Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

104. Chapter 104 The Bridal Night With Senior Sister (2) [Must Read! Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 104: The wedding night with senior sister (2) [Must read! Please subscribe! ]

This night, the spring light and moonlight complement each other in the master bedroom, and the sounds of birds and warblers come and go.

An Muxi's frowning eyebrows gradually relaxed, and the unbearable color in her eyes slowly dissipated, replaced by a deep drunkenness that she had never experienced before.

Is this what it feels like to do something like that?

Sure enough, as Chu Ming said, I feel a little bit of inexplicable comfort amidst the wonder...

An Muxi loosened her clenched hands, slightly closed her moist eyes, and took the initiative to wrap her arms around Chu Ming's neck. The heat in her heart became more intense, and even her natural charm exploded in her body, becoming completely uncontrollable.

She actually wanted to wait until the alchemy competition was over before her relationship with Chu Ming could take a further step.

After all, as a princess of a country, her thoughts are still relatively traditional.

She believes that this kind of thing should be done after the marriage ceremony.

However, faced with the increasingly severe side effects of her naturally charming body and her deep admiration for Chu Ming, she decided to break through the bottom line with him during the alchemy competition.

So before setting off, she made adequate preparations.

First, he quietly stole Chu Ming's usual clothes, went to Beifang City, found a silk cloth shop, and customized a wedding suit for him according to the size of the clothes.

Then An Muxi asked and shopped around, buying all the red candles and curtains needed for the wedding. She even shyly bought some mood-boosting items that would be used during the wedding night under the recommendation of her boss.

In the end, she got her wish and gave herself to Chu Ming as a surprise.

What she didn't expect was that the wedding night, which was originally full of romance and warmth, would turn out to be so charming...

What a shame!

"Xi'er, your feet are so cute."

Chu Ming couldn't hold back her inner impulse, which made her gasp. She took a pillow nearby and hugged it tightly, burying her flushed cheeks deeply into it.


Chu Ming rested her chin on An Muxi's joined soles, with a slightly confused look on her face.

"Why are you covering your face with a pillow?"

"Because... I can't let you see... my expression is too ugly."

An Muxi tried her best to suppress the surging heat in her heart, and murmured intermittently, which made Chu Ming couldn't help but smile, and reached out to move the pillow that covered her face.

"Xi'er, your expression is very beautiful, why..."

At this time, Chu Ming's eyes suddenly widened, and he suddenly noticed that An Muxi's white and tender arms hugging the pillow twitched, and her slender fingers wanted to tear it into pieces.

So this is ah!

Chu Ming's expression suddenly became clear, and then a smirk appeared on his lips.

"Ming'er is really good at it!"

In the main hall of Floating Jade Peak, Wu Zuirao stared intently at the scene in front of the light curtain. Two wisps of red cloud appeared inexplicably on her charming and surprised face. She originally had the mentality of watching the excitement, but suddenly she felt a burst of heat in her heart. .

“Oh, it’s really hard work Muxi”

"If we weren't completely sure when we broke through the taboo with Ming'er before, looking at his heroic performance now, it is estimated that the natural charming body in his body has completely evolved into a yin and yang Chaos Body."

Looking at the beautiful scene in the light curtain in front of him, Wu Zuirao subconsciously licked his plump red lips, and his heart that was originally filled with strong jealousy suddenly welled up with a little envy and desire.

Muxi is so pitiful... Just wait for her to come back and help her.

Wu Zuirao swallowed subconsciously, his watery peach blossom eyes gradually became intoxicated, and his small mouth opened and closed and murmured to himself.


"Well... let go!"

While Chu Ming was still greedily absorbing the fragrance of An Muxi's tight calves, she suddenly felt her face being kicked hard by her tender feet.


Chu Ming put his hands behind his back and let out a long sigh. Looking at An Muxi's lazy and decadent look, he patted her wrist with some distress and tried to take away the pillow covering her face.

"Xi'er, let's open it."

"No, no..."

An Muxi's weak tone was mixed with a hint of crying, and she let out a breathless moan, but in the end, Chu Ming forcefully pulled the pillow away.

At this moment, her beautiful face stained with fragrance was covered by scattered soft black hair, with a few strands clinging to her constantly opening and closing red lips and quivering nose. Her slightly narrowed beautiful eyes were both blurry and full of seductiveness. With a look of pure lust, crystal tears fell from her rosy face, completely breaking her usual arrogant and cold temperament, becoming lazy and charming.

