Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 329 Feng Shao's Cultural Theory

Cultural change always requires a gradual process. However, the success of JK suits and stockings immediately made Dai Zhixin find a way to make money.

Perhaps, she can open a clothing store in this different world...

Just do it if you think of it.

Before Dai Zhixin traveled through time, she was a well-known anchor with good looks, and she knew very well what kind of clothes were more popular with the public. But as the saying goes, if you take too big a step, you will easily lose your temper. Dai Zhixin did not launch overly sexy clothes right from the start, but chose some clothes that were more conservative but equally well-loved.

After Dai Zhixin conducted some research, she finally determined the initial clothing style of Dai's clothing store, and then opened it with great fanfare.

Of course, Dai Zhixin's research subjects are mainly the women in the city lord's palace and the council hall. Lin Xiaoran, Lu Qingyuan, Zuo Linglan, Luo Qiushuang, Bai Shuanghua and even Feng Lingxue were all coerced or induced by her to serve as her free models. No matter how shy they are before wearing it or how much they complain about Dai Zhixin, most of them will like the new clothes made by Dai Zhixin afterwards.

But they still refused to admit it.

Dai's clothing store did not become popular immediately after it opened. After all, in the eyes of most people, the clothes inside are simply unwearable. Although girls' nature makes them reluctant to part with those good-looking clothes, they still don't have the nerve to wear them after all.

After being quiet for a while, Dai Zhixin felt that this was not possible. If things continue like this, won't all the investment in clothing stores be in vain? She is going to become the richest woman in the world!

After thinking about it for a while, Dai Zhixin decided to hire a model at a high price and show it to the public wearing clothes from Dai's clothing store.

In this way, it really had some effect.

Just a little bit.

It is not easy to change people's minds immediately. The clothing style of Dai's Clothing Store is full of contradictions with the world, and it is inevitable that it will be rejected by the public. Although a few girls who worked as models for clothing stores wore these clothes for the sake of money, they still felt very ashamed when they stood in front of the clothing store and felt the eyes of men on them. of.

But men don’t have so many scruples, because they really like to watch it.

But they definitely won't buy it back themselves, so they just take a look.

The trick of inviting models to meet had no effect, and Dai Zhixin couldn't help but feel helpless. There is no Confucianism in this world, nor is there Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism, so why are everyone so conservative? Isn’t it the purest wish in everyone’s heart to enjoy youth and beauty to their heart’s content?

Dai Zhixin, who was puzzled, finally had to go to Feng Shao, the only fellow countryman who could understand her.

Feng Shao couldn't help laughing after hearing Dai Zhixin's distress. He asked: "Then have you ever thought about why people in this world are as conservative as the current world?"

Dai Zhixin couldn't help but ask: "Why?"

Feng Shao said: "I have traveled through time for more than thirty years, and I know this world very well. In fact, people in this world don't want to be conservative, they simply can't cross the threshold. Just like when taking exams in college, there are clearly no students left. I don’t know how to answer the questions, but I just don’t want to hand in the paper in advance. I just want to wait for others to hand in the paper first. Unless there is a leader, others will always sit in their seats and wait.”

Dai Zhixin frowned and thought for a while, then asked in confusion: "You mean, I need to find someone who is willing to wear these clothes and show them off? But I also hired several models, but they had no effect at all."

Feng Shao shook his head and said: "Just a few models are definitely useless. Because you are not leading dozens or hundreds of people to submit papers in advance, but you are leading a trend. This is already a cultural change, and cultural changes cannot It’s done in one fell swoop.”

Seeing that Dai Zhixin still didn't understand, Feng Shao gave an example: "Take swimsuits for example. Don't look at the later swimsuits, which can be said to reveal everything that can be exposed, but the earliest swimsuits are as tight as robes. . Not to mention sexy, it is easy to drown in the water. It took more than a hundred years of changes in the times for the swimsuit to finally form a bikini style. In the process of evolution, it has caused no controversy. I know how many there are.”

