Ye Chen ran towards the little girl and boy without thinking. The shopkeeper hurriedly caught up and slapped Ye Chen hard on the back with an iron ruler. If Ye Chen wants to hold the little girl hostage, then this iron ruler can kill him in half the moment he holds the little girl hostage!

However, Ye Chen seemed to have anticipated this move. When he rushed in front of the little girl, he grabbed the little girl and threw her towards the shopkeeper without looking back!

Ye Chen used great force, and the shopkeeper knew as soon as he saw it that if he didn't take over the little girl, the little girl would definitely be beaten to death. The shopkeeper had no choice but to put away the iron ruler and catch the little girl.

Being blocked by Ye Chen, the shopkeeper had no time to catch up with Ye Chen. Ye Chen, on the other hand, took advantage of this opportunity and rushed in front of the little boy. The little boy's eyes blurred, and his body became lighter as he was caught unceremoniously by Ye Chen.

The shopkeeper said angrily: "As a disciple of Taiwei Sect, aren't you ashamed to use such despicable methods?"

Ye Chen sneered: "Winning king and losing gangster, what do you care about my methods?"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Chen waved his hand and threw the little boy towards the shopkeeper again. The shopkeeper quickly reached out to catch the little boy, but the moment he caught the little boy, he felt severe pain in his chest. He looked down in disbelief and saw a blood-red sword tip penetrated the little boy's body and inserted straight into his chest.

"Despicable!" the shopkeeper cursed through gritted teeth.

Ye Chen laughed "haha": "A soldier never tires of deceit. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for being too kind and soft-hearted!"

Ye Chen has always believed that "those who achieve great things will do whatever it takes", treating two children as tools is nothing to him. On the contrary, he felt that a person like the shopkeeper who actually ignored his own safety in order to save others was extremely stupid, and he despised him in his heart.

At this time, the shopkeeper felt that all his essence and blood were flowing away along the blade of the blood-red sword. It was obvious that the sword was sucking his essence and blood. Ye Chen absorbed the shopkeeper's essence and blood through the Blood Refining Sword, and felt extremely comfortable all over his body, and even his cultivation level improved a little due to this.

He felt the pleasure brought by absorbing the essence and blood, and an abnormal blush appeared on his face. He looked at the shopkeeper with a grin and said, "Old guy, don't you have anything to say before you die?"

The shopkeeper gasped and whispered: "These two children are innocent, please let them go!"

Ye Chen glanced at the little boy who was already furious, and then at the little girl who was staring blankly at the scene in front of her, unable to recover for a long time. He shook his head and said, "That's not okay! They all know me. Who is it, so we can’t leave them alone!”

The shopkeeper said angrily: "They are just children and cannot threaten you at all. Why do you have to kill them all?"

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Because 'to cut the grass, you must remove the roots'!"

After saying that, Ye Chen suddenly increased the speed of the blood-refined sword sucking blood essence. The shopkeeper screamed, and his whole body suddenly shriveled up like a deflated balloon. Seeing that he was about to die, he stretched out a finger, stared at Ye Chen with eyes full of hatred, and hissed: "You... you will not end well!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the shopkeeper fell to the ground as weakly as a dry branch, and made no sound again.

The little boy in his arms was also silent at this time. The blood-refined sword's ability to absorb essence and blood cannot even be resisted by a monk like him who is in the golden elixir realm, and the little boy is even more unable to withstand it.

The little girl looked at the scene in front of her, her eyes filled with disbelief. She murmured: "Xiaobao, the shopkeeper..."

Ye Chen pulled out the sword and let the shopkeeper and the little boy fall to the ground. He slowly walked towards the little girl, with a trace of regret in his eyes: "It's such a pity, you little girl seems pretty good-looking, and she might grow into a beautiful woman in the future. But now, I can only do it first. Please get on your way. Don’t blame me, I was forced to do so!”

With that said, Ye Chen raised his blood-refined sword high and swung it down towards the little girl.

Seeing that the little girl was about to be killed by Ye Chen's sword, an angry shout suddenly came from the sky: "Stop!"

Ye Chen was shocked and flew back without thinking. The next moment, a sword energy descended from the sky and struck the spot where Ye Chen was just now.

Ye Chen looked at the sky with an ugly face, only to see Feng Shaozheng looking at him with a murderous look on his face.

Although Feng Shao knew that Ye Chen behaved erratically and would retaliate, he did not expect that he would actually attack civilians.

He glanced at the shopkeeper and the little boy who had made no sound, and then at the little girl who was dumbfounded and had not yet reacted to the sudden change. Feng Shao narrowed his eyes slightly and held the sword in his hand. Got to be even tighter. He looked at Ye Chen coldly and said in a cold voice: "Ye Chen, you not only attacked your fellow sect members, but also killed innocent people indiscriminately. You have violated the rules of this sect and committed a heinous crime. Today, in the name of the sect's holy son, I will , I will punish you!"

Ye Chen looked at Feng Shao and gritted his teeth: "Feng Shao, stop pretending to be a good person here! This world is originally about the jungle and the strong! I just killed a few ants, why do you have to fight with me?"

