Qing Yangzi didn't die.

But practicing Taiwei Heart Sutra requires a clear mind and few desires, and not to be obsessed with anything. But this time, he was so angry that he ruined his mood and greatly damaged his cultivation, so that he had to rest quietly.

However, this made him forget to investigate Ye Chen for damaging the herbs.

It was not until Elder Zhu Yu came to him again and reminded him that the elixir was running out that he remembered this matter.

So Qing Yangzi called Ye Chen over again, scolded him severely, and ordered him to immediately compensate the sect for the lost herbs.

Ye Chen was robbed by Feng Shao and his vitality was greatly damaged. He originally couldn't afford so much money. But on his way back to the mountain, probably because his luck had recovered a lot, he actually picked up a large sum of wealth by "chance".

But Ye Chen is a Pixiu, who only takes in and never gives out. Even if he is asked to pluck a hair to benefit the world, he will never do it. His principle of doing things is: What does the world's affairs have to do with me?

This is a typical egoist.

It is for this reason that Feng Shao, who has been selflessly devoting himself to the sect for many years, makes him feel uneasy. Feng Shao is like a magic mirror, showing the ugliest side of Ye Chen.

However, this time, he can't be so stingy. Because Qingyangzi has issued a death order, if Ye Chen does not compensate the sect for the losses, then Ye Chen will be expelled from the sect!

Ye Chen wanted to say at that time: Such a sect, it's better not to stay!

But as soon as the words came to his lips, he was swallowed back.

He just became the son of the saint, and he hasn't gotten any benefits yet! If he leaves the sect in such a disgrace, wouldn't it be a big loss?

You know, not long ago, he was robbed by Feng Shao once! He urgently needs to make up for his losses through other means, and the magic weapons in the sect's treasure house brought by Feng Shao are undoubtedly the best way to make up for the losses.

In the end, Ye Chen, in line with the idea of ​​"the old does not go, the new does not come", reluctantly took out two thousand spirit stones to compensate for the lost medicinal materials of the sect.

The urgent need for the sect's elixir was finally temporarily relieved.

Depressed, Ye Chen ran to Zhao Meier to seek comfort. And Zhao Meier, as he expected, comforted him with soft words, which made him recover from the loss quickly.

While communicating with Zhao Meier, Ye Chen also began to repair the internal injuries caused by the battle with Feng Shao.

Ye Chen's golden elixir was half broken by Feng Shao, but fortunately it was not completely broken. If it was completely broken, Ye Chen could only start from the foundation building, and it was unknown how long it would take to repair the golden elixir again.

Although it was difficult to repair the half-broken degree, it was much better than the completely broken one.

But Ye Chen did not notice that some red blood had penetrated into his half-broken golden elixir. If an experienced cultivator saw this, he would know that this situation meant that there were signs of demonic possession.

But Ye Chen didn't know this. And even if he knew, he wouldn't care. Because he was a pragmatist, anything was fine as long as it worked. As for whether it was demonic possession, he didn't care much.

During the repair process, Ye Chen also found another thing that made him happy.

His golden elixir was repaired very slowly, but this was reasonable. Generally speaking, injuries of this degree cannot be eliminated without three or two years of recuperation. But he found that if he held the blood refining sword in the process of repairing the golden elixir, the process of repairing the golden elixir would be greatly accelerated. The injury that was originally expected to take at least two years to repair was shortened to nearly one year.

However, the blood energy attached to the blood refining sword would penetrate into it during his repair of the golden elixir, dyeing the originally golden golden elixir with a layer of blood red, which looked quite weird. But in order to repair the golden elixir as soon as possible, he chose to turn a blind eye. And the infiltration of blood energy also made him feel a sense of power expansion. The feeling of having power is intoxicating, how could Ye Chen refuse?

Therefore, not only did he not take this matter to heart, but he intentionally promoted the absorption of blood and qi, which made the blood and qi on his golden elixir deepen day by day.

Ye Chen did not find that as he absorbed more blood and qi, his personality became weird.

The original Ye Chen was impulsive and irritable, and he loved to make trouble. In the past, many people could use "youthful mentality" to explain his weird personality. But now Ye Chen is like a powder keg, which can be ignited at any time.

There were two outer disciples walking in front of him, talking and laughing, and Ye Chen thought they were making fun of him. Ye Chen drew his sword in anger and beat the two to death on the spot, and his dantian was almost destroyed.

