Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 409 City Meeting (Part 1)

Lin Xiaoran didn't come in empty-handed. She also held a ball of something wrapped in oil paper in her hand, and she could smell the vague aroma from a distance.

Lin Xiaoran walked straight to Feng Shao, put the things in front of Feng Shao, and said with a smile: "You haven't eaten anything in the morning, have you? It's specially made for you, hurry up and eat it while it's hot!"

Feng Shao opened the oil paper, and the next moment the rich aroma hit his face, making his index fingers move. He looked at a few freshly baked delicate snacks placed on the oil paper, carefully picked up one and put it in his mouth. Then, a look of enjoyment appeared on his face.

Lin Xiaoran kept looking at Feng Shao's expression. Seeing his expression of enjoyment, he quickly asked: "How is it? How is it? Is it delicious?"

"Yeah, it's delicious!" Feng Shao nodded repeatedly. He picked up a piece and stuffed it into Lin Xiaoran's mouth: "You can try it too."

Lin Xiaoran obediently opened her cherry mouth and took a bite of the pastry. Her movements were small and elegant. It didn't look like she was eating a small pastry, but more like she was eating a palace meal.

Everyone in the conference room: "..."

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you. I don’t know what to say for a moment.

Why did you suddenly start feeding the dog food so early in the morning?


Dai Zhixin couldn't help but cough slightly, which attracted Feng Shao's attention. Feng Shao turned his gaze over, only to see Dai Zhixin roll her eyes at him angrily, and then motioned for him to look at the others.

Then Feng Shao saw that everyone looked like they wanted to see but didn't want to see much. They looked aggrieved and conflicted, as if they had a gastrointestinal problem.

Feng Shao: "..."

He quickly swallowed the food in his mouth and whispered to Lin Xiaoran: "Sit down first and prepare for the meeting!"

Lin Xiaoran nodded with a smile and sat in the seat closest to Feng Shao.

As Feng Shao's wife, although Lin Xiaoran does not hold a high position in the council chamber, she naturally has the highest status. When Feng Shao was away, she could even sit directly in Feng Shao's seat.

After Lin Xiaoran sat down, Feng Shao coughed twice and said seriously: "Is everyone here? Then let's talk about today's topic. I called everyone here mainly for three things. First. , it’s a matter of urban expansion…”

Next, Feng Shao told all the officials the specific matters regarding city expansion that he and Dai Zhixin had discussed yesterday. The officials listened and took notes, and occasionally someone interrupted to ask for details.

This is the characteristic of the Wuling City City Meeting. You can raise your own questions at any time during the meeting, so as not to think of solving them until the specific implementation.

The specific situation of urban expansion has been mentioned before and will not be repeated here. When the officials heard Feng Shao mention this matter, they couldn't help but show doubts while recording it.

Because to be honest, the current city size of Wuling City has actually reached its upper limit.

Generally speaking, there are many people living in any city. The "many people" mentioned here do not only refer to monks, but also to a larger number of ordinary people who can even be said to be the main body. In Wuling City, it is forbidden to control objects, ride horses, and fly, so the main way for everyone to travel is through the two legs.

The monk was fine, even if he walked for a whole day, he wouldn't be tired at all. But what about ordinary people? People from the south of the city go to the north of the city to buy things. It takes three or four hours to go back and forth, and most of the day passes like this. Who can bear it if this continues?

In the ancient history of the world, Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty is truly the largest city in the world. But beneath the glory, there are many inconveniences hidden. Chang'an City has actually far exceeded the size of an ancient city. With a population of over one million and an area of ​​nearly ten kilometers, city residents are miserable when traveling.

And what about Wuling City? When it was first built, its size exceeded Chang'an City. But this size is nothing. After all, this is a world of cultivation, and there are cities bigger than Wuling City.

But if Wuling City is expanded again according to what Feng Shao said, the city will be four times its original size! At that time, Wuling City would become the largest city in Dongzhou and even the entire upper region.

It is not difficult to build a huge city. What is difficult is how to run such a large city well.

Amid everyone's confused gazes, Feng Shao proposed the concept of "public teleportation array".

The public teleportation array is Feng Shao's improvement plan to deal with the huge urban population and the size of large cities based on the current public transportation and the characteristics of the cultivation world. The officials here have heard of the teleportation circle, but this is the first time they have heard of the teleportation circle used in the city and the public teleportation circle that all residents can use for free.

Although this is a good solution, because no one has ever tried it, officials are not sure whether it will be effective.

