Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 65: Re-establishing the Son of God

The reason why Qingyangzi made this decision was mainly related to Yunjian Pavilion.

After Shopkeeper Deng was murdered, Yunjian Pavilion sent people to question Taiwei Sect. At the beginning, Qingyangzi wanted to use the friendly relationship between the two sides to make the matter smaller, but Yunjian Pavilion disagreed with this. Yunjian Pavilion insisted that Taiwei Sect hand over the murderer and gave two months.

Two months, for a big force like Yunjian Pavilion, it is already a great face for Taiwei Sect. If Feng Shao was here, he would naturally be able to detect that the main purpose of Yunjian Pavilion giving Taiwei Sect such a long time to make a decision was to minimize the influence. After all, as a big force in Dongzhou, Yunjian Pavilion’s dignity cannot be desecrated, and there must be an explanation for the death.

If you don’t want to hand over the murderer, it’s okay, then come up with a more appropriate solution. In short, Yunjian Pavilion must save face.

If it were Feng Shao, handing over the murderer would be the only choice, because he would not use the reputation of the entire Taiwei Sect to guarantee a murderer who took human lives lightly. But Qingyangzi was not as sensitive as Feng Shao in this matter. He just thought that the two months given by Yunjian Pavilion were based on the friendship between the two sides for three years. So Qingyangzi thought that if he wanted to let this matter pass peacefully, he had to deepen the friendship between the two sides.

So Qingyangzi thought of the marriage between the two sides.

The two parties in the marriage were Yunjian Pavilion and Taiwei Sect, and the objects of the marriage were Lin Fengtian's only daughter Lin Xiaoran and Taiwei Sect's Holy Son Feng Shao. Now Feng Shao has left the sect and has cut off his relationship with Taiwei Sect. So Qingyangzi began to think about how to maintain the marriage relationship between the two sides.

So he decided to re-establish the Holy Son.

With the Holy Son, the marriage can continue.

Even, he can do one more step, such as marrying Lin Xiaoran into Taiwei Sect as soon as possible, bringing the relationship between the two sides closer, and then using the heat of this incident to cover up the murder of Manager Deng, so that it can naturally be reduced to a small matter.

So this decision was made after careful consideration by Qing Yangzi, and he also felt that his method was the best one.

It was just the choice of the Holy Son that made Qing Yangzi feel troubled at first.

In fact, as early as when Feng Shao was in charge of Taiwei Sect, Feng Shao began to focus on cultivating some disciples who could take on responsibilities. With Feng Shao's efforts, a group of excellent disciples did emerge in Taiwei Sect. However, although these disciples were excellent, their qualifications were not so outstanding. At least compared with Ye Chen, they were far inferior. There were even many people who could not even enter the innate realm.

Now the disciples of the second branch have all left the sect, and the third branch has only Ye Chen, a male creature, and it is difficult for the disciples of the long sect to have outstanding disciples. As for the outer disciples, there is no need to consider them at all. Even if Qing Yangzi believes that the relationship between the two sides is close, he does not think that Yunjian Pavilion can be generous enough to marry their little princess to the outer disciples of Taiwei Sect.

So after thinking about it, Qing Yangzi helplessly found that the only suitable candidate was Ye Chen.

But then again, although Ye Chen has some problems with his character, his qualifications are indeed the best choice. I believe that with Ye Chen's qualifications, he is also worthy of the little princess of Yunjian Pavilion.

Therefore, Qingyangzi finally decided that Ye Chen would be the new Holy Son of Taiwei Sect.

But he didn't expect that after the announcement of this decision, it immediately aroused a lot of opposition.

And the first one to express opposition was none other than Ye Chen's master, the head of the three branches, Du Yuanxi.

Du Yuanxi believed that the position of Holy Son was related to the cohesion of the disciples of Taiwei Sect, and cohesion was not just based on strength. Ye Chen offended countless people in the sect. To put it bluntly, if it weren't for Qingyangzi and Lingxuzi's strong protection, even Du Yuanxi would not tolerate him. If such a person was allowed to serve as the Holy Son, the people of Taiwei Sect would be completely scattered!

After Du Yuanxi, the second branch head Qin Zhao expressed opposition. Qin Zhao's reason was very simple, that is, Ye Chen was not worthy of that position!

After the two chiefs, the long-term disciples and outer-term disciples also said that Ye Chen was not qualified to be the Son of God. Some people even said privately that if Ye Chen was still the Son of God in the end, they would leave the sect!

