Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

109. Chapter 109 The Charm Breaks Out! Sister-In-Law Lost Her First Kiss [6K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 109 The charming body explodes! Sister-in-law lost her first kiss [6k please subscribe! ]

In an instant, Chu Ming was in front of the fat rich businessman. While the nine strands of long hair that turned into a dragon's head were entangled towards him, the dragon bone in his hand also hit his head with a harsh sound of breaking through the air.

However, in the face of such a ferocious attack, the fat and fat businessman dodged nimbly and even waved two kitchen knives in his hands to force Chu Ming back, which surprised him.

What kind of martial arts is he doing?

Knife training or body training?

Looking at the dull black pupils filled with shadows, the bloody stomach caused by the split caused a splash of blood and flesh as he shook it from side to side, and even the tail of the intestines could be faintly seen.

However, he himself acted as if nothing was wrong, and even the sword skills in his hand became more and more rapid, forcing Chu Ming who was using the breath stick technique to retreat dozens of meters.

"Hahahaha, die!"

He crossed the two kitchen knives in his hands and collided head-on with the keel in Chu Ming's hand. A bloody crimson fluorescence enveloped his whole body and spread out suddenly!


Chu Ming took a breath of cold air at the burning pain coming from her skin, and quickly took a few steps back to distance herself.

He frowned and found that the clothes on his left forearm were charcoal black, and the originally extremely tough skin was also radiating hot temperature due to burns.

This person actually has such means, he is really careless.

Chu Ming hurriedly surged his spiritual power to his forearm, and after using cold breath to cool down the injured area, the original coldness in his eyes was filled with a layer of bloodthirsty scarlet.

In an instant, his long hair was blowing without wind again, and he was like a devil coming to the world. He pointed his right hand far away, and the hair that was originally chopped turned into a more powerful nine-way dragon head and attacked the wealthy businessman.

"Hahaha, kid, I'll chop off your hair as much as you want. Don't use this method to embarrass yourself."

Listening to the excited roar of the fat rich businessman, Chu Ming couldn't help but sneer twice, with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

Originally, my cultivation level was lower than yours, and with the bonus of the Ice Dragon Transformation, I could barely manage a few face-to-face encounters. Now you still want to drag me into the close combat area where I am best at?

You really think I'm stupid!

Chu Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and the ice scales on his face continued to breathe like his slightly opened lips.

He couldn't help but feel a little sad in his heart as he watched the fat rich businessman waving his arms and cutting off the faucet again and again, causing his hair to fly all over the sky.

If I hadn't known that these hairs could still grow back, I wouldn't have used this trick to kill me!

Of course, Chu Ming's purpose of using Shenglong Jue to continuously twist the fat man's hair was not to restrict his movements, but to block his sight and consciousness.

Ice Spear Technique.

After muttering silently in his heart, Chu Ming's muscular forearm and keel were gradually covered with a layer of white frost, and in an instant they turned into a crystal clear and sharp icicle.

Raise your hand, aim, and charge up.

In his slightly narrowed eyes, there was only the crazy figure covered by black hair, with his body dyed red by blood.

"Hahahaha, boy, I've never had so much fun playing! You'd better come and compete with me up close and stop doing these little tricks!"

After a while, the fat rich businessman discovered that although he could tear apart these dragon heads made of hair, he could not cut them all off no matter how hard he cut them.

Feeling the gradual loss of his physical strength, the corners of his mouth opened in a huge arc, and the scarlet in the gloomy eyes became more intense. He immediately turned into a whirlwind of human flesh and whirled wildly. In the blink of an eye, the hair around him shattered into segments, and the segments turned into pieces. The pieces dissipated in the air.

"Hahaha, come on, kid!"

The fat rich businessman laughed loudly. He stepped on his right foot and used his spiritual sense to detect the direction of Chu Ming. He was about to rush towards him, but a cold breath that penetrated into his bones made him look up in confusion, and his pupils suddenly shrank. .

"That is……"

"Then I'll come."

