Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 97: Ice Soul Blue Grass

In the dense forest, two stunning beauties were walking one after the other.

The girl walking in front was still young and petite. She held a long sword shining with silver light and kept chopping at the thorns on the road. Just looking at her chopping posture, she was more inclined to vent her anger than to clear the way.

The woman walking behind looked about 18 or 19 years old. She looked at the petite girl in front with a smile and said, "Sister Lin, does it really make you so angry to act with me? But how do I remember that it was you who took the initiative to ask to act with me?"

The petite girl looked back at her and snorted coldly, "You ask even though you know it!"

The woman didn't care and smiled, "Sister Lin, Master Feng entrusted you to me. If you encounter any danger, I can't explain to Master Feng."

The petite girl rolled her eyes at her and said unhappily, "Forget it! You say you care about my safety, but in fact, I'm afraid you can't wait for a monster to run out and kill me. Eat it! In this way, you can get close to Brother Shao with a legitimate reason! "

The woman sighed and said, "Sister Lin, how can you think of me like this? Although I do have admiration for Mr. Feng, I don't want him to lose his lover. What's more, you are a few years younger than me, isn't it my duty to take care of you a little more?"

The petite girl said, "I can do whatever I want, you don't need to control me! With the sword and defensive magic weapon given to me by Brother Shao, even if a demon beast with the strength of Taiqing Realm suddenly appears, I can deal with it! Even if I can't deal with it, I can run away!"

After that, the petite girl no longer paid attention to the woman behind her, and continued to walk forward while cutting thorns.

These two people are Lin Xiaoran and Shao Yunqing.

The reason why Feng Shao formed a team with these two people was mainly for safety considerations.

In order to open up a safe area, Feng Shao decided to clear out the demon beasts in the surrounding dense forests first. In this operation, he brought almost all the people of Taiwei Sect, but the main purpose was to train everyone's actual combat ability.

Among these people, Tongmai Realm is enough to protect themselves, and Xiantian Realm is the main combat force. As for the foundation building realm, the main goal is to observe the fighting skills of others and learn the ability to adapt to changes in battle. So for Feng Shao and others, it is not the more people the better, but just the opposite.

Once they encounter a difficult monster, Feng Shao and others can defend against it even if they can't beat it; even if they can't defend it, they can run away. But when there are some people of lower realms around them, they have to take care of their safety first, so their tasks have an additional item of "ensuring the safety of team members". At the critical moment, they need to take the responsibility of covering the rear.

Considering this, Feng Shao did not assign team members to Lin Xiaoran and Shao Yunqing. And Feng Shao's requirements for them are also very simple, that is, "fight if you can fight, and run away if you can't fight."

Shao Yunqing is smart and understands Feng Shao's meaning as soon as she hears it. Moreover, before leaving, Feng Shao privately asked Shao Yunqing to take care of Lin Xiaoran. In Feng Shao's eyes, no matter how strong or weak Lin Xiaoran is, she is still the same childish mind as before, and often does things a little willful. When he is around, he can let her be willful. But if he is not around, it is hard to say what will happen.

Facing Feng Shao's request, Shao Yunqing was envious and said faintly: "Sister Lin is so lucky to be favored by Mr. Feng."

Feng Shao smiled and said: "This is also my luck."

After hearing this, Shao Yunqing wanted to cry even more.

Why is such a good ideal husband not her own?

Shao Yunqing is not only envious of Lin Xiaoran, but also jealous.

But since Feng Shao has asked her, she doesn't want to disappoint Feng Shao. Therefore, along the way, she has been persuading Lin Xiaoran to be careful and not to walk too fast.

It's a pity that Lin Xiaoran has more dislike for Shao Yunqing than like for her. She always remembers that this woman has been thinking about her husband, so she doesn't want to do what Shao Yunqing asked her to do. The two walked and talked all the way, and unknowingly went deeper and deeper into the dense forest.

Although Shao Yunqing has been targeted by Lin Xiaoran all the way, she actually knows in her heart that Lin Xiaoran was just spoiled since childhood, so he is a little willful in character, but his nature is not bad. In addition, she acted with Lin Xiaoran, in addition to taking care of Lin Xiaoran's safety, she also wanted to build a good relationship with Lin Xiaoran.

For Shao Yunqing, it is also a way of "saving the country in a roundabout way".

Along the way, the two also encountered various monsters many times. However, the strength of these monsters is generally not very strong, even Lin Xiaoran can solve the monsters alone. Over time, they gradually let down their guard and began to rush to attack when they met monsters.

In terms of strength alone, this two-person team is the strongest among the four teams. After all, they don't need to take others into consideration like the other teams. But in this way, their speed far exceeds that of other teams, and they unconsciously pull away from the other teams.