Some outer disciples called him "Senior Brother Ye Chen" instead of "Senior Brother Shengzi", which Ye Chen thought was a challenge to his status. Ye Chen used his power to suppress them on the spot, forcing them to kneel down and beg for mercy.

An outer disciple said a few more words to Zhao Meier, and Ye Chen thought that he was trying to steal his people. Ye Chen immediately broke his hands and feet, threw him out of Taiwei Mountain, and threatened that anyone who dared to save him would be his enemy.

There are many such examples.

Ye Chen himself did not think there was anything wrong with doing this, but others vaguely realized that something was wrong.

Han Biyun was the first to discover the problem. Although Han Biyun was extremely dissatisfied with Ye Chen, Ye Chen was her junior brother after all, and she could not ignore the changes in him. However, Han Biyun, the senior sister, always spoke frankly and said without hesitation that Ye Chen might have entered the devil's way and must concentrate and calm down to drive away the devil in his heart.

These words aroused Ye Chen's disgust, and he immediately retorted: "There is no distinction between good and evil in power. If you use it for good, it will be good, and if you use it for evil, it will be evil. Even if I enter the devil's path, as long as I wholeheartedly do good, Then what I practice is the right path!”

Han Biyun was furious: "Look at what seems to be your intention to do good now? How many outer disciples have you injured in the past few days? How can you say that you are 'doing good' by doing this?!"

But Ye Chen said: "Those people insulted me first, what's wrong with me teaching them a lesson? Isn't it just for me, the monks who seek immortality, to have a clear idea? If we can't be happy with our grudges, then what's the point?" monasticism?"

Han Biyun asked in disbelief: "Who told you these fallacies?"

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "These principles don't need to be taught by others. I have learned them by myself. Senior sister, please don't deny my principles just because they don't conform to yours! You don't have to agree with my principles. , but please allow it to exist!”

"This is ridiculous!" Han Biyun said angrily, "Cultivation is not about being brave and ruthless, nor is it about taking human life lightly! You want to be free and easy, but that is not the reason for you to trample on others! You have entered the devil's way at this moment, but you still don't know it. Could it be that Do you want to continue making mistakes?”

Ye Chen sneered and said: "Sister, you don't need to use your principles to pressure me. I can't convince you, but you can't convince me either. In this case, let us each do it according to our own ideas! Time will prove who is right!"

After saying that, Ye Chen flicked his sleeves and left without looking back.

Han Biyun knew that Ye Chen's current situation was very dangerous, but Ye Chen was so unwilling to listen to advice, which made her feel chilled. As a last resort, she reported Ye Chen's situation to Du Yuanxi.

Du Yuanxi couldn't help but be shocked after hearing this. In the past, Ye Chen was not yet possessed by the devil, but he was still stubborn and eager to fight. If one enters the devil's path now, wouldn't it become a disaster sooner or later?

So Du Yuanxi immediately summoned Ye Chen in front of him and persuaded Ye Chen to expel his inner demons.

However, during Du Yuanxi's persuasion, Ye Chen became very impatient. Before Du Yuanxi could finish her words, Ye Chen interrupted her and asked, "May I ask Master, what is the inner demon?"

Du Yuanxi frowned. She was unhappy when her disciple interrupted her rudely. But considering that Ye Chen's current situation was special, Du Yuanxi had to endure it for now and said calmly: "The inner demon is the desire that our monks have as their strength increases during their practice. It should be noted that powerful power can shape a person. People can also destroy a person. People who cannot control their desires cannot stick to their true intentions. "

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Then what does Master think my disciple's desires are?"

Before Du Yuanxi could speak, Ye Chen said enthusiastically: "It is to become stronger! To become stronger! To become a truly strong man that no one can beat! This is my desire! Since my desire is to become stronger , then why should I control it?”

Du Yuanxi shook her head and said: "Desire and desire are two different things. Desire can make people lose themselves, but desire can make people stay true to their true nature."

"No, Master, you are wrong!" Ye Chen said with a smile, "The essence of desire and wish is the same! It is our tireless pursuit, and it is a goal that we would rather give up everything to achieve! Lose your true heart? No, no. No, that’s not losing sight of one’s original intention, that’s just a decision made after seeing one’s original intention clearly! In the face of the lifelong goal, anything else can be abandoned, because those things are not important!”

He raised his head and laughed: "The world will misunderstand me, but future generations will understand me! Time will prove that I am right!"

Seeing Ye Chen's enthusiastic and crazy look, Du Yuanxi's heart felt cold.

Ye Chen was really possessed.

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