The corners of Chu Ming's mouth raised in a huge arc, and he threw the ice gun that emitted a vast blue light in his hand, aiming directly at the fat and wealthy businessman.

not good!

This guy is doing a sneak attack!

The smile on the fat man's wealthy businessman's face instantly shrank, and he looked solemn. Just as he was about to avoid its sharp edge, he suddenly felt a tremor all over his body, as if his whole consciousness was locked by some special aura. He immediately looked at the corner of the corner and quickly attacked in horror. Comes the ice blue light.

This thing... Damn it actually comes with its own aiming!

Seeing that there was no hope of dodge, the fat rich businessman could only take a deep breath, and his feet were embedded into the ground like heavy iron pillars. After putting the kitchen knife in his hand back into his stomach, he straightened up his big body which was attached by layers of blood-colored spirit shields. His belly collided head-on with the incoming ice gun!


A loud noise like the collision of metal surrounded the entire mountain forest. The fat rich businessman just felt his heart tremble. There was nothing strange or uncomfortable in his body, but the ice gun had long since disappeared. This made him crack his mouth and pat his belly, haha Laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, boy, is this a method that takes so much effort? Hahahahaha..."




The smile of the fat rich businessman gradually became stiff, because he discovered that the sound when he patted his belly was not an ethereal drum sound, but a sound like ice cubes breaking.


He slowly lowered his head, and the pride in his eyes turned into panic in an instant, but then dimmed in the blink of an eye, and the high light disappeared together with the vitality.


Chu Ming looked at the fat rich businessman who turned into an ice sculpture and then instantly cracked into powder. His tense heart suddenly relaxed, and his body shrank due to the disappearance of the ice dragon.

He slumped to the ground and breathed in fresh air, as if his lungs were about to burst.

" tired!"

Chu Ming swallowed several times dryly, raised his trembling hands and shook them, then sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and held his breath, intending to use Tianyan's inner diameter to restore the body's internal injuries, but he found that the spiritual power in his Dantian was almost exhausted.

For the Ice Spear technique, it turns out that the charging time is not only proportional to the power, but also proportional to the spiritual energy consumed in the Dantian? !

It turns out it consumes so much mana!

I almost sucked him and fucked him...

Chu Ming opened his eyes and smiled bitterly, then quickly turned his attention to another battlefield.

In the dense forest not far away, An Muqing was having a heated fight with the old beggar. However, judging from her dexterous posture that kept dodging like a butterfly, it seemed that she was at a disadvantage.

"Gee, come on, Master Saintess, please don't hide all the time."

The old beggar sneered twice, and the crutch in his hand turned into countless phantoms and attacked An Muqing again.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, put her palms together, and there were two groups of firelight condensed on the soles of her feet. She moved lightly with her lotus steps to avoid the menacing attack.


An Muqing held her hand on the tree trunk and her delicate body trembled slightly. Her cheeks under the veil were already covered with fragrant sweat due to exhaustion. She opened and closed her red lips, breathing dry breath. of solemnity.

The opponent is a physical practitioner and is good at stick skills, but she is not good at close combat, so she cannot use her advantage in this dense forest.

Because all the spells and Divine Ability she is good at are related to fire, and once used, the fire will use the wind to engulf the entire Flower Peak in a sea of ​​fire.

The fire just now has been put out by Chu Ming, and he can't do this anymore.

An Muqing's blood-red pupils were full of suppressed heaviness, and he immediately took out a long sword in his right hand, standing proudly like a proud phoenix with his weak figure.

"Blazing Fire Immortal Sect, Saintess An Muqing."


The old beggar sneered twice, as if he had already known An Muqing's scruples, and proudly played with the crutch in his hand.

"Happy days go by, giggle."

After saying that, he left a black shadow in place, and the real body quickly came to An Muqing, and the crutch in his hand stabbed her face hard!

So fast!

Why is he still so fast after fighting for so long? !

An Muqing's heart skipped a beat, and he moved quickly to the side with a light step, but still couldn't dodge. The veil was torn off with a "stab" sound, revealing his charming but extremely tired and shocked face.


