In the dark night, a dozen black shadows, almost completely blended into the night, quickly shuttled through the mountains. After a long journey, they soon arrived at the back of Ziqing Mountain.

Because they wore clothes that could shield their breath and hide their appearance, no one noticed them along the way. But they also know that in this place where enemies are everywhere, it will be a matter of time before they are discovered.

But before leaving, they had one more thing to do.

Murong Pianpian was lying on the ground, pointing to the white stone platform hundreds of meters away, and said: "That's where the Dragon Sitting Platform is, and the Dragon Xiang Baojian is placed there."

Feng Shao looked over from a distance and saw several people surrounding Zuilongtai. Most of these people only have the Golden Core Realm and the Xiantian Realm, and only one young man is at the Divine Transformation Realm. But another black figure made Feng Shao unable to help but feel afraid, because he had already discovered that that person was Tai Qingjing!

Is this the Taiqing Realm casual cultivator who has been following Chu Qing?

After a while, five figures left together, leaving only the Taiqing realm casual cultivator standing guard in front of the sitting dragon platform. I saw that the man was holding a magic weapon in his hand and was exploring the surrounding area of ​​Zuilongtai. He didn't know what he was doing.

Murong Pianpian said: "That person should be the 'evil old man' that Chu Qing said. This person is in the Taiqing realm and is not easy to deal with. In addition, he may be here just to cut off the luck of Ziqing Mountain, so as to Take out the Long Xiang Baojian."

Hearing this, Feng Shao thought thoughtfully: "So, this evil old man will always be here?"

Murong Pianpian nodded solemnly: "It should be so. For some reason, Chu Qing seems to have been eager to take out the Dragon Xiang Baojian, so he has been arranging Mr. Xie to survey the terrain around here these days. I know this thanks to him He never gave up trying to persuade me to surrender and confidently told me everything.”

Speaking of this, Murong Pianpian's face looked quite self-deprecating.

Feng Shao and Liu Shou couldn't help but look at each other.

Liu Shou said in a deep voice: "It seems that we must have a fight with this old ghost from Taiqing Realm. This time it will be up to me. Although I may not be able to defeat him, I can still do it by entangling him. Arrived.”

After four years of training, both Feng Shao and Liu Shou were promoted to the Hedao realm, which was only one level away from the Taiqing realm. It's just that both of them have just entered the Hedao Realm. Even if they can fight beyond the level, they may not be able to compete with an experienced Taiqing Realm monk.

Feng Shao did not answer directly, but after pondering for a long time, he slowly said: "Maybe we can consider killing him here."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Feng Shao turned to the members of the first team and said: "Everyone, put on your sniper rifles and adjust the magazines. Use concealed bullets for the first bullet, swift bullets for the second bullet, and armor-piercing bullets for the rest!"

"Understood!" Everyone immediately took out their sniper rifles and loaded the bullets with ease.

Murong Pianpian on the side was confused after hearing this, and couldn't help but ask Liu Shou: "Brother Liu, what is he talking about? What about the hidden egg and the swift egg? Is it a kind of World of Warcraft egg?"

Liu Shou twitched the corner of his mouth and replied in a low voice: "This is a special weapon produced in Wuling City, called a bullet, which is specially used for guns. Concealed bullets are bullets that specifically conceal the aura, and quick bullets are specially designed to increase the speed. There are more special weapons like this in Wuling City! I’ll wait for you to come to Wuling City to show you.”

Murong Pianpian nodded as if understanding, but still looked a little confused.

What exactly has Wuling City developed?

After a while, everyone changed the bullets. Feng Shao commanded softly: "Shao Guang, aim at his head; Zhan Jin, aim at his left chest; Shi Rang, aim at his right chest..."

Feng Shao designated the aiming directions for each person, aiming at almost all of Xie Lao's vital parts, and then said softly: "Follow my command and fire, twice! Three, two, one, fire!"

With an order, ten sniper rifles fired simultaneously. Then they fired a second time without stopping.

After everyone opened fire, ten bullets flew towards Xie Lao quickly. Since the first shot used a bullet with enhanced aura concealment effect, it was not until the bullet was approaching ten meters around him that Xie Lao felt ten sharp gusts of wind coming toward him at an incredibly fast speed.