Seeing everyone's hesitation, Feng Shao said with a smile: "Although this kind of ultra-short-distance teleportation circle within the city has never been used before, it does not mean that it cannot be used. I will propose a plan, and you will be responsible for executing it. That’s fine. You can discuss the details later.”

Feng Shao's words were like a certainty. Even if everyone had any doubts in their hearts, they could only suppress them.

Of course, urban expansion is not just about building a ring of city walls outside. It also needs to consider various issues, such as food, water, sewage, garbage disposal, etc. The various issues that need to be considered are complex and cumbersome, and the project is huge. It is no less than building a new city.

It took everyone nearly an hour to finally allocate various tasks for city expansion.

But before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, Feng Shao proposed another plan to build a new city.

The officials gasped.

I'm talking about my Lord City Lord! You're taking such big steps, aren't you afraid of accidentally pulling your balls?

Of course, no one dared to raise this question on the spot.

In the listless eyes of everyone, Feng Shao knocked on the table and said calmly: "Building a new city cannot be done overnight. Some preliminary work can be started now. Shuanghua, after the meeting is over, I will send you the pre-selected location of the new city. I’ll give you the map. You can find a few people to investigate the site and then determine the preliminary city construction plan. If you encounter any problems during this period, you can contact Zhixin directly. "

Bai Shuanghua nodded helplessly: "Yes."

So far, the construction of the new city has only remained on paper, so there is not much work that needs to be done at this stage. This topic took only a quarter of an hour to end, and the meeting immediately moved on to the next topic.

The third topic is very shocking, because this topic is "open business"!

As we all know, almost all cities in the upper domain were built with only one purpose, and that was to make money. Although cities also play a role in protecting the land, water and people, they do so casually. After all, where would wealth come from without people? Even if you are mining minerals, you still need miners, right?

But if we say how much the city lords value the people, that's not necessarily true. In the eyes of many superiors, people are like weeds. Once they are cut, another one will soon grow. Human life is like grass and grass, which is a more vivid contrast here. Therefore, the superiors do not care about the lives of civilians, they only care about how much wealth they can bring.

Affected by this thinking model, business in this world has also been greatly limited.

The essence of business is to exchange what is needed. Sell ​​the things that are abundant in this place to places with less or no production to earn the price difference. This is how businessmen make money. But then another question arises: I can sell the things that are abundant here, so why should I let others sell them?

Therefore, although there is commerce in this world, it is controlled by cities, forces and sects in various places. In addition, everyone knows that rare goods can be lived in, and they also know the principle of fishing from the marsh, so the special resources circulating in the market are very rare. The various forces and sects are like misers, desperately holding on to the unique resources in their territory, and only a little bit of it will flow out through their fingers.

Of course, it is not that no one has tried to break this situation. Yunjiange is the one that has gone the furthest and been the most successful. However, the success of Yunjian Pavilion is mostly due to the large number of cities it controls.

Yunjian Pavilion, which took over the legacy of Tianxin Sect, has been a big force that cannot be ignored from the beginning, and it controls countless small forces under its command. More than half of the thirteen subordinate halls were originally small affiliated forces of the Tianxin Sect. After Yunjian Pavilion was established, it was absorbed by Yunjian Pavilion and officially became a part of Yunjian Pavilion.

Naturally, the resources controlled by these small forces were directly taken over by Yunjian Pavilion.

Lin Fengtian was able to obtain the support of the Thirteenth Hall in the first place, thanks to his unique insights in business. He explained to everyone the benefits of resource integration and made exciting promises. Coupled with the military support of Xiaoyaotang and Lengyuetang, Yunjian Pavilion was opened naturally.

But then I thought about it, maybe the military support from Xiaoyaotang and Lengyuetang was the decisive factor?

Yunjian Pavilion, which integrated the resources of various small forces, became a new super power. Based on this, Lin Fengtian expanded Yunjiange's business throughout Dongzhou, and even branches of Yunjiange began to appear in Beizhou and Nanzhou.

As for Xizhou, because it is too far away, there is currently no Yunjian Pavilion store.

But even so, Lin Fengtian's actions can be said to have set a precedent for business in the upper domain.

The success of Yunjian Pavilion has provided a new development template for many forces. Many forces and sects are rushing to imitate it, but the effect is still not as good as that of Yunjian Pavilion.

The new business concept proposed by Feng Shao is not only surprising, but also terrifying.

He actually wants to use other people's resources to make other people's money!

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