Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

123. Chapter 123 Can’T You Change The Way Of Dual Cultivation? [6K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 123 Can’t you change the way of dual cultivation? [6k please subscribe! ]


An Muxi raised her eyelids slightly from Chu Ming's arms, blinked her beautiful eyes in confusion, and then her cheeks suddenly turned red. Apparently she recalled something bad, and she hit Chu Ming's chest several times and then said in shame and anger. .

"Chu Ming! You still have the nerve to say it!"

"You just asked me to do that for you in my stockings, and you made my stockings so wrinkled!"

"That's not the most outrageous thing. The most outrageous thing is that you even made your socks dirty..."

Halfway through the words, An Muxi became angrier and angrier as she thought about it, and became more and more embarrassed as she thought about it. Her ears, peach cheeks, and snow-white swan jade neck were all gradually stained with crimson sunset. Then she stretched out her white and tender hands to pinch Chu Ming's waist. The soft meat turned around a few times.

But even so, it is still difficult to understand the hatred in her heart!


Chu Ming is so annoying!

Why does it remind me of the embarrassing things that night?

When the beautiful things that happened with Chu Ming in Yunhu Village that night frequently appeared in her mind, An Muxi blushed with embarrassment and wished she could find a hole in the ground and crawl in directly.

It was too comfortable at the time, so it might be a little noisy, but you can’t use socks!

Even if you don’t use it, you still get the old one!


An Muxi twisted her delicate body and kept shouting in embarrassment and embarrassment. She arched her head in Chu Ming's arms and wished she could push his chest open to see what he was thinking about every day!

"It's all your fault! It's all your fault!"

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault!...Ugh!"

"Xi'er, please stop arching. Your bones are about to break. There is no other way."

After An Muxi gradually stopped being coquettish and willful, Chu Ming gently stroked her smooth and beautiful back and soft black hair, and couldn't help but chuckle and tease.

"Xi'er, there were people living around our courtyard that night, so I had no choice but to take this step."

"Chu Ming!"

An Muxi was so angry that she hit her head on Chu Ming's chest again to interrupt what he was about to say. She curled up in his arms and bit her red lips gently, but she couldn't find a reason to refute no matter how hard she tried, she could only soften. She hummed charmingly, her cheeks were broken and her face was full of shyness.

Because everything Chu Ming said was true, and it was what she strongly requested at the time!

After all, my whole body was unbearably hot, so I unintentionally complied with his request and agreed to do it.

" can't change your cultivation method."

After about a long moment of silence, An Muxi's dull and shy voice sounded in Chu Ming's arms.

"Obviously you kissed me directly because you thought I was too loud."

"That's not because I almost bit my tongue off, Xi'er!"

When An Muxi mentioned this, Chu Ming immediately felt resentful and protested angrily with a bitter smile on his face.

"I kindly reminded you at that time, but instead of restraining yourself, you became more and more unruly. In desperation, I had no choice but to lean down and kiss you."

"The next second, Xi'er, you bit me and your mouth was full of blood!"


As if recalling this incident, An Muxi's originally aggressive temperament softened instantly, and she hugged Chu Ming's waist tightly and whispered softly.

"I'm sorry, who told you to bully me every day... Huh! You deserve it!"

"If I had known this, why didn't you practice a sound-isolating spell?"

"Xi'er, you really reminded me. After I return to the sect, I will look for such a spell to learn it."

Chu Ming patted An Muxi's head lovingly, and then leaned into her ear with a mischievous smile and spoke kindly.

"Then Xi'er, do you want to continue tonight?"

"I took a look. This is the outskirts of the village. There are no people around. You can feel free to..."

"Let's have some fun!"

An Muxi pushed Chu Ming away angrily, glared at him in shame and said coquettishly.

"Have you finished refining the Qi Condensation Pill that you will participate in the preliminary round of the alchemy competition tomorrow?"

"Even if you are a Fifth Grade alchemy master, refining the Fourth Grade elixir may not be 100% successful, right? What's more, you only have one material."

"That's right."

Chu Ming didn't seem to be in a hurry. He slowly sat up and threw the space bag in his hand, with a confident smile on his face.

"But that's for others. For me, the yield of Fourth Grade elixir refining with one elixir pattern should be 100%."

After saying that, he got out of bed and came to the courtyard. After calling out the Qiankun Dan Furnace from the space bag, he opened the space bag given by Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect.

However, when he used his spiritual consciousness to scan the Qi Condensation elixir material inside, Chu Ming couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and his originally casual and lazy expression suddenly became much more solemn and gloomy.

There is indeed only a furnace of materials inside, and there is also a slight but extremely solid aura fluctuation, which is obviously marked.

But these are not the most troublesome. What troubles Chu Ming the most is that the materials for this Qi Condensation Pill have not even reached the minimum five years for refining the pill!

