Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 300 Another son of luck

Seeing Tang Fei appear here, Feng Shao was indeed very surprised.

Logically speaking, the relationship between Tiangang Sword Sect and Ziqing Holy Land is closer, and the two major sects are in Beizhou. It is much better for Tang Fei to seek refuge in Tiangang Sword Sect than to come to Wuling City. But now he appeared in Wuling City, which made Feng Shao a little confused.

Tang Fei smiled weakly and said, "You must be wondering why I didn't go to Tiangang Mountain but came here? In fact, I have no choice. If I can, I really don't want to come and cause trouble for you."

Feng Shao frowned. He found a chair and sat down casually, and asked, "It seems that what happened here is much more complicated than I thought!"

Tang Fei sighed: "In the final analysis, it's all my fault for not knowing people. If I hadn't let the wolf into the house, I wouldn't have fallen into this situation now."

Looking at Tang Fei's depressed face, where is the momentum of the first four years when he was the Holy Lord? It seems that this incident has really dealt a big blow to him.

But what made Feng Shao even more curious was the four words "bringing a wolf into the house" that Tang Fei said.

It seems that the root cause of the drastic changes in Ziqing Holy Land was the internal strife.

Without waiting for Feng Shao to ask, Tang Fei told Feng Shao the whole story in detail.

It turned out that the "wolf" in "bringing a wolf into the house" that Tang Fei mentioned was a errand disciple who joined Ziqing Holy Land four years ago. There are at least 8,000 such errand disciples in the entire Ziqing Holy Land, which is really ordinary.

The errand disciple is named Chu Qing. When he first joined Ziqing Holy Land, he was very low-key, no different from other errand disciples. But one year after this person became a disciple, he made a splash in the sect competition of Ziqing Holy Land, and came to the fore, and won the attention of all the senior officials of the entire Ziqing Holy Land, including Tang Fei.

In the end, Tang Fei accepted Chu Qing as his personal disciple out of his love for talent.

At the beginning, Chu Qing's performance was nothing special. He was respectful to his master Tang Fei and his master's wife Murong Pianpian, united his fellow disciples internally, and showed his advantage of having a wide range of friends externally. Tang Fei admired him more and more, and even planned to make him the new son of the Holy Land of Ziqing. He wanted to train Chu Qing as his successor, so he treated Chu Qing as his own son and poured all the resources of the Holy Land into him.

Under Tang Fei's efforts, Chu Qing made rapid progress and became a Jindan cultivator at a young age. Compared with Tang Fei who had already reached the Hedao realm, he was only two levels behind.

However, as Chu Qing grew up, various controversies always surrounded him. And Tang Fei gradually discovered that Chu Qing's interpersonal communication seemed to be a little different.

In general, the outstanding disciples who are the leaders in the sect also shoulder the responsibility of uniting their fellow disciples. Whether it was Feng Shao or Tang Fei, when they were the eldest brothers in the sect, they were widely loved by their fellow disciples.

But Chu Qing was different. Those who had a good relationship with him were ordinary disciples with average qualifications, and there were even some menial disciples who had no qualifications for cultivation. As for those fellow disciples who were also geniuses and whose cultivation was only slightly inferior to his, they generally had a bad relationship with him.

At first, Tang Fei didn't think there was anything wrong with this. He just thought that those disciples were jealous because they were unwilling to be surpassed by a menial disciple. He had privately warned those disciples many times to be united and friendly, and not to affect their mentality just because others were better than themselves. And those disciples did restrain themselves for a while after Tang Fei's warning, but all kinds of behaviors against Chu Qing were hidden in the dark.

In addition, Tang Fei also found that Chu Qing's popularity among female disciples was surprisingly good. Even the female disciple who Murong Pianpian had just accepted and was trained as the next saint was cold to others, but only favored Chu Qing. This woman stood up for Chu Qing in front of other fellow disciples more than once, and there were rumors in the holy land that she had already secretly fallen in love with Chu Qing.

But Tang Fei still didn't think there was anything wrong with this. After all, when he was still the Son of God, he had a close relationship with Murong Pianpian, who was the Holy Maiden at that time. In his opinion, this was a good thing, and they could make it a good story.

But when Feng Shao heard this, he couldn't help but look strange.

Why does this Chu Qing's experience sound so familiar?

He endured for a year, and then made a splash in the sect competition; he united the lower-level disciples, but fell out with the Tianjiao of the same level; he was widely favored by female disciples, and even received special care from the most outstanding female disciples...

This start, this experience, this character, how can it sound like a son of luck!

But Feng Shao didn't interrupt Tang Fei's story, but listened to Tang Fei continue.

Tang Fei coughed violently a few times, and an unhealthy blush appeared on his face. Obviously, Tang Fei's internal injuries are still very serious, and it may take a long time to recover. After coughing for a long time, he recovered and continued to tell Feng Shao.

