Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

131. Chapter 130 Master Is Jealous, Do To Me What You Did To Muxi! [6K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 130 Master is jealous, do to me what you did to Muxi! [6K please subscribe! ]


After hearing Chu Ming's words, Su Tongyue was stunned for a moment, and then immediately recovered from the panic and regained her usual calmness. She tucked her hair, which was stuck to her face and was soaked with sweat, behind her ears and smiled softly.

"Mr. Chu is joking. I made this Wangchuan Pill with great painstaking efforts. How can I give it to you?"

"It seems that I am too gentle to you."

Chu Ming's expression turned cold instantly, and there was a trace of coldness and indifference in the depths of his slightly narrowed eyes. He raised his keel high and pointed at Su Tongyue and whispered softly.

"My words are not a request, but an order."

"It seems that Mr. Chu is not very confident in his alchemy skills."

Seeing Chu Ming slowly approaching her, Su Tongyue's delicate body trembled slightly and she quickly retreated to the edge of the boulder cliff, the smile on her face gradually stiffened.

"If Mr. Chu wants to advance, he only needs to refine higher-quality elixirs than mine. Why come to snatch it from a weak woman like me?"

Weak woman?

Chu Ming sneered disdainfully, with a trace of vigilance flashing in his eyes.

Judging from the fluctuations of spiritual power around Su Tongyue, her cultivation level is at least around the Fourth Layer of the Foundation Building realm, or even higher!

I only managed to achieve the same level of cultivation as you with the Ice Dragon Transformation. You actually said that you are a weak woman?

The geniuses cultivated by Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect, one of the five major sects, are weak.

What's more, he had just finished dealing with Tian Feng and the others, and the spiritual power in his Dantian was somewhat depleted...

Seeing that Chu Ming was still pressing forward step by step, the gentle smile on Su Tongyue's face suddenly faded, and she immediately scratched her hair impatiently. The originally calm and beautiful face suddenly turned fierce, as if she was like a crazy woman scolding the street. screamed.

"It's so annoying! It's so annoying! Are you sick?"

"This is an alchemy competition, not a Martial Dao conference to compete for strength!"

"Since you want to fight, I will accompany you to the end!"

"But I'm not responsible for the missing arms and legs. Just don't cry and call the adults in the sect to ask for an explanation after you go back."

"That's natural."

Regarding Su Tongyue's drastic change in personality, as if he had changed a different person, Chu Ming chuckled as if he had expected it.

"I didn't expect you to be gentle and gentle on the surface, but you have such a personality behind your back."

"What? No? Wait! I'll tear my mouth apart right now!"

Su Tongyue's eyes revealed a sinister cruelty, and she held her hands in front of her, and a huge blood sickle about five or six meters long slowly condensed into reality.

Various patterns of poisons are engraved on it, the blade is like a scorpion pincer, and a strong and sinister aura blows towards the face.


Seeing such a special weapon, Chu Ming could not help but be stunned for a moment. However, in the half-breath of his concentration, Su Tongyue rushed in front of him and swung the blood sickle in his hand horizontally!


Chu Ming quickly used his calves to fly into the air, and was able to avoid the terrifying curved wave of spiritual power that cut down a large area of ​​the dense forest behind him.


Seeing Chu Ming retreating into the dense forest, Su Tongyue's bloodthirsty eyes suddenly widened, and she shouted loudly while forming a seal with one hand.

"Blood seal!"

In an instant, countless blood-red vines spurted out from the cracked earth, and their tips turned into countless old red hands and grabbed Chu Ming frantically.

Chu Ming's mind sank, and he quickly used the Shenglong Technique to entangle the bloody hands with his hair. He couldn't help but summon the True Child Pill to help him resist the sneak attack from behind.


After the second loud shout of the word "death", Su Tongyue squeezed away the many squirming bloody arms, brandished a sickle and fought fiercely with the disheveled Chu Ming. The moment the figures intertwined, the terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations spread instantly, causing the original The silent jungle became extremely noisy. The screams of Demonic Beasts were mixed with the sound of ancient trees falling down. Birds and beasts scattered, and it was a mess.

Is this girl so powerful in combat?

Chu Ming couldn't help but be surprised.

