Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 459 New Era (Final Chapter)

Three years later.

Outside a room, several people were surrounding the door. And from the room, dull and painful screams were constantly coming out.

"Keep breathing, gather your strength, listen to my command, one-two-three-hard!"

Feng Lingyu looked nervously towards the room, his palms covered with sweat.

Beside Feng Shao, Lin Xiaoran also grabbed his arm nervously. She kept murmuring: "Huang'er can make it through, right? Huang'er should be able to make it through, right?"

Feng Shao patted her little hand and comforted her: "Don't worry, Huang'er's physique is better than yours! She will be fine for sure!"

Although Feng Shao comforted him, Lin Xiaoran still couldn't hide the nervousness on his face. After waiting for a while, Lin Xiaoran stamped his foot and said, "No, I...I have to go in and take a look!"

With that said, Lin Xiaoran was about to run inside.

Feng Lingxue, who was on the side, quickly grabbed her: "Master, please stop causing trouble! What can you do to help if you go in? You might as well wait here!"

"But...but..." Lin Xiaoran whispered, "At least taking a look can make me feel at ease!"

Feng Lingxue: "..."

The master's wife is not young anymore, why do she still speak so childishly?

Suddenly, a loud cry came from the room. Everyone's eyes lit up, and Feng Lingyu was so excited that he hugged Feng Shao and said loudly: "I'm going to be a dad! I'm going to be a dad!"

Feng Shao patted his son on the shoulder and said angrily: "I know! When you were born, I was not as rude as you!"

Although he said this, his face was already involuntarily happy.

Oops, I didn’t expect that I would become a grandfather!

Dai Zhixin, who was also waiting at the door of the room, patted Luo Qiu Shuang and Bai Shuanghua on the shoulders with a smile. The two women looked at each other, sighed helplessly, and then placed a storage ring on Dai Zhixin's hand.

Shao Yunqing saw this and asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

Dai Zhixin smiled "hehe" and said: "Let's bet whether the child was born viviparously or from an egg. I bet that Lin Huang'er gave birth to the child directly, and they both bet that Lin Huang'er gave birth to an egg. As soon as the cry started, it seemed that Lin Huang'er gave birth to an egg. It’s true that Huang’er gave birth to a child!”

Shao Yunqing: "..."

Can I bet on this?

Feng Lingxue twitched the corner of her mouth, rolled her eyes at Luo Qiu Shuang and Bai Shuang Hua, and said angrily: "Is there any need to gamble? If there is an egg in the belly, can the junior sister be pregnant for nine months? ?”

Luo Qiushuang \u0026 Bai Shuanghua: "..."

Careless! I forgot such an obvious detail!

Outside this happy crowd, a man and a woman stood side by side, watching this scene from a distance.

Xiao Ruoyao rested her head on Lin Fengtian's shoulder and sighed: "I didn't expect that Lian Yu'er and Huang'er would have their own children!"

Lin Fengtian's eyes revealed a look of reminiscence and he said: "Remembering when Ran'er was born, I was as nervous as Yu'er. Listening to your painful voice outside, I really wanted to bear the pain for you."

Xiao Ruoyao smiled gently and said: "How can you men understand the pain of a woman giving birth? But the responsibility of you men to support the entire family may also be an unspeakable burden for us women. Naturally It was really painful when I was a child, but seeing our family of three enjoying themselves, I felt that the pain was really insignificant.”

The two of them stood far away like this, seemingly out of tune with the happy crowd, but they seemed to experience the joy of this moment by themselves.

"By the way, Yaoyao, your realm has also loosened, right?" Lin Fengtian suddenly asked.

Xiao Ruoyao nodded: "Since three years ago, I have been faintly aware of the loosening of the realm, and it seems that the imprisonment of heaven and earth is gradually disappearing. Shaoer is right, the road to immortality is being reopened, and perhaps we are about to usher in a new prosperous age of immortality. ”

Lin Fengtian said solemnly: "The new prosperous age of cultivating immortals, I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing for us. I always feel that there seems to be a new crisis waiting for us outside the world."

Xiao Ruoyao sighed, with a slightly worried look on her face: "Do your best and obey fate!"