Shocked, he quickly summoned all his energy to resist. Hearing a "puff" sound, Xie Lao felt almost as if his whole body was being swept away by severe pain. In particular, there were several injuries, which were actually in vital parts such as the chest and throat. If it weren't for the infuriating shield that weakened the damage, he would have died on the spot.

But before he could think about where this attack came from, he felt ten more strong winds coming.

Under the severe pain, the flow of true energy became stagnant. The evil old man was also experienced, so he got up and evaded without thinking. However, this time, the flight speed of these bullets was more than double that of the previous batch. His evasion only managed to avoid a few vital points.

Following another "puff" sound, there were several more bone-deep wounds on Xie Lao's body.

For monks in the Taiqing Realm, as long as they don't die on the spot or their vital organs are seriously injured, other injuries can only be regarded as minor injuries. Therefore, despite the fact that almost all of the twenty bullets hit, the damage to him was very limited.

But this also successfully aroused Xie Lao's anger. He roared angrily: "Who is it! Who is plotting against me?!"

The roar of Xie Lao instantly spread throughout the back mountain and reached the ears of every guard. The guards looked at each other in bewilderment, and it was hard to understand why the enemy could sneak in under their strict guard.

But they were only slightly stunned, and immediately rushed towards the direction of Zuolongtai.

Feng Shao also knew that this firing had already alarmed the entire Ziqing Holy Land. But he was not panicked at all, and said in a deep voice: "Liu Shou, you rush up with me. Others, wait until we are about to fight the enemy, and then fire another shot. Shao Guang, you take over the command!"

Liu Shou and Shao Guang immediately responded: "Understood!"

The next moment, Feng Shao and Liu Shou jumped up and rushed towards Xie Lao at the same time. Xie Lao noticed the two people in an instant, and the anger in his heart suddenly had a place to vent. He grinned and said, "Great! Two little bastards in the Hedao realm actually dared to plot against me! Since you are here, let's all die here!"

Before he finished speaking, Xie Lao rushed towards the two.

However, just as he raised his palms to slap the two, ten gusts of wind that were quite similar to the previous ones hit again. And because he was walking in opposite directions this time, the speed of the bullets was nearly twice as fast. In shock, he had no choice but to muster up his true energy to resist.

The armor-piercing bullet has a weakening effect on the true energy shield. His resistance only reduced the damage of the bullet by 30% to 40%, and the rest of the damage was still taken by him. Under the severe pain, Xie Lao's anger became even more intense, and he roared, "Thieves, take my palm!"

As he said that, he slapped Feng Shao and Liu Shou with both palms at the same time.

Feng Shao and Liu Shou drew their long swords respectively and chopped towards Xie Lao's palms. With two "bangs", the two men knocked back the palms of the evil old man, but they also took two steps back under the impact of the palm force.

But as soon as the two retreated, they immediately used their body skills to fight around the evil old man. In a rage, the evil old man also used his palm skills and fought with his bare hands without fear. For a while, the two sides fought fiercely.

On the other side, Shao Guang and others noticed that the surrounding guards were rushing quickly. He said in a deep voice: "Everyone, take out the grenades!"

The storage ring on his hand flashed, and everyone had a unique metal ball on their right hand, which made Murong Pianpian stunned. But the next moment, something even more surprising happened.

When the first batch of guards rushed to a position a hundred meters away from them, Shao Guang shouted: "Throw!"

Then, ten grenades were pulled out of the iron pins and thrown at the guards.

The grenades produced in Wuling City are equipped with the black technology of cultivation. The moment they were thrown, ten grenades flew towards the guards like falcons. It didn't look like they were thrown, but as if the grenades had their own lives and flew over by themselves.

The guards didn't know why, they only saw fist-sized black objects falling down "crackling". Just as they were hesitating about how to deal with these things, violent explosions sounded from under their feet.

Boom boom boom...

The explosion covered an area of ​​hundreds of meters in radius, which showed the great power of the grenade, which made Murong Pianpian stunned. Especially when she heard the screams and groans coming from them, she couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

What kind of strange things did Wuling City develop!

Shao Guang ordered again: "Zhan Jin, you and I will be responsible for sniping. Others change to submachine guns and fire freely!"


With this order, a one-sided massacre began.

Lin Xiaoran-710430163

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