"Xi'er, are you crying?"

Looking at the frail person with hazy eyes in front of him, Chu Ming's heart trembled, his confused brain went blank, and he suddenly became confused and confused.

Why are you crying?

Wasn't Xi'er allowed to do such a thing?

Could it be that what I just did was too abnormal? Or did you say you didn't lock it in accidentally?

"I won't let you see it!"

An Muxi wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes in grievance, shyly covered her face with her hands and complained, but Chu Ming, who was lying beside her, gently opened the catkins, and then clasped their fingers together, her expression full of apology and tenderness.

"Xi'er, I'm sorry, I just went too far."

Gently stroking An Muxi's wet hair that covered her face, Chu Ming gently wiped away the sweat stains on her face. His deep eyes were filled with rich tenderness and warmth. He bent his head and kissed her forehead softly. road.

"I'm sorry, I didn't consider your feelings, please forgive me, okay?"

"That's not the reason..."

An Muxi's blushing face became even brighter. She curled up in Chu Ming's arms like a kitten, buried her face deep in the lapel of his wedding dress, and muttered for a long time without saying a word clearly.

"Then why are you crying?"

Chu Ming stroked An Muxi's hot cheek. Although his chaotic brain was in confusion at the moment, his tone was still full of gratitude and guilt.

"Xi'er, although I don't know the reason for your crying, I must have done something wrong somewhere, please forgive me."

"not like this!"

Seeing that Chu Ming was so remorseful and remorseful, An Muxi quickly tightened his clothes and raised his shy eyes. His trembling red lips kept opening and closing, and his tone was delicate and soft.

"Actually, it was a little uncomfortable at first, but after that period of time passed, I felt very...very comfortable, as if I was about to achieve enlightenment and become an immortal."

"I don't know why I cry. Anyway, when you bully me, I can't help crying, but it's definitely not pain or sadness!"

"It would be better to say it's the opposite. It's so painful that I shed tears..."

An Muxi's voice became softer and softer as she spoke, and her cheeks became redder and redder. In the end, her shy whispers could only be vaguely heard.

"It's not your fault. There may be something wrong with my constitution. You don't need to blame yourself."

Physical problem?

Chu Ming's face was full of confusion, and then his expression suddenly dawned.

I seem to have heard of this kind of physique!

Just doing that kind of thing will make you feel so comfortable that you can't help but want to "cry".

Could it be that Xi'er also has a watery constitution?

Chu Ming felt dumbfounded for a moment, but after realizing that An Muxi was not crying because of herself, she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"It scared me to death. I thought what I just did was too much and made you sad."

"It's just too much!"

An Muxi raised her fist and hit Chu Ming's chest gently, with a look of resentment and resentment on her face.

"Sorry, I got a little carried away."

Chu Ming chuckled and put his right hand around An Muxi's soft waist, causing her to moan softly and then complain softly.

"You're causing trouble again! I really hate you, why don't you take off your clothes and do that again! I finally prepared a surprise for you..."

An Muxi suddenly seemed to realize something in the middle of her words. She covered her mouth tightly with both hands and blinked her shy eyes, looking very cute and cute.


Chu Ming was stunned at first, then gently pinched An Muxi's soft and delicate cheek, and said with curiosity on his face.

"What surprise?"

"If I don't tell you, you'll miss it anyway."

An Muxi turned away proudly and ignored Chu Ming, which made him smile. He chuckled and pressed his body close to the exquisite waist and hip curve. He pinched her chin with his right hand, making her look back at him with fun. Looking into each other's eyes.

"If you don't say anything, I will continue to bully you."

"Can you continue?"

Feeling the strangeness behind her, An Muxi suddenly widened her eyes, with a look of disbelief on her face.


its not right!

Doesn’t the Hehuan Heart Sutra say that men should wait a while before continuing with that kind of thing?

Why did Chu Ming recover so quickly! ?

An Muxi was about to turn around and say something, but Chu Ming blocked her soft cherry mouth. The feeling of suffocation once again flooded her brain, which was not yet completely clear, and her consciousness gradually fell into coma again.

"Say or not?"

"Ha...I said, I said..."

An Muxi was let go by Chu Ming and breathed in the fresh air. After she calmed down slightly, she bit her obviously swollen red lips with her teeth, her blushing cheeks showing her shyness.

She turned over, raised her head slightly and exhaled softly beside Chu Ming's ear.

"I bought a very shameful piece of clothing..."

(End of chapter)

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