"Wow-brother Shao, let's fly faster!"

"Okay, listen to you, let's fly faster!"

In the sky, the cheerful laughter of a man and a woman resounded through the sky. A flying sword, carrying two people, shuttled quickly among the clouds, like swimming fish. A young girl waved her arms with an excited smile on her face. Behind her, a man was hugging her tightly.

After all, Lin Xiaoran is only fifteen years old after all, and still has the nature of a child. Although she can also fly with a sword by herself, she just likes to fly with Feng Shao. This feeling is completely incomparable to flying with a sword by myself.

And Feng Shao would naturally satisfy her small request.

After entering the realm of golden elixir, Feng Shao's flying speed suddenly increased a lot. It only took two or three hours for them to fly a distance of seven hundred miles.

When she landed back on the ground, Lin Xiaoran's pretty little face was flushed, and she still looked excited. She jumped onto Feng Shao's back and shouted: "Brother Shao, let's keep flying like this from now on, okay?"

Feng Shao smiled and said: "Okay, from now on I will only take you and our children with me."

"What nonsense are you talking about! I don't want to have a baby so early..." Lin Xiaoran was a little shy, but then asked: "Brother Shao, do you prefer a son or a daughter?"

"Daughter! My daughter will be as cute and beautiful as you, and she will definitely be a heartthrob when she grows up."

"I do want a son. My son will be as handsome as Brother Shao!"

The two of them were chatting while walking on the mountain path. Unknowingly, they had extended the topic from having children to the issue of their children's education.

"By the way, Brother Shao, where is this place?" Lin Xiaoran raised his head and looked around, "It doesn't seem like there is anything special here, and there doesn't seem to be any sects nearby. But the scenery here is quite good. Maybe we can consider establishing a sect here or something in the future.”

The fact that Feng Shao was angry with Taiwei Sect has always made Lin Xiaoran worried. She was extremely confident in Feng Shao, especially when Feng Shao easily took out 130,000 classical books, she even believed that Feng Shao could create a sect even with his own strength, and it would be a far-reaching sect. A sect more powerful than Taiwei Sect.

If Taiweizong loses Feng Shao, it will only be Taiweizong’s loss, not Feng Shao’s!

When Feng Shao heard this, he smiled and said: "Why create a sect? Can't you create something else?"

Lin Xiaoran smiled "Hehe": "No matter what Brother Shao wants to do, Ran'er will always follow Brother Shao anyway!"

Feng Shao rubbed her little head and said: "Of course! Even if you don't want to follow me, I will force you to do it!"

While they were joking, the two saw a small village located next to a narrow river in the distance.

This small village is very small, with only 17 or 18 households in the entire village. At this time, the sun was setting and it was time to eat. People returned home after hoeing, chatting and laughing, and lit up the smoke. From a distance, the aroma of the food reached the noses of Feng Shao and Lin Xiaoran.

"Brother Shao, what are they doing? It smells so good!"

Lin Xiaoran sniffed and felt a little empty in his stomach.

Feng Shao smiled and said: "Let's go over and ask, won't we know?"

As the two approached the village, the villagers had already seen the two from a distance. For these farmers who work all day long, the clothes Feng Shao and Lin Xiaoran were wearing were too gorgeous, so much so that they didn't dare to look at them, as if they would make their clothes dirty if they looked at them too much.

Feng Shao, however, walked up to a middle-aged man who looked quite stable and asked politely: "Excuse me, my sister and I were passing by here. Seeing that it was getting dark, we wanted to take a rest here. , I wonder if it can be convenient?”

The middle-aged man glanced at Lin Xiaoran's fairy-like appearance, and then at the clothes they were wearing that were obviously not something ordinary people could afford. He hesitated: "It's not a convenience, but we only have some clothes here. I'm afraid I'm neglecting the guests by eating a simple meal."

Feng Shao said, "Uncle, you're welcome. We're very grateful for this convenience, so how can we be picky?"

Actually speaking seriously, Feng Shao may be older than the other party. However, he looks like he is in his early twenties as he has been practicing for many years, so calling him uncle is not out of place.

The middle-aged man was quite hospitable, so he immediately called his wife and children to come out and entertained Feng Shao and Lin Xiaoran warmly. Although Feng Shao said that Lin Xiaoran was his sister, anyone with a discerning eye could see the relationship between the two. However, in this world, it is a common convention for couples to call each other brother and sister, so no one thinks there is anything wrong.

City people behave like city people, and country people behave like country people. There are no exquisite dishes like those in the city, but there is no shortage of game. Paired with their homemade seasonings, the aroma wafting out after the barbecue will make you want to eat.

People in remote villages live in poverty. There is hardly any oil or water in their daily diet. There is not even much salt, and even sugar is considered a luxury product. Therefore, game barbecue has become the main dish they use to entertain guests. Fortunately, although barbecue is simple to make, it is still delicious, so it is not a neglect.

