After saying the name that had been circulated for thousands of years, Chu Qing waited for the other party's answer in fear, like a prisoner waiting for trial.

The voice laughed again, but this time the laughter was much louder than before.

"Sure enough, sure enough! In this world, there are still many people who remember me! Hahahahaha!"

When Chu Qing heard this, he realized that he had guessed correctly, and he couldn't help but feel relieved. Then, the ambition buried deep in his heart was awakened by this name.

Blood Wing, the number one master of the Demonic Way in the past, was a powerful being who could rival Fenghuang Ji Wuya. If he could obtain his inheritance, wouldn't it be easy for him to rise?

Chu Qing's heart was beating fast, and her eyes looking at the skeleton were full of eagerness.

After Xueyi laughed for a while, he sighed again and said: "But even if the world still remembers my name, so what? I have been incarnation for so many years, and now I am just a candle in the wind, a wisp of a lonely soul! "

Hearing this, Chu Qing boldly said: "But the great achievements of the predecessors who killed all the people in the past are still widely circulated in the world. Wouldn't it be a pity if the predecessors just disappeared in obscurity?"

Xueyi was not a fool. He immediately understood what Chu Qing meant and said with a smile: "You are really cunning. Don't you just want to gain my inheritance by saying this?"

Seeing that his plan was noticed by the other party, Chu Qing simply stopped pretending and said openly: "Senior was so domineering in the past, and I have admired him for a long time. I only regret that I was born too late and could not see my senior. This heroic appearance is truly a regret in my life. If the seniors don’t think the juniors are dull and gift them with inheritance, the juniors will definitely continue the glory of the seniors and spread their fame far and wide!”

Blood Wing chuckled and said: "You have a good plan. Not only do you want my inheritance, but you also want me to accept your love. Do you think I will be fooled by you?"

Chu Qing smiled "hehe" and said: "This junior is thinking about the senior, and I don't want the reputation of the senior to be buried. Of course, the junior also has a little selfishness in his heart, but the senior is magnanimous, so he probably won't care."

Xueyi smiled and said: "I never expected that after thousands of years, I would meet such a shameless person again. Boy, let me ask you, do you know where the skills I practice come from?"

Chu Qing answered honestly: "I don't know, this junior."

"My technique is actually a demonic technique left in this world during the ancient war between immortals and demons. This technique is not suitable for people in this world to practice. I got it by chance. After thinking hard for many years, I finally succeeded. Change it into a method suitable for people in this world. But in the final analysis, this method is still a demonic method. I can see that you are a disciple of the Ziqing Sect, but you are here to practice it. Wouldn’t it feel awkward if you practice my magic technique?”

In Bloodwing's time, the Purple Purity Holy Land was still the Purple Purity Sect, and its scale was far less than it is today. However, although the name of Ziqing Holy Land has changed, the technique has not. Therefore, Xueyi only had a slight detection of Chu Qing's aura to know which sect he came from.

When Chu Qing heard this, he said righteously: "Junior people believe that there is no distinction between good and evil in this world's martial arts. People in the world are ignorant, and their expressions change when they hear the devil. It is only when they are far-fetched that the demonic arts are prejudiced. The juniors are not talented, but I am willing to rectify the names of the seniors!”

Chu Qing originally thought that his words would be appreciated by Xueyi, but unexpectedly Xueyi sneered, with obvious ridicule in the laughter.

I heard Xueyi sneer: "You are not only thick-skinned, but also shameless. This technique was created by me, and no one knows the pros and cons better than me. The reason why the devil's path is called the devil's path has its own reason. What? There is no distinction between good and evil in Kung Fu? It’s all bullshit!”

Chu Qing's face turned red when Xueyi said that, and he couldn't help but defend: "Any martial arts, if used for good, it will be good, and if used for evil, it will be evil. If I wholeheartedly do good, even demonic techniques can be used Come and benefit the world! I’m sorry that the younger generation cannot agree with the senior’s opinion!”

Xueyi sneered: "What a high-sounding speech, but it really sounds like the righteous hypocrite I have seen! I didn't expect that you would train your mind to be so hypocritical at such a young age. Given time, I'm afraid even your master will It’s your way!”

Chu Qing's face looked a little ugly.

"What? Do you think what I said is wrong?"

Chu Qing snorted coldly: "Senior is a master and a powerful man, so whatever he says is correct."

"Ha, seeing what you mean, you're still not convinced?"

Chu Qing didn't answer in silence.

But Blood Wing smiled and said: "Okay, didn't you kid say that the magic technique is good if it is good? Then let me ask you, if you practice this technique, you need to sacrifice hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands. Only when people achieve great things, do you still think that there is no distinction between good and evil in this technique?"

