Hearing the three words "Sansheng Tower", Xiao Ruoyao's face couldn't help but become solemn.

She slowly said: "Sansheng Tower is one of the ten forbidden places, it is not an easy place to go, do you really want to go?"

Feng Shao nodded, and said seriously: "Sansheng Tower is extraordinary for the younger generation, so this trip must be made."

Xiao Ruoyao was silent for a while, and said: "Logically, I should stop you from going. You are Ran'er's fiancé, but if you go, it will be dangerous. I don't want Ran'er to be forced to be a widow before she gets married."

Feng Shao said confidently: "Please rest assured, Aunt Xiao, I have a way to enter the Sansheng Tower. Although it cannot be guaranteed to be completely safe, as long as you are careful, it will not be a problem to get out safely."

Xiao Ruoyao looked at Feng Shao, and after a long while, she sighed: "In that case, then go. I originally wanted Ran'er to come to see you, but now it seems that it's better to forget it."

Lin Xiaoran also knew the name of the ten forbidden places. Given Lin Xiaoran's personality, if he knew Feng Shao was going to the Sansheng Tower, he would definitely do everything he could to stop Feng Shao from going there. In that case, it would be better not to tell Lin Xiaoran, so as to avoid Lin Xiaoran's worry.

After hearing what Xiao Ruoyao said, Feng Shao also understood, so he stood up and said, "Then I will take my leave. Aunt Xiao will take care of Xue'er."

"Don't worry!"

Feng Shao looked down at Feng Lingxue who was holding his clothes with a reluctant look on her face, and smiled, "Xue'er, you must listen to Aunt Xiao here, don't be willful, understand?"

Feng Lingxue pursed her lips and whispered, "Disciple knows."

Feng Shao nodded, bowed to Xiao Ruoyao again, and then turned and left.

After Feng Shao left, Feng Lingxue still looked at the direction where Feng Shao left from a distance, and refused to look away for a long time.

Xiao Ruoyao stepped forward, put her arm around Feng Lingxue's shoulders, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, your master never fights a battle without confidence. Since he is sure that he can escape from the Sansheng Tower, he will definitely be fine." Feng Lingxue asked with a worried look on her face: "Aunt Xiao, is the Sansheng Tower very dangerous?" Xiao Ruoyao thought for a while and said: "In fact, no one knows whether it is dangerous or not. It's just said that few people who enter the Sansheng Tower can come back." Feng Lingxue was shocked: "What will happen to the master?" Xiao Ruoyao smiled "You don't have to worry about your master. If he says it's okay, then it must be okay. Instead of worrying about your master, you might as well concentrate on learning swordsmanship from me. When your master comes back, you can show him your skills and surprise your master!"

At the same time, Lin Xiaoran, who was practicing swordsmanship in the back mountain of Piaomiao Peak, unconsciously glanced in the direction where Feng Shao left and murmured, "Why do I feel... like I missed something?"


Feng Shao's departure was a huge earthquake for Taiwei Sect. Many disciples were unable to come back to their senses even after three days, and felt that what happened that day was like a dream.

The Shengzi Senior Brother, who was like a brother and a father to them, actually just gave up? Just left them, the junior brothers and sisters, and left the sect?

Before that day, no matter who it was, if anyone said that Feng Shao would leave the sect one day, the listeners would definitely not believe it. Because in their opinion, Feng Shao had paid too much for this sect and for everyone in this sect. To everyone, he was like the spiritual leader of Taiwei Sect, not just the head disciple. So Feng Shao's behavior was unacceptable to many people.

But what they couldn't accept even more was the attitude of the head Qing Yangzi.

Feng Shao's behavior of leaving the sect naturally aroused Qing Yangzi's anger. He first severely reprimanded Feng Shao in front of all the disciples, and then announced that Feng Shao would be expelled from the sect. He even asked his disciples to not regard Feng Shao as a Taiwei Sect member if they met him in the future, but to regard him as an enemy and take him down to abolish his cultivation.

Regarding Qing Yangzi's words, everyone present, except Ling Xuzi, who immediately said that it should be so, said nothing.

Facing the silent disciples, Qing Yangzi's anger in his heart became even stronger. After a heavy snort, he turned back to the inner hall.

For a period of time afterwards, Taiwei Sect fell into a strange calm.

