Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 1 The Life Of Snow Cicada Stockings

Chapter 1: The Life of Snow Cicada Stockings

In the dim alchemy room, Chu Ming slowly opened his heavy eyelids. His scattered and confused pupils gradually focused on the decaying wooden beam in front of him.

"It hurts!"

Rubbing his painfully throbbing forehead, Chu Ming slowly got up. The unfamiliar scene in front of him made him momentarily stunned.

Wasn't I just resting at home after socializing?

Where am I?

As his consciousness gradually awakened from confusion, fragmented memories began to flash through his mind.

Chu Ming, a disciple of the outer sect of the Heavenly Evolution Sect in the Northern Territory.

Because he stole his senior sister An Muxi's Snow Cicada Stockings, he was punished to help her refine the Fourth Grade pill, "Iceheart Pill," in the alchemy room. He could only leave when he successfully refined it.

"Could this be a lucid dream?"

Standing up and patting the grass and wood ash on his clothes, Chu Ming looked at the dilapidated alchemy furnace in front of him in silence for a long time.

Closing his eyes, opening them, the scene remained the same.

Pinching his thigh hard, the scene still didn't change.


Did I really transmigrate?!

After a brief astonishment, Chu Ming couldn't help but feel speechless.

You can say I transmigrated, but did it have to be into a perverted person?

This is ruining my reputation!

"No, the original host didn't have memories of stealing senior sister's stockings in his mind. Plus, he was usually humble and kind. How could he possibly do such a thing?"

"There must be some misunderstanding!"

Chu Ming reached into his pocket to find a way to deal with the current predicament, but the delicate texture on his fingertips made him slightly stunned.

He took out a pair of white stockings that had been kneaded into a ball, with excellent quality, lying quietly in his palm.


Did the original host really steal senior sister's stockings?!

"Now it's good, the misunderstanding is resolved, but I can't explain it."

Chu Ming sighed heavily, staring at the white stockings for a long time, and then inexplicably brought them to his nose to sniff.

Hmm, a faint virgin fragrance.

The person who can wear these pantyhose must be a very beautiful girl.

No one is perfect, and I seem to understand the original host's behavior a bit... Ahem!

Now is not the time to empathize with others!

Chu Ming snapped back to reality and paced back and forth in front of the furnace, feeling somewhat annoyed.

The current situation had become a fact. Since he stole the stockings, he couldn't leave the alchemy room without successfully refining the "Iceheart Pill."

But he was only a Third Grade alchemist who had recently broken through. How could he refine a Fourth Grade pill?

"Unless I cheat..."

Just as Chu Ming muttered to himself, a light blue screen suddenly appeared in front of him.

[The simulation system is dedicated to serving the host. Would you like to simulate "Snow Cicada Stockings"?]

"Oh, there really is?!"

Chu Ming excitedly clenched the white stockings in his hand.

The online novel author didn't deceive me!

Sure enough, there's a system when you transmigrate!

"But simulation should refer to something like a 'life simulator.' Can this item be simulated too?"

With a hint of doubt, Chu Ming tentatively murmured.

"Is that so?"

In an instant, a large amount of information appeared on the panel in front of him.

[You were born in the far north of the Northern Territory, collected by hunters from the mouth of the "Snow Cicada," and woven into "Snow Cicada Stockings" by women. They have extremely strong stretchability and tear resistance, and also possess the effect of calming desires.]

[After going through some transportation, you arrived at the An State market and met An Muxi. After being bought and worn on her legs, you became deeply infatuated with her round and firm legs.]

[During this time, you met the "Garter Stockings" and "Thigh-high Stockings" brothers, and you all became sworn brothers, vowing to protect your owner's delicate skin for a lifetime!]

[A few months later, An Muxi wore you and attracted the attention of a large number of outer sect disciples of the Heavenly Evolution Sect, including the alchemy disciple Chu Ming.]

