Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 341: Unknown Girl (Part 1) (1/2)

Chapter 341: Nameless Girl (Part 1)

Slowly opening his eyes, he saw a slightly dilapidated wooden house.

A strong smell of medicine wafted through the air, and Xu Mingyu vaguely sensed that the smell contained a variety of healing herbs. However, these herbs were not expensive, and most of them were the kind that could be found everywhere.

At this moment, Xu Mingyu had a little doubt in his heart.

Has he been rescued?

At this time, soft footsteps came from far away. Xu Mingyu turned his gaze to the direction of the footsteps, and saw a girl in coarse linen clothes walking slowly with a pottery bowl. The girl saw Xu Mingyu looking at her with her eyes open, and said lightly: "Awake? Since you are awake, drink this bowl of medicine!"

Xu Mingyu sat up with great effort, but at the same time, she felt severe pain all over her body. She couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, but still gritted her teeth and endured not to scream.

She carefully took the ceramic bowl from the girl and drank the medicine in the bowl. The bitter medicine went down her throat and into her stomach, making her feel like a tumbling sea.

She took a deep breath and slowed down her breathing, and then she pressed the medicine into her stomach without spitting it out. She breathed a long sigh of relief, looked at the girl with gratitude, and said, "Thank you very much."

But the next moment, she couldn't help but scream.

The girl was not surprised by Xu Mingyu's reaction, and said lightly, "Are you scared?"

Xu Mingyu looked at the hideous scars that almost covered the girl's face, swallowed his saliva, and said in a calm tone: "Sorry... I'm just... just a little..."

Xu Mingyu hesitated and didn't know what to say. The girl waved her hand nonchalantly and said, "Most people would react like you when they see me like this for the first time. I'm used to it."

Xu Mingyu felt guilty. After all, he was saved by this girl, but he was horrified by her appearance, which was a bit hurtful. But Xu Mingyu didn't know how to comfort her, so he had to change the subject and said, "Did you save me?"

The girl said "hmm" lightly, "Seven days ago, when I went up the mountain to collect herbs, I happened to encounter a monster riot. I saw you being besieged by monsters, so I saved your life."

Xu Mingyu said gratefully, "Thank you very much! If you hadn't helped, I'm afraid I would have died under the claws of monsters."

The girl glanced at Xu Mingyu and suddenly sneered. This sneer made Xu Mingyu feel puzzled, and he couldn't help asking: "What are you laughing at?"

The girl said sarcastically: "A beauty like you, who is as beautiful as a flower, must have many suitors, right? How come you are alone? Where are your suitors?"

When the word "suitors" was mentioned, Xu Mingyu's face suddenly became ugly.

The girl looked at Xu Mingyu's face, nodded with satisfaction, picked up the pottery bowl and walked out.

After the girl left, Xu Mingyu couldn't help but fall into memories.

That day when fighting with the Tiangang Sword Sect, Miao Fengyan died tragically at the hands of Yu Binglan because of her desertion. Xu Mingyu knew very well how important Miao Fengyan was to Chu Qing. After all, after the fall of the Ziqing Holy Land, Xu Mingyu, the original candidate for the Saint, had basically no value, but Miao Fengyan, as the Tianjiao of the Xuanlei Sect, was still very important to Chu Qing.

And Miao Fengyan's tragic death would inevitably arouse Chu Qing's anger. Based on Xu Mingyu's understanding of Chu Qing, he would definitely vent his anger on himself.

Therefore, after escaping from danger, Xu Mingyu found an opportunity and left in a hurry.

Afterwards, Xu Mingyu often wondered how Chu Qing would avenge Miao Fengyan with his personality. She remembered that Yu Binglan was also a stunning beauty, and at the same time, she was also a famous Tianjiao of the Tiangang Sword Sect, and was once known as the first female cultivator of the younger generation. Yu Binglan was undoubtedly a huge temptation for Chu Qing.

Based on Xu Mingyu's understanding of Chu Qing, as long as there was a chance, he would definitely try to approach Yu Binglan and take her into his pocket. By then, Chu Qing would definitely find ways to exonerate Yu Binglan, and Xu Mingyu, who was no longer of any use, would undoubtedly be the best scapegoat.

