The purple gas column seemed very close, but it was actually very far away. Although Feng Shao had seen it from a distance, it still took him most of the day to fly over.

When he looked at it from a very far distance, it was not very impressive. But after getting closer, Feng Shao finally saw the majesty of the purple gas column. The diameter of the gas column was several miles, like a giant pillar supporting the sky, so vast that the top could not be seen at a glance. Feng Shao even wondered in his heart whether the other end of the gas column had reached the upper realm.

But after dissipating the faint blue light in his pupils, the world was still calm and there was no sense of abnormality at all.

Feng Shao flew down on his sword and returned to the ground after a while. Although he could see the gas column, he could not enter the Sansheng Tower directly from the sky through the gas column. The only way to enter the Sansheng Tower was on the ground.

Where Feng Shao landed, he could only see the misty clouds and smoke, and vaguely saw a few pillars half a meter thick. Apart from that, he could not see anything.

Feng Shao narrowed his eyes slightly, and then stepped in.

Not long after, Feng Shao walked to the first pillar. He did not continue to move forward, but looked around and explored the surroundings. Soon, he saw three nearby pillars.

One was in the Qian position, one was in the Dui position, and one was in the Xun position. As for the pillars farther away, he could not see them.

Feng Shao carefully recalled the path mentioned in the "Qiankun Treasure Book" and walked towards the pillar in the Xun position in the right front.

After walking dozens of meters away, Feng Shao came to the pillar in the Xun position. At this time, six pillars appeared around him, and the directions were more complicated.

"The first step is the Xun position, the second step is Wei Ji, the third step is Da You, and the fourth step is Wu Wang..."

Feng Shao muttered in his mouth. Whenever he walked to a pillar, he immediately turned to the next step according to the instructions of the "Qiankun Treasure Book". This process cannot be sloppy at all. If you take a wrong step, you will be completely lost in it. Unless you are lucky enough to find the right route again, you will be trapped here for life.

However, when you are in it, the surrounding fog is vast, and you can only see a few dozen meters, and the distance between each pillar is just this length. In other words, Feng Shao can only see the pillars of the previous step and the next step at most. If you accidentally go wrong, even if you can find the right pillar later, who can be sure that this step is right?

And this is also the fundamental reason why all those who stray into it can never get out again.

Through the "Qiankun Treasure Book", Feng Shao learned that there are a total of 108 pillars around the Sansheng Tower, and you need to pass through 36 of them to get in. These 36 pillars cannot go wrong at any step, otherwise you will fall into the maze. Here, the perception of direction is useless, and the space seems to have been distorted by some special force. You think you are walking forward, but it is very likely that you are actually moving backwards. Only by walking on the right route and following a specific way can you enter the Sansheng Tower.

Along the way, Feng Shao could see the white bones lying on the ground from time to time. Most of these bones were human, and occasionally there were bones of wild animals. These bones were the result of people who strayed into the maze and could never get out, and eventually died of exhaustion.

But this was only a small part of them. More bones were still lying quietly in other places in the maze, and they might never see the light of day again.

Whenever he came across bones lying on the road, Feng Shao would squat down and search carefully. Most of the people who could come here were monks with some skills, otherwise they would not be able to find the location of the Sansheng Tower. Although they were unlucky and could not find the right way, their own strength was real. Feng Shao was able to meet them, which was actually a chance.

Only a fool would turn a blind eye to the opportunity in front of him. Therefore, along the way, Feng Shao looted countless storage bags or storage rings left by senior masters and made a lot of money. Feng Shao even felt that even if he couldn't reshape his qualifications, he wouldn't have to worry about the rest of his life just by relying on these treasures and magic tools he picked up.

But while looting, Feng Shao couldn't help but feel sad for these people. Many of them should have had a brighter and more magnificent future, but they accidentally entered the Sansheng Tower and died silently.

But wealth and honor are sought in danger. They came here to seek opportunities. It was their own choice to die here, so they couldn't blame others.

Unknowingly, Feng Shao had reached the 33rd step. However, in front of the 33rd pillar, he saw two skeletons lying on the ground hand in hand. Next to them, there were two long swords, one gold and one silver.

Feng Shao looked at the long swords and couldn't help but open his eyes wide, his eyes full of astonishment.

Could these two swords be the long-lost Golden Crow Sword and Silver Toad Sword in the legend?

Thousands of years ago, there was a family in the upper domain that was good at casting. The family's surname was Ling, and the place where they lived was called "Lingxiao Villa". Lingxiao Villa is particularly good at forging swords. There are eight most famous swords, collectively known as the "Lingxiao Eight Swords". The eight swords are: Golden Crow Sword, Silver Toad Sword, Blue Sky Sword, Yellow Spring Sword, Purple Nether Sword, Blue Sun Sword, White Rainbow Sword, and Red Cloud Sword.