After Chu Qing pondered for a moment, he said: "There are many sinners in this world. If you can sacrifice sinners to practice your skills, it is not considered evil, but a great good."

"There are only two types of people who can say such things. One is too naive, and the other is too hypocritical. I don't think you seem to be that naive person, then you can only be too hypocritical." Bloodwing said unceremoniously.

"What kind of people are considered good people in this world? What kind of people are considered evil people? Some people kill people and set fires in their early years, but in their later years they start to accumulate virtue and do good deeds. Such people are considered good and evil? Some people tolerate the world with great love, but because of How can a person who does bad things with good intentions be considered good? Or a person who starves to death to protect a little rabbit? Who can judge what is good and evil in the world? Right or wrong? Who can judge good and evil?”

Chu Qing frowned, and after a while he said, "Then killing innocent people indiscriminately should be considered evil, right?"

Blood Wing smiled and said: "That's right. Killing innocent people indiscriminately is a bad person. But what about you? Don't you have innocent people's lives on your hands? What qualifications do you have to judge others? In fact, you are just the same type. It’s just a human being!”

Chu Qing blushed at the words. Although he often whitewashes his actions, he also knows that many of the things he does are far from good. Since his own hands are not clean, how can he judge others?

Seeing that Chu Qing didn't speak for a long time, Xueyi smiled and said, "Are you unable to refute? Let me just say, a hypocritical person like you must have the blood of innocent people on his hands."

Chu Qing was called "hypocritical" by Xueyi again and again, and she felt a little annoyed. He said displeasedly: "Is the senior a good person?"

Bloodwing smiled and said: "When did I say that I am a good person? I am clearly a complete villain!"

Chu Qing was immediately speechless.

Just listen to Xueyi continue to say: "Since you are a villain, then don't always think about whitewashing yourself. How about being your villain openly? Don't find any reasons to explain why you do evil, let alone talk about your evil with others. How innocent you are. If you do evil, it only proves that your heart is dirty. No excuse can change this. Do you know what you just said? In mortal terms, it’s like ‘being a bitch and building a memorial arch’.”

Chu Qing was speechless.

"Boy, from the moment you came in, I could see that you were depressed in your heart and your blood was not flowing smoothly. Why is this happening? It's because you are doing evil, but you are not doing it thoroughly! You are obviously doing evil, but you are not doing it completely. If you always think that you are a good person but your words and deeds are not consistent, it is inevitable that you will feel guilty and frustrated. If you cannot understand this, you will not be able to achieve results even if I give you the exercises!"

Xueyi's words were like a wake-up call, and Chu Qing was dumbfounded.

"I would rather my successor be a real villain than a hypocrite. Boy, have you thought about the path you want to take in the future?"

Chu Qing stood there blankly, with Xue Yi's words constantly echoing in his heart.

Yes, he betrayed his master, deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors, killed innocent people indiscriminately, harmed his brother, took advantage of his relatives and friends, was lustful and evil... These things happened one after another, what is a good person supposed to do? He is clearly a villain, but he is always obsessed with his reputation and wants to whitewash himself.

However, once a bad thing has been done, it has been done, and no matter how you clean it up, it cannot change its essence. How much of what he keeps accusing others is actually what he is doing and has done?

Since you are already a villain, why bother trying to clear your name?

It's better to be a villain openly!

When Chu Qing was confused, he didn't realize that layers of black energy were rising from his body. This black energy is none other than the demonic energy that is forbidden by the right path!

As the demonic energy became thicker, the energy and blood in Chu Qing's body also ran more smoothly. The resentment that was originally pent up in my heart is being dissipated bit by bit.

Blood Wing looked at Chu Qing and smiled with satisfaction.

The reason why he attracted Chu Qing here was because Chu Qing's character was actually very consistent with his technique. It's just that Chu Qing is too hypocritical. If you can't remove the veil of hypocrisy, even if you teach him the skills, he will not be able to go far.

So the first thing he has to do is to make Chu Qing admit that he is a villain! Only after crossing this threshold can he truly achieve the unity of mind and law!

After an unknown amount of time, Chu Qing finally recovered from her confusion. He looked at the skeleton with a sinister expression, his eyes were dark and the whites of his eyes were gone. He said coldly: "The words of the seniors are really shocking. The juniors have learned a lesson!"

Bloodwing smiled and asked: "Then what is your answer?"

Chu Qing grinned, his smile full of evil meaning.

"In life, you should be happy and at ease! If you can be happy by doing evil, then I will do evil!"

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