In just one day, the news that Xin Ruxiong was going to marry Su Ling'er to Wuling City spread throughout the Jiuyou Holy Land. Some female disciples who were good friends with Su Ling'er made fun of Su Ling'er. Su Ling'er was so shy that she locked herself in the room and refused to come out.

At this time, there was only one maid in Su Ling'er's room besides herself.

Su Ling'er had a lot to say in her heart. After being bored for a long time, she finally couldn't help but said to the maid: "Hongzhu, do you think the senior brother doesn't have any evil intentions this time?"

The maid Hongzhu smiled and said: "Miss, how the Holy Lord treats outsiders, I can't say. But to the lady, he will definitely do his best. The Holy Lord will not scheme against anyone, but he will not scheme against the lady. Don't worry, lady!"

Su Ling'er tilted her head and asked, "Then tell me, will I really marry to Wuling City?"

"This..." Hongzhu looked a little hesitant, "This maid is hard to say."

"What's so bad about this?" Su Ling'er asked strangely.

Hongzhu hesitated for a while and then said hesitantly: "Miss, I heard that Feng Shao is already married, and his son seems to be four years old. Feng Shao's wife is Lin Xiaoran, the little princess of Yunjian Pavilion. Behind her back The ones standing are the three strongest men in the Tribulation Realm of Yunjian Pavilion. If Feng Shao wants to marry again, he must first get Lin Xiaoran's consent. If Lin Xiaoran doesn't agree..."

Hongzhu didn't say the next words, but Su Ling'er could understand what she meant.

Su Ling'er frowned and said, "Feng Shao is a self-made city lord. Is it possible that he can't even control his Taoist companions?"

Hongzhu smiled bitterly and said: "It depends on who the Taoist partner is! Anyway, if it were me, I would definitely not dare to marry again."

When Su Ling'er heard this, she suddenly felt worried.

A girl of fifteen or sixteen is exactly the age of Huaichun. There are countless young talents in the upper realm, but there are very few who can become the lovers of the public. Guan Shuo from Taixuan Holy Land and Fang Yiming from Jiuyin Holy Land are among them. It's just that although these two people are famous and have high status, there are very few legends related to them, and they are far less legendary than Feng Shao.

How he single-handedly made a dilapidated sect prosper, how he gained the favor of the masters of Yunjian Pavilion and Xiaoyao Hall at a young age, how he built the foundation of Wuling City from scratch, how he made a fortune in just a few years that rivaled the rest of the country...

Compared with other geniuses of his generation, Feng Shao had a low starting point and a rapid rise. In addition, he didn't have any dirty information, so he naturally became the perfect spouse candidate in the hearts of many girls. It's just that most girls just think about it and don't really think about marrying Feng Shao, and Su Ling'er is no exception. If Xin Ruxiong hadn't suddenly mentioned it yesterday, the love in Su Ling'er's heart would probably have been fruitless.

But once this love becomes possible, Su Ling'er can't help but feel itchy. She even began to fantasize about how many children she would give him after marrying Feng Shao...

Alas, a girl's love is always so incredible.

Su Ling'er sat up from the bed and asked Hongzhu solemnly: "Hongzhu, what do you think I should do?"

Hongzhu said in embarrassment: "My servant is short-sighted, how can I give you any advice? But I think Lin Xiaoran may be the key to whether the young lady can marry. If the young lady can establish a good relationship with Lin Xiaoran, maybe This can be done!”

Su Ling'er's eyes suddenly lit up: "Okay! Then I'll do as you say!"

Hongzhu couldn't help but open her eyes wide. What's the meaning? What does "do as I say" mean?

Next, Hongzhu saw Su Ling'er jump up from the bed, and then started to pack things in a hurry. Hongzhu was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but ask: "Miss, what are you doing?"

Su Ling'er said casually: "Pack your luggage!"

"Pack your bags? Why are you packing your bags?"

Su Ling'er smiled "hehe" and said, "Didn't you say that? I have to go to Wuling City to establish a good relationship with Lin Xiaoran!"

Hongzhu was stunned.

I just said this, why do you still take it seriously?

Su Ling'er threw all her clothes, jewelry, magical instruments, talismans and other things into the storage ring, and then said to Hongzhu: "Let's set off now!"

Hongzhu was startled: "My maid is also going?"

Su Ling'er nodded, as if it was a matter of course: "Of course! If you go alone, the road will be boring, and you won't even find anyone to talk to. Besides, I haven't traveled far yet, so I can't Looking for someone to accompany me?"

"Ah this..." Hongzhu said hesitantly, "But my maid can't do anything except take care of the young lady's daily life. What if I encounter a strong man on the road?"

Su Ling'er rolled her eyes: "I am in the Xiantian realm, how can I still be afraid of a mere strong man? You are too underestimating your young lady!"

Then, Su Ling'er couldn't help but grabbed Hongzhu's little hand and pushed out the door. Hongzhu could not help but complain in her heart.

I really don’t want to go to Wuling City!


That afternoon, the news of Su Linger's sudden departure from the Holy Land reached Xin Ruxiong's ears. Xin Ruxiong was surprised and couldn't help but smile secretly.

Isn't this little girl too impatient?