"Ant?" Feng Shao was extremely angry. "You say others are ants, but have you ever thought that you are also an ant in the eyes of others? Since you think killing one or two civilians is nothing, then is it me? Shouldn’t you be able to argue with me if I kill you now?”

Ye Chen couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Are you really going to kill me?"

"You are a person who cares so little about human life. If I don't kill you, are you still going to cause trouble in the world?!"

Feng Shao shouted angrily, transformed into a meteor, and struck Ye Chen fiercely with his sword!

Feng Shao, in a rage, had already used all his strength. Ye Chen only felt his eyes flash, and the shining silver sword came across the sky. Ye Chen was horrified and quickly swung his sword to block. The next moment, there was a "dang" sound, and Ye Chen felt as if his chest had been hit hard, and his whole body was blown away by Feng Shao's sword.

Before Ye Chen, who was in mid-air, could adjust, Feng Shao rushed forward again, swung his long sword, and the sharp sword energy flew towards Ye Chen. Ye Chen tried his best to swing his sword, but he only blocked more than half of it, and the remaining half of the sword energy actually hit him.

As Ye Chen let out a scream, sword energy passed by Ye Chen's side, bringing up streams of blood.

After just one encounter, Ye Chen was beaten miserably by Feng Shao. He never thought that Feng Shao, who had always been so kind and good-looking, could be so terrifying when he got angry! This made Ye Chen, who had always been confident and arrogant, involuntarily feel a little timid in his heart.

But at the next moment, he gritted his teeth, and an unwillingness to admit defeat arose in his heart.

Why! Why can Feng Shao be so strong? I, Ye Chen, am no worse than him! He has practiced for thirty years and has yet to reach the realm of golden elixir. Am I worse than such a waste?

Seeing Feng Shao walking slowly like a judge from hell, Ye Chen managed to hold himself up and roared at Feng Shao: "Why are you forcing me like this?! I just want to kill someone, and you actually want to kill him?" Me?! People like you just don’t like me! I was forced to do this!”

Feng Shao's eyes were cold and cold, and he said solemnly: "My intentions are not right, but I blame others. Ye Chen, Ye Chen, people like you, no matter how hard you practice, you can't achieve righteousness!"

Ye Chen said angrily: "I don't need people like you to decide my fate! My fate is up to me and not God!"

After saying that, Ye Chen suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood on the blood-refined sword. The originally dim blood-refined sword suddenly released a coquettish red light, making Ye Chen's twisted and ferocious face look eerie and eerie.

Ye Chen said gloomily: "Feng Shao, don't you think you are better than me? I see how you can still fight with me now!"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Chen swung his sword up, and the alluring red sword passed through a bright red spot in mid-air, slashing diagonally towards Feng Shao. Feng Shao looked at Ye Chen and said lightly: "Ye Chen, you are possessed!"

"That was also forced by you!"

Amidst Ye Chen's roar, the alluring red sword light snaked towards him. Feng Shao, on the other hand, put the long sword at his side, and when the light of the sword was about to fall, he suddenly swung the sword out!

Xiaoyao's Thirty-Six Sword Techniques·Fuyao!

Fuyao Sword Art is different from other sword art. Other sword techniques have dozens of moves at most, or at least three or five moves, but this Fuyao sword technique only has one move. Regardless of whether this move is chopping or slashing, stabbing or cutting, in short, it is just one move. If you gather your true energy and concentrate on this blow, you can exert strength far beyond your own realm!

The roc rises with the wind in one day and soars up to 90,000 miles!

A swift silver sword light shot out of his hand and collided with the red sword light. After a loud noise, the red sword light was split by a sword, and the silver sword light continued its momentum. After breaking the red sword light, it flew straight towards Ye Chen's neck!

Seeing that Ye Chen was about to be killed with a sword, however, at this moment, a figure suddenly stood in front of Ye Chen, blocking the sword light with a horizontal sword. There was just a loud bang, and the figure and Ye Chen were blown away dozens of meters away, which shows how powerful this sword light is.

But this fatal blow was blocked.

Feng Shao looked at the old man who was waiting with his sword across his chest, and asked coldly: "Uncle Master, what is the purpose of this move?"

The old man wanted to question Feng Shao first, but unexpectedly, Feng Shao spoke first, and he couldn't help being stunned. But then, he turned around and said angrily: "You are so vicious, you actually attack a fellow disciple without permission! I have to clean up the house today!"

Feng Shao squinted at the old man and sneered: "Is there something you don't understand?"

The old man couldn't help but ask: "What do you mean?"

Feng Shao sneered and said: "In the past, the Taiwei Sect declined, and the disciples left one after another, and you, the old man, were just one of them. You, a traitor who has been away from the sect for countless years, have what qualifications do you have to rely on your old age here? I Because you are older, I don’t want to argue with you. I respect you as an elder, but what do you mean to me?”

This old man only believed in others. Feng Shao had completely lost his intention to communicate with this old man, so he just decided to break up with him here!

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