Thinking of this, Xu Mingyu couldn't help feeling a little sad. She knew what kind of person Chu Qing was, but she still chose to help the tyrant. Now that she has fallen into this situation, she deserves it.

Just as the girl said just now, she was once a proud girl and had many suitors. But among so many suitors, she chose Chu Qing, a hypocrite who flaunted love but was only for sexual gratification.

Not only that, she also betrayed her master and master for this hypocrite, and became a despicable villain despised by the world.

Now, when thinking about her future, she sadly discovered that she had no way out at all.

Although the world is big, where is my destination?

Her life is simply a complete joke!

Thinking of this, Xu Mingyu couldn't help but smile bitterly. Laughing and laughing, the bitter smile turned into a big laugh, and the big laugh turned into a crazy laugh. She laughed at herself for not knowing how to judge people, laughing at herself for being ignorant, laughing at herself for listening to one side, and laughing at herself for not being able to see others clearly, and not being able to see herself clearly!

Laughing and laughing, the laughter turned into crying. The low sobbing gradually turned into wailing.

I didn't know how long I cried, when a faint voice suddenly came: "Have you cried enough? If you have, come and have dinner."

Xu Mingyu opened her eyes and found that at some point, the girl had arrived in front of her carrying a pottery bowl. Rice and wild vegetables were served in earthenware bowls, which were extremely simple. But for Xu Mingyu, who had been on the run for many days without eating a grain of rice, he seemed to be particularly appetizing.

Xu Mingyu took the pottery bowl from the girl's hand and was about to say thank you when she saw that the girl had already turned around and left.

For some reason, the girl was clearly cold-spoken and ugly, but he felt a long-lost tenderness from her body.

It's not Chu Qing's gentleness of flirting between the sheets, but the gentleness of truly caring about the other person's body.

Thinking of this, Xu Mingyu felt sourness in her heart again. She picked up the earthenware bowl and ate with big mouthfuls. At the same time, big drops of tears fell into the food, adding a little saltiness to the food that was a little dry due to lack of salt.

The pottery bowl was not big, and Xu Mingyu quickly finished the entire bowl of rice. After a long time, the room door opened again, and the ferocious-looking girl walked in again. She glanced at the empty pottery bowl in Xu Mingyu's hand, smiled faintly, and said, "It seems you still have an appetite! Since you have such an appetite, why are you crying?"

After that, without waiting for Xu Mingyu's reply, the girl left with the pottery bowl.

Looking at the door that was closed again, Xu Mingyu was in a daze.

This trance lasted until night.

When the door was opened again, it was already evening. The ferocious-looking girl walked in again carrying a pottery bowl, but this time there were a few more pieces of meat in the food in the pottery bowl.

The girl handed the pottery bowl to Xu Mingyu, turned around and left without saying a word. Xu Mingyu reacted and quickly shouted: "Wait a minute!"

The girl turned her back to her, without looking back, and said calmly: "Is something wrong?"

Xu Mingyu said cautiously: "Um...I don't know your name yet."

After the girl was silent for a moment, she said calmly: "The name is not important, anyway, you will not remember me after you leave here."

After that, the girl ignored Xu Mingyu and left.

Probably because he vented his anger once, Xu Mingyu's mood became much calmer this time. She slowly finished the food in the earthenware bowl, and then carefully got out of bed.

This time, she felt that her body was much better. Although she could still feel the severe pain from various parts of her body when she moved, it was much better than when she first woke up. At least her basic movements were not affected.

She opened the door and walked out of the cabin. Then, she saw a girl sitting on a big rock, eating dinner slowly.

The girl raised her head and glanced at Xu Mingyu, then lowered her head and continued eating her meal. Xu Mingyu walked over cautiously and asked softly: "Girl, where can I wash this bowl?"

The girl didn't even raise her head, she raised her arm and pointed casually. Xu Mingyu looked in the direction she pointed and saw a rather crude well.

