Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

144. Chapter 143 Reunion After A Long Absence, The Master’S Yandere Attributes Are Beginning To Show

Chapter 143 Reunion after a long absence, the master’s yandere attributes are beginning to show [Additional update for the boss Yuzui Shang! 6k please subscribe! ]

Chu Ming's eyes widened, and two words suddenly appeared in his blank mind.


Master's love is so crazy!

Just like a yandere!

Before Chu Ming could respond, Wu Zuirao turned into a beautiful snake and wrapped it tightly around his body. She held his head and gnawed at him as if "spitting out snakes", constantly overlapping their heads, and occasionally She whispered coquettishly, and the sinking love that had already been condensed burst out from her originally blurred phoenix eyes.

"Ming'er smells so good! I really want to tie you to me."

What a yandere!

Chu Ming complained in his heart, savoring the sweet and greasy aroma between his lips and teeth like a delicacy. Every bite was filled with the charming and enchanting taste of his master. This made the surprise and longing in his heart gradually turn into heat, and he hugged him tightly. Her body was constantly twisting under control, and she couldn't help but murmur in a low voice, her tone full of nostalgia and longing.

"Master, I miss you so much."

"Ming'er, I miss you too."

Feeling Chu Ming's dependence on him, Wu Zuirao couldn't help but feel happy, and the corners of his mouth raised a charming arc. His cheeks were instantly covered with red clouds, and he slammed the wall against the outside wall of the wing.


The violent sound made Chu Ming, who had been immersed in the gentleness of his master, suddenly come back to his senses, and immediately raised his head to remind him.

"By the way, Master! Xi'er is still in the house."

"I do not care."

Wu Zuirao pursed her plump lips and puffed out her rosy cheeks cutely. Her white and tender arms tightly hooked Chu Ming's neck, complaining in her ear as if she was afraid that he would run away.

"You and Muxi went out for a month and left me as a teacher in the sect. Have you ever thought about how it feels to be a teacher?"

"We haven't seen each other for a long time, why don't I give my Ming'er a hug? Humph!"

"Master, this is not what I mean."

Looking at Wu Zuirao's pretty face, Chu Ming was about to say something, but the words that came to his lips were swallowed back into his stomach.

Because he noticed that Wu Zuirao took the initiative to pick up his hand, which made his pupils shrink suddenly.

This is……

"Are you aware of it?"

Wu Zuirao's jade cheeks were slightly red, her phoenix eyes flickered and she smiled coquettishly, and then she kept blowing sweet and hot breath into Chu Ming's ears.

"In order to welcome Ming'er's arrival, my teacher has nothing!"



You won’t stop until you seduce someone to death, right?

Chu Ming cursed inwardly, feeling that the tight strings of reason in his mind instantly cracked, and he couldn't help but curl up into a smirk.

"Then the disciple can only obey the master's orders."

He directly wrapped his arms tightly around Wu Zuirao's slender waist and picked her up, which made her wrap her tightly in the posture of an octopus subconsciously. Kisses full of nostalgia and longing fell crazily on her delicate cheeks and snow-white cheeks. The sudden tingling sensation on her swan jade neck and delicate collarbone made her smile and joke.

"Aren't Ming'er afraid that Muxi will find out now?"

"If you find it, find it!"

Chu Ming said fiercely, and immediately put Wu Zuirao down and turned her around, with his strong chest close to her smooth and beautiful back, he leaned over and took a sip of her small and delicate earlobe and whispered softly.

"Because Xi'er is in the house, I can only aggrieve Master tonight."


Wu Zuirao grabbed Chu Ming's mischievous hand and looked back resentfully.

"Come in, or forget it tonight"


Chu Ming couldn't help but become confused.

"But Master, aren't you afraid that Xi'er will find out?"

"Didn't you tell me everything? Just discover it when you find it."

Wu Zuirao turned around and jumped up, hanging her delicate body on Chu Ming again. After giving him a charming smile, she opened her mouth slightly and let out a seductive and enchanting voice.

"Besides, don't you think it's more exciting this way? I really like this feeling of hiding it from Muxi."


Chu Ming couldn't help but widen his eyes with a confused expression.

No wonder Master always teases me in front of Xi'er.

So that’s it!

I didn’t expect Master to have such a hobby!

Although Chu Ming was full of worries, after hearing what Wu Zui Rao said, his heart couldn't help but feel a little hot again, but he quickly calmed down.

We have just coaxed Xi'er, but if she discovers her relationship with her master, wouldn't it be in vain?

What's more, An Muqing hasn't finished it yet, so he ends up doing this again.

Seeing Chu Ming's unusually tangled expression, Wu Zuirao was not in a hurry. There was a charming smile in his blurred phoenix eyes, and he kept twisting his delicate body and took the initiative to kiss him. This charming and charming appearance directly broke the Allayed his inner concerns.

Forget it, never mind!

Just play with a heartbeat!

Anyway, sooner or later I have to confess to Xi'er, and being discovered will be a trigger.

"Ming'er, why don't you go in with me as your master?"

Hearing Wu Zuirao's charming breathing that was like orchid in his ear, Chu Ming tightened his arms a little more, and then he hugged her and quietly entered the room. A strange light gradually emerged from the depths of his originally clear eyes.

At this time, An Muxi was facing the bed, lying on his side on the couch and sleeping soundly, which made Wu Zuirao couldn't help but chuckle.

