After getting the lotus, Feng Shao knew that the lotus was called "Nine-child Buddha Lotus". The flower has nine petals and nine children. Lotus seeds mature once every ten years. Taking them can cure internal injuries and enhance cultivation. If you eat the petals, you can also understand a trace of Buddha's rhyme, shape a golden body, and help the Nirvana realm Buddhists increase the chance of success.

But lotus seeds can be regenerated, but petals cannot. There are as many lotus seeds as there are petals. Once the petals are eaten, the lotus seeds will be completely gone.

So this thing should be taken back and planted, rather than exhausting the pond to catch fish.

Although Feng Shao was willing to generously share the lotus seeds with everyone, everyone was embarrassed to accept it. After a lot of pushing and shoving, the two sides finally decided that the four people would each get one lotus seed, and the remaining five would belong to Feng Shao. Feng Shao couldn't refuse, so he simply accepted it.

Perhaps it was a habit left over from the past, Feng Shao did not keep all five lotus seeds for himself, but gave one to Bai Shuanghua who did nothing from beginning to end. Bai Shuanghua was deeply moved and more convinced of her previous thoughts.

As expected, Feng Shao himself was a great opportunity.

In addition to the Nine-Child Buddha Lotus, Feng Shao also did not let go of the giant snake that was killed on the lake. A spiritual beast of this level is full of treasures. So Feng Shao skinned it, removed its bones, and packed away all the meat and skin, even the snake brain, which made everyone stunned.

In the cognition of most cultivators, after killing a demon beast or a spiritual beast, taking away the demon pill is considered the end of the matter, and it has never been seen that all the parts of the entire spiritual beast are taken away.

In fact, this is also a habit that Feng Shao developed when he was in Taiwei Sect. He had lived through many hard times in the past, and even if he became a little richer later, Feng Shao always habitually took away as many useful things as possible and tried not to waste any valuable things. Even if it is the meat of a monster, it is good to bring it back to improve the food for the master, uncle, and junior brothers and sisters.

Afterwards, the two sides parted ways amicably, and Feng Shao was ready to return to Cangyunmen. Not long after they left, our son of destiny, Ye Fan, finally arrived late.

He stared blankly at the giant snake that had been cut into two pieces on the lake, looking unbelievable: "Master, what's going on?"

The old man sighed and said, "It is obvious that the treasures hidden here have been taken away."

"Then who took away the treasures? Is it Feng Shao?"

The old man did not answer, but Ye Fan had guessed the answer.

He gritted his teeth and growled, "Feng Shao! You obviously have everything, why do you want to snatch a mere treasure from me?!"

The old man couldn't help but sigh in his heart. You said that you always yelled that you should not bully the poor young people, and you always thought about how to kill them. It's good that they didn't kill you right away. Isn't it normal to snatch some treasures from you?

However, the old man did not say this out loud, as he knew Ye Fan would not listen.

Ye Fan sat down by the lake with resentment in his eyes: "Master, what should we do next?"

The old man pondered for a while before saying: "You can go to Dongjiang City."


"That's right. Dongjiang City has a branch of Yaoxianglou, and Yaoxianglou not only sells pills, but also recruits senior alchemists. You can try your luck at Yaoxianglou. With my help, it's no problem for you to become a senior alchemist at Yaoxianglou."

After the old man said this, Ye Fan felt a little better.

Although the old man was restrained when facing Feng Shao, Ye Fan still believed that his master's ability was unmatched. Even if he could only rely on him, resulting in only a little ability, it should be enough to apply for a senior alchemist at Yaoxianglou.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan regained his spirits, with a fire in his eyes: "Feng Shao, don't think that I will be depressed just because you took away my opportunity! You wait, it's mine, you will have to spit it out to me sooner or later!"

After Ye Fan secretly said a bunch of harsh words, he stepped towards Dongjiang City.

However, before he walked out of the dense forest, he ran into another group of people.

It was the four people that Feng Shao had rescued on the lake before.

Ye Fan didn't know them at all, so there was no need to greet them. Both sides just glanced at each other and went their own way.

But just as Ye Fan walked a few steps away, he heard someone over there say: "Mr. Feng is really a handsome man, and you can tell at first sight that he is definitely not an ordinary person!"

Another person responded: "Yes! I have never seen a person with the style of Mr. Feng in my life. It is really our luck that Mr. Feng can save us today!"

When he heard the three words "Mr. Feng", Ye Fan immediately became energetic. In his impression, besides Feng Shao, who else can be called "Mr. Feng"?

So these people must have seen Feng Shao!

But when they talked about Feng Shao, their words were full of respect and admiration, which made Ye Fan very unhappy.