As monks in the Tribulation Realm in this world, they are at the top of the world of cultivation, and their understanding of the changes in the world is much deeper than ordinary people. Now that the imprisonment of heaven and earth has disappeared, the monks' practice has been greatly accelerated, which seems to be a great benefit on the surface. But Lin Fengtian and Xiao Ruoyao felt that things were far from as simple as people imagined.

But if they want to know the whole truth, I'm afraid they have to wait until they enter the true fairyland and set foot in the fairy world.

At this time, the two of them suddenly saw Feng Shao walking towards them. When Feng Shao approached, Lin Fengtian smiled and said, "Why don't you go see the child with them?"

Feng Shao smiled faintly: "There are too many people. I can't squeeze in. I can only go and see it later."

Xiao Ruoyao noticed something was wrong with Feng Shao's expression and couldn't help but ask, "Do you have something to tell us?"

After Feng Shao hesitated for a moment, he nodded and said, "Yes."

"Is it about the immortal world?" Xiao Ruoyao guessed.

Feng Shao's expression changed: "Have you noticed that your mother-in-law has already noticed it?"

Lin Fengtian nodded and said: "After all, we are very close to that realm, and some changes will naturally be noticed by you first. If you know anything or have any guesses, you can tell us."

Feng Shao sighed, and then said solemnly: "Father-in-law and mother-in-law, there is a great terror outside the fairy world."

Both of them changed their expressions.

Feng Shao continued: "You two should know that in ancient times, the Shura world invaded, and a war broke out between the two sides. Although the Shura clan was later driven out of this world, their coveting of this world has never stopped. Now, they’re about to make a comeback.”

Lin Fengtian asked solemnly: "Are you sure of this news?"

Feng Shao nodded heavily: "I am very sure. Because the one who revealed this news to me is the Heavenly Dao of this world."

Lin Fengtian and Xiao Ruoyao fell into silence.

"But the situation is not without improvement." Feng Shao changed the topic and continued, "Heaven has temporarily cut off the connection between the two realms. It is expected that the Shura clan will not be able to invade here within a hundred years. And these hundred years are our opportunity."

Xiao Ruoyao said with a worried look: "What can a hundred years do? In the ancient times, there were tens of thousands of powerful immortals, but they could only defeat miserably. Now that the prosperous age of cultivation has just begun, in just a hundred years... can it be possible to recreate the ancient times? The scene at that time?”

This news about Feng Shao cannot be said to be terrible, it is simply despairing.

Unexpectedly, Feng Shao smiled faintly and said: "Mother-in-law, you don't know something. In fact, the loosening of the restrictions of heaven and earth has brought about changes not only in practice, but all the rules are actually being loosened. In fact, all aspects of the entire world are undergoing rapid changes. Improving. And we can make full use of this to enhance the armed forces of the entire world.”

Lin Fengtian asked curiously: "What is the meaning of this statement?"

"Father-in-law and mother-in-law should know that what Wuling City is best at is creating new weapons. Originally, there was an upper limit to the lethality of such weapons. In theory, they could only cause a little damage to the Tribulation Realm at best. But after the overall improvement of the world , the killing effect of the new weapons developed by Wuling City has been greatly improved compared to before. In the future, even true immortals may be easily killed. As long as we build enough weapons and fully mobilize everyone in this world, Naturally, the Shura clan is no threat!"

In Feng Shao's opinion, this is the most logical way to face threats from outside. No one is a child of fate, no one is a child of destiny. The world has never been run for one person, and no one person should be responsible for protecting the entire world. When the world faces threats, everyone living here should take up arms and fight to defend the world, instead of counting on others to save themselves!

Superheroes are just a fantasy after all, the people's army is the real Great Wall that protects our country!

So Feng Shao's plan is to create the army of this world! A new type of army that combines cultivation and technology at the same time!

The threat is real and no one can claim victory.

But... isn't this the meaning of self-improvement?

Lin Fengtian and Xiao Ruoyao saw the determination in Feng Shao's eyes. Although they didn't know why Feng Shao was so determined, they decided to believe in Feng Shao.

So Lin Fengtian said solemnly: "Then let us face the threats of the future together!"

Xiao Ruoyao also smiled and said: "For the world that raised us, and even more for our family!"

From a distance, the loud cry of a newborn baby could be heard, as if predicting the beginning of a new era...

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