The Freshman Competition of Xiuzhen Academy is a tradition that has been gradually formed since the sixth year of the establishment of Xiuzhen Academy. It has been held for ten sessions so far.

The competition is based on registration, and those who are eligible to register are the current freshmen. If you can get a ranking in the competition, you will receive very generous rewards. Therefore, for many students, the freshman competition is a major event that cannot be missed.

What's more, all of them only qualify once.

The students who have won rankings in the previous competitions have now become famous figures in the academy. Many of them have already started their training early and are rarely seen in the academy, but their legends can always be heard.

I don’t know if it’s a rule or an established tradition, but every time there is a freshman competition, these outstanding students who have received rankings often attend if they haven’t graduated yet. They were like living monuments, standing in the audience and becoming the focus of all the students' attention.

There are more than 1,300 registered participants for this freshman competition. They come from all over the world, and there are many outstanding children of big families. However, among these people, the largest proportion are not the children of aristocratic families, but little-known people from various remote areas.

The fundamental reason for this situation is that they have rarely met monks of the same age who can compare with them before, which also leads to their lack of a correct understanding of the talented people outside. They have been favored by everyone around them since childhood, which makes it difficult for them to have an accurate positioning of themselves.

They naively thought that they could shine even in the Cultivation Academy, which gathered talents from all over the world, but little did they know that their cultivation and abilities were not worth mentioning in the eyes of many people.

Therefore, in the annual freshmen competition, most of these students from small places will become the laughingstock of everyone on the stage, and many of them will be ruined because of this, and they will never be able to let go.

Therefore, every year for the freshman competition, the college requires freshmen to register carefully. But there are too many arrogant people in the world, especially those from small places. They walked onto the stage proudly, proudly imagined that they had won, proudly imagined that they were enjoying the gaze of everyone, and then they were slapped down.

This year is no different.

Another student from a small place was knocked off the stage. The winning disciple raised his sword high to celebrate, while the defeated disciple gritted his teeth and hurried out with a look of defeat. After the referee announced the winner's name, two people were replaced on the ring. After a simple salute and greeting, the two sides immediately started fighting.

Ling Tian sat under the stage, waiting for himself to appear, while looking boredly at the new people on the stage. His eyes were full of disdain. After all, in his opinion, no matter how powerful the people who came up were, they would become his stepping stones.

It's just a stepping stone and has no qualifications for being attracted to him.

Not far from Ling Tian, ​​several familiar students were talking about it.

"Did you know? I heard that the winner of this competition will be awarded by the Young City Lord himself!"

"Is it actually the Young City Master? Wow! I heard that when the Young City Master participated in the Freshman Competition three years ago, he won with a near-crushing attitude!"

"After all, he is the young city lord! Is his family background comparable to ours?"

"Well, I guess only the new students from super sects can be compared with a genius like the Young City Master!"

Ling Tian on the side listened and couldn't help but sneer in his heart. He was just a second-generation ancestor. Whoever was in that position might not be inferior to him in cultivation. I will let you see in a moment what a true genius is and what is a true "impossible emperor"!

"Zhang Zhisheng! In the next match, Wang Xiu will fight against Cheng Guozhi!"

Another competition was over, but Ling Tian no longer focused on the ring at all, but listened to other people's chats with relish.

Why, another outstanding genius has appeared in Beizhou, an ancient secret realm has appeared in Nanzhou, a new type of flying sword has appeared in the flying sword shop in the south of the city, the young master of the city lord's palace has got a wife...

When he heard the last one, Ling Tian's ears suddenly perked up.

"I heard that in less than a month, the young city lord and Miss Lin will get married! I heard that the city lord has invited many people to watch the ceremony this time. The whole Wuling City will be very lively by then!"

"I heard that Miss Lin is beautiful and has outstanding qualifications. Is it true?"

"Of course it's true! But at the age of sixteen, he is already at the realm of transformation into gods! Tsk tsk, how can it be like us, at the same age, we are two realms lower than others!"

"Alas, if you compare yourself to others, you will die, and if you compare goods, you will have to throw them away!"

When Ling Tian heard this, he couldn't help but ask the two of them: "Brothers, I want to ask you something!"