An Muqing's expression suddenly became panicked, which made the corners of Gug's mouth crack in a huge arc.

"Giggle! Lord Saintess, your veil is used to prevent yourself from falling into the illusion, right? Now that it's gone, I don't see how you can resist the pink seed entering the body of Ninth Soul Converter!"

Giggling didn't seem to be in a hurry, with a smile on his face, looking at An Muqing with interest like a cat playing with a mouse. An Muqing, who was covering her mouth and nose, was lying limply on the ground with her back against the tree trunk. Her delicate body was trembling slightly, and her skin as white and tender as jade began to glow a little. Yin Hong, a thin layer of spring mist gradually appeared in the originally clear eyes.

"Giggle, I didn't expect that the 'bliss' hidden in the heart of the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect-generation Saintess would actually be this kind of thing!"

He chuckled crazily, revealing his foul-smelling yellow teeth. Just when he was about to say something teasing, he suddenly felt that his whole body was firmly locked by a cold aura full of murderous intent.


His survival instinct made him subconsciously stay away from dodge, but then he suddenly realized that the cold breath could actually track his movements!

Giggling immediately waved his cane backward, trying to block the incoming thing, but with the hardness of the ordinary Law Weapon, how could it compare with the Dragon Race bone?


As the crutches shattered, the ice gun stabbed Gu Ke to the core. The extremely cold frost instantly wrapped his body, freezing him into an ice sculpture without even giving him a chance to use any weird means of escape. Spend ice.


The second use of the ice spear technique completely consumed the remaining spiritual energy in Chu Ming's dantian, and even the cloud tower had a faint tendency to collapse.


It seems to have hurt the essence of Foundation Building!

Chu Ming suppressed the feeling of exhaustion and weakness all over his body, and with his trembling right hand, he poured out a large number of jade bottles from the space bag, crushed them, and stuffed all the pills inside into his mouth.

As a qualified high-level alchemist, Spirit Gathering Pill, a "blue bottle" that can help replenish the spiritual power in the Dantian, is an essential elixir for home travel.

So before leaving, Chu Ming had to refine at least fifty Spirit Gathering pills, but just to be on the safe side, he refined another fifty.

Of course, the ability to refine so many Spirit Gathering pills was also due to the large amount of money sent by the Xu family for him to purchase pill materials.

Feeling the spiritual power filling his limbs and bones again, Chu Ming, who was sitting cross-legged and running the inner diameter of Tianyan, let out a long sigh of relief.


Xu Wanshu must be credited with this!

If it weren't for the various resources she sent as a foundation, my Dantian would have withered away this time.

Sure enough, it’s good to have a rich woman who knows how to do business as a backing!

At least now I can use money to overcome any difficulties I encounter. As an alchemist, I have plenty of medicine!


Chu Ming breathed a sigh of relief again, and stood up slowly while supporting his weak body.

Even if he takes drugs like crazy, the energy consumed will not be recovered in a short time.

"But do I seem to have forgotten something..."

Chu Ming thought with confusion on his face, and then his pupils suddenly shrank.


What about An Muqing? !

Only then did he remember his sister-in-law, so he quickly ran over and half-crouched in front of An Muqing to check the situation.

"How are you?"

Chu Ming patted An Muqing's delicate and rosy cheeks with an extremely serious expression.

At this moment, her originally smart and bright beautiful eyes became confused and infatuated, with a layer of spring mist floating in them. Her white and tender little hands restlessly groped around her body, and her hot and delicate skin also glowed with a layer of temptation. The person's face was bright red, and the long and round bare legs covered by the skirt were constantly rubbing against each other, looking like they were in unbearable pain.

"This is……"

Chu Ming looked surprised, knowing very well what the situation An Muqing was in now represented, because he had seen it from An Muxi countless times.

This girl is actually born with a charming body? !

Didn't she say she never had an outbreak?

Chu Ming suddenly frowned, holding the dim An Muqing against the tree trunk and thinking carefully.