Lin Xiaoran opened his big eyes, watching the wild boar legs rolling on the flames without blinking, swallowing his saliva unconsciously.

Feng Shao took out a big bag from the storage ring, handed it to the middle-aged man, and said: "Thank you for your hospitality, uncle, these things are a thank you gift!"

"How can this be?" The middle-aged man hurriedly declined, "It's just some country food, why should the guest be so polite?"

"Uncle, don't refuse. We came to disturb you rashly, if we come empty-handed, how can we be guests? Please accept it!"

"This..." The middle-aged man looked a little hesitant.

Seeing this, Feng Shao had to say: "Uncle, there is only some salt in this bag, it's not worth much, uncle, don't refuse it!"

Hearing the word "salt", the middle-aged man's eyes lit up immediately.

In fact, salt is not as worthless as Feng Shao said. In fact, unless you live in a place where salt is abundant, salt is a luxury for most people. Although adding a little salt can make food delicious. However, this little salt is unaffordable for most people.

The reasons are that the salt refining process is very backward, the transportation conditions are simple, and the salt tax is high.

The life you take for granted is often what some people dream of.

For the middle-aged man, the salt that Feng Shao took out was just coarse salt, but it was much more valuable than silver. He received it happily and thanked him repeatedly, which made Lin Xiaoran curious and asked, "Uncle, it's just some salt, there's no need to be like this, right?"

The middle-aged man couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Miss, you don't know, after all, our place is remote, and we have to go to the big city a hundred miles away to buy everything. Miss may not think this salt is valuable, but for people like us, it is a rare good thing."

After listening, Lin Xiaoran still looked confused.

Feng Shao sighed secretly. After all, Lin Xiaoran grew up in the limelight, how could he really understand the suffering of the people?

The middle-aged man rolled the wild boar leg and sprinkled a little salt on it. With the addition of salt, the wild boar leg was even more fragrant. Every time a layer was cooked, the middle-aged man would cut off a layer of roasted meat, and then spread a layer of lard and seasoning on it. Not long after, the middle-aged man cut out a full plate.

Sitting next to the table, in addition to Feng Shao and Lin Xiaoran, there were also the middle-aged man's wife, son and two daughters. Several people sat around the table and feasted on the freshly roasted wild boar leg meat.

The middle-aged man's son looked only twelve or thirteen years old, with a chubby face. He stared at Lin Xiaoran while eating. Lin Xiaoran couldn't help asking, "Little brother, why do you always look at me?"

The boy blushed when Lin Xiaoran asked this. He quickly turned his head to the side and said hesitantly, "I want to ask, sister is so beautiful, is she a fairy in the sky?"

Lin Xiaoran couldn't help laughing when he saw what he said was interesting. She asked with a smile: "If I am really a fairy, what would you like to do?"

The boy said embarrassedly: "I want to ask the fairy sister to pray for a good harvest in our village every year, and no one will starve to death again!"

Lin Xiaoran was stunned.

She couldn't help asking: "Do people starve to death in your village?"

The boy flattened his mouth and looked depressed: "There was a drought two years ago, and many people starved to death in the village. Xiangxiang from Uncle Huang's family starved to death at that time."

Lin Xiaoran was speechless for a while.

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly and said: "People like us who live in the countryside rely on God for food. If God is in a good mood, the weather is good, and we don't have to worry about food and drink. But if God is in a bad mood, it rains too much or too little, it is inevitable to starve."

Lin Xiaoran has also experienced the feeling of hunger. At that time, she never thought that the food that she never cared about before was so important. But in her cognition, it is still hard to believe that there are really people in this world who will starve to death.

They can obviously farm and hunt by themselves, but why do people still starve to death?

Lin Xiaoran was stunned. For the first time, she realized that there were still many things she didn't understand about this world.

She subconsciously looked at Feng Shao, as if she vaguely guessed the purpose of Feng Shao bringing her here.

From beginning to end, Feng Shao behaved very calmly and seemed to be accustomed to what the boy said. He should have known that there are still many people in this world who can't even afford salt and can't even eat enough food, right?

Feng Shao noticed that Lin Xiaoran was a little dazed, so he patted her hands and said, "This wild boar meat is something that people usually don't want to eat, so today they specially took it out to treat us. We can't let such delicious food go to waste!"

Lin Xiaoran looked down at the wild boar meat in her hand and suddenly asked, "Brother Shao, do you think there will be a day when everyone in the world can have enough food and everyone can buy what they want?"

"Maybe there will be such a day!" Feng Shao nodded, "But in order for that day to come true, someone must first come out and do something."

Lin Xiaoran looked at Feng Shao, thinking.

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