The development of any power will inevitably take the path of external expansion. The expansion can be peaceful or war, but it is a necessary path that no power can avoid.

Although the overall pattern of the current upper domain cultivation power is stable and peaceful, super powers like Yunjian Pavilion have all fought their way out of the bloody storm. You can not invade others, but you must have strong military force, otherwise you will sooner or later become someone else's chopping board.

Wuling City is facing such a crossroads.

However, given that Wuling City was established too recently, although it has the blessing of new weapons, its military force is still not enough to compete with first-class forces. Therefore, the way of military expansion is not advisable. The best way is still to practice your martial arts and accumulate strength.

However, Dai Zhixin put forward a different view on this issue.

Dai Zhixin believes that the biggest problem facing Wuling City at the moment is not how to expand, but what form of power it intends to develop into.

She proposed two ideas. One is the union of city-states, and the other is the empire.

The advantage of the city-state alliance is that it can expand its power in a peaceful way. But there is also a big problem here, that is, it is difficult for the city-state alliance to reach a unified thought. If people's hearts are not unified, it will be easy to have internal friction when it develops to a certain stage in the future, which will lead to civil strife or even civil war.

The advantage of the empire is that it can use force to integrate culture, unify thoughts, and achieve the goal of centralization. However, establishing an empire is obviously a bloody road. As long as one step is not taken well along the way, Wuling City will face a catastrophe.

Due to the unique culture and power structure of the upper domain, it is difficult for officials in the conference hall to keep up with Dai Zhixin's thinking. They can easily understand the way of birth and death of the five elements, but they can't figure out the difference between peaceful expansion and military expansion.

Simply put, experience limits vision.

So after a debate, Dai Zhixin, who was almost unsupported, became a lonely person, and the faction headed by Bai Shuanghua gained the upper hand. Of course, this is not a party dispute, at most it is just a conflict between different ideas.

But when this issue was put in front of Feng Shao, Feng Shao was deeply troubled by it. Because he found that he himself had not figured out the future development path of Wuling City.

Wuling City has now become one of the forces that cannot be ignored in the upper domain. Although there is still some gap compared with the real first-class forces, in terms of influence, it can already be ranked among the super first-class forces. However, the mismatch between strength and influence has caused Wuling City to be a bit "fat" now.

At present, Wuling City has the support of Yunjian Pavilion behind it, and has a good relationship with super first-class forces such as Taixuan Holy Land, so it does not have to consider its own security issues for the time being. But this friendly relationship based on human feelings and interests is not so reliable, and Wuling City cannot give up the road of expansion because of this.

But rash expansion is also very likely to arouse the vigilance of some forces, and add some hidden enemies to Wuling City. "Peaceful rise" is actually a false proposition, because even if you love peace, there are always some people who want to suppress you. If you don't have a strong military force to rely on, then what awaits you will be the abyss of taking whatever you want.

After thinking about this problem, in fact, at least Wuling City's current development plan has a clear answer. But after careful consideration, Feng Shao decided to discuss the longer-term planning goals with Dai Zhixin.

So the two closed the door and discussed the matter in detail.

During the discussion, Dai Zhixin proposed many ideas that Feng Shao thought were quite novel.

For example, Dai Zhixin believed that the power structure of the upper domain was a bit similar to the United Nations in the world, but the overall framework was still very loose, and various small alliances were separatist. The truly powerful sects could ignore those conventional rules and make some unethical actions, while other sects dared not speak out, and even many sects were forced to gather under their command to cheer for them.

However, if they encountered a major event that could endanger the interests of all sects, they could immediately put aside their disputes and fight against the common threat together.

This kind of situation of barely maintaining a balance in the conflict has actually existed for a long time, and can even be traced back to thousands of years ago. The evidence is that the top-notch forces thousands of years ago are still the same thousands of years later. Although some forces have declined and some have risen, they remain unchanged overall.

For example, the Tianxin Sect disappeared, and was replaced by the Yunjian Pavilion, which was rebuilt on its foundation. This is a bit similar to the disintegration of the Soviet Union in the modern world, and Russia inherited the international status of the Soviet Union.

The reason for this situation, Dai Zhixin believes, is that the overall interest structure of the Upper Domain has been basically divided. Even if latecomers have the ability and connections, it is difficult to carve out their own world in such a situation.

And the rise of Wuling City is also thanks to Feng Shao's discovery of "natural aura", a new resource that no one has ever paid attention to.

But new resources not only mean new opportunities, but also new crises. At present, no force has paid attention to natural aura, but it is only a matter of time before natural aura enters the vision of all forces. At that time, the Upper Domain will inevitably have to redivide the power structure, and turbulence will naturally be inevitable.