Why does the natural beauty body explode at this time?

Could it be that she had fallen into an illusion created by the Nine Soul Crossing Fans? !

Chu Ming suddenly noticed that the veil that had been covering An Muqing's beautiful face was missing, and he became more convinced of his suspicion.

it is as expected!

I have a heart of tranquility, so I am not afraid of the illusion created by the Soul Crossing Nine Mysteries, but An Muqing is not afraid of it!

What would we do without Law Weapon to help us resist the illusion?

"No, we have to suppress the natural charm that is about to explode in its body first."

Chu Ming quickly took out the jade bottle from the space bag, poured out a Bingxinxin Pill in the palm of his right hand, and gently opened An Muqing's soft and tender lips with his left hand, but he could not pry open the tightly closed teeth. .


Chu Ming clicked his tongue irritably, looking at her slightly panting pain, and after silently apologizing in his heart, he forcefully squeezed in along the gap between her teeth with his thumb.

However, when he put the Ice Soul Pill into An Muqing's mouth, he suddenly discovered that the Ice Soul Pill that melted in her mouth not only did not turn into ice blue liquid and flowed into her stomach, but was also powdered by her. The glutinous tongue rolled up and pushed out.

"You're so damn good!"

Chu Ming anxiously pressed the Bingxin Pill into An Muqing's throat, but her face turned red suddenly and she coughed violently several times before spitting it out.

Why is your voice so thin?

Do you still have an autonomous defense system to prevent being drugged when you are unconscious?

Chu Ming rubbed her bangs and racked her brains, but she couldn't think of a good way.

Looking at An Muqing's extremely painful expression, and her crimson jade skin that was getting hotter and hotter, as if blood was about to leak out, Chu Ming clenched her fists tightly, feeling extremely tangled in her heart.

Chu Ming, although the person lying in front of you is a weak girl with a delicate body that is easy to push down. Moreover, she is your sister-in-law and Xi'er's biological sister.

But you have to do that, because you are saving her life, not betraying your morality, understand? !

Even if Xi'er knew, she would forgive you.

"Huh... I'm sorry, I offended you."

Chu Ming took a deep breath and apologized to the two women at the same time in her heart. She was extremely clear and clear, and her deep eyes without any fluctuation showed determination that she had never seen before.

"She is Xi'er's sister, she is Xi'er's sister..."

While Chu Ming was muttering silently in his heart, he took the Bingxinxin Pill and turned it into cold spiritual liquid in his mouth. Then he squatted down, held An Muqing's delicate cheeks with both hands, and gave the spiritual liquid to her.


As the spiritual liquid entered his belly, it was like the flood had found a vent in the dam. An Muqing's beautiful eyes, which were originally hazy by the water mist, immediately flashed with a frightening red light, and his soft hands strangled Chu Ming's neck tightly. Let him break free, with a face full of ecstasy, drawing on the source that can suppress the fire in his heart and body.

"Uh huh?!"

Chu Ming's face suddenly turned red, and his face was filled with panic.

He didn't expect that he originally had the firm intention not to do anything inappropriate to An Muqing, but instead she grabbed her by the neck like an enemy, and her pink tongue rolled wildly.

Why does this happen?

Chu Ming's face was livid because he had difficulty breathing, but he still didn't dare to break away from An Muqing's hands. He waited until she drank all the Bingxinxin Pills into her stomach before suddenly pulling back, Zhang Open your mouth and breathe in the fresh air.

"Ha ha……"

He wiped the corners of his mouth and before he could fully recover from the suffocation, he was suddenly knocked down by a fiery red figure.


The next second, a knife burning with blazing flames was thrust into the ground on Chu Ming's face, only a few centimeters away from his ears, and he could even feel the scalding heat.


With her fluttering hair hanging down on the tip of her nose, Chu Ming, who was lying on the ground, finally saw the attacker clearly.

