.

The girl snorted coldly and said, "Stop chewing people's ears behind their backs from now on."

After that, he left without waiting for a reply.

The girl's name is Lu Qingyuan, and she is a disciple of Taiwei Sect Du Yuanxi. Du Yuanxi is Qingyangzi's junior sister. In addition to Qingyangzi, there is also a senior named Qin Zhao. These three brothers and sisters were the only three remaining disciples when the Taiwei Sect was in its lowest decline.

When Qingyangzi took over the responsibility of being the leader, the three brothers and sisters thought that they might be the last three disciples of Taiwei Sect, and they even made plans to divide the family property. Unexpectedly, the Feng Shao that Qingyangzi picked up from the snow would help the sect survive the desperate situation.

Lu Qingyuan is Du Yuanxi's third disciple, and there are two senior sisters in front of him. Three years ago, Du Yuanxi accepted a fourth disciple, but this time Du Yuanxi unexpectedly accepted a male disciple.

According to Du Yuanxi, their taiyin was prosperous and yang was declining, so they needed a male disciple to balance it out.

Lu Qingyuan didn't know what the two senior sisters thought, but Lu Qingyuan felt that the master's remarks were purely an excuse.

Among the younger generation of disciples of Taiwei Sect, Lu Qingyuan can be regarded as the most beautiful woman. For this reason, many people believed that only Lu Qingyuan was worthy of Feng Shao, the great hero of the Taiwei Sect's resurgence, so many disciples had been discussing this privately.

But Lu Qingyuan was extremely disgusted by this because she didn't like the feeling of being arranged. Although the master and the master uncle had considered this, Lu Qingyuan just couldn't get interested in Feng Shao. I don't know if Feng Shao is really interested in her or for some other reason. Feng Shao does care about her more than other disciples, but this makes Lu Qingyuan not want to have too much contact with Feng Shao.

In comparison, she felt that her junior brother who grew up in the market was more in line with her wishes.

But after today, Feng Shao, who was originally just the senior brother, will be promoted to the Holy Son of Taiwei Sect. The Holy Son can act as the head of the sect, and given Feng Shao's importance to the sect, it can be said that as long as Feng Shao's request is not too excessive, the master and uncle will fully support it. If that time comes, if Feng Shaoruo wants to do something to him, how can he refuse?

Thinking of this, Lu Qingyuan couldn't help but frown.

Just as Lu Qingyuan was walking on the road with deep thoughts, a slightly frivolous voice suddenly shouted: "Third Senior Sister!"

Lu Qingyuan looked in the direction where the sound came from, and saw her junior brother Ye Chen looking at him with a smile on his face. Ye Chen said with a smile: "Third Senior Sister, why do you think you are so preoccupied? Have you encountered any difficulties? Why don't you tell me and let Junior Brother hear it? Maybe Junior Brother and I can find a way to solve it for Senior Sister?"

Lu Qingyuan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Junior brother, don't say it's a joke! If I really encounter a problem that I can't solve myself, what's the use of telling you?"

Ye Chen shrugged and said, "Senior Sister, I can make some guesses even if you don't tell me. Isn't it that Senior Sister is worried about what Feng Shao will do to Senior Sister after becoming the Holy Son today?"

Lu Qingyuan frowned: "Junior brother, after all, Senior Brother Feng is the eldest disciple of the sect. After today, he will still be the Holy Son of my Taiwei Sect. You should be more polite when talking about Senior Brother Feng."

Ye Chen said with disdain: "What qualifications does a guy who has practiced for thirty years without cultivating the golden elixir have to be a saint? He only relies on the fact that he is the disciple of the head of the sect to become a disciple like us." Doing good in front of others."

Lu Qingyuan remained silent. Even though she had no feelings for Feng Shao, she couldn't agree with Ye Chen's words. Everyone saw how Feng Shao treated his junior brothers and sisters over the years. If anyone has any problems, as long as they go to Feng Shao, they can probably solve them. Even the sword Qingluan Sword in her hand was made by Feng Shao after collecting materials from outside and then going to the Shen Weapon in person and spending a lot of money to make it.