[They fell in love at first sight, and you could only watch helplessly as your owner's heart was stolen by that handsome and elegant young man, unable to do anything.]

[Until one night, they walked into the bamboo forest, and you were torn apart, your dao heart damaged and perished.]


Looking at the panel in front of him, Chu Ming couldn't help but feel dumbfounded, not knowing where to start complaining.

Is this system poisonous?

Aside from this strange and outrageous perspective, I'm actually a minotaur myself?

[Simulation ended, you can choose from the following options]

[1. Obtain item attributes]

[2. Obtain the owner's qualifications and talents (converted into attributes: white, green, blue, orange, red, gold)]

[3. Obtain the owner's attributes and cultivation]

[4. Gain insight into a part of the owner's life experience]

[Note: Choosing options two, three, or four will destroy the item. The higher the intimacy between the item and the owner, the more generous the rewards]

"The higher the intimacy, the better the rewards?"

Chu Ming's expression froze for a moment, and he suddenly came to a conclusion.

This system wants him to be a pervert!

With high intimacy items, anyone can guess what they are.

It's actually encouraging me to use these things for cultivation?

"I, Chu Ming, have always been upright and honest. Even if I were to be killed in this chaotic world, I would never succumb to the temptation of this system!"

Chu Ming's expression was unusually firm, and after thinking for a moment, he chose the second reward.

Compared to attributes, cultivation, and life experiences, qualifications were more attractive to him.

After all, the other party was An Muxi!

Although the name sounded strange, she was the most talented disciple recruited by the Heavenly Evolution Sect in a hundred years.

She had a natural dual Divine Soul of Ice and Wood, and she was also unparalleled in sword cultivation.

Even though she was currently only an outer disciple, it was only a matter of time before she entered the inner sect.

With just one of her talents, this pride of heaven could turn a nobody like himself into someone extraordinary.

[This simulation item, "Snow Cicada Stockings," has an intimacy of 80 with An Muxi. The second reward is:]

["Divine Soul of Wood (Blue)": Increases alchemy aptitude, affinity with wood elemental, physical fitness, and divine soul]

["Natural Charm Body (Blue)": Increases charm, can enhance cultivation through yin and yang harmony]


Wait a minute!

Did something strange sneak into the rewards?

Natural Charm Body?

Where did this thing come from?

As the white silk in his hand slowly dissipated, Chu Ming suddenly seemed to realize something, and his pupils contracted.

It seemed like it was mentioned during the simulation that An Muxi had the Natural Charm Body... and he actually inherited it?

What the hell am I, a guy, supposed to do with this?

But then again, isn't this a constitution that only fox demons possess? How could she have it?

Could it be... she's not human?

"No, no."

After pondering for a moment, Chu Ming immediately denied his own speculation.

A fox demon, a monster that cultivates by absorbing the Yang Origin of human males, would definitely be discovered by the sect leader during the disciple selection process.

Moreover, An Muxi's usual demeanor was cold and she rarely had any intimate interactions with males, which was completely opposite to the coquettish and charming behavior of a fox demon.

But she doesn't have the Natural Charm Body, so I wouldn't receive this reward...

"Things suddenly got interesting."

Chu Ming clicked his tongue a few times, and a faint smile appeared on his lips.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to make An Muxi let him leave this ghost place, but unexpectedly, it offered him a handle to blackmail it!



PS: New book sets sail! I'm a little nervous because the content of this book is prone to issues, so I earnestly request all readers not to abandon the book and to promptly catch up with the latest chapters after updates (other authors ask for readers to catch up for recommendations, I ask for readers to catch up to save the book's life o(╥﹏╥)o, if the catch-up rate is low, it will definitely be banned).

And even if you catch up in time, you won't be afraid of seeing the abridged version, it's a win-win! (If readers feel that the sentences are incoherent, it means they have been abridged, so please let me know, thank you!)

Finally, I request for some collections, investments, monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards (I'm mainly shameless), thank you, dear readers!

(End of this chapter)

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