Because Su Tongyue is shorter than him, has a low roar, a hot temper, and her zodiac sign is dog, so the power of the breath stick technique has been increased to its peak with the addition of the "Eight Battles of Dog Fighting".

But even so, the two of them were just a draw, and neither could do anything to the other.


After another fierce collision between blue and red, the two people on the battlefield retreated dozens of meters at the same time, using the Law Weapon in their hands to support their exhausted bodies, gasping for air, and glaring at each other.

"I didn't expect you, girl, to be quite good at fighting!"

Chu Ming wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, took out a few Qi Gathering pills from the space bag and threw them into his mouth. He looked at Su Tongyue who was doing the same thing as him and said softly.

"You'd better give me the refined elixir."


Su Tongyue chewed the pills in her mouth like a hamster, swallowed it with a slurp, formed a seal with her hands on her chest, and shouted loudly for the third time.


Immediately, the bloody hand that had been paralyzed on the ground motionless suddenly started to squirm again and grabbed Chu Ming frantically. However, his expression was unusually calm and unmoved, and he just whispered softly.

"The art of growing a bull."

"Dong dong dong——!"

Accompanied by fierce stamping sounds, countless mad cows suddenly rushed out from behind Chu Ming.

They crushed their bloody hands and rushed towards Su Tongyue madly. The dust they brought up made her eyes shrink suddenly. She hurriedly retreated to the edge of the cliff and boulders, and once again waved the sickles in their hands to chop down the bulls that hit her. , causing them to turn into spiritual energy and escape.

"Let's see how long you can delay with this trick!"

Seeing Chu Ming slumped on the ground exhausted, Su Tongyue's eyes flashed with gloomy cruelty.

However, in the next second, there was only a "click" sound, and the boulders on the cliff broke apart under the trampling of many mad cows.


Su Tongyue screamed inwardly, and quickly summoned the spirit sword Yujian Fei from the space bag, but at the moment when her attention was diverted, a cold light suddenly struck her shoulder and a large amount of dripping blood was drawn out.


Su Tongyue frowned and groaned, and instantly fell from the spiritual sword.

Her pupils suddenly dilated, and just as she was about to reach out to call the spirit sword back to her feet, the next second she felt a sudden suffocating force on her neck, and she fainted instantly.


After Chu Ming used the dragon-birthing technique to wrap Su Tongyue tightly and lift her up, he casually threw her aside and gasped for air.

"This girl is really difficult to deal with."

Feeling the depleted spiritual power in her Dantian, Chu Ming slumped on the ground and looked around at the messy forest. She couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Then she quickly groped around Su Tongyue's waist and filled the space on her body. The bag was torn off.

"Should it be put in here?"

Chu Ming tried to use his spiritual consciousness to probe in. After a while, his pupils suddenly shrank, his whole body felt like falling into an ice cellar, and a chill rushed from his tailbone to the sky.


Someone has set a perception barrier in this girl's space bag!

Chu Ming hurriedly dropped the space bag and ran away. However, the moment he stood up, an overwhelming and terrifying aura directly slapped him to the ground, making him unable to move.

"Little guy, it's wrong to steal people's things."

As the indifferent old voice burst out in the depths of his mind, a light blue shadow slowly appeared in front of him.

He stood with his hands behind his hands, smiling kindly, and his eyes were as eternal as a deep well, but there seemed to be millions of secrets hidden in them.

Even after just one glance, its figure was deeply imprinted in the depths of Chu Ming's soul, causing a bitter smile to appear on his lips.

"Hello, Master Hanhai."

"not good at all."

Old man Sheng Ling shook his head and sighed.

"My original intention of setting up the qualifying competition is just to let you know that blindly refining alchemy is not the real future of an alchemist."

"Using refined elixirs to enhance actual combat capabilities is the real direction of elixir cultivation, just like the strange 'strange power elixir' in your hand."

Chu Ming opened his mouth slightly and was about to say something, but suddenly he felt as if the True Child Pill in his hand was disconnected from his spiritual consciousness and flew straight into the palm of Old Sheng Ling's slowly opened right hand.

"I didn't expect that you could not only improve the elixir recipe, but even be able to refine an elixir with four elixir lines without being a Sixth Grade alchemist."

