Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 308: Fighting Again (Part 1)

"Are you sure there are only a dozen enemies?"

Seeing the scene in front of him that was like purgatory on earth, Yang Hao was shocked and couldn't help but ask.

Chu Qing looked at this scene with a very ugly face. Hearing Yang Hao's question, he nodded gloomily and said, "I can see clearly that there are indeed only a dozen or so people. Each of them holds an evil magic weapon in their hand, and they can easily kill an innate person." Brother Yang, I suspect they used ancient magic!"

Gong Shenglong squatted down without saying a word, picked up a metal shell the size of a finger from the ground, and after looking at it for a long time, he shook his head and said: "I think the other party is not using ancient magic, but an unknown magic." A magical weapon I’ve seen.”

Chu Qing frowned displeased. What kind of magical weapon can cause such an exaggerated killing effect? Second Brother Gong, isn't this saying that all my men are a bunch of losers?

Yang Hao asked: "How do you say this?"

Gong Shenglong stood up and handed the metal shell in his hand to Yang Hao. Yang Hao took it and after looking at it carefully for a while, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "This... this is a bit hard to understand!"

Chu Qing looked at the fuss between the two people and was puzzled. He asked, "Brother Yang, Brother Gong, what on earth did you see?"

"Third brother, come here and take a look." Yang Hao turned around and handed the metal shell to Chu Qing.

In front of outsiders, Yang Hao would hide his disdain for Chu Qing and affectionately call him "third brother". But every time he called out this name, Yang Hao felt sick to his stomach.

Chu Qing also took the metal shell and observed it carefully.

This observation immediately made him discover the problem.

I saw that this small metal shell was in the shape of a cone, with various small runes engraved on it. At a rough count, there are as many as a dozen. These runes were combined into a formation. As a cultivation genius who also studied formations, Chu Qing quickly saw the effects they could achieve from the formations and runes.

They can greatly increase the flight speed of this metal shell and greatly enhance the power of its launch.

Following this line of thinking, Chu Qing immediately figured it out and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Is this thing actually a hidden weapon?"

Gong Shenglong looked at the battlefield littered with corpses and said solemnly: "And it's also a hidden weapon that can fire continuously."

Chu Qing recalled the scene he saw on the battlefield, and his heart suddenly skipped a beat: "If this is a hidden weapon that fires continuously, then the frequency of their continuous fires is too exaggerated, right? How on earth did they do it? of?"

Gong Shenglong turned his head and glanced at Chu Qing, frowning, as if he was a little dissatisfied with Chu Qing's reaction. Yang Hao on the side knew why Gong Shenglong was dissatisfied with Chu Qing.

Why is this guy so slow to react?

However, considering that the Chongyang Sword Sect and the Xuanlei Sect would rely on this Son of Destiny to reach a higher level in the future, Yang Hao suppressed his impatience and explained: "The real key to the problem is not the burst frequency of this hidden weapon. , but the enemy can actually carve so many formations on such a small hidden weapon. There are only a few people who can do this, but all of them are well-known weapon masters. "

Gong Shenglong said through the interface: "The magic weapons made by the master of this kind of weapon refining are extremely precious, and their power is far superior to other magic weapons. But if you look at the thing in your hand, it is obviously thrown away after use. , and they still throw out hundreds of them, which is really incredible.”

Chu Qing finally realized the crux of the problem.

This kind of metal shell is extremely difficult to make, and generally only true masters of weapon refining can make it. But each magical weapon made by the master of the weapon refiner is more precious than the last, and who would throw it away after using it? Just throw away hundreds of them? To put it bluntly, in terms of labor costs alone, the enemy would have consumed at least tens of millions of spiritual stones in defeating this battle!

Where is the war going on? It is clear that he is wasting his fortune!

Yang Hao supported his chin and muttered: "The enemy can make this kind of magic weapon, and also spend so much at one time, which shows that the enemy has a lot of background. Second brother, who do you think the enemy will be?"

Gong Shenglong did not answer directly, but said: "Brother, I wonder if you have heard of the 'Carving Formation Pen'?"

"The engraving pen?" Yang Hao frowned and said, "I heard that the engraving pen is a specialty of Wuling City, and it is only given away and not sold. Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?"

Gong Shenglong said: "A few years ago in our sect, by chance, we obtained an engraving pen. This engraving pen can slowly release the concentrated spiritual energy. Even a novice weapon refiner can easily We have studied this engraved formation pen to carve very small runes. We have found that it is not difficult to make this engraved formation pen. The difficulty is how to obtain the concentrated spiritual energy stored in it. This pen is a waste."

Yang Hao suddenly realized: "Are you saying that the reason why the enemy can throw so many hidden weapons at once is because they have formation pens and can easily make large quantities of such hidden weapons?"

Gong Shenglong nodded.

The more Chu Qing listened, the more chilled he became. He couldn't help but ask: "Brother Gong, are you trying to say that the enemy is from Wuling City?"

Gong Shenglong sighed and said: "Except for Wuling City, I don't think there is any other force that can produce such hidden weapons in large quantities."

