The so-called "Resource Alliance" is actually the first company in the fantasy cultivation world founded by Wuling City. However, the company has only announced its establishment to the outside world so far, and the specific business scope involved has not yet been disclosed.

But I don’t know how Xin Ruxiong did it. He actually guessed the main business of the Resource Alliance and even rushed over to join!

To be honest, when Xin Ruxiong mentioned cooperation, Feng Shao and others were quite excited.

This world has an extremely rich variety of resources, and almost every place has its own unique specialties. It can be said that Jiuyou Mountain has the most types of specialty products and the richest reserves, and it is definitely on the list.

Due to the unique climate changes and landform characteristics of this world, many resources can only be produced in specific terrains. The entire world of cultivation is diverse overall, but if you look at the details, many places are actually similar. For example, natural spiritual energy veins are usually hidden under dense forests where monsters are infested, so as long as you look for places where there are a lot of monsters, there is often a higher probability of finding natural spiritual energy veins buried deep underground.

The topography of Jiuyou Mountain is extremely unique in the entire world of cultivation.

According to ancient rumors, there is a gate to Jiuyou hidden in Jiuyou Mountain. Whether this is true or not, no one knows yet. However, the three forbidden areas of Netherworld Abyss, Sea of ​​Resentful Spirits and Demon King Cave are located together in Jiuyou Mountain, which shows how unique Jiuyou Mountain is.

Therefore, the specialty resources of Jiuyou Mountain are also very different from other places.

The huge difference means the only resource origin, the only resource origin means monopoly, and monopoly means huge business opportunities and huge profits!

Jiuyou Holy Land has been able to gradually develop from a small sect in the past to a top-notch sect in Eastern Continent, relying on its unique resource output. With these resources, Jiuyou Holy Land has never been short of money. Except for Yunjian Pavilion in the entire Dongzhou, Jiuyou Holy Land is the richest!

Therefore, from the very beginning, the one that best met the conditions for joining the Resource Alliance was Jiuyou Holy Land.

However, in view of the relationship between Wuling City and Jiuyou Holy Land, the officials of Wuling City only thought about it. As for the joining of Jiuyou Holy Land, they don't have high hopes.

Even Zuo Linglan, who was born in Jiuyou Holy Land, suggested that Xin Ruxiong might create a similar business organization after establishing the Resource Alliance in Wuling City to compete with Wuling City for additional customers. The unique and rich types of resources give Jiuyou Holy Land a natural advantage in this regard.

But now, Xin Ruxiong has put forward the request to join the Resource Alliance before everyone else. How can this not surprise everyone present?

The only one who wasn't surprised might be Dai Zhixin.

Feng Shao just pondered for a moment and then said, "May I ask Brother Xin if he knows the nature of the Resource Alliance?"

Xin Ruxiong smiled and said: "This name is concise and concise. It should be that Brother Feng wants to create an alliance of forces that can exchange resources, right?"

To be honest, a name like "Resource Alliance" seems a bit nondescript to the natives of this world. But because of this, Xin Ruxiong could easily see what this alliance wanted to do.

After figuring out the business scope of the Resource Alliance, Xin Ruxiong immediately realized that Jiuyou Holy Land was the most suitable candidate to join. The reason why he came to Wuling City in person was because he wanted to get a piece of the pie.

After all, no one wants to miss out on making money.

When this was mentioned, Dai Zhixin, who had been sitting next to him silently like an outsider, immediately became excited. She asked enthusiastically: "I wonder what resources Jiuyou Holy Land can provide? How much is the output?"

Xin Ruxiong smiled and said: "All the resources that are special to our Jiuyou Holy Land can be provided. As for the production... this is a bit complicated, and we may need to calculate it carefully after we go back."

Dai Zhixin nodded and said, "Then how do you plan to join? We can accept shares, and you can also consider it."

"Buy shares?" Xin Ruxiong asked doubtfully, "I wonder what 'buying shares' means?"

Dai Zhixin immediately explained the concepts of "shares" and "shareholding" to Xin Ruxiong, and then said: "I personally recommend that you choose to invest in shares, because in this way we will change the relationship from a business and customer relationship to a partnership relationship. , it will help expand our business scope and build our reputation, and you can also make more money from it. I’m sure you won’t refuse it, right?”

Xin Ruxiong was a smart man. After listening to Dai Zhixin's explanation, he immediately understood what the other party meant and had to admit that this was indeed the best choice. But "joint-stock system" was a strange thing to him after all, so he couldn't make an immediate decision.

After thinking for a long time, he smiled at Dai Zhixin and said, "The girl's proposal is very tempting. I will consider it."