Based on his understanding of Su Ling'er, he knew where she was going. Immediately, he sent a Hedao realm guard, ordered him to find Su Ling'er, and secretly escorted him to Wuling City. After the guard received the order, he chased after him without stopping.

Su Ling'er has been going up the mountain since she was seven years old and has never been down the mountain in nine years. Everything outside the Nine Nether Holy Land was full of novelty to her. Along the way, she traveled around and saw a lot of local customs. In addition to increasing my knowledge, I also made a lot of jokes.

Su Ling'er has outstanding appearance, but she inevitably encounters some people with evil intentions along the way. However, most of these people were of low strength, and Su Ling'er, who was in the Xiantian realm, could easily get rid of them with just a few tricks. As for those who could not be dealt with by themselves, most of them chose to retreat after learning about her identity as a disciple of the Nine Nether Holy Land.

However, there are some people that Su Ling'er can't deal with, and at the same time, they don't take Jiuyou Holy Land seriously. When encountering such a person, Su Ling'er would have no choice but to run away. I don’t know if it’s because of good luck or the help of experts behind her, but she can easily avoid danger every time.

Half a month later, Su Ling'er, who was traveling while playing, finally arrived at Wuling City.

As soon as he entered Wuling City, Su Ling'er immediately felt that this city was different.

Su Ling'er was surprised and excited by the exaggeratedly wide central avenue, the unique structural layout, various facilities with no apparent function, and novel means of transportation. She was like a country girl who came to the city for the first time, full of curiosity about everything in front of her. Her strong desire for knowledge made her want to take everything in front of her home!

So is this Wuling City? So is this Feng Shao’s foundation?

It's actually... so interesting!

Su Ling'er was obsessed with everything in Wuling City, and for a moment she forgot the purpose of coming here, which made Hongzhu feel helpless and headache.

But while Su Ling'er was walking around the city holding the red candle, their appearance and identity had been passed to the city lord's palace.

Lin Xiaoran listened to the report of his subordinates and frowned: "You mean, another person from Jiuyou Holy Land came to the city?"

The patrol guard who reported the report nodded and said: "Yes, madam, we can see clearly that they are wearing the exclusive jade pendants of Jiuyou Holy Land on their waists. No one dares to forge the jade pendants of Jiuyou Holy Land."

Lin Xiaoran nodded and said calmly: "Okay, I understand, you go down first! Send someone to keep an eye on the two girls. If there are any problems, report to me immediately!"

"Yes!" The patrol guard saluted and turned to leave.

Lin Xiaoran sat on the chair and fell into deep thought.

In fact, as early as seven days ago, the envoys from Jiuyou Holy Land had already arrived in Wuling City.

Because of Liao Zhengyuan's action half a month ago, Lin Xiaoran was very dissatisfied. She wrote a letter that day and sent it to Yunjian Pavilion. The letter elaborated on what happened, and finally sought help from Yunjian Pavilion.

Within a few days, Leng Lingyue flew to Wuling City.

With Leng Lingyue in charge, Lin Xiaoran felt a lot more confident. She felt that even if Jiuyou Holy Land secretly planned to play some conspiracy, a great god like Leng Lingyue would be able to handle it. But what she didn't expect was that after a few days of waiting, what she was waiting for was not a new conspiracy in Jiuyou Holy Land, but a messenger full of specialties from Jiuyou Mountain.

This made Lin Xiaoran stunned.

Just after you finished your mischief, did you send an envoy? What kind of trick is Xin Ruxiong playing?

Regarding Xin Ruxiong, Feng Shao had mentioned to Lin Xiaoran before that this man was very deep in the city and very sophisticated in his calculations. If you are dealing with this person, you must be very energetic, otherwise it will be easy to fall into this person's trap.

Lin Xiaoran naturally believed in Feng Shao's words, so he had already made speculations in his mind about various possible methods used by Jiuyou Holy Land. But she kept guessing, but she never expected that Xin Ruxiong would do something like this.

Dai Zhixin's suggestion was to listen to the messenger first, while Leng Lingyue suggested letting the messenger sit out for a few days before talking. The Buddha was still very angry. How could what happened just a few days ago be turned over so easily?

After thinking for a long time, Lin Xiaoran decided to do what Leng Lingyue said. Therefore, she sent him directly to the guest post without even meeting the envoy. As for the reason, it was "The city lord's eldest disciple Feng Lingxue was seriously injured and has not recovered, and the city lord's wife is too anxious to see the guests."

Although it was not stated explicitly, the meaning of the accusation was already clear.

Fortunately, the envoy had already guessed such treatment before coming here. Therefore, the envoy didn't talk nonsense, turned around and stayed at the guest post, waiting for Lin Xiaoran to summon him.

Lin Xiaoran let it dry for seven days. During these seven days, what Dai Zhixin said to Lin Xiaoran made Lin Xiaoran confused.

That sentence is: "For some people who are coming soon, I think it is better for you to prepare early."

Lin Xiaoran couldn't help but be puzzled. What is "the one who is about to arrive"? What preparations should I make?

This sentence troubled Lin Xiaoran for several days. It was not until today that Lin Xiaoran finally understood what Dai Zhixin meant when he learned that two girls from Jiuyou Holy Land had come to Wuling City.

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