Of course, the long-term disciples said this mostly out of anger. The outer-term disciples left when they wanted to, after all, their sense of belonging to the sect was relatively weak. The long-term disciples were different. They used the best resources of the sect and received the best teachings. If they left when they said they would, even if there were sufficient reasons, it would be seen by outsiders as an act of betraying their teachers and ancestors.

The departure of the second branch disciples was due to the tacit approval or even instigation of the second branch chiefs. And their situations were different, so naturally they could not easily make the same choice as the second branch disciples.

The voices of opposition were so strong and turbulent, but Qing Yangzi finally insisted on his decision.

While making the decision, he couldn't help but feel strongly dissatisfied with the opponents. They only knew that Ye Chen was not worthy of that position, but they didn't think about it. Wasn't he doing this for the benefit of the sect? Would they be satisfied if the people of Yunjian Pavilion came to question him?

Humph! A bunch of short-sighted guys!

After Qingyangzi announced the final decision, many people expressed their disappointment. That night, the thirteen disciples of Changmen resigned to Qingyangzi at the same time and asked to go down the mountain to travel.

They really couldn't easily choose to leave the sect, but they could choose not to stay in Taiwei Sect.

Qing Yangzi was furious about this, and immediately reprimanded Gao Yi, the second disciple of Changmen who led the group.

After Gao Yi listened to Qing Yangzi's reprimand in silence, he suddenly said, "This time, I went down the mountain to find elixirs to repair the Dantian for the fifth and seventh disciples. Since the master is unwilling to make a decision for the fifth and seventh disciples, I can only think of a way for them."

Qing Yangzi was speechless.

The "fifth and seventh disciples" mentioned by Gao Yi were the two disciples of Changmen whose Dantian was destroyed by Ye Chen. After this incident, the disciples of Changmen were indignant and jointly asked the master to punish Ye Chen, but Qing Yangzi just brushed it off, which made many disciples a little disappointed.

When Feng Shao was still there, he had taught them many times that fellow disciples should love and help each other. They adhered to Feng Shao's philosophy and could not sit idly by and watch the suffering of their injured fellow disciples. Now that Qingyangzi has turned a deaf ear to this, they can only think of ways to help the two men repair their Dantian.

Repairing Dantian is impossible for the lower domain, but for the people in the upper domain, although it is difficult, it is not impossible.

From Gao Yi's words, Qingyangzi also felt the dissatisfaction of the disciples, and he couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. He slapped the table and said angrily: "Go, all of you go! I want to see if Taiwei Sect can really survive without you!"

After the disciples saluted Qingyangzi silently, they left one after another.

After Qingyangzi was sulking for a while, he regretted a little in his heart, regretting that he shouldn't have been so tough just now. The disciples of the second branch have already left the sect, and if the disciples of the long gate leave again, the inner disciples will only be left with the third branch. But except for Han Biyun who can take up the responsibility of the third branch, who else can be counted on?

But words spoken out, water spilled out. At this point, he can only think of another way.

The situation of Taiwei Sect is indeed not good now, but compared with when he just took over Taiwei Sect, it is much better, so Qingyangzi is still optimistic. Since the current inner disciples cannot be relied on, then recruit a new batch. Taiwei Sect is at least the most famous sect within hundreds of miles. Can't it be done to recruit some qualified disciples?

However, the inner sect is short of people at the moment, so we can only find people from the outer sect to fill in. So that afternoon, Qingyangzi announced that the selection of inner disciples will be held soon. The ten best outer disciples will have the opportunity to be taught by the head of the sect and promoted to inner disciples!

As soon as this decision was made, the outer sect became lively.

Originally, the selection of inner disciples was held every three years, and the last time it was held was last year. In other words, if there is no accident, the next one should be held in two years. And Qingyangzi's decision means that many disciples don't have to wait for these two years!

Although the way of cultivation can easily take thousands of years, the competition between peers often pulls out a big gap in one or two years. Being able to enter the inner sect two years in advance is a great opportunity for them!

It must be said that Qing Yangzi's decision really made the outer sect disciples happy and also gathered a group of people's hearts.

Although he only gathered the hearts of the outer sect disciples, the outer sect disciples can also become inner sect disciples! When he recruits a certain number of inner sect disciples, he can replace all the disobedient inner sect disciples!

If the disciples are disobedient, then no matter how many disciples there are or how strong they are, it will be useless!

In the following period of time, the outer sect disciples were eager to prepare for the inner sect selection competition in the near future. And Qing Yangzi, after hastily handing the Holy Son Seal to Ye Chen, ordered Ling Xuzi to go to Yunjian Pavilion immediately to discuss the change of the marriage contract.

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