After easily killing another monster, Lin Xiaoran stepped on the monster's huge head and said to Shao Yunqing proudly: "How is it? My strength is not worse than yours, right? I have said it before, even if you are one level higher than me, I may not be weaker than you!"

"Yes, yes, sister Lin, you possess the secret knowledge of the Lin and Xiao families, how can you be compared to someone like me who comes from a small place?" Shao Yunqing said as he knelt down and started Dispose of the corpse of the monster. The demon elixir in the demon beast's body is a good thing, and it can't be let go so easily.

Lin Xiaoran's family has a great business, but he looks down on these demon pills. At the beginning, Lin Xiaoran wanted to give up the demon pill, but unexpectedly Shao Yunqing said: "After you marry Mr. Feng, will you continue to be so lavish?"

Lin Xiaoran asked dissatisfied: "It's just a few demon pills, why are you so lavish?"

Shao Yunqing said leisurely: "You grew up in Yunjian Pavilion, and you have the best food, clothing, and supplies. You don't understand why people like us from ordinary families would like this kind of thing that you think is completely useless." A worthless little thing. Mr. Feng came from Taiwei Sect, and I think you also know what is going on with Taiwei Sect. As far as I know, if Mr. Feng kills this kind of monster, it will not only be a monster. Dan, even the animal skins and meat must be packaged and taken away in order to improve the food for the junior brothers and sisters. "

Speaking of this, Shao Yunqing said with emotion: "If you don't become a family, you don't know how expensive firewood and rice are. But Mr. Feng has been the family of Taiweizong for nearly thirty years, and he has long regarded frugality as instinct. Even if I become rich one day, I will Mr. Feng is not willing to waste anything valuable. Sister Lin, as a sister, I want to advise you. If you don't change your wasteful character, maybe one day you may end up in trouble because of this little thing. And quarrel."

Lin Xiaoran felt that Shao Yunqing's words were a bit sensational. Just because something worthless like this is worth arguing about? She was about to retort, but she saw Shao Yunqing suddenly slapped his forehead, looking annoyed: "Oops! Why did I tell you all these things? In fact, it was good for you two to quarrel! You quarreled, I might have a chance!"

Lin Xiaoran: "..."

Sure enough, I can’t treat you as a good person!

Although Lin Xiaoran was doubtful about Shao Yunqing's words, she was also very aware of Feng Shao's habit of being thrifty and diligent in managing his family. So after hesitating for a long time, she decided to learn to be frugal. Not for anything else, just because Brother Shao can praise her more after returning!

Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoran also started to deal with the corpse of the monster.

At the same time, only two or three miles away from the two women, a young man was also walking in the dense forest.

"According to the guidance of the jade pendant, the Ice Soul Blue Grass should not be far from here. However, all treasures of heaven and earth must be guarded by spiritual beasts. You must be careful when you see the Ice Soul Blue Grass later."

The young man muttered to himself and continued to move forward.

After a while, the young man's eyes suddenly opened up. The dense trees suddenly stopped here, and the front turned into a vast grassland.

This grassland is about a few hundred meters in diameter, and is insignificant compared to the vast dense forest. But there is no tree in such a large piece of grass, which is obviously something strange.

The young man couldn't help but look excited. Because he knew that what he was looking for should be right here.

He did not walk directly to the grass, but first looked around cautiously. The grassland and the surrounding dense forest were so quiet that not even a bird could be seen. But in the middle of the grass, a small blue grass suddenly grew. The grass was blue and sparkling, and there was a hint of coldness in it. One look at it and you could tell it was something extraordinary.

The young man's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

That's right, this is the Ice Soul Blue Grass!

However, just behind the Ice Soul Blue Grass, there lay a giant wolf with snow-white blue stripes all over its body. The giant wolf alone is seven or eight meters long. If it stood up, it would be at least three or four meters tall.

It seems that this giant wolf is the guardian spirit beast of Ice Soul Blue Grass.

The young man lay quietly on his stomach in the dense forest, observing the giant wolf from a distance. He recognized that this giant wolf must be the blue-striped snow wolf. It is said that the blue-striped snow wolf has a ferocious character and can control ice and snow. It is one of the rare monsters that can cast spells naturally. With his ability, if he wakes up the blue-striped snow wolf, the blue-striped snow wolf can easily freeze him into ice with just a sneeze.

But the Ice Soul Blue Grass in front of it was the goal of his trip. Therefore, he had to provoke this blue-striped snow wolf.

He looked around, rolled his eyes, and immediately thought of a good idea.

He made an estimate in his mind and felt that the success rate of this method should be above 80%. A flash of light flashed in his eyes as he looked at the blue-striped snow wolf.

I am bound to get this Ice Soul Blue Grass!

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