Dai Zhixin's analysis is well-founded, and Feng Shao also agrees with it in his heart. Then the question returns to its essence, which is: What is the development model suitable for Wuling City? If the answer to this question cannot be found, Wuling City will have no advantage at all in the face of the turmoil that is likely to occur in the future.

"Jianguo!" Dai Zhixin said categorically, "Jianguo is the only development model suitable for Wuling City! And it cannot be a loose federal state, it must be a highly centralized monarchy!"

Feng Shao was immediately restrained by Dai Zhixin's ambition.

"You mean, let me be the emperor?"

But Dai Zhixin laughed: "That's not necessarily true. It's not impossible for the predecessors to plant trees for others to enjoy the shade. You can also learn from Cao Cao, build a large foundation, and then leave the matter of becoming emperor to your son."

Feng Shao: "..."

Feng Shao knocked on the table and mused: "But you should also know that with the strength of Wuling City, it is obviously impossible to conquer a vast empire. It is not possible to change the culture that has been followed for tens of thousands of years. A simple thing.”

"That's true." Dai Zhixin nodded, "But fortunately, we have started to make reasonable preparations."

The "reasonable preparation" that Dai Zhixin refers to is the "compulsory education" system that is very characteristic of Wuling City.

Compulsory education in this world only teaches basic knowledge. The compulsory education in Wuling City teaches cultivation and skills.

"In my opinion, the Tiangang Sword Sect and Ziqing Holy Land disciples you brought this time are actually in line with our established development strategy. Through the Cultivation Academy to expand the influence of Wuling City, Wuling City will gradually become the center of attention of all monks. The Holy Land of Cultivation. Of course, this will take time to accumulate, which can take as short as a dozen years or as long as hundreds of years. When the influence expands to a certain level, no matter what Wuling City does, it will have countless fans. We will wave the flag and work hard for it. By then, we will have the basic conditions for expansion.”

After thinking for a while, Feng Shao nodded in approval: "What you said makes sense, but I think it's still superficial. I think we can work on a two-pronged approach, not only to expand our influence in cultivation, but also to expand our influence in thought and culture. We must let more people recognize Wuling City and its culture from the bottom of their hearts.”

"Cultural communication? It seems that you also thought of coming with me!" Dai Zhixin said with a smile, "In fact, during this period of time, I had already written a plan on cultural communication. But the guys in the conference hall didn't even look at it. I understand, so I’ll wait for you to come back and show it to you!”

Dai Zhixin said as she handed Feng Shao a stack of densely written documents. After Feng Shao took it, he looked at it carefully and finally discovered that this was really a very detailed cultural communication plan.

Question: What weapon in this world kills without blood?

Answer: Culture.

This view is actually still in the blind spot of the public, and even those who have lived for thousands of years may not be able to understand it. Therefore, cultural dissemination has become Wuling City’s best weapon.

The cultural communication plan proposed by Dai Zhixin is generally divided into five major fields: education, entertainment, commerce, cultivation, and industry.

In terms of education, in addition to the Cultivation Academy, professors of basic knowledge can also be added. Dai Zhixin proposed that the Council should fund the pilot program throughout Dongzhou and establish schools in each city to recruit school-age children for cultural education. This proposal actually existed when Wuling City was first built, but Wuling City was still very poor at that time and did not have the money to build such a big project. But Wuling City is rich now, so we can start doing it.

Entertainment is relatively simple. Dai Zhixin directly copied some entertainment projects in the world, such as dramas, dramas, musicals, duets, cross talk, sketches, etc., and she felt that they could all be used in this world. Add some entertainment content to let more people know about Wuling City.

In terms of business, Dai Zhixin has taken care of everything. She plans to expand Dai's Trading Company to the entire upper domain, so that everyone can use the good things from Dai's Trading Company, and let everyone know what a happy life the people living in Wuling City live!

Obviously he is benefiting himself!

In terms of cultivation, it is to establish branches of cultivation colleges in other cities. While selecting talents, it will continuously bring fresh blood to Wuling City, striving to have the number of graduates of cultivation colleges reach 10,000 per year within ten years, and to add higher education institutions to the colleges. Cultivation Academy trains more advanced monks.

As for the industrial aspect, it is more complicated. This aspect must be integrated with business and a more reasonable technology research and development system and production system must be planned. To this end, Dai Zhixin made a proposal that surprised Feng Shao:

Promote the company model and establish state-owned enterprises!

When seeing this, Feng Shao couldn't help but sigh secretly:

This imagination is really too big!

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