If doing your best for your junior brothers and sisters can be called domineering, then Lu Qingyuan really doesn't know what kind of senior brother is qualified.

Thinking of this, Lu Qingyuan scolded: "Junior brother, don't talk nonsense! No matter what Senior Brother Feng does, he is the most benevolent and righteous to all the brothers. He fully deserves the position of the Holy Son!"

Ye Chen said angrily: "Those are just some tricks to win favor, that is, you will be confused by his appearance."

Lu Qingyuan wanted to say more, but she heard three bells ringing from the other side of the square. Lu Qingyuan had no choice but to swallow the rebuke for the time being and said: "Let's go to the square to watch the ceremony first! Remember, never act willfully!"

"Okay, okay, I know!" Ye Chen said impatiently.

When the two of them rushed to the square, Feng Shao had already arrived at the square. At this time, the surrounding area of ​​the square was already filled with disciples of this sect. In addition to the true disciples, there are now hundreds of outer disciples. At this time, standing around the square, although the momentum is far less than that of the three holy places, it is already quite impressive.

Feng Shao couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene.

Taiwei Sect is what it is today because of his hard work for thirty years. He is the main reason why the dilapidated sect has developed into the prosperous situation today. He has reason and right to be proud.

He also swore in his heart that sooner or later, he would turn Taiwei Sect into Taiwei Holy Land!

At this time, people from other sects who came to watch the ceremony looked at Feng Shao carefully.

To be honest, Feng Shao's qualifications are not top-notch, at most he is considered to be in the middle. He has not been able to form a pill in thirty years, which shows that Feng Shao's end point may be the transformation of the spirit. One more step forward, I am afraid it will be extremely difficult.

However, since they came here to watch the ceremony, they did not come for Feng Shao's ordinary qualifications. They were more curious about what this person who could revive Taiwei Sect looked like.

After three bells, there were three more bells. After the bell stopped ringing, Qingyangzi, who was sitting on the main seat on the high platform, slowly stood up and said loudly: "Where is the eldest disciple Feng Shao?"

Feng Shao walked to the center of the square, saluted, and said in a deep voice: "The disciple is here!"

Qingyangzi looked at Feng Shao, nodded slowly, and said: "Thank you all for your kindness and witnessing the canonization ceremony of the Holy Son of our sect. Feng Shao, the 76th generation disciple of Taiwei Sect, has been a disciple for 30 years. He has a noble character and is bright and clear. He respects and loves the sect's teachers and is friendly and harmonious with his junior brothers and sisters. During his 30 years of joining the sect, he has made many contributions to the sect. Therefore, today, I report to the ancestors of Taiwei Sect and certify Feng Shao as the 76th generation Holy Son of our sect, acting as the head of the sect! May the ancestors bless our Taiwei Sect to prosper and prosper forever!"

"May the ancestors bless our Taiwei Sect to prosper and prosper forever!" Hundreds of Taiwei Sect disciples said in unison.

"Feng Shao, take the Holy Son Seal!"

Feng Shao stepped forward, Qing Yangzi took out a three-inch square jade seal, and said to Feng Shao in a serious tone: "Feng Shao, from today on, you will become the 76th Holy Son of our sect. As a Holy Son, you should guard against arrogance and unite with your fellow disciples. You should not act recklessly or bully others. You must know that those in this position should put the sect first in everything. You have a heavy responsibility on your shoulders and cannot neglect it!"

Feng Shao said solemnly: "Thank you for your teachings, Master! I should repay my Master's kindness and contribute to the development of the sect!"

Qing Yangzi smiled and nodded, saying: "Then, take the seal!"

However, at the moment when Feng Shao was about to take the Holy Son Seal, an abrupt voice suddenly sounded:

"I object!"

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