The two people were chatting happily, but Ling Tian suddenly interrupted. They looked at each other first, and then one of them said politely to Ling Tian: "This brother should also be participating in the freshman competition, right?"

Ling Tian smiled and said: "That's right. But with my little ability, I might lose the first game after I go up. I'm really ashamed!"

Another comforted him: "It doesn't matter even if you lose. Didn't the dean say it before? Victory or defeat is a common thing for a military strategist."

After a few polite words, they finally got down to business.

The man before asked: "I wonder what this brother wants to ask?"

Ling Tian pretended to be puzzled and asked: "Just now I heard that the young city lord is going to get married, and the one he is getting married to is Miss Lin Huang'er?"

The man nodded and said: "Yes, it is Miss Lin Huang'er. The marriage between the young city lord and Miss Lin Huang'er is said to have been decided more than ten years ago. Now they are both sixteen years old, and it is indeed time to get married."

Ling Tian asked again: "Then I wonder what is the origin of Miss Lin Huang'er?"


After the two looked at each other, they also showed doubts.

Then the man said: "Well... I heard that Miss Lin Huang'er is the adopted daughter of the city lord's wife, but no one knows where she was adopted from."

In fact, many people in the entire upper domain have speculated about Lin Huang'er's life experience, but none of them have been confirmed. People can only guess that Lin Huang'er should have a great background from her cultivation qualifications.

Ling Tian pretended to be mysterious and said, "Do you think there is a possibility that Miss Lin Huang'er is the cultivation furnace that the city lord and his men gave to their son?"

The two people's faces changed drastically when they heard this.

The man before hurriedly said, "Be careful with your words! You can't say this casually!"

"What can't be said casually?" Ling Tian was disdainful in his heart, but pretended to be puzzled on the surface, "Is there really a secret that cannot be told?"

Then the man said with a bitter face, "Brother, you really dare to say anything! Aren't you afraid that if you say this, people will hear it and it will be bad for you?"

Ling Tian said nonchalantly, "If you don't do bad things, you don't have to worry about ghosts knocking on the door! What am I afraid of?"

The two looked at each other and saw each other's thoughts from each other's eyes:

This kid is not a fool anymore, right?

The two people who just got a little familiar with each other because of a conversation subconsciously wanted to keep a distance from Ling Tian.

Some words are not only easy to cause trouble for the person who says them, but also the person who hears them may suffer for nothing.

But Ling Tian had an "ignorance is not a crime" look, and continued to talk to himself: "I heard that Miss Lin Huang'er has the blood of the Phoenix. You know the Phoenix, right? It is an ancient mythical beast, and its body is full of treasures! If it is used as a furnace... Tsk tsk, how much benefit do you think it can bring?"

The two of them secretly complained in their hearts.

Benefits? We don't care about any benefits, we care about whether we will be killed after hearing such words!

But then again, how did this kid know that Lin Huang'er has the blood of the Phoenix?

It is impossible to say that you are not tempted when you hear the word "Phoenix". But being tempted is tempting, if you really have any ideas, it is easy to bring about a disaster of death.

Ling Tian saw that the two were scared like quails, and he couldn't help laughing in his heart. He was about to speak when he heard the referee on the stage shout:

"Yu Taisheng! Next match, Ling Tian vs. Wenren Jiuxi!"

Ling Tian hurriedly patted his butt and went up to the stage, while the two people below were whispering:

"Who is this kid?"

"I haven't heard of him. He seems to be from a small place."

"From a small place? Would someone from a small place know such secrets?"

"Maybe he heard it from someone else?"

"I don't know if it was hearsay, but I feel that this kid is very ambitious. We'd better stay away from him!"

"Not bad, not bad, we should stay away from him, otherwise we won't know how he killed us!"

The two nodded to each other and were about to get up and sit in another place, but suddenly they felt someone patted their shoulders. They looked up and saw a young man in black looking at them with a smile on his face.

"Two little brothers, would you mind telling us what you just talked about?"

(The new book "Supernormal Realm: I Have a World Tree" is now online, welcome new and old readers to come and support!)

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