In order to train Chu Qing, Tang Fei gradually gave some important affairs of the Holy Land to Chu Qing, and Chu Qing handled these affairs properly, which made Tang Fei trust him more and more. But he didn't know at that time that the reason why Chu Qing performed so well was that he relied on someone to guide him. And the person who guided him was the fifth elder who had retired behind the scenes.

When talking about the Fifth Elder, Tang Fei showed hatred on his face. He gritted his teeth and said, "I used to think that the Fifth Elder was a neutral faction. After all, he had never participated in the struggle between the First Elder and the Second Elder. But I never expected that he was actually the Second Elder's half-brother, and the Second Elder's spy buried deep inside the Holy Land!"

Hearing this, Feng Shao couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Good guy! This turn is really a bit unexpected!

But then, Feng Shao found something wrong. He couldn't help asking, "The Fifth Elder helped Chu Qing privately, it shouldn't be just to win him over, right? Could it be that Chu Qing has another identity?"

Tang Fei smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Feng is really amazing, you guessed it. You are right, Chu Qing does have a hidden identity. His real identity is the illegitimate son of the Second Elder who was stranded outside!"

Feng Shao immediately understood.

It turns out that Chu Qing came to the Purple Clear Holy Land not to become a disciple, but to seek revenge!

If his identity is ignored, then Chu Qing is a scum who betrays his master and destroys his ancestors. But if he has this identity, he becomes a filial son who avenges his father and endures humiliation!

He is really a template of a son of destiny!

Feng Shao has seen many such templates before. Such sons of destiny, in the name of revenge, raise their butcher knives to their master who takes good care of them. But they can forget the kindness of their master so easily. Feng Shao doubts whether such sons of destiny really have any feelings for their father who only gave them life but not raising them. He has sufficient reason to doubt that the so-called "revenge" is just an excuse for them.

Their real purpose is actually the supreme power.

The subsequent development is exactly as Feng Shao expected. Chu Qing met people from various forces during his many trips down the mountain, including Yang Hao, the only son of Yang Shaoling, the head of Chongyang Sword Sect, and Gong Shengtian, the eldest disciple of the head of Xuanlei Sect. These two people have always had a grudge against Tang Fei, and they have been fighting each other openly and secretly.

Now Tang Fei is the Holy Lord of Ziqing Holy Land, while these two people are still just the Tianjiao in the sect, and there is a gap in their status. The gap in status means that they have less intersections, and less intersections mean fewer opportunities for revenge. The appearance of Chu Qing made them realize that the opportunity to attack Tang Fei has come.

For this reason, they even ignored the gap in seniority and became brothers with Chu Qing, and secretly supported Chu Qing to seize more power in Ziqing Holy Land. Under the deliberate arrangement of the two, Chu Qing really made several great contributions and gradually became a senior figure in Ziqing Holy Land second only to Tang Fei.

After becoming the ruler of Ziqing Holy Land, Chu Qing also secretly planned to overthrow Ziqing Holy Land.

Oh, no, to be more precise, it should be the action to overthrow Tang Fei. Because his plan is to firmly control the entire Ziqing Holy Land in his own hands and become the real number one in Ziqing Holy Land.

Tang Fei knew nothing about Chu Qing's secret plan.

After more than a year of planning, Chu Qing joined forces with Chongyang Sword Sect, Xuanlei Sect and many other super families more than 20 days ago to suddenly attack Ziqing Holy Land.

Although the enemy was pressing, Ziqing Holy Land could still deal with the enemy for several days with the mountain protection formation. As long as it could hold on until Tiangang Sword Sect found something wrong and sent reinforcements, no matter how many enemies there were, they would be wiped out at the foot of Ziqing Mountain.

But the problem was that there was Chu Qing, a traitor, in Ziqing Holy Land.

Chu Qing secretly poisoned the food of Tang Fei and other high-level officials of Ziqing Holy Land, causing a great impact on the high-end combat power, and even the manpower to maintain the mountain protection formation could not be gathered. After a fierce battle for a day and a night, Ziqing Holy Land fell. Tang Fei desperately broke through under the cover of his disciples, but Murong Pianpian was injured and captured because he was behind everyone, and his life and death is still unknown.

After escaping from Ziqing Mountain, Tang Fei originally wanted to go to Tiangang Sword Sect for help, but he was frequently ambushed by the enemy along the way, and suffered heavy casualties. After some consideration, Tang Fei thought that the road to Tiangang Sword Sect had been blocked, and only by going the other way could there be a glimmer of hope. So they turned around and ran wildly in the southeast direction. After many days of day and night, they entered the territory of Dongzhou and entered Wuling City.

This is the whole story.

After Tang Fei finished talking about all this, his already weak face became even more exhausted. After taking a few deep breaths, he smiled bitterly and said, "I'm sorry, Brother Feng, if there is no other choice, I really don't want to come here to trouble you. Chu Qing is still ambushing in the Tiangang Mountain area, but I'm afraid it won't be long before he will turn his attention here. So Brother Feng, I'm afraid you have to prepare early."

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