Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

116. Chapter 116 The Red Rope Binds The Fox [Watch Quickly! 6K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 116 The Red Rope Binds the Fox [Look quickly! 6k please subscribe! ]

He is actually a young child?

Chu Ming looked slightly stunned, and his pupils suddenly shrank as if he thought of something.


According to An Muqing, this Dongzhuye has the strange ability to transform into the appearance of others, so the appearance of the child now should be fake.

"It's true."

As if he sensed what Chu Ming was thinking, the little boy impatiently threw the wedding hat dangling on his head to the ground, stretched out his hands from the long sleeves of his robe, rubbed his tender cheeks and couldn't help but sigh.

"It's been a long time since I've shown my true face to anyone, and I feel like I miss this face a bit. It turns out that my own face is more comfortable to use."

"Are you here to avenge them?"

Chu Ming said bluntly without saying any nonsense. He held the keel in his hand, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his whole body tensed up, ready to escape at any time.

Hehe, if you don't run away at this time, do you still have to go head-to-head with the opponent?

The opponent's strength is unfathomable, at least the strength of the Seventh and Eighth Layers of the Foundation Building. Even if he uses the ice dragon transformation to forcibly upgrade his cultivation to the Fourth Layer of the Foundation Building, it is not enough to fill his teeth.

What's more, the Ice Dragon Transformation also has a CD, and I still need to recover the exhausted spiritual power in my dantian before I can use it.

Damn it!

Are you sure you can escape from this situation?

I just killed this guy's companion. Why is he so eager to beat me up?

Chu Ming's mood seemed to have sunk to the bottom, and his thoughts had never been so heavy as today.

Obviously, he is now in a dead end.


"Why should I avenge them?"

Dong Zhuye tilted his head and said in confusion.

"Does their death have anything to do with me?"


This time it was Chu Ming's turn to be confused. He frowned and snorted.

"Ha! The other party is your companion of Lo Tianxing. Isn't this a relationship?"


As if he had heard some big joke, Dong Zhuye laughed heartily. The hearty and childish voice of a child ripped through the silent night sky of Yunhu Village and spread for several miles, but it was as if no one heard it at all.

"They are not my companions."

Dong Zhuye's expression suddenly condensed, his expression changed faster than turning the pages of a book, and he said coldly.

"They are just a group of psychologically twisted people pursuing the 'way to great joy'."

"Their lives were originally unsatisfactory, and coupled with their envy of other people's lives every day, this caused their pursuit of happiness to be distorted from 'I want to live a happier life than others' to 'I want other people to live a happier life than me' Oops, this way I will be happier than them' perverted mentality."

"So it was a group of people like Lotte Xing who planned the Flower City."

"They see that they are no longer human, and they are no longer ghosts. Under the influence of twisted hearts, they want to use the Nine Soul Crossing Mysteries to put others into pain, while they voyeuristically enjoy themselves to satisfy their inner desires."

After hearing Dong Zhuye's explanation, Chu Ming suddenly understood.

No wonder the Lok Tianxings they met in Huacheng all like to gather together and watch others become crazy and stupid. It turns out it’s jealousy!

Sure enough, no matter which Great Dao you pursue, there will always be people who are obsessed with it.


"Aren't you different from them?"

Chu Ming sneered disdainfully.

"I don't think you are any different from them."

He had heard that Dong Zhuye liked to transform into the groom on the wedding night to absorb the bride's "happy path".

In his opinion, this kind of behavior is no different from the group of Lok Tianxing who let others fall into the illusion of bliss, and it is even more excessive!

"Don't compare me with them, okay? There are fundamental differences between me and them."

Hearing Chu Ming's sarcasm, Dong Zhuye didn't seem angry. Instead, he waved his fist in anger and protested.

"What can be wrong with me just liking wives?!"


A contemporary Cao thief?

Chu Ming stared at Dong Zhuye's young face, who was only in his early ten years, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

What a great guy, you have such ambitions at such an age, and you have a bright future!

"Don't look at me like this. I'm over a hundred years old. It's just the joy I've absorbed that makes me younger."

Dong Zhuye coughed lightly and continued to explain.

"And I have my own principles. I only look for happily married couples who treat each other as guests, because their wedding night exudes a coveted 'way of joy' from the inside out."

