Beizhou, Hanyang City.

Hanyang City is adjacent to Hanchuan, the great river in Beizhou, and is the largest city within a hundred miles. Because Hanchuan is located in the north of Hoizhou, it is covered with ice and snow for nine out of twelve months a year, and only thaws in June, July, and August. Therefore, although Hanyang City is adjacent to a large river, normal shipping is only possible for three months every year. In other cases, land transportation can only be used to supply materials.

It stands to reason that a city with such conditions does not have the possibility to develop and grow. But it has a unique advantage, that is, it is the city closest to the Tiangang Sword Sect.

Tiangang Sword Sect, as a famous super sect throughout the Upper Domain, has huge influence. In order to be able to communicate with the Tiangang Sword Sect, many sects and forces in Beizhou have set up branches in Hanyang City. Even Yunjian Pavilion in Dongzhou has set up a Linglong Pavilion branch here.

Various rare and common magic weapons, elixirs, herbs, spiritual beasts, and heavenly materials and earthly treasures may not be found elsewhere, but when you come to Hanyang City, you may get unexpected surprises. Therefore, in the eyes of many monks, Hanyang City has become a very important trading city in the world of cultivation. The city is bustling with pedestrians, and there are often more monks than ordinary people, which is a major feature of the place.

On this day, a group of uninvited guests arrived in the quiet Hanyang City. There were more than twenty people in total, and they entered Hanyang City in three groups and stayed at the inn in Hanyang City. After a short rest, the three leaders, two men and one woman, arrived on the third floor of the largest restaurant in Hanyang City and sat down at a table by the window.

After ordering, the food and wine were served not long after. The three of them were eating wine and food, looking out the window and talking quietly.

The young man in black said to the woman: "Sister-in-law, will the Tiangang Sword Sect really come forward to seek justice for the Ziqing Holy Land, as you said?"

The woman nodded slowly and said softly: "The Tiangang Sword Sect and the Ziqing Holy Land have a close friendship, and they are like-minded. The senior brother was able to successfully eradicate the first elder and the second elder and succeed the Holy Lord. Among them is the Tiangang Sword Sect. The reason for support lies within. Now that the Ziqing Holy Land is undergoing drastic changes, and the Chongyang Sword Sect and the Xuanlei Sect are occupying the Magpie Nest, the Tiangang Sword Sect will not sit idly by."

But the young man in black snorted coldly: "Then you go up the mountain, I won't go, it will only increase the embarrassment."

The woman and another young man in white couldn't help but look at each other. The young man in white smiled bitterly and said: "I forgot that you were originally a disciple of the Tiangang Sword Sect. Now that you are visiting the old place again, don't you feel nothing in your heart?"

The young man in black looked at the city streets outside the window, dazed in a daze. After a long time, he whispered in a low voice: "From the day Tiantong struck that sword, I am no longer a member of the Tiangang Sword Sect."

The young man in white said with a smile: "Miss Lian has been rescued a long time ago, don't you still feel like you can't let go?"

The young man in black glanced at the young man in white and said angrily: "Brother Feng, you really can stand and talk without pain. If you had experienced something similar to me, could you easily laugh it off?"

Hearing this, the young man in white sighed and said: "Although the things I experienced back then were not as tragic as yours, they also disappointed me so much that I chose to leave the sect in anger. But. Even though we are separated, the junior brothers and sisters in the sect who I have watched grow up still make me worry. "

Speaking of this, he said with emotion: "In life, there are things you should not do and things you must do. Afterwards, I also thought about it. It doesn't matter what kind and hatred he has, as long as he does things not against his heart. As for what others think, That’s beyond my control.”

The woman smiled and said: "What Brother Feng said is quite Zen-like. Perhaps Brother Feng was able to found Wuling City because of his superior realm and vision!"

These three people are Feng Shao, Liu Shou and Murong Pianpian.

After the battle at Ziqing Mountain, Chu Qing and others were defeated and forced to gather all their disciples into the mountain, unable to escape. And Feng Shao had no intention of rushing up the mountain and killing them again, so he led his people out of the boundary of Ziqing Mountain.

Feng Shao originally planned to take people back to Wuling City directly, but Murong Pianpian suggested a trip to the Tiangang Sword Sect. Her reason was that if such a big thing happened in Ziqing Holy Land, the Tiangang Sword Sect would definitely take action. But now that the situation is unclear and Tang Fei is nowhere to be found, the Tiangang Sword Sect can only stand still for the time being. And if they can go to Tiangang Sword Sect and ask for help in the name of Ziqing Holy Land, then Tiangang Sword Sect can take action naturally.

But Liu Shou didn't quite agree with Murong Pianpian's proposal. Because Lian Yingying was seriously injured that year, Liu Shou had very complicated feelings for the sect he had grown up in since childhood, and he also had a much less regard for the distinction between good and evil. Some of his words are somewhat radical, and he feels that the Tiangang Sword Sect may not take action without profit. Therefore, his idea was to return to Wuling City, gather the disciples who had fled from the Purple Purple Holy Land in Wuling City, and wait for an opportunity to regain Purple Purple Mountain.