Looking at it, I can see that there are wilted, almost rotten and rotten plants that are about three or four years old.

Can this thing refine elixirs?

You are fucking kidding me!

As if she noticed something was wrong with Chu Ming's mood, An Muxi hurriedly came to the side and looked at the space sheet in his hand, and her face was immediately filled with shock.

"These are the alchemy materials Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect gave you?"

Even as an outsider who is not an alchemist, she can see that it is extremely difficult to refine the Qi Condensation Pill using these "rotten leaves".

"Isn't this bullying!"

An Muxi clenched her fists tightly, then narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly and said coldly with a frosty face.

"I'm going to ask the bald steward tomorrow to find out what's going on!"

"No, he's just a worker. He definitely doesn't know the inside story of the matter."

Chu Ming took out a yellowing spiritual grass from the space bag, and felt a sense of arrogance and disdain inexplicably in his heart.


Aren't you stumbling upon me? Then I have to crush this stumbling block!

You don’t really think I would be helpless in this situation, do you?

Chu Ming's expression became more determined than ever before, and he immediately sat cross-legged in front of the Qiankun Dan furnace. With a wave of his right hand, he arranged all the Qi Condensation Dan materials in the space bag neatly by his legs, and injected the wood attribute spiritual power into the Dan furnace. Ignite the spiritual fire within.

There are two keys to making alchemy, the quality of the materials and the control of the heat.

Even though the former has now been eliminated, as long as the latter exists, there is still a possibility of successful refining of the elixir.

Chu Ming stared at the green flames in the Qiankun Dan furnace. When the time was almost up, he directly waved his right hand and threw the ingredients of the Qi Condensation Dan in one by one. He then closed his eyes slightly and began to carefully control the spiritual fire with his consciousness. Refining and condensing them into pills.

Because these materials are too old, Chu Ming had to control the heat not to be too high, otherwise it would be easy to directly burn them into dregs; and it should not be too small, otherwise the Qi Condensation Pill would not be able to be formed.

Therefore, the alchemy process that was originally very easy for him turned out to be extremely draining of mental energy. His forehead was gradually covered with sweat, and his body sitting cross-legged was shaking slightly. An Muxi, who was watching nervously from the side, could only worry.


After a while, as a burst of black smoke spewed out from the Qiankun Dan Furnace, An Muxi's pupils shrank suddenly and she clenched her hands tightly in front of her chest.


But what surprised her was that Chu Ming suddenly opened his tired eyes, narrowed his eyes slightly and reached forward with his right hand into the alchemy furnace!


Do you still have to put your hand in to make alchemy?

An Muxi looked confused and saw Chu Ming rummaging around in the alchemy furnace as if he was searching for something, and finally withdrew his right arm.


He breathed a long sigh of relief and slowly opened his right hand. At this time, a light yellow elixir that was completely shiny but stained with black spots appeared in the palm of his hand, and two red-yellow elixir lines jumped on the surface.

"I can't help it, I'll try my best."

Chu Ming lay down on his back exhausted. When An Muxi saw this, she didn't care about soiling her plain white dress and knelt down on the ground to give him a knee pillow.

"Because the material was too poor, some impurities inside were not completely burned out, but the two pill lines are pretty good. At least it was successful."

Chu Ming pinched the refined Qi Condensation Pill, looked at the full moon in the night for a while, then put it in An Muxi's hand, and fell asleep soon.

"This consumes too much mental energy."

An Muxi carefully put away the Qi Condensation Pill, lowered his head, and stroked Chu Ming's sweat-stained bangs from his forehead with some distress. Looking at his young and delicate sleeping face, he couldn't help but evoke a sweet smile at the corner of his mouth.

"My husband is really awesome."

After saying that, she leaned down and tapped Chu Ming's lips, then picked him up like a princess, returned to the house and placed him gently on the couch.

Immediately afterwards, An Muxi used her spiritual power to clean away the dust stains on her dress, then curled up directly into Chu Ming's arms and fell asleep together.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning.



Several deafening sounds of gongs and drums suddenly woke Chu Ming from his sleep. At the same time, An Muxi, who was rubbing his hazy eyes and frowning, woke up at the same time.

"Who is making such a big noise so early in the morning..."

"I remember there seems to be an opening ceremony for the alchemy competition today?"

After recalling what he had almost forgotten, Chu Ming suddenly lost all sleep. He was about to sit up, but found that his right arm was sore and numb that his blood was blocked by An Muxi's pillow.

"Xi'er, get up quickly, we're going to be late."

Without giving An Muxi much time to react, Chu Ming got out of bed, washed her face casually, and pulled her out of the door in a hurry. At the same time, she got a few coquettish complaints from her.

"Chu Ming! I haven't washed up yet!"