Old Man Sheng Ling did not hide his admiration at all, and carefully played with the True Child Pill in his hand, with a gentle smile on his lips.

"Such a good seedling, if you don't join our Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect, it will be a waste of your alchemy talent."

"Can I take this to mean that you are inviting me to join the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect?"

Chu Ming was lying on the ground and chuckled without being humble or haughty. This courage and courage really made old Sheng Ling open his eyes slightly and his smile became more friendly.

"Sensible and sensible, indeed a hero comes from a young boy!

"But I refuse."

Chu Ming's abrupt rejection made the smile on Old Sheng Ling's face slowly stiffen, and his expression instantly became indifferent.


"Being in the Heavenly Evolution Sect will only waste your alchemy talent. Come to our Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect, and I guarantee that you will trample all the alchemy masters in the Northern Territory under your feet! I will train you to become a peerless talent that everyone is looking for!"

"Because Heavenly Evolution Sect has a lot of people I care about."

Chu Ming remained unmoved, his expression extremely determined.

"I can go to Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect to exchange and study, but it may not be possible for me to quit Heavenly Evolution Sect and join you."

"That's such a shame."

Old Sheng Ling sighed softly, turned over his hands unceremoniously to put away the True Child Pill, stood with his hands behind his back, stared at Chu Ming and said softly.

"Chu Ming, you violated the rules of the qualifying competition, and you are now disqualified from the alchemy competition."

"And because you tried to kill the participating alchemists during the competition, I can only let you stay in the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect until someone from your sect redeems you."


Chu Ming couldn't help but be confused when he saw old man Sheng Ling turning his back faster than flipping through a book.

Where did I violate the play-in rules?

You said that the quality and quantity of refined elixirs will be compared, and only one person from each venue will advance.

Then if I knock other people down, won’t I be able to advance no matter what elixir I refine?

What's more, which of your eyes saw me killing Su Tongyue?

If I wanted to kill her, I wouldn't have pulled her up from the cliff just now, okay?

However, no matter how Chu Ming secretly complained in his heart, the gap in strength between the two was there, and there was no possibility of escape.

He simply stopped struggling and said coldly with a gloomy face.

"Aren't you afraid of causing a rupture in the relationship between the two sects by doing this?"

"Only you?"

Old Man Sheng Ling raised his old right hand slightly, surrounded Chu Ming with his majestic spiritual power, and slowly pulled him to his side and chuckled.

"Although I don't want to admit it, the overall strength of Heavenly Evolution Sect is indeed stronger than our Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect."

"There are many disciples like you in the Second Layer of the Foundation Building Realm in the Heavenly Evolution Sect. They will not directly break with our Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect just because of you."

After hearing what Old Sheng Ling said, Chu Ming couldn't help but feel a little desperate.

"Oh, is it so?"

However, at this moment, a familiar charming voice suddenly sounded in his ears, which made his pupils shrink suddenly.

Master! ?


At the sudden sound, old man Sheng Ling looked around as if facing a formidable enemy, his expression extremely solemn.

He noticed that a charming but full of murderous and cold aura had locked him, and the master of this aura was no less skilled than himself!

Could it be that the old monster from Heavenly Evolution Sect who never comes out of seclusion is here?

"Heavenly Evolution Sect will not break up with you because of Ming'er, but I will."

Chu Ming felt that the tight body wrapped in the terrifying pressure suddenly relaxed, and the whole person fell from the air, and then fell into the arms of an illusory figure.


Looking at that charming face that had not aged for a long time, Chu Ming couldn't help but feel a little longing and sourness in his heart. His eyes, which had hardly shed tears, were also slightly red.

"Master, I miss you so much!"

"I miss you too, my teacher."

Wu Zuirao caressed Chu Ming's cheek tenderly, then put him down and protected him behind him. The peach blossom eyes that stared at the old man Sheng Ling had long lost their charm and enchantment, and had become gloomy and cold.

"It's a bit surprising. You who were beaten to death by me are now alive and kicking again."

"Yeah, I'm a little surprised too."