"Can you imagine? When I transformed into a groom and walked into the wedding room, lifting the bride's hijab, they would look at me with eyes full of deep love, expectation and shyness, and take the initiative to offer me their love. Express your own happiness."


After hearing this, the veins in Chu Ming's right hand popped out and he clutched the dragon bone tightly, his eyes filled with murderous intent that was stronger than ever before.

He has experienced the wedding night and naturally knows how important this matter is for newlyweds.

As a result, you still want to destroy it?

Damn it!

Chu Ming was originally very angry inside, but after hearing what Dong Zhuye said next, he froze on the spot for a moment with a face full of confusion.

"I will hide the bride, then transform into their appearance, and wait quietly for the groom to arrive."


Chu Ming couldn't help but interrupt Dong Zhuye's talk, licked his dry lips and said with shock on his face.

"You can actually change your body structure with your ability?!"

"Huh? Why change?"

Chu Ming: "..."

Oh my god!

There are gay men!

No, it’s a pervert that takes advantage of both men and women!

Chu Ming was trembling all over, feeling a little uncomfortable and holding on to the stone wall beside him, his face was livid, and he expressed deep sympathy for the grooms who had been sucked into the wedding ceremony by Dongzhuye.

So miserable...

Without knowing it...this should be worse than being cut to pieces by a thousand cuts, right?

"Hey, I didn't do anything bad!"

Seeing Chu Ming's strange gaze, Dong Zhuye shook his head and chuckled indifferently.

"When the groom and the bride wake up, they will think that they spent a wonderful wedding night with each other, and I also got the blessing of both of them. Isn't this the best of both worlds and everyone is happy?"


Although he felt that the matter was outrageous, Chu Ming could not find any reason to refute it for a while.

You are truly a talented person!

Chu Ming's tense nerves gradually relaxed during this chat with Dong Zhuye, but the vigilance in his heart did not diminish at all, but became more intense.

After all, compared to other Lotte Xing who behaved abnormally, Dong Zhuye, who was mentally abnormal, was more terrifying.

"So, you came to me just to chat?"

"Well, that's about right."

Dong Zhuye smiled slightly, cupped his fists and saluted gracefully.

"I wonder if Mr. Chu would be willing to join Lok Tian Xing and join us in enlightening the path of joy?"

"Huh? Haha."

Sure enough, it has a purpose.

Chu Ming sneered disdainfully.

"I will not join an organization that does not avenge my comrades."

"If you join, I will. After all, I have approved you as my friend."

Dong Zhuye smiled slightly.

"You seem to have also experienced the wedding night, and your personality is more optimistic than that of ordinary practitioners. Don't you want to continue to experience the beauty of it?"

"If you change to the path of happiness, I believe you will shine brightly."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Chu Ming smiled politely, but the coldness in his eyes did not recede at all.

"However, I refuse."

"Is it."

Dong Zhuye shook his head and sighed with regret, then waved his robe with his right hand and a wedding invitation fell in front of Chu Ming, making him frown slightly.

"This is?"

"When we meet for the first time, a small greeting ceremony cannot be considered respectful."

Dong Zhuye smiled slightly.

"Mr. Chu should be on his way to participate in the alchemy competition on behalf of Heavenly Evolution Sect. If someone from Letianxing comes to visit, all he needs to do is hand the wedding invitation to the person and show that he is a friend of mine, Dongzhuye, to get rid of him. trouble."


Chu Ming was shocked. How could he, who was thinking so carefully, not understand the hidden meaning of Dong Zhuye's words.

"You Lotte people are going to cause trouble in the alchemy competition?"

Chu Ming picked up the wedding invitation and raised his head and said in a deep voice, only to find that Dong Zhuye had disappeared, leaving only an indifferent chuckle floating slowly.

"If Mr. Chu wants to practice the Tao of Wedding, he only needs to crush the wedding invitation and I will come to visit him."

"See you later."


Chu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly and held the wedding invitation tightly in his right hand. He wanted to crush it many times but finally endured it. He sighed and put it into his space bag.

"What a perverted guy."

After muttering something, Chu Ming didn't stop too much. After handling Lo Tianxing's body for a while, he hurried back without stopping, with a lot of thoughts in his heart.