"Stop washing it, Xi'er, you are the prettiest. At worst, just cover it with a veil."

The opening ceremony of the Alchemy Competition was held at the Alchemist Dojo in the center of Hanhai City. Even though it was just Breaking Dawn, the huge square of tens of thousands of square meters was already packed with people.

In the center, there is a huge and magnificent gray-black stone platform. There are about a hundred stone steps extending upward, and four stone chairs are vaguely visible at the top.

A ray of bright white light shot upward from the center of the stone platform, reached a certain distance in the air, spread outwards, and enveloped Hanhai City in the form of a bowl, forming a translucent defensive spiritual shield.

"What a big deal!"

Chu Ming, who was standing outside the crowd in the square, couldn't help but marvel when he saw this scene, with a look of excitement on his face.

An Muxi, who was holding his hand, seemed to have little interest in the opening ceremony of the alchemy competition. She looked around as if looking for something.

"Are you looking for your sister?"

Chu Ming leaned down thoughtfully, lying next to An Muxi's ear, smiling softly and comforting her.

"Don't worry Xi'er, you will meet sooner or later."

"She is now the Saintess of the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect. You don't have to worry about her safety."

"But I want to find her as soon as possible..."

An Muxi lowered her head in despair, her eyes showing determination that she had never seen before.

As long as you find An Muqing and use her identity as Blazing Fire Immortal Sect Saintess, you might be able to find the place where the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect holds the mother queen!

But where could she be now?

Chu Ming clearly saw her yesterday!

After frowning and thinking for a while, An Muxi's pupils suddenly shrank as if she thought of something.

Could it be that Muqing has returned to China?


"Chu Ming! Come with me!"

While Chu Ming was still happily enjoying the lively atmosphere around him, An Muxi suddenly pulled him to the corner of a deserted alley, pushed him against the wall, stared into the eyes full of doubts, and bit his soft lips. It seemed that he had been struggling for a long time, and finally said in a condensed voice word for word.

"Chu Ming, I'm going back to the capital of Anguo. Maybe we have to be separated for a while."


Regarding An Muxi's sudden farewell, Chu Ming couldn't help but be confused. Just when she was about to say something anxiously, she suddenly sealed her open lips with her index finger, and her deep eyes revealed that she had never seen anything like this before. The determination to pass.

"I am your senior sister, you must listen to me this time."

"First of all, you must participate in the alchemy competition. After all, it is related to the face of Heavenly Evolution Sect."

"Even if this mission is forced upon you by the old man with the white beard, we still have to complete it well. After all, we are all disciples of the Heavenly Evolution Sect."

"So Chu Ming, you stay well in Hanhai City to participate in the alchemy competition. I plan to go back to the capital of Anguo, because An Muqing is likely to be there!"

"As the Saintess of the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect, she can definitely use her identity to get some information about the Queen Mother, so I have to find her!"

"Of course I know you will be worried about me and want to go with me."

As soon as he talked about this, An Muxi's serious expression suddenly became much gentler. He held Chu Ming's cheek with both hands and whispered softly, with a deep sense of pride and confidence in his apologetic tone.

"But husband, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't let you go with me, because you have other important things to do."

"What's more, don't forget that I am the number one person in the outer sect of Heavenly Evolution Sect, the most talented swordsman recruited in a hundred years, and I am also your senior sister."

"If I fight you seriously, you might not be able to beat me."

"So, you don't have to worry about me at all, because I will put my own safety first, and then on this basis, I will seek the opportunity to meet my mother and my father, because I have been waiting for this day for too long. …”

Looking at An Muxi's expression of extreme hope and pleading, Chu Ming opened her mouth slightly and stopped several times before finally letting out a long sigh.

In fact, An Muxi had expected something like this to happen when he proposed to come to Hanhai City to participate in the alchemy competition.

Originally, Chu Ming had simulated how to deal with this situation countless times in her mind. The best solution was to give up the alchemy competition and follow An Muxi back to the capital of Anguo to protect her safety.

However, when it came time to really make a decision, his firm heart was suddenly shaken by An Muxi's words.


Xi'er is not a young bird who needs to be protected by herself. This trip is mainly for experience. It is inappropriate to tie her to her all the time and restrict her freedom.


Chu Ming stroked his left chest gently, feeling the deep worry pounding deep in his heart. Finally, after staring at An Muxi's firm eyes for a long time, he waved his right hand to summon the Dior Spirit Sword in the space bag. out.

"Flying with a sword may be faster."

"Thank you husband for understanding me."

Seeing that Chu Ming was no longer stubborn, An Muxi couldn't help but be overjoyed. She smiled sweetly and directly hooked her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.

Of course, Chu Ming didn't waste this opportunity, crazily asking for the sweetness in Natan's mouth, and it took a long time before they could separate.