Feng Shao was deeply dissatisfied with Liu Shou's speech. He believed that no matter what, the Tiangang Sword Sect was the place where Liu Shou was raised and raised. The kindness of raising him should not be forgotten. Even if the Tiangang Sword Sect felt sorry for him, after all, even Yingying had been rescued, and some of the grievances from the past should be put aside. There must be many people in the Tiangang Sword Sect who still remember him. It is really inappropriate for him to comment so highly on the sect that raised him.

The two of them had a rare quarrel because of this matter, which made Murong Pianpian think that the two of them would part ways because of this. Just when Murong Pianpian was thinking about how to persuade the two of them to reconcile, Liu Shou took the initiative to find Feng Shao early the next morning and expressed his agreement with Murong Pianpian's suggestion.

Feng Shao and Murong Pianpian both understood that although Liu Shou did not admit it with his mouth, he was actually trying to let go. Although it is still unlikely for him to return to the Tiangang Sword Party, it is more possible after all.

After all, for Liu Shou, Tiangang Sword Sect is his other family. After being away from home for many years, it is inevitable to have mixed emotions.

After discussion, the three of them decided not to go directly to Tiangang Sword Sect, but to rest in Hanyang City first. After arriving in Hanyang City, whether Liu Shou will choose to go to Tiangang Mountain with them depends on his own choice.

At this time, Liu Shou was in the middle of a war between heaven and man over this matter. He remembered the time he spent practicing with his senior brothers and sisters on Tianji Peak, and also recalled the days when he went down the mountain for the first time and went shopping in Hanyang City. Although many years have passed since those memories, they are replayed in my mind very clearly at this time.

He subconsciously looked to the northwest and murmured in a low voice: "Master, brothers and sisters, are you... still willing to recognize me as your junior brother?"

Just when Liu Shou was hesitating whether to go up the mountain, the chatter of the guests at the table next to him attracted the attention of Feng Shao and others.

Only one of them said: "Have you heard? Just three days ago, Chongyang Sword Sect and Xuanlei Sect suffered a big loss in Ziqing Mountain! I heard that many people died!"

"Is there anything else?" the other two asked in unison.

The man said with a mysterious face: "I dare not fool you with this matter! It is said that until now, Chongyang Sword Sect and Xuanlei Sect don't know who is behind it! There are rumors that Shura Dao secretly took action. After all, The methods used by the people are simply unheard of! Just a few dozen people killed thousands of them! How can the Zhengdao Sect have such methods? Maybe the methods of the Demon Sect can do it!

Feng Shao and Murong Pianpian couldn't help but look at each other and smiled bitterly at the same time.

This rumor is really getting more and more sinister as it spreads. Killed thousands of people? Even if they have this ability, the pursuers must have enough people for them to kill!

As for Shura Dao taking the blame, this was something Feng Shao and others did not expect. It seems that for people in this world, things like guns are still a bit exaggerated.

Just as the man at the next table was "selling" exclusive news mysteriously, the guests at the other table also heard it and immediately interrupted him and said: "How could it be that Shura Dao took action? If Shura Dao has such a Ability, Chongyang Sword Sect and Xuanlei Sect have been wiped out several times, so they won’t suffer from repeated battles with Tiangang Sword Sect in the past few years.”

The man from before said dissatisfiedly: "But if Shura Dao didn't take action, who else could it be? How could the Zhengdao sect have such a murderous ability?"

Later, the man sneered and said: "Of course the righteous sect doesn't have such ability, and the demonic sect doesn't have this ability either! Don't blame the demonic sect for everything you encounter, the demonic sect is not as powerful as you think!"

The more they talked, the more excited they became, and later on, they even almost started to fight.

But finally they knew that this was Hanyang City, which was considered the boundary of Tiangang Mountain. If you take action here, you will not give face to the Tiangang Sword Sect. Therefore, the two people quarreled fiercely, but in the end they died down.

When the guests at other tables saw this scene, there was no surprise on their faces. Obviously such scenes are not uncommon in Hanyang City.

However, the quarrel between the two made many people involuntarily talk about what happened in Ziqing Mountain.

Some said that Chu Qing and the others had been punished by God. After all, Chu Qing had deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors. If you do something like this, it won't be an exaggeration even if you are struck by lightning.

Some people say that this is because the ancestors of the Purple Purity Holy Land were dissatisfied with Chu Qing's behavior, so the ancestors appeared and summoned Yin soldiers to clean up the house.

Others said that this was done secretly by the Tiangang Sword Sect. And to be able to reach this point, it is most likely that the headmaster and the six chiefs are at least half present. The Chongyang Sword Sect and the Xuanlei Sect had no evidence against the Tiangang Sword Sect, so they could only swallow the bitter pill secretly.

Everyone talks about it with nose and eyes, as if they have seen it with their own eyes. If Feng Shao and others were not the instigators, they might have believed it!

While several people were listening intently, a few people sitting in the corner looked at Feng Shao and others without saying a word. But their eyes were gloomy with a hint of murderous intent.

After a while, several people secretly exchanged glances, got up and left the restaurant.

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