Judging from the fight with Lotte Xing's people and the chat with Dong Zhuye, there are about three points of known information.

First, Lotte Xing's internal deconstruction is not as orderly as a sect, and their relationship with each other is not as good as imagined, and there may even be conflicts.

The second is that people from Lotte Xing want to cause trouble at the alchemy competition held in Hanhai City, but the specific form and purpose are not yet certain, and it is impossible to even judge whether the news is true or false.

As for the third point, which is also the most important point, the people in Letianxing are all a group of perverts with twisted psychology!

Chu Ming's deep eyes were filled with complex emotions, and her pounding heart could not calm down for a long time.

Obviously, this meeting was the closest he had come to death, and the opponent's strength far exceeded his own.

"We need to improve our cultivation as soon as possible. The First Layer of Foundation Building is still not enough."

Suddenly, his mind recalled An Muxi's charming face, which was full of lust several times today. Chu Ming subconsciously raised the corners of his mouth, and his heart that gradually calmed down also condensed a little fire.

Sure enough, dual cultivation is the fastest way to improve your cultivation!

With a hint of hope and excitement, Chu Ming came to the small courtyard she rented.

Because An Muxi used the true form of the fox demon and the secret technique "Bingling Silent World" today, the spiritual energy in her Dantian was exhausted, so she was afraid that he would disturb her rest after she fell asleep due to exhaustion, so Chu Ming held her breath and concentrated. He walked quietly to the door of the master bedroom and opened a gap.

"If Xi'er falls asleep, the matter of dual cultivation can only be discussed another day."

Chu Ming felt a little disappointed in his heart, but when he saw the scene on the bed, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he was extremely shocked.

After the cool moonlight spilled into the house through the window, it was like a hazy white gauze gently covering An Muxi's delicate skin with a hint of bright red.

She sat slumped in the corner of the couch in a duck-sitting posture, her charming eyes filled with spring water were slightly narrowed, her peach cheeks and fair swan jade neck were blushing, and there was also a thin layer of fragrant sweat.

The delicate mouth of the cherry is slightly open, and the bell collar tied around the neck makes a "ding, bell," sound, which matches the slight whistling breath, making the appearance extremely charming and enchanting.

"This is……"

Chu Ming, who had never seen such a scene before, looked dazed, and accidentally touched the door. The "squeak" sound made An Muxi's delicate body tremble violently, and she looked back at him with a face full of surprise.

"Chu Ming?"

She slurred incoherently, and immediately her cheeks suddenly turned red. She hurriedly chewed the fruit with slightly bulging cheeks, and finally swallowed the fruit into her stomach before waving her hands crazily with a shy face.

"It's not what you think! I'm just... I'm just too hungry and want to eat something. Yes! I'm just hungry!"

"Uh... I remember Xi'er, you've been inediate, right?"

After coming back to her senses, Chu Ming smiled slightly and exposed An Muxi's sophistry with one sentence, which made her lie on the bed with her hands covering her red face and keep rolling around, complaining in embarrassment.

"Why don't you make any sound when you walk! I hate you so much!"

"Xi'er, your cultivation level is higher than mine. It should be easy to detect my arrival, right?"

Chu Ming came to the couch with a smirk on his face and couldn't help but joke.

"Xi'er, you were so obsessed that your consciousness didn't notice me."

"No wonder you felt like you made such great progress some time ago. It turns out it's all thanks to it!"

"It's a pity that it's all my fault. I can only say goodbye to this hero tonight. How about I pick another one for you when I have time?"

"Stop talking!"

An Muxi sat up from the bed and covered Chu Ming's mouth with her white hands with a shy look on her face, trying to stop him from continuing to tease her.

However, he gently licked the soft palms that were still covered with a layer of fragrant sweat beside his lips. The instant tingling made An Muxi hum in gratitude. Her delicate body suddenly softened, and she hurriedly took back her hands like a fox with fried fur, with a shocked face.

"What are you doing?!"

"I just like the taste of Xi'er."

Chu Ming lowered her gaze and glanced at An Muxi's messy skirt. She noticed this and hurriedly tidied it up, pouting her rosy cheeks in embarrassment and muttering resentfully.

"It's not all because you suddenly barged in..."

"Blame me, blame me."