"I'm leaving. After the alchemy competition, we will meet in the small courtyard of the rented village."

An Muxi wiped her moist cherry lips, her bright eyes were full of deep reluctance and attachment. She bit her red lips and hesitated for a while, but finally picked up the Dior Spirit Sword without looking back. Leaving the alley, Chu Ming was left looking at the beautiful shadow gradually disappearing with a disappointed expression, and the irritability and sadness in her heart became more concentrated.

In the past few months, the two have been inseparable and never separated.

Now being separated like this and not knowing when we will see each other again is really frustrating.

"Forget it, a little separation is better than a wedding. Let Xi'er make it up to me when she comes back."

Chu Ming comforted himself in his heart, with a bitter smile on his face, but his empty heart could not calm down.


After taking several deep breaths, he slowly left the alley. At this moment, an old, deep male voice suddenly fell from the sky and rang in the ears of everyone in Hanhai City.

"Please be quiet for a moment."

The gentle words revealed the inviolable holy power, and the billowing sound waves spread out in all directions with the alchemist's dojo as the center, attracting everyone to look up to the high platform like the sound of Sanskrit sounds from the sky.

There, the originally silent spiritual mist suddenly turned into a colorful vortex and condensed instantly. After slowly dissipating, a middle-aged man wearing a sky blue luxurious brocade robe and a high hat stood with his hands behind his hands, looking down at the surroundings with a smile on his lips.

He has a face like a crown jewel and a tall and straight figure. In his deep blue eyes that are as timeless as an ancient well, you can vaguely see countless plants in bloom. Just taking a look at it gives you a sense of enlightenment as you pry into the mysteries of life. It makes people feel excited. Feel kind to him from the bottom of his heart.

too horrible!

Chu Ming stared blankly at the middle-aged man for dozens of breaths before suddenly coming back to his senses. His eyes revealed unprecedented shock and disbelief.

I am so vigilant, but now I have a crush on a stranger from the bottom of my heart?

This man is the most terrifying person I have ever seen!

The unfathomable depth of her cultivation is comparable to that of her master, or even a level higher!

"This is definitely not the Soul Formation Realm. If you don't say it, you will have to return to reality..."

Chu Ming couldn't help but swallow, and soon found that everyone around him was doing the same actions as him, with a look of horror in his wide eyes.

Even though the other person just stood there and said nothing, everyone was 100% sure of his identity.

"Hello alchemists, first of all please allow me to introduce myself."

The middle-aged man bowed slightly and politely, and his proud words with a hint of smile spread throughout the streets and alleys of Hanhai City.

"I can't remember my name, but you can call me - Hanhai Danxian. Old Man Shengling."

"Of course, it's okay to call me Hanhai Sect Leader."

Sure enough, this person is the master of Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect!

After learning this expected answer, Chu Ming couldn't help but complain inwardly.

Why do these highly skilled people like to call themselves old people?

I'm assuming you look to be in your thirties or forties, right?

Could it be that because of alchemy cultivation, his appearance has become old and rejuvenated?

Also, judging from the previous alchemy competitions, wasn't it always presided over by the deputy sect master at times like this?

Why did the sect leader come forward directly this time?

Is it because it was founded three thousand years ago?

Chu Ming couldn't help but feel a little confused, and at this moment, Old Sheng Ling's extremely low and hearty laughter sounded in his ears again.

"First of all, on behalf of the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect, I welcome talented alchemists from all walks of life in the Northern Territory to participate in the alchemy competition we hold. I also welcome monks from all walks of life to visit Hanhai City."

"This year marks the 3000th anniversary of the founding of the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect. I am very happy that you can take time out of your busy schedule to come to Hanhai City to congratulate our Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect."

After saying that, Old Man Sheng Ling bowed again, causing the entire square to burst into applause and cheers.

With just these few polite gestures, his status in everyone's hearts gradually evolved from being aloof and superior to a kindly old man next door.

"The sect leader of Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect doesn't have the airs of a sect leader?"

“I’ve heard how kind and amiable he is in the past, but now that I see him, he’s really approachable!”


Listening to the praises of many people around him, Chu Ming curled his lips with disdain, and secretly murmured in his heart.

This kind of person with a kind face is most likely to be dark after putting aside his heart!

Do you really think that you can secure your position as the leader of a sect just by being friendly to others?

Staring at the old man Sheng Ling looking around with a smile on the high platform, Chu Ming couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly, showing a strong sense of vigilance.

At this moment, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the hairs all over his body suddenly stood up. An icy chill rushed from his tailbone to the sky, causing goosebumps all over his body.

Because Chu Ming noticed that Old Sheng Ling actually looked at him with a hint of amusement in his eyes at that moment!

(End of chapter)

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