Dai Zhixin said with a sad face: "According to your opinion, I will have to spend hundreds of years to promote my clothes? Then why can I open a clothing store?"

At this moment, Dai Zhixin was really frustrated.

Feng Shao smiled and said: "Actually, the matter is not as serious as you think. The main reason why your clothes cannot be sold is that you have taken too big a step, and the worldly people naturally cannot accept it."

Dai Zhixin looked at Feng Shao's smile and suddenly asked, "So, do you have any idea?"

Feng Shao shook his head and said: "I can't tell you how to do it, but I have some suggestions for you to refer to."

Dai Zhixin suddenly became interested and quickly urged: "Say it quickly!"

Next, Feng Shao did not directly put forward his suggestion, but asked: "Have you ever heard of 'Hufu riding and shooting'?"

Dai Zhixin shook her head.

Feng Shao explained: "The early Chinese costumes were all wide robes and long sleeves, both for civilians and nobles. Such clothes were solemn and solemn, but they had a huge flaw, that is, they were not suitable for riding horses. Therefore, the Chinese In the early arms, there were very few cavalry and they were not very useful. Soldiers fought in chariots pulled by horses. Therefore, in that era, the number of chariots became the measure of a country's military strength. An important indicator.”

Dai Zhixin was confused: "Why did you suddenly take the topic so far?"

Feng Shao smiled and said: "This is because you don't know that the early clothing reform was actually to serve the war. During the Warring States Period, the Zhao State was weak at first, and because it was located in the north, it was often raided by nomads, and it fell for a time On the verge of subjugation. Later, King Wuling of Zhao came to the throne. He believed that in order to change this situation, he must carry out military reform, so he set his sights on the Hu people."

Dai Zhixin nodded as if she understood.

Feng Shao continued: "King Zhao Wuling found that the Hu people's cavalry was very powerful, much better than chariots, so he wanted to imitate the Hu people and establish a real cavalry. And if he wanted to establish a cavalry, he had to change the Zhao people's dressing habits . So he made great efforts to reform and let Zhao people wear Hu people's clothes. At first, there was great resistance to the reform. King Zhao Wuling was opposed by many people, but King Zhao Wuling was a pragmatist. He took the lead in wearing Hu clothing and set an example for riding and shooting in Hu clothing."

Dai Zhixin was fascinated by what she heard and continued to ask: "What happened next?"

Feng Shao shrugged: "Later, after the reform, King Wuling of Zhao established a truly powerful cavalry, which changed the weak military strength of Zhao State. He successively used troops against the Zhongshan Kingdom and the northern nomadic peoples, and both achieved great success. The complete victory made Zhao become the most powerful country at that time, second only to Qin. It can be said that Hu Fu’s cavalry and shooting skills were indispensable for Zhao’s success.”

Dai Zhixin nodded subconsciously, but after thinking for a moment, she suddenly felt something was wrong: "Wait a minute, let me ask you how to run my clothing store, and why is it related to Hufu riding and shooting?"

Feng Shao smiled and said: "Have you never thought that the Hu clothes at that time were barbarian clothes to the Chinese? This is like asking a modern person to wear crude animal skins. This was very important to the people at that time. It was difficult for the Zhao people to tolerate it. But in the end, they not only accepted it, but also integrated the nomadic costumes into the Chinese nation, making it one of the classic Chinese costumes.”

Dai Zhixin asked doubtfully: "But what does this have to do with me promoting clothing?"

"It does matter, of course it does." Feng Shao said, "This world is not as conservative as in ancient times, but it is obviously difficult for people to suddenly accept another completely different style of clothes. In this case, why don't you change this world How about integrating the clothes of today with the clothes of today? I tell you about Hufu riding and shooting because I want you to understand that the style of clothes is never static. Even if some clothes were not accepted by people at the time, they will still be taken for granted in the future. of."

Dai Zhixin finally understood and her eyes lit up.

She murmured: "So, what I want to do now is to design clothes that are similar to the style of this world, but with some changes, right?"

Feng Shao smiled and said, "You can teach me."

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