Old Man Sheng Ling responded with a smile. The originally darkened sky and earth instantly roared with strong winds, thunder and lightning, and as the majestic spiritual power surged, they faced the fox shadow behind Wu Zuirao with its nine-colored fox tail swaying, in a stalemate.

"I didn't expect that you, who was like a lost dog, would show up again. Aren't you afraid that the enemies in Zhongzhou will come after hearing the news?"

"Now that I've shown up, I'm naturally not afraid."

Wu Zuirao raised his jade hand slightly, and nine-colored rays of light shot out from the fox shadow behind him, and in the blink of an eye, the originally solid phantom of Old Sheng Ling gradually became blurry.

"As the leader of a sect, you find lame excuses to make things difficult for your juniors. If word spreads, you will probably lose Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect's reputation."

"Making things difficult?"

Wu Zuirao's words obviously angered the old man Sheng Ling. He pointed at the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect disciple lying unconscious on the ground behind Chu Ming and said coldly.

"Chu Ming beat my sect disciple like that. I just wanted him to stay in our sect and reflect on it. Is this considered deliberately making things difficult?"

"Within the rules, the sword has no eyes."

Wu Zuirao blinked her phoenix eyes, covered her mouth and smiled charmingly.

"Didn't you say before that the final round is to select an alchemist with strong practical ability? Now after this competition, isn't that person my Ming'er?"

"Why, because your own disciple can't beat my disciple, are you anxious?"


Old Sheng Ling's face instantly darkened. He opened and closed his lips several times but hesitated to speak. Apparently he could not find a reason to refute Wu Zuirao's sharp words.

Although he is the incarnation of divine consciousness, this place is within the realm of Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect. It would be easy for him to come and abduct Chu Ming.

But I was just afraid that after Chu Ming was imprisoned, this woman would come to her door.

Just for the sake of her apprentice, she didn't hesitate to expose her existence in front of me?

Isn't she afraid that I will tell Zhongzhou this news? !

Looking at Wu Zuirao's extremely charming and beautiful face, old man Sheng Ling clenched his fists and felt extremely heavy in his heart.

Perhaps the reason why she did this was because her strength had been fully restored.

In this case, it's better not to provoke her.

Now the Northern Territory is already in a state of turmoil, and Lotte Xing has suddenly been involved in troubles recently, causing internal and external troubles, so it is better to do less than to do more.

Old Sheng Ling let out a long sigh as if he was admitting defeat. After restraining his aura and spiritual power, Wu Zuirao also withdrew the Ten Thousand Fox Demonic Body behind him and said with a sweet smile.

"But my Ming'er did go a little too far this time."

"Let's do this. After my Ming'er enters the inner sect, I will ask him to come to your Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect to study and communicate. How about this?"


Old man Sheng Ling couldn't help but wonder.

"Isn't he a disciple of your Heavenly Evolution Sect inner sect?"

"It's just an outer sect. I haven't joined the inner sect yet, so naturally I don't know much about the complex situation in the Northern Territory."

Hearing Wu Zuirao's words, Old Sheng Ling couldn't help but express deep surprise in his heart.

Has he already reached the Second Layer level of the Foundation Building realm before entering the inner sect?

And he’s also a Fifth Grade alchemist?

This little guy is not only talented as an alchemist, but he is also so talented in cultivation?

It’s really amazing that someone who can do two things at once can achieve such an achievement!

Looking at Chu Ming, who was sitting cross-legged behind Wu Zuirao, closing his eyes Nurturing Spirit and running his exercises to recover from his injuries, the resentment towards him in the heart of the old man Sheng Ling suddenly subsided for the most part and he became very interested.

Since this little guy's background is too deep to be eradicated, just find an opportunity to win over him. Anyway, it will have the same effect.

"That's very good."

Old Sheng Ling's expression suddenly changed from serious to cheerful and kindly, and he waved his sleeves and robe to gather the unconscious disciples of Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect around him. The incarnation of his spiritual consciousness slowly dispersed into the distance with them, leaving only The next soft words echoed in the sky.

"I will treat him with courtesy when the time comes, and I hope he can carry forward the path of alchemy."


After the old man Sheng Ling drifted away, Wu Zuirao couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and his tense inner breath was completely relaxed.