The disciples still meditated and practiced swordsmanship, but there was less communication between them. Even if they did communicate, they would try to avoid the topic of "Feng Shao" so as not to cause displeasure to the headmaster. But even so, they would always intentionally or unintentionally talk about how harmonious the sect was when Feng Shao was still there, and how the brothers and sisters loved each other. When they encountered difficulties in cultivation, they found solutions through Feng Shao.

They had long been accustomed to Feng Shao helping them solve all problems. Without this person, they felt empty in their hearts and could not get motivated to do anything.

In sharp contrast to the dejection and frustration of the disciples were Ling Xuzi and Ye Chen.

Ling Xuzi valued Ye Chen's luck and believed that if Taiwei Sect wanted to flourish in the future, it must be led by Ye Chen. Therefore, he believed that Feng Shao, the saint of the sect, was at most Ye Chen's whetstone. Now that Feng Shao is gone, it is indeed a pity, but whetstones are everywhere, and even if it is not Feng Shao, someone else can be replaced. For example, Changmen's second disciple Gao Yi, the second branch's eldest disciple Cao Guang, and even the third branch's eldest disciple Han Biyun are also suitable.

As for the sect's Holy Son, it was just vacant for Ye Chen.

And what about Ye Chen? After hearing the news, he turned over on the spot to celebrate.

In his opinion, Feng Shao was the only one who could suppress him in the entire Taiwei Sect. Now that Feng Shao was gone, wouldn't the position of the Holy Son of Taiwei Sect be his sooner or later? After he became the Holy Son, wouldn't all the resources in the sect be at his disposal?

Although he was a little unhappy about being put in solitary confinement, it was still worth it for him to drive Feng Shao away.

So in the past few days, Ye Chen, who was put in solitary confinement, neither faced the wall nor thought about it. All he thought about was how to establish his prestige among the people after he got out, completely eliminate Feng Shao's influence, and then turn Taiwei Sect into his own one-man show. Then he could do whatever he wanted, right?

Ye Chen had a beautiful idea and planned it well. He couldn't help drooling even when he was sleeping.

Besides, the one with the most complicated feelings was probably the headmaster Qing Yangzi.

Qing Yangzi saw Feng Shao's contribution to the sect, and admitted that without Feng Shao's contribution, Taiwei Sect would not be in such a good situation today.

Feng Shao's behavior of leaving the sect was more of a slap in his face than a dissatisfaction with him. This made him angry, and he couldn't help feeling a little frustrated, so he announced such a decision in front of everyone in anger.

But in Qing Yangzi's mind, Feng Shao was still the most suitable candidate for the next headmaster. The only problem was that Feng Shao's prestige in the sect was too high, even overshadowing him as the headmaster, which was something he could not tolerate.

So Qing Yangzi's mood was very complicated, and he couldn't even tell whether he was more angry or more regretful.

But now that things have come to this, it's no use thinking about these things. The current priority is to get Taiwei Sect out of the influence of Feng Shao's leaving the sect.

If this matter is handed over to Feng Shao, he has many ways to solve it easily. But after thinking for a long time, the only solution Qingyangzi came up with was not to allow the sect disciples to discuss Feng Shao.

It was forbidden to discuss the contributions Feng Shao had made to the sect, it was forbidden to discuss the uneasiness that Feng Shao brought to everyone after leaving the sect, and even it was forbidden to mention the name "Feng Shao".

Not long after Qingyangzi issued this ban, the disciples saw Qin Zhao angrily rushing into the master's residence. It was unknown what the two said in the room. In short, the final result was that Qin Zhao slammed the door and left indignantly, and then Qingyangzi ordered the disciples to clean up the broken things in the room.

Du Yuanxi was also in a complicated mood. However, unlike others, she felt more guilty about Feng Shao. After all, the center of the conflict was the disciple she accepted from the foot of the mountain. If she had not accepted Ye Chen as a disciple, then Taiwei Sect would still be a happy scene now, instead of like now.

So she felt that Feng Shao left the sect, and she was half responsible.

In the three branches, except for Du Yuanxi, her three female disciples have also been restless these days. Although there is no estrangement between the sisters, they have also fallen into a strange calm because of this incident.

Whether it is Feng Shao or Ye Chen, it seems that they have become taboo words.

But the surface is calm, but the heart is not calm. In the past few days, all the disciples of Taiwei Sect can only feel upset when meditating, and they can't enter a state of concentration at all. Even if they force themselves to enter a state of concentration, they will almost go crazy because of the upset mentality.

In this strange silence, some people took the lead in making changes.

The disciples of the second branch collectively bid farewell to Qin Zhao and decided to leave the sect!

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