Dai Zhixin sat down confidently. She believed that a smart man like Xin Ruxiong would not refuse this huge temptation. And as long as Jiuyou Holy Land is brought on board, the creation and development of this resource alliance will be stable.

Of course, Feng Shao and others also thought so.

What follows is a series of useless polite words. If it were placed in today's world, it is estimated that a draft could be issued after the meeting. The content of the draft is roughly as follows:

This morning, City Lord Feng Shao and City Hall officials met with Saint Lord Xin Ruxiong and his party who came from afar at the City Lord's Mansion. The two sides exchanged views on mutually beneficial development and reached a preliminary intention on the cooperation of the resource alliance. Both parties said that the future Dongzhou will be a win-win Dongzhou, and the cooperation between the two sides will inevitably create a better environment for the overall development of Dongzhou...

In fact, I don't know if Dai Zhixin has any bad taste. Afterwards, she really wrote such a draft and posted it on the bulletin board in front of the City Hall.

This matter soon caused an uproar.

As Xin Ruxiong expected, the business cooperation between Jiuyou Holy Land and Wuling City surprised countless people, and also invisibly improved the Jiuyou Holy Land's almost deep-rooted domineering image in people's minds. Recalling Xin Ruxiong's various efforts in recent years to restore the reputation of Jiuyou Holy Land, some people are finally willing to believe that Jiuyou Holy Land has really turned over a new leaf...

Of course, there are more people who are waiting and watching.

A certain leader in the world launched a world war that lasted for six years, destroyed countless countries, and displaced hundreds of millions of people. After the war, the country spent decades of efforts to restore the country's image.

And what Chi Xuan did back then was even worse than that, so it was not surprising that Jiuyou Holy Land took hundreds of years to restore its image.

In addition, what people care about more is another term that makes them feel new, that is, the four characters "Resource Alliance".

This new term "Resource Alliance" is not the first time they have seen it, but at that time they did not know what this Resource Alliance does. But now seeing that Jiuyou Holy Land has even thrown away the grievances of five years ago in order to join the Resource Alliance, many people subconsciously feel that this Resource Alliance is very likely to be a great thing.

At this moment, many forces launched the branch rudders established in Wuling City and began to collect intelligence everywhere. In this regard, Wuling City did not hide much, so they easily obtained the information they wanted to know.

After learning the real intention of Wuling City to create a resource alliance, many forces were tempted at the time.

But many forces also sensed the threat.

No matter what era, resources are extremely important. Although this world has developed for tens of thousands of years, the development of commerce is still at an extremely backward stage. The acquisition and sale of resources are often one-way. Although there are no middlemen to make a profit, this form of transaction is easily affected by various factors.

Sometimes, just because two of the children of both sides fell in love and then separated, the relationship between the two sides was not harmonious, and the transaction fell through.

Don't think this kind of thing is outrageous. In fact, it is not just Dongzhou, but similar things happen almost every year in the entire Upper Domain.

But with a resource alliance, the situation has become different. They can directly obtain resources from the resource alliance, or they can directly sell resources to the resource alliance. It not only saves a lot of energy, but also avoids various conflicts of personal relationships. It is indeed a more superior choice.

However, some major forces don't think so. They have a longer-term vision and see more thoroughly. They just thought a little deeper and realized the horror of the Resource Alliance.

In the final analysis, the main source of the Resource Alliance's money lies in the information gap. And the premise of establishing the information gap is information monopoly. In the early days of the Resource Alliance, it may be a thankless logistics (called "escort agency" in this world), but if it is established and covers the vast majority of resource output in Dongzhou and even the upper domain, then everyone can only go to the Resource Alliance to buy resources in the future.

At that time, they can only let the Resource Alliance take whatever they want.

At this time, someone may ask: Can't I just sell the resources to the Resource Alliance? Can't I find a sales channel myself? In this way, there is no middleman to make a profit!

People who ask this question are obviously too naive.

The resources needed by each force can never be only one kind, nor can they be only a few, but as many as dozens or even hundreds. You can choose not to sell resources to the Resource Alliance, but the Resource Alliance can also choose not to sell resources to you. The Resource Alliance is only lacking one resource, but you are lacking hundreds or thousands of resources to choose from! In this way, who is at a greater disadvantage?

If this matter is put into the modern world, it is called "resource hegemony". And Wuling City is obviously establishing this kind of resource hegemony, and it has also dragged Jiuyou Holy Land into it.

This makes many people shudder in their hearts, and at the same time, they have a little wariness of Wuling City.

Many of them realize that perhaps Feng Shao's ambition is much greater than they imagined...

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