If he wanted to kidnap Ming'er regardless, there was really nothing he could do.

But luckily it was enough to intimidate him.

"Master, thank you so much this time."

At this time, Chu Ming's thank you made Wu Zuirao slowly turn around, look at his deep eyes with gentleness, and slightly raise the corners of his mouth without leaving any trace. Then he squatted down and nodded his forehead and hummed. road.

"Hmph! We haven't seen you for a long time. Ming'er, you are so alienated from me as your master! You really got a wife and forgot about your master."

"It turns out that Master has been thinking about me."

Chu Ming scratched his slightly red cheek sheepishly.

Since Master knows what happened between me and Xi'er, does that mean that all the late-night romance between me and Xi'er was also broadcast live?

Teasing senior sister in front of Master?

This is too shameful!

Seemingly aware of Chu Ming's awkward expression, Wu Zuirao gently held his cheek and asked him to look at her, his eyes moving, his sweet tongue curling slowly at the corner of his mouth, and the depths of his misty peach blossom eyes revealed Extremely fiery and charming meaning.

"I'm going to take care of you when I get back!"

"Pack it up? How to clean it up?"

Chu Ming asked subconsciously, while Wuzui Rao leaned into his ear and breathed softly, charmingly, and her tone seemed to be mixed with sour jealousy.

"No matter how many times you did it to Muxi during this period, you must do it to me as well. You are not allowed to get out of bed even once!"


Before Chu Ming could react, the Wu Zuirao in front of him turned into a burst of red mist and slowly drifted away, making him trance-like for a while. It took him a long time to come back to his senses.

"It turns out that Master has been protecting me secretly."

Chu Ming burst out laughing. After patting the dust on his clothes, a strange thought suddenly appeared in his mind.


Maybe Master has not been protecting me, but has been monitoring whether I am carefree?

In this case, what about An Muqing...

"It's broken. No wonder I always feel that something is wrong with the way Master looks at me. It turns out that I have been discovered!"

Chu Ming shrank his neck with some guilt, and kept thinking about how to deal with Wu Zuirao's plan to drain him dry when he returned.

In the past half month, I have used almost half of the cultivation methods in the Photoacaena Heart Sutra, and I have nourished Xi'er dozens of times at least.

Master, she wants to get these things back from me?

Chu Ming subconsciously held her lower back and felt a slight palpitation inexplicably.

"Forget it, I don't even know whether Jin has advanced to the finals today, so I'd better go back and wait for the news."

The setting sun has sunk below the skyline, and the night sky dotted with stars has enveloped the entire land. From time to time, there are several shooting stars passing by in the distance, which is extremely gorgeous.

Just when Chu Ming was about to go back down the mountain the same way, a deep and old voice suddenly sounded throughout the mountains.

"Dear alchemists participating in the alchemy competition, please note that the qualifying round has ended, and the list of nine venues that have advanced to the finals of the alchemy competition is now announced."

"Site No. 1, Blazing Fire Immortal Sect, Mingyan."

"Site No. 2, Myriad Beast Sect, Dijiang."


Aren't there ten venues?

Why did it become nine?

Chu Ming couldn't help but be a little confused, but when he heard the promotion list for No. 8, he suddenly understood.

"Site No. 8, Heavenly Evolution Sect, Chu Ming, Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect, Su Tongyue."

It turned out to be through the back door!

Chu Ming couldn't help but secretly curse, but he didn't hear the promotion list for venue No. 10, which made him feel a little sympathy and mourned silently in his heart.

“It’s just that it’s held in the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect.”

"Sect Master, we have sent people to search Site No. 10. A total of one hundred and thirteen corpses were found, and no one survived."

After the old man Sheng Ling returned to the main hall of the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect Mountain, the old man with a white beard on the side suddenly came over and said in a serious voice.

"Because these corpses are beyond recognition, we are still trying to identify them, but they are probably all done by people from Lotte Bank."

"I see."

Old Sheng Ling's face was calm, but there was a hint of rage surging in his originally calm heart.

I concentrated my divine knowledge to confront the woman for a moment, but all the participating alchemists in the No. 10 venue were killed by people from Letianxing?

"Damn it!"

(End of chapter)

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