After asking passers-by, the girl and Xu Mingyu soon found Linglong Pavilion. The two walked into Linglong Pavilion and saw the shopkeeper. Xu Mingyu stepped forward and said politely: "Excuse me, shopkeeper, can you buy rare medicinal herbs here?"

The shopkeeper immediately understood that this was a business, and hurriedly said: "Yes. Do you two girls have medicinal herbs to sell?"

Xu Mingyu did not answer, but turned his eyes to the girl. The girl silently took off the backpack, and then carefully took out a small flower pot. Tianshui Youlan grass was planted in this flower pot.

The shopkeeper's eyes widened immediately when he saw Tianshui Youlan grass. He took the flower pot from the girl, looked at it carefully for a long time, and then asked in an uncertain tone: "Excuse me, two girls, is this Tianshui Youlan grass?"

The girl nodded silently.

The shopkeeper's face suddenly showed joy.

After the establishment of Wuling City, it purchased a large number of herbs from outside, the rarer the better. As a subordinate chamber of commerce of Yunjian Pavilion, Linglong Pavilion naturally received requests to purchase herbs for Wuling City. However, the reason why rare herbs are called "rare" is because they are too rare. Since the shopkeeper took charge of Linglong Pavilion, he has never purchased herbs that meet the requirements of Wuling City.

But this time, the shopkeeper was obviously lucky.

After thinking for a while, the shopkeeper said: "I won't hide it from the two girls. This Tianshui Youlan grass is of excellent quality and can be called top-grade. My Linglong Pavilion is willing to purchase it for 30,000 spirit stones. I wonder what the two girls think?"

Hearing this price, the two girls were slightly surprised.

Xu Mingyu was okay, after all, she was born in Ziqing Holy Land. Although she had never seen Tianshui Youlan grass, she had seen many herbs that were slightly inferior to Tianshui Youlan grass. Although she was surprised at the price, it was not too unexpected. The girl, on the other hand, originally thought that she would sell it for a few thousand spirit stones at most, but unexpectedly, it was as much as 30,000.

In the girl's impression, she had never seen three thousand spirit stones, let alone thirty thousand.

After a brief surprise, the girl nodded silently.

The shopkeeper was immediately delighted, and immediately took out a beautifully shaped spirit stone ticket from under the counter and handed it to the girl, smiling: "This is my Linglong Pavilion's spirit stone ticket. The two girls can use this ticket to withdraw thirty thousand spirit stones from any Linglong Pavilion."

Thirty thousand spirit stones are a lot of money. If they are taken out, they can be piled up more than one meter high. Such a large amount of spirit stone transactions are usually traded with spirit stone tickets.

Of course, it is not impossible to give spirit stones directly. After all, this is Linglong Pavilion, which is also a place where thirty thousand spirit stones can be withdrawn.

After thinking about it, the girl said: "Help to exchange one thousand spirit stones, and the rest will be exchanged for spirit stone tickets."

"Then I wonder if the girl has a storage ring?"

"This..." The girl looked embarrassed. She really didn't have a storage ring.

Seeing this, Xu Mingyu took out a storage ring and handed it to the girl, saying, "I have one here, just use mine!"

Seeing the girl's hesitation, Xu Mingyu said, "You saved my life, so it's nothing for me to give you a storage ring."

The girl no longer hesitated and took the storage ring from Xu Mingyu, and said to the shopkeeper, "Use this storage ring!"

Not long after, the shopkeeper exchanged the 30,000-yuan spiritual stone ticket for 1,000 spiritual stones, nine 1,000-yuan spiritual stone tickets, and two 20,000-yuan spiritual stone tickets, and put them in the storage ring that Xu Mingyu gave to the girl. After the girl took the storage ring, she left with Xu Mingyu.

After the two women left, the shopkeeper couldn't wait to take the Tianshui Youlan grass to Feng Shao to ask for credit.

It happened that Feng Shao had just finished reading the intelligence and came out. Before he entered the outer hall, he saw the shopkeeper walking over with a happy expression on his face. As soon as the shopkeeper saw Feng Shao, he immediately smiled and said, "Sir, I am so happy! Just now, thanks to your great blessing, I received a piece of Tianshui Youlan Grass. Please take a look!"

Feng Shao's eyes lit up and he quickly took the Tianshui Youlan Grass from the shopkeeper. After carefully examining it for a while, Feng Shao nodded with satisfaction and said, "It is really Tianshui Youlan Grass! This Tianshui Youlan Grass is extremely rare. I have been collecting herbs for so long, but I have never received a single one. This time, it is really thanks to you!"

The shopkeeper smiled. Everyone in Yunjian Pavilion knew that it was better to please Xiao Ruoyao than to please Lin Fengtian; it was better to please Lin Xiaoran than to please Xiao Ruoyao; it was better to please Feng Shao than to please Lin Xiaoran. As long as Feng Shao said a few good words in front of Lin Fengtian and Xiao Ruoyao, wouldn't his status rise sharply?

Feng Shao then casually asked: "By the way, who found this Tianshui Youlan grass?"

The shopkeeper reacted and said quickly: "Reporting to the son-in-law, it was found by two masked women. One of them wore a black veil and the other wore a white veil."

Hearing this, Feng Shao's heart moved.

Tianshui Youlan grass is not so easy to find. Generally, such rare herbs are prepared for the sons or daughters of luck. Lin Xiaoran may have a chance to find it by luck, but if Feng Shao wants to find it, he has to rely on Tianhua Jade Slip.

Thinking of this, Feng Shao asked: "Where did the two women go?"

"To the east city gate."

Feng Shao nodded, took out a spirit stone ticket and handed it to the shopkeeper: "This is a 50,000 spirit stone ticket, which will be used as the purchase reward."

The shopkeeper said quickly: "Sister, you can't do it! I only spent 30,000 spirit stones!"

The shopkeeper was very smart and knew that Feng Shao should not take advantage of him. But Feng Shao forced it on him and said, "You can keep it if I tell you to! You have helped me so much, you can't just leave it without any reward."

Then, without waiting for the shopkeeper to speak, Feng Shao hurriedly left Linglong Pavilion with the Tianshui Youlan Grass.

After walking a few hundred meters towards the east city gate, Feng Shao saw the two girls the shopkeeper mentioned from a distance. He secretly activated the Tianhua Jade Slip and immediately saw the clouds of luck above their heads.

The one wearing a white veil had light red luck, and the one wearing a black veil had dark purple luck.

Feng Shao was shocked.

It's not that I haven't seen dark purple luck before, but this color of luck usually only appears on the son of luck. In Feng Shao's impression, it seems that only Dai Zhixin is a woman with dark purple luck.

Another female protagonist?

Although the male and female protagonists are both girls of luck, their luck is obviously different. The male protagonist is a harem prepared for the son of luck. She is naturally suppressed by the luck of the son of luck, so her upper limit is not high, at most it is deep red. The female protagonist is a real protagonist, with luck that is not inferior to that of the son of luck, so the lowest level of luck is also purple.

There is no doubt that this girl with a black veil is such a girl of luck.

This made Feng Shao's heart surge with curiosity. He really wanted to know what type of female protagonist he met this time.

At that moment, he followed the two women quietly.

After observing for a while, Feng Shao inexplicably felt that the back of the girl with a black veil looked a little familiar. But he racked his brains for a long time and couldn't remember who this girl was.

Xu Mingyu and the girl had not yet noticed that someone was following them. They were busy with large purchases at this time, and the items purchased were mainly some common herbs and food, as well as some talismans. It took them a whole afternoon to make this purchase, and the space in the storage ring was almost full. The total cost of these things was less than 100 spirit stones.

Seeing that they had almost finished buying, the two women left the city and prepared to go back.

But just when Xu Mingyu was about to fly on the sword, the girl suddenly turned around and shouted behind her: "Who is it? Come out!"

Xu Mingyu was startled and quickly took the sword in his hand, looking behind him with a vigilant face.

A moment later, Feng Shao came out and smiled at the girl: "Girl, you have such a keen sense of perception, and you actually found it like this!"

The moment the girl saw Feng Shao, a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes. For some reason, she actually felt a sense of intimacy and familiarity from Feng Shao, as if the other party was someone she trusted very much.

But the girl immediately shook her head, threw this feeling out of her mind, and then said to Feng Shao coldly: "What are you doing behind us?"

Feng Shao looked into the girl's eyes, hesitated for a while, and then said: "For some reason, I feel that the girl looks familiar, but I can't remember who she is for a while. I wonder if the girl can take off her veil and let me take a look?"

The girl's face suddenly sank.

The scars all over her face are the biggest pain in her heart. In order to cover up this pain, she had to cover her veil. But this guy is so ignorant that he actually wants to take off the veil himself?

She immediately said angrily: "If you want me to take off the veil, then do it with your ability!"

After that, the girl rushed towards Feng Shao with a long sword in hand.

Feng Shao didn't expect that such a simple request would actually attract such a strong killing intention from the other party, and he was also very surprised for a while. But then after seeing the girl's long sword and sword moves, Feng Shao's face suddenly changed.

It was said late, and it was fast. But in an instant, the girl's long sword had arrived in front of Feng Shao. The girl raised her hand, and a sword light slashed down like a fairy from the sky, rushing straight to Feng Shao's chest!

Feng Shao's face was as gloomy as water, and he drew his sword. He raised his long sword, and the tip of the sword accurately hit the sword light. Then, under the traction of the Golden Crow Sword, the sword light drew a circle in the air, and then was thrown back by Feng Shao's sword!

Seeing Feng Shao's sword moves, the girl couldn't help but open her eyes wide.

The sword light flew far away, and Feng Shao and the girl had no intention of taking action at this time.

Feng Shao stared at the girl and said word by word: "Where did you learn this Liuhuo Sword Art? Why is this Qingying Sword in your hand?"

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