"It looks like Muxi is sleeping soundly."

It needs to be solved as soon as possible!

Chu Ming found a chair and sat in the darkest corner of the room, but Wu Zuirao was unwilling again and lay in his arms, twisting her body and saying with displeasure.

"Go to the bed."

"Master! This is too dangerous!"

Chu Ming whispered a little urgently, but suddenly the world in front of him was spinning, and the next second he found himself coming to the bedside with a chair.


Looking at Wu Zuirao's charming smile with a hint of playfulness in her arms, Chu Ming sighed helplessly. In the end, she could only fulfill her wish honestly and picked up the skirt hanging on both sides with her hands.


Wu Zuirao suddenly twisted her waist, sat on Chu Ming's lap and turned around, leaning her sexy back against his strong chest, stretching her white arms back to hook his neck, looking back with a charming smile.

"Ming'er, I remember that you like to use this method with Muxi, right?"

"Master, you..."

Chu Ming was full of surprise and was about to ask, "Master, how did you know that?" But before she could finish her words, Wu Zuirao pulled her by the neck, lowered her head and kissed her passionately.

"In that case, I also want to use the same method as Muxi."

Hearing Wu Zuirao's charming words, the heat in Chu Ming's heart surged again, and he wanted to feel the smoothness and delicateness of the jade skin.

Through the messy hair, Chu Ming could clearly see An Muxi's beautiful sleeping face not far from her knees, and she couldn't help but feel full of apologies.

Xi'er, I'm sorry.

It's not that I don't follow husband's ways.

If you want to blame it, just blame Master for being too attractive.

Chu Ming stroked Wu Zuirao's smooth and delicate slender legs, and suddenly his eyes widened as if he thought of something, and his originally hot heart suddenly became terrified.


If you can't control this method, big trouble will happen!

In the early morning, the rising sun casts a few spots of light into the house through the paper windows.

An Muxi woke up from her sleep murmuring, feeling as if there was a familiar warmth missing from her side. Yu's hand subconsciously looked to the side but still couldn't find it.


An Muxi's sleepy eyes slowly opened, and she suddenly found that her face had been filled with tears for some time.

Did I have a sad dream last night?

Although An Muxi was a little confused, she didn't think too much about it, wiped the tears from her face, and then slowly sat up, only to find that Chu Ming was no longer around her.


Her hazy consciousness suddenly awoke, and she quickly looked around and found Chu Ming sitting on the chair beside the bed, staring blankly at the paper window that had been stained by sunlight for a long time, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Husband, what are you doing sitting there?"

An Muxi tilted her head and couldn't help but feel a little confused. She got out of bed and the sound of her bare feet stepping on the ground made her look even more confused.

"This is……"

"It rained heavily last night and the roof leaked."

Chu Ming came back to his senses and coughed several times to hide his inner embarrassment. He quickly held his sore waist and sat on the edge of the bed. The tiredness in his eyebrows made An Muxi feel a little distressed. He knelt down considerately. Helping massage his neck and shoulders behind him, he expressed concern with worry on his face.

"Husband, what's wrong with you? Didn't you get a good rest last night?"

"Well, I was practicing diligently last night."

Chu Ming gently stroked An Muxi's catkin and smiled slightly. Immediately after turning her right palm over, the majestic spiritual power fluctuations spread instantly, causing her to show a look of surprise.

"This is……"

"I have broken through to the Third Layer of Foundation Building."


After An Muxi was stunned for a moment, her expression suddenly became joyful.

"Didn't you just break through to the Second Layer of Foundation Building a week ago? How come you reached the Third Layer so quickly?"

Wouldn't it be nice to spend a whole night practicing together with Master?

Chu Ming secretly cursed in his heart, but did not show it. Instead, he reached out and hugged An Muxi tightly in his arms, kissed her delicate face and said with a bad smile.

"This is all the result of your dual cultivation, Xi'er and me."


An Muxi sighed softly, her cheeks flushed, and she snuggled into Chu Ming's arms obediently, sniffing his fresh smell like hay. Her beautiful eyes were blurred, and then she raised her delicate little face, opened her mouth lightly, and looked shy. Whispered.

"Well, husband, how about we consolidate the results of our cultivation?"


When Chu Ming heard this, he immediately smiled helplessly.

"No, I'm a little tired."

"I won't let my husband come..."

An Muxi pushed Chu Ming down on the couch. When he woke up and went to relieve himself, he reached out to stop him.

I'm not tired physically, but in other ways!

Chu Ming sighed softly, sat up and held An Muxi in her arms again, pinched her hot and delicate cheeks and teased.

"It seems I didn't feed you last night."


An Muxi snorted and suddenly her nose twitched, as if she smelled a strange smell from Chu Ming.

It's like a honey-like sweet aroma.

"Husband, did you go out last night?"

An Muxi couldn't help but frown slightly, looking confused.

"You smell strange."


It must be because the smell on Master's body is so fragrant, and coupled with the fact that I'm sweating profusely, it's probably contaminated on me.

"No, why should I go out in the middle of the night?"

Chu Ming quickly changed the topic. Seeing that An Muxi still had some doubts, Chu Ming leaned down and held the lightly opened sandalwood mouth in his mouth, and couldn't help but laugh.

Heavenly Evolution Sect, Floating Jade Peak, in the main hall on the top of the mountain.

Wu Zuirao's jade turned red. After taking a few breaths, Wu Zