The tragic defeat of Chongyang Sword Sect and Xuanlei Sect soon spread throughout the entire North Continent. Before long, the entire Upper Domain knew about it.

Most people were not surprised by this result. After all, the strength of Tiangang Sword Sect was there. Even if Chongyang Sword Sect and Xuanlei Sect joined together, they might not be able to defeat Tiangang Sword Sect.

What surprised them was how Tiangang Sword Sect managed to achieve such a small loss while winning a great victory?

Not long after, an "informed person" revealed that Tiangang Sword Sect used special weapons from Wuling City.

Many people were skeptical about this. After all, weapons, in the minds of cultivators, are nothing more than swords, spears, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks. In addition to the conventional eighteen kinds of weapons, there are also many strange weapons. There is nothing that a weapon refiner can't make, except what you can't think of. But no matter how strange it is, they can't imagine what kind of weapon can have the effect of directly changing the outcome of a war?

But the "informed person" described the weapon style and the killing effect after use vividly. Although there are still many people who doubt it, there are more people who believe it.

So some people began to try to contact Wuling City. Comrade Bai Shuanghua, the "diplomatic spokesperson" of Wuling City, said openly that the weapons used by the Tiangang Sword Sect were indeed produced in Wuling City. Moreover, the threshold for using such weapons is not high, and even if you don't have any cultivation, you can use it. But it can have a great killing power on cultivators!

Until this time, the world knew that the one-sided battle at the foot of Ziqing Mountain was actually true.

Many sects and forces have shown a strong interest in the specialty weapons of Wuling City and proposed to buy them. However, Bai Shuanghua smiled and said that the sale of weapons involves the fundamental interests of Wuling City, so this matter must be decided by the city lord himself.

Bai Shuanghua's words conveyed a very important message to the world:

Don't! Don't! Don't offend Wuling City!

If Wuling City is offended, there will be many sects and forces that will do it for Wuling City without even Wuling City taking action directly!

Even if no sect or force is willing to do it for Wuling City, Wuling City can sell weapons to the enemy of the enemy and let them do it for themselves!

Originally, in the eyes of the world, Wuling City, which was only developed by clinging to Yunjian Pavilion, has become a force that the world dares not provoke in the blink of an eye!

As the world's perception of Wuling City changes, the situation in Beizhou and Dongzhou has also changed dramatically.

The families that originally gathered under the command of Chongyang Sword Sect and Xuanlei Sect were shaken because of the tragic defeat of the two major sects. After learning that Wuling City's specialty weapons have such a powerful killing effect, they were afraid. What they are thinking about now is no longer how to follow Chongyang Sword Sect and Xuanlei Sect to attack cities and seize land, and snatch precious wealth and resources from other families, but how to avoid being liquidated by Tiangang Sword Sect and Wuling City!

At that moment, many noble families immediately announced their withdrawal from the Chongyang Sword Sect and the Xuanlei Sect. However, these noble families basically joined this interest group in the later period and did not participate in the battle to attack the Ziqing Holy Land.

And those noble families who participated in this war faced a dilemma.

Ziqing Holy Land is a staunch ally of the Tiangang Sword Sect. The two major sects have been helping each other and have been in the same spirit for thousands of years. This time, the Tiangang Sword Sect is under the banner of revenge for the Ziqing Holy Land, so it is impossible to let them go easily. Even if they want to kneel down and beg for mercy, the Tiangang Sword Sect may not be willing to let them go.

For now, there is only one way for them to escape this crisis, that is, to actively compensate.

But this compensation is destined to be a large number.

They began to regret that they had bet on the wrong treasure and that they were blinded by interests. But now it is difficult to get off the tiger, no matter how much they regret, they can only accept this result.

So some noble families began to secretly send people to contact the Tiangang Sword Sect, and euphemistically expressed their willingness to compensate for the losses of the Ziqing Holy Land. In response to the "sincerity" shown by these noble families, the Tiangang Sword Sect directly stated that they were not qualified to make decisions for the Ziqing Holy Land. If they want to apologize and compensate, they should go to the Ziqing Holy Lord Tang Fei.

So the question is: where is Tang Fei now?

In fact, Tang Fei's injuries had almost healed long before the Tiangang Sword Sect attacked the Chongyang Xuanlei Sect. Although he has not yet returned to his peak state, he is almost there. After learning about this, Feng Shao talked to Tang Fei through the sound transmission note. The two talked for a long time at a distance of tens of thousands of miles, and finally determined the basic policy of restoring the Ziqing Holy Land.

Today, the strength of the Ziqing Holy Land has dropped to the bottom, and the disciples under the sect have also suffered heavy losses. A large number of talented disciples died in the war, which made it difficult for the Ziqing Holy Land to return to its previous peak state even if it was restored.

Tiangang Sword Sect can temporarily protect Ziqing Holy Land, but this is not a long-term solution. Due to the dignity of a super sect, Ziqing Holy Land cannot accept the protection of Tiangang Sword Sect for a long time.