"But how is this possible?" Chu Qing said in a lost voice, "Wuling City is just a small force that has only been established for four or five years. How could it come up with such a terrible killing weapon? They must have used some ancient evil magic! We must immediately announce it to the world and call on all righteous people to fight against Wuling City together!"

Yang Hao and Gong Shenglong looked at each other, and saw a trace of impatience in each other's eyes.

This Chu Qing is really crazy. He has explained it so detailed, but he still thinks of evil magic. Hidden weapons are also a kind of weapon. Although they are not so fair, they are conventional weapons recognized by everyone. Whether it is the righteous or the evil, there are many people who use hidden weapons. No one can blame others for using hidden weapons. This is simply untenable.

At this moment, they even doubted whether they could make their own sect stronger by relying on Chu Qing, the son of destiny.

But the chips have been placed, and it seems that it is not so easy to withdraw now.

And at this moment, Yang Hao and Gong Shenglong had an idea at the same time.

Perhaps, they can take this opportunity to make a fortune from Wuling City.

The two exchanged glances and reached a consensus instantly.

Yang Hao turned to Chu Qing and said with a smile: "Don't panic, third brother. No matter whether Wuling City used evil magic or something else, the elder and second brothers have taken this breath for you! Although they have escaped from the back mountain now, they must not have run far. Let's take people to chase them and take them all down!"

Chu Qing was overjoyed and said quickly: "Then we will rely on the two brothers!"

Yang Hao and Gong Shenglong looked at each other and showed a hint of ambiguous smile at the same time.


After taking out the Dragon Appearance Treasure Mirror, Feng Shao and others immediately left the back mountain through the secret path. However, in just one stick of incense, they successfully arrived at the foot of the mountain and met with the second team on guard there.

After a short rest, Feng Shao decided to leave the Ziqing Mountain area immediately. Although he brought a flying spirit boat that could carry a large number of people, he could only use it after leaving the Ziqing Mountain area, otherwise it would be easy to be discovered by the enemy.

As they hurried out, Yang Hao and Gong Shenglong also gave orders to search for Feng Shao and others. For a while, various lights and shadows came and went on Ziqing Mountain, and hundreds of cultivators flew in the sky, conducting a carpet search within a hundred miles of Ziqing Mountain.

Originally, relying on the concealment effect of the combat invisibility cloak, it was not difficult to leave the Ziqing Mountain area. But before they were thirty miles away, a ferocious monster suddenly emerged from the jungle and pounced on everyone.

Although the combat invisibility cloak can almost perfectly shield the breath and appearance, it is not perfect in eliminating odor. Monsters with excellent sense of smell can naturally find them easily.

A mere monster is no threat to them, and Liu Shou can easily kill it alone. But unfortunately, just when Liu Shou was destroying the monster, a team of Chongyang Sword Sect disciples happened to fly over their heads. Seeing this scene, they sent out a signal without hesitation, but they had no intention of coming down to fight with Feng Shao and others.

Liu Shou couldn't help but curse, and angrily kicked the dead monster away, gritting his teeth and said: "This damn monster is really a delay!"

Feng Shao shook his head and said: "I'm afraid this monster is also being used."

Liu Shou looked at Feng Shao with a puzzled look, not understanding what Feng Shao meant.

Feng Shao did not intend to explain in detail, but said in a deep voice: "It seems unlikely to leave directly. Everyone prepare for battle immediately. Shao Guang, shoot down those guys in the sky!"

"Yes!" Shao Guang immediately commanded, "Everyone change to sniper rifles, use hidden bullets, and be sure to shoot down those guys in the sky!"

At this time, the Chongyang Sword Sect disciples in the sky were still unaware of the behavior of Shao Guang and others. The order they received was that once they found the enemy's trace, they should immediately send a signal and never engage the enemy. If the enemy had the intention to attack, they would immediately avoid the battle. In short, their mission was to stare at the other side and never lose the other side's trace. As for killing the enemy, it was not important to them.

And Feng Shao also saw their intentions from their actions.

But did they really think that they would be safe if they didn't come down?

Shao Guang and others quickly changed to sniper rifles and aimed at the people in the sky. The people who were targeted suddenly felt uncomfortable all over, as if they were stared at by some ferocious beast. But looking at the enemy's actions again, they didn't think the enemy had any way to attack them. What's more, even if they really attacked themselves, they were so far away, couldn't they run away?

Thinking of this, everyone immediately felt relieved.

After everyone aimed, Shao Guang said in a deep voice: "Fire!"


A total of 20 sniper rifles from the first and second teams fired at the same time, and the 20 gunshots merged into one, and in an instant, they resounded through the mountains and forests. The people in the sky were stunned at first, and before they could come to their senses, their eyes went dark and they fell to the ground.

Until the last moment of their lives, they didn't know how they died, and they didn't know that with the weapons in the hands of Shao Guang and others, such a short distance was really not enough for them to run.

It's a pity that they are destined not to learn this lesson.

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