An Muqing sat astride him, her slender legs close to his waist, her left hand pressed on his chest, and her right hand holding a knife, she slowly leaned over, her delicate face was full of coldness, blood red His pupils revealed strong murderous intent and anger.

"you wanna die!"


Chu Ming looked like he was being slaughtered, his body was slumped in a big letter shape, his jar was smashed and he closed his eyes.

"I'm looking for death, you can kill me."


An Muqing turned the fire knife that was stuck vertically on the ground next to Chu Ming's cheek sideways. With a slight stroke to the left, he could split his head in two.

But she didn't do that, instead she was entangled in her heart.

When she woke up from her drowsiness, she found that she was squeezing Chu Ming's neck and kissing him.

Obviously, An Muqing could not accept that all of this was done on her own initiative. She thought in her heart that Chu Ming must have used some kind of enchantment technique to make herself look like this.

However, after pushing Chu Ming to the ground, licking her red lips and savoring the coolness in her mouth, she suddenly reacted. The heat that originally spread in her limbs and bones disappeared and lingered in front of her eyes. The strange and inexplicable illusions in her mind disappeared, and a coldness enveloped her heart, making her gradually become sober.

Could it be that he saw that I was deep in the illusion of bliss and wanted to feed me the elixir to escape the illusion, but because I couldn't take it, he fed me mouth to mouth?

Then why don't you explain clearly!

He made it look like I was a bad person, because that was clearly my first kiss...

An Muqing felt extremely aggrieved in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be angry and indignant. He only expressed his dissatisfaction by slightly curling up the corners of his mouth without leaving any trace.

"Why did you kiss me?"

"You should know why I am."

Chu Ming raised his right fist in protest and said angrily.

"And it was obvious that you grabbed my neck and almost strangled me to death. How come I took the initiative when it came to your mouth?"

"You were the one who took the initiative!"

An Muqing showed his two little tiger fangs viciously. After getting off Chu Ming, he patted the dust on his clothes and stared at him with a cold expression.

"I won't argue with you this time because I want you to help me deal with Lotte Xing's people. The next time we meet, I will beat you down to avenge today!"

An Muqing waved his fist and threatened, snorted lightly and continued walking up the mountain without looking back.

Seeing this, Chu Ming shook his head helplessly.

My sister-in-law has such a bad temper!

I saved your life and you didn't even say thank you, but now you're repaying the kindness with hatred?

Just don’t beg me later!

Chu Ming raised a smirk on his lips and immediately followed him again, which made An Muqing turn around angrily and said coldly.

"Why are you still following me? You have nothing to do with me here!"


Chu Ming showed a meaningful smile.

"Are you sure you can cut down such a big flower? What if you meet someone from Lotte Xing again on the way?"

"Not anymore."

An Muqing said with great confidence.

"The people in Lotte Xing's business style are to stop losses immediately. As long as they lose more than two members at a time, no matter how important the matter is, they will immediately retreat without hesitation."

"No, that's not what I meant."

Chu Ming pointed at the Duhun Jiumi that was so close to the top of Huafeng Mountain and chuckled.

"Are you sure you can still make it there?"

"Huh? Why should I leave..."

Before An Muqing finished speaking, she felt the world spinning in front of her eyes. Her originally clear consciousness became groggy again, and fragments of memories that had previously caused her extreme pain flashed rapidly in her mind.


Have you fallen into a blissful illusion?

An Muqing touched her hot cheeks and later realized that the veil had disappeared. She immediately covered her forehead and her delicate body swayed. It was Chu Ming who reached out and put his arms around her waist, which was even slender and softer than An Muqing's. Stay in shape.

"let me go……"

An Muqing resisted the feeling of dizziness and broke away from Chu Ming's arms. He squatted on the ground, his beautiful eyes blurred, and he seemed to turn into countless afterimages and slowly approached her.

"Why are you okay? Sure enough, you are also a happy person!"

"Have you been discovered?"

Chu Ming rubbed the index finger of his right hand and raised an evil curve at the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, hey, Saintess, congratulations on getting the answer right."

(End of chapter)

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