In order to restore strength as soon as possible, Feng Shao proposed reform suggestions to Tang Fei.

Sects are essentially places where cultivators are taught to practice Taoism. If you make a comparison, sects are actually similar to academies. Moreover, for disciples, the academy has a stronger sense of belonging, which is their other home, so sects still have many advantages compared to academies.

However, the selection process of disciples is still too traditional and narrow, even for super sects like Ziqing Holy Land.

So Feng Shao introduced the selection mechanism of Wuling City Xiuzhen Academy to Tang Fei in detail.

When Wuling City was first built, its influence was not strong, and the first students recruited by Xiuzhen Academy were children from poor families who could not even afford the tuition. But their qualifications were not much different from those of the direct disciples and inner disciples of those super sects. Now the reputation of Xiuzhen Academy is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more students come here to admire its reputation. The reason is that Wuling City has made major reforms in the practice of cultivation.

This reform is the national Qi training system that is modeled after the compulsory education in the world.

In the eyes of the secular people in the upper domain, cultivation is still very high-end. Most civilians can only look up to those immortals who fly into the sky, move mountains and fill the sea, but they have no chance to embark on this path. It is not that the sects and forces do not give them this opportunity, but the ignorance that exists in the hearts of the people makes them not know how to find this opportunity.

After all, the cultural quality of secular people is generally not high, and we really can't expect them to have a deep understanding of this world, even if they have lived in this world for decades.

If there is a chance, secular people also want to cultivate immortals. And the sects also want to recruit more disciples with good qualifications.

Wuling City's national Qi training system is actually a trial plan for compulsory education in the cultivation version, and the cost is lower. Now that the Xiuzhen Academy has gradually got on track, Feng Shao is also planning to make a detailed plan for the national Qi training system.

For example, build a cultivation school in the surrounding villages and towns to teach young children to practice Qi. As for the lecturers, Feng Shao has already thought about it and will find them directly from the students of the Xiuzhen Academy. As for the remuneration, just give a few credits...

The set of contemporary universities has been played by him.

With Wuling City Xiuzhen Academy as the core, radiate its influence to the surrounding areas, and drive millions of civilians in the surrounding areas to achieve national Qi training. This goal is still a bit far away in the short term, but as long as you keep persisting, it will be realized sooner or later.

Compared with Wuling City, Ziqing Holy Land is uniquely endowed.

First of all, Ziqing Holy Land has a long history and a wide range of influence. It is the first choice in the minds of all cultivators within a radius of thousands of miles. If there is a chance, no one will give up the possibility of worshipping in Ziqing Holy Land.

Secondly, there are many disciples in Ziqing Holy Land. Although the strength of Ziqing Holy Land, which has experienced two civil wars, has been greatly reduced, it is still far stronger than the general first-class sects. With so many disciples, it is fully capable of supporting the massive national Qi training system. Even Ziqing Holy Land can go a step further and directly set up cultivation schools in the surrounding big cities, omitting the step of popularizing Qi training knowledge in Wuling City.

Then, there is the exchange student policy. The exchange student system of Wuling City Cultivation Academy has been gradually launched, and the influence of the Cultivation Academy has gradually radiated to all parts of Dongzhou. But in Beizhou, the Cultivation Academy has not had much influence. Feng Shao took this opportunity to let the students of the Cultivation Academy go further and expand the influence of the Cultivation Academy.

Finally, it is the exchange of resources. Originally, Wuling City and Ziqing Holy Land had a long-term cooperative relationship, and Feng Shao decided to use this opportunity to make the cooperation between the two sides closer. Ziqing Holy Land needs Wuling City's specialty weapons for self-protection, and Wuling City also needs Ziqing Holy Land's specialty resources for development. The two sides can achieve a win-win situation by exchanging what they have.

Tang Fei has long known that Feng Shao has a lot of ghost ideas in his mind. Many of his ghost ideas sound a bit shocking, but it must be said that the final effect of implementation is indeed good. After all, Tang Fei is still young, and the fighting spirit in his blood has not disappeared. He also wants to make a big reform to Ziqing Holy Land to make Ziqing Holy Land's strength go to a higher level.

However, Tang Fei still has some concerns about Feng Shao's national Qi training system, and can't help but put forward his own ideas: "If everyone can practice Qi, wouldn't it also give those with bad intentions the opportunity to practice?"

If the intention is not right, the stronger the ability, the greater the harm, which is a truth known to the world.

In response, Feng Shao chuckled and said, "But even if we follow your traditional thinking, can we eliminate those with bad intentions?"

Tang Fei was silent when he heard this. Although Feng Shao didn't say it, he knew that Feng Shao was talking about people like Chu Qing.

Feng Shao reminded: "The reason why they have bad intentions is that they are rotten from the root, so the best way is to correct them when they just go astray. The national Qi training system also exists for this purpose. The cultivation school should not only teach the introductory knowledge of cultivation, but the most important thing is to guide students to be kind to others. So I think that the establishment of the cultivation school can more effectively reduce the appearance of people like Chu Qing."

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