Chu Ming slowly climbed onto the bed, hugged An Muxi's soft and delicate body tightly from the front, hugged her and put her into his arms, then leaned over her white and red ears and smiled evilly.

"Xi'er, since I disturbed your practice, why don't you let me make up for it and give you another chance?"


An Muxi's pretty face was extremely rosy. She swallowed subconsciously, pursed her lips and pursed her soft lips, then moved her head slightly and hummed shyly to express her agreement.

"Xi'er made her husband angry today, so she should be punished according to the family law."

"Indeed, he did that to me in public."

Chu Ming's expression seemed to be displeased, which made her let out a sweet cry, then she buried her blushing face further into his arms, coquettishly and coquettishly, and said softly.

"I'm sorry, Xi'er knows I was wrong."

"You know you're wrong, but you can't make it without rules."

Chu Ming held An Muxi's smooth shoulders and opened the distance between the two. He immediately waved his right hand, took out a small piece of red rope and a blindfold from the space bag and placed it beside her knees, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. Inexplicable arc.

"Xi'er, this is the punishment you will receive tonight."


An Muxi's eyelids were slightly drooped, looking at the red rope and blindfold on the couch, tilting her little head in confusion, but judging from Chu Ming's handsome face with a wicked smile, this was definitely not a good thing!

This...did Chu Ming want to do that?

Like I did to him this morning?

After some charming scenes suddenly appeared in his mind, An Muxi's cheeks turned red instantly, and she shyly shook her hands and head to express her rejection. There was a hint of embarrassment in her slit eyes, but she was still more charming and charming. Curiosity with a desire to try new things.

"Husband, this is too embarrassing! I don't want..."

"Xi'er, this is punishment. If it's not embarrassing, then it has no meaning as punishment."

Chu Ming stared at An Muxi's delicate face with burning eyes, her voice was low and magnetic, causing her face to blur for a while, her charming eyes were moist, and her heart suddenly felt a little hot again. After being so well-seduced, she gradually agreed with this. talk.

That seems to make sense!

After all, what is punishment if it's not humiliating?

If you have done something wrong, you should honestly admit it to your husband...

"I see……"

An Muxi bit her red lips lightly, hesitated for a moment, then slowly extended her white hands forward, staring at Chu Ming's slightly excited eyes with a blushing face and murmured timidly.

He is so kind!

Being punished by your husband like this makes me feel a little excited!

An Muxi's breathing gradually became heavier, and the pink heart in the depths of her eyes kept beating. She stared straight at Chu Ming's well-jointed fingers in a daze.

"It doesn't hurt, does it?"

After the work was done, Chu Ming couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and saw An Muxi shaking her head. Then she began to carefully look at the perfect masterpiece made by herself.

Wearing a thin black gauze suspender nightgown, An Muxi exposed her swan jade neck and delicate collarbones to the air, which made her look even fairer than the cold moonlight.

She was slumped on the couch in a duck-sitting posture, with a black belt with bells tied around her neck. Her slender legs wearing black stockings slightly poked out from between her skirts. Three thousand black hairs were casually draped over her shoulders, with a few sticky strands. Attached to the forehead and cheeks covered with a thin layer of fragrant sweat, the dimples on the face are flushed with tender crimson, and the expression is shy and timid. Coupled with the white and tender catkins hanging in front of the body, the whole person's temperament suddenly changes. Became delicate and poignant.

"Husband, I didn't expect you to be quite skilled..."

An Muxi shook her hands up and down like a puppy greeting the New Year, and rolled her eyes at Chu Ming with a hint of shyness.

"You wouldn't have done this to other girls, right?"

"How is that possible! Xi'er is the first one."

After recovering from the shock, Chu Ming's Adam's apple rolled without leaving a trace, he quickly picked up the blindfold again and chuckled.

"But the punishment is not over yet."

Not over yet?

As if recalling something from the past, An Muxi's moist and beautiful eyes blinked a few times and then suddenly widened, her jade face flushed and she murmured shyly.

"Husband, you don't want to play that game with me before, do you?"

"Bingo! That's the game."

Chu Ming chuckled, snapped his fingers, and immediately hugged An Muxi from behind, rubbing their cheeks against each other's ears and temples.

(End of chapter)

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