Ye Fan pretended to be harmless, walked forward and asked: "The 'Mr. Feng' you just talked about, his real name is Feng Shao?"

The four people looked at each other and nodded: "Yes, do you know Mr. Feng?"

Ye Fan's face was full of smiles: "More than knowing? We are old acquaintances!"

Hearing this, everyone became friendly to Ye Fan.

Someone stepped forward and patted Ye Fan's shoulder hard, and said loudly: "Little brother is so lucky to be able to associate with such a great man as Mr. Feng. I wonder what your name is?"

Ye Fan said with a fake smile: "I am Ye Fei, a disciple of Cangyun Sect."

Ye Fan didn't dare to use his real name recently, so he simply gave himself a pseudonym. When away from home, the three words "Cang Yun Sect" are quite useful. Therefore, although Ye Fan said, "It doesn't matter if this Cangyun Sect doesn't wait", in fact, wherever he goes now, he still calls himself Cang Yun Sect. Disciple of Yunmen.

Cangyun Sect has a good reputation, and everyone spontaneously felt respect after hearing this. The leader of the four people raised his hands and said, "It turns out to be Cangyun Sect's disciple, whom I have admired for a long time!"

Of course, the "long admire" he said did not refer to Ye Fan, but to Cangyun Sect.

Although Ye Fan is arrogant, it does not mean that he is a fool. In fact, he was quite slippery, and in just a few words he became familiar with everyone, almost to the point of being close to each other.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Ye Fan asked casually, "By the way, you guys just talked about Mr. Feng and said that Mr. Feng had saved your lives, but what happened?"

Everyone did not doubt that he was there, and they all told Ye Fan exactly what happened just now, and finally said: "If Mr. Feng hadn't rescued him righteously, we would all have died at the hands of that beast. Moreover, Mr. Feng generously gave us a few lotus seeds, his character is really heartwarming!"

When Ye Fan heard this, his eyes lit up: "You just said, how many lotus seeds did Feng Shao give you?"

One person nodded and replied: "Yes. One of them has been eaten, and we are going to take the other three to Dongjiang City to sell them in exchange for some spiritual stones."

Ye Fan lowered his head and murmured: "There is really no end to the road!"

No one heard clearly, so one of them couldn't help but ask: "Little brother, what did you say?"

Ye Fan raised his head and smiled: "Thank you for your kindness. I will try my best to be as gentle as possible."

The man was stunned, and before he could understand what Mark Ye meant, his eyes blurred. Then, he felt severe pain in his chest.

He glanced down in disbelief, only to see that there was already a ferocious cut on his chest that was so deep that he could see the bone.

"You..." The man only had time to say this one word before he fell to the ground and died.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this change.

But they were also experienced, and they immediately took up weapons and surrounded Ye Fan at the core.

One of them gritted his teeth and asked, "Why did you suddenly kill someone?"

Ye Fan sneered: "Who told you to bring what I want with you? I'm sorry, everyone, please hand over your things!"

"Don't even think about it!" The other party was furious, "Even if I throw away the things, I will never give you such a scum!"

Ye Fan stroked the black long knife in his hand and said leisurely: "In that case, then you all go to die!"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Fan slashed at the opponent with a knife.

Ye Fan was able to kill one person before, mainly because of a sneak attack and because the other party was unprepared. At this time, the two sides were already at odds. Although Ye Fan's sword was fierce, it was easily dodged by the other party.

The man jumped back and shouted: "Stand shoulder to shoulder! Kill this scum and avenge the third child!"

Ye Fan had roughly estimated the opponent's realm from the opponent's evasive movements. He knew very well that it was impossible to kill the three opponents with his own strength alone, so he secretly said in his heart: "Master, please help me." A helping hand!”

The old man sighed quietly.

To be honest, although the world of cultivation is a society where individuals cannibalize people, there are very few people who would start a fight if they disagree with each other. Even if many people agree in their hearts with the so-called "law of the jungle", they still have to take some care of their face, otherwise Ye Fan would not be able to go all the way, and would always accuse the other party of bullying the small by bullying the small.

Therefore, fundamentally speaking, Ye Fan himself knows that it is not that there are no rules in the world of cultivation, but the rules are not clearly stated.

But when it was his turn, he had no intention of following the rules. Every time at this time, his reasons are "the weak eat the strong, the fittest survive", "the way of practice is to have no scruples" and so on.

This is probably the characteristic of Son of Destiny. There is always more than one set of standards, strict ones used to restrict others, and loose ones used to treat oneself.

Ye Fan suddenly took action, and even the old man could not expect it. But at this time, even if the old man only considered himself, he could only choose to help Ye Fan.

After a moment, Ye Fan felt that his whole body was filled with endless power, and a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

"Everyone, have a good trip on the road to Huangquan!"

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