Before becoming the disciple of Murong Pianpian, Xu Mingyu was just an ordinary disciple in Ziqing Holy Land. She usually had to do some miscellaneous tasks, so Xu Mingyu was not considered industrious. She came to the well and fetched a bucket of well water. But in the process of fetching water, the wounds on her body were involved, causing her to break out in cold sweat from the pain. But she didn't even hum. She gritted her teeth and drank the water.

While Xu Mingyu was fetching water, the girl looked at Xu Mingyu quietly, with a hint of amusement in her eyes.

After Xu Mingyu brought up the well water, he began to wash the dishes. After washing the dishes, she started washing again. Xu Mingyu is naturally clean, but due to his escape recently, he has not washed himself for many days and has become unbearable. At this time, there was finally an opportunity, and Xu Mingyu would not let it go.

Not long after, Xu Mingyu finished washing, and her dusty face showed a charming look again. She stood up, feeling extremely sore all over her body. She slowly came to a big stone, sat down, and began to observe the small courtyard.

This courtyard is obviously far away from human habitation, and there are no houses within a few miles of the surrounding area. There are only two cabins in this courtyard, and the cabins are quite crudely built. The cabin she slept in before was a larger cabin. It seemed that the girl must be living in the smaller cabin these days.

At that moment, Xu Mingyu suddenly felt that maybe it would be a good choice to live in such a place for the rest of his life.

At this time, the girl suddenly said: "You don't want to live here forever, do you?"

Xu Mingyu couldn't help but look embarrassed when the girl revealed her thoughts. She smiled bitterly at the girl and said, "I've caused you a lot of trouble these past few days, how dare I have such thoughts?"

The girl looked at Xu Mingyu meaningfully and said faintly: "Who knows! There are a lot of people in this world who push their limits!"

Xu Mingyu looked at the girl in confusion and asked, "Why did the girl say this?"

The girl shrugged and did not answer the question, but asked: "Where are you from?"

After Xu Mingyu hesitated for a moment, he said hesitantly: "Can you not say it?"

The girl raised her eyebrows and said sarcastically: "You said you wanted to thank me in the morning, but why didn't you even say where you came from? Do you not want to say it, or can't you say it?"

Although they had only been together for one day, Xu Mingyu had already noticed that this girl was sharp and merciless in her words. There was a hint of cynicism in her tone, and she seemed to be very distrustful of outsiders.

But she saved herself again, which proves that the girl is still kind-hearted in nature.

After hesitating for a while, Xu Mingyu said, "I... I'm from Ziqing Holy Land."

"Ziqing Holy Land? Is it the super sect second only to Tiangang Sword Sect?"

Xu Mingyu nodded silently.

The girl suddenly laughed: "I didn't expect that the person I rescued was actually a disciple of a super sect. And just looking at your clothes, I'm afraid your status in Ziqing Holy Land is not low, right? If I send you back to Ziqing Holy Land, will they reward me with a lot of spirit stones?"

Xu Mingyu smiled bitterly and said, "I think so!"

But it should be a reward, not a thank you.

The current Ziqing Holy Land is most likely occupied by Tiangang Sword Sect, waiting for the long-missing Tang Fei to return to Ziqing Holy Land and regroup. If she goes back now, her previous acts of betraying her teacher and ancestors will be enough to crush her to ashes.

Not even a complete corpse will be left.

The girl saw the bitterness in Xu Mingyu's expression and asked curiously: "Why do you look like you don't want to go back to Ziqing Holy Land? Did you break up with your sect?"

Xu Mingyu sighed in his heart. It's more than just a breakup, right?

Xu Mingyu shook her head and didn't answer. Instead, she turned her head and said to the girl: "Sister, no matter what, you saved my life. I can't repay your kindness. If you need any help from me, I will definitely not refuse."

The girl was silent when she heard it. After a while, she suddenly sneered and said, "What can you do to help me? No one in this world can help me!"

After that, the girl stood up and walked into the smaller wooden house in Xu Mingyu's stunned eyes.

Looking at the closed door of the small wooden house, Xu Mingyu seemed to see the girl's closed heart.

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