These eight swords are divided into the upper four swords and the lower four swords. Today, the lower four swords are still there, but only Blue Sky and Yellow Spring are left of the upper four swords. The Blue Sky Sword is controlled by Xiao Ruoyao, the fairy of Xiaoyao, while the Yellow Spring Sword is in the hands of Lin Fengtian, the master of Yunjian Pavilion.

As for the Golden Crow Sword and the Silver Toad Sword, they have long disappeared.

There are rumors that a peerless swordsman came out of Lingxiao Villa in the past, and he was able to control the Golden Crow Sword. Later, the sword cultivator had a falling out with his family for some unknown reason. Not only did he run away from home in anger, he also took the Silver Toad Sword with him.

At this point, the two swords and the sword cultivator disappeared in the upper domain.

Although Feng Shao has never seen the Golden Crow Sword and the Silver Toad Sword, he also knows the reputation of these two swords, and their characteristics are quite obvious. A handful of golden light is shining with the flames of the Golden Crow; a handful of silver light is shining with the cold energy of Taiyin. Therefore, Feng Shao recognized the two swords with just one glance.

Looking at the two white bones lying on the ground, one was tall and the other was petite. They were obviously a man and a woman. So why the rumored peerless sword cultivator had a falling out with his family seemed to have the answer at this time.

Feng Shao looked at the two bones and couldn't help but sigh: "If you ask the world what love is, you will know that life and death are mutually exclusive. I didn't expect that such a proud man of heaven would be buried here with his lover."

After sighing for a while, Feng Shao unceremoniously took away the Golden Crow Sword and Silver Toad Sword.

Anyway, Lingxiao Villa has long since declined, and these two swords are already ownerless. Wouldn’t it be stupid not to take them away?

However, out of morality, Feng Shao dug a grave for the two of them, buried them together, and erected a tombstone.

As for the tombstone, the simple words "a pair of lovers" were left.

After all, Feng Shao didn't know the names of these two people, so he could only write them like this.

After burying two people, Feng Shao continued to move forward. After passing three more pillars in succession, the vision suddenly became clear, and the fog that blocked the sky finally disappeared.

What appeared in front of him was a giant tower hundreds of feet high.

The base of this giant tower is hundreds of meters in diameter, with a total of twelve floors, each floor several feet high. At the bottom of the giant tower, there is a circle of pool dozens of feet wide. There is only a six or seven meter wide path on the pool leading to the gate of Sansheng Tower. The water in the pool emits a brilliant rainbow-like light, but if you look closer, you will find that the bottom of the pool is clear.

This pool is the legendary heart-washing pool.

It is said that drinking the water of this heart-washing pool can forget the worries of three lifetimes. If it is used as medicine, it can also be used to refine the legendary forgetfulness elixir. However, I don’t know if this rumor is true or not. After all, only Palace Master Xihe has taken the pool water from here for thousands of years, and the formula for the Forgetting Pill is only available in Qiankun Palace.

We have seen the Qianyuan Pillar and Xinxin Pond, but what about the Ming Shou Tower?

After Feng Shao looked around, he found no sign of the stone platform, and finally set his sights on the Sansheng Tower.

Could it be said that the Mingkou Tower is in the Sansheng Tower.

To be honest, Feng Shao didn't really want to enter the Sansheng Tower. Although the most dangerous maze has been overcome, who knows what is in the Sansheng Tower? Maybe it was chance, but it could also be something more dangerous than the maze. Anything unknown will inevitably make people feel uneasy, and the same is true for Feng Shao.

After hesitating for a while, Feng Shao made up his mind and walked towards Sansheng Tower.

We have already walked more than half of this road. If we stop because of timidity, all our previous preparations will be in vain.

Through the path, Feng Shao came to the Sansheng Pagoda. He took a deep breath before pushing the door open and entering.

What comes into view is an extremely wide space.

Feng Shao looked around blankly and did not come back to his senses for a while.

Is this the inside of Sansheng Tower?

In front of him was a paradise with beautiful mountains and clear waters, singing birds and fragrant flowers. Looking far into the distance, you can vaguely see the mountains and ridges, and there are white clouds in the sky. Everything he saw told Feng Shao that this was not the inside of a building, but another space.

This was far beyond Feng Shao's expectation.

He originally thought that no matter how big the interior of Sansheng Tower was, it was just a very large circular room, so it would not be difficult to find the life-guarding tower. But the scene in front of him made Feng Shao unstoppable.

He scratched his head and began to think.

Where to go next?

At this moment, Feng Shao vaguely saw a transparent figure appearing in front of him. He couldn't help but open his eyes wide, and the next moment he realized that this was not an illusion.

Because this figure is becoming more solid. As time passed, he had even clearly seen the other party's clear face and green clothes.

Feng Shao couldn't help but hold his hand on the hilt of the Golden Crow Sword, narrowing his eyes slightly, ready to fight at any time.

After a while, the figure became like a real person. It was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his thirties or forties. His long hair was simply tied together with a hairband, and he looked quite free and easy. The man looked at Feng Shao, with a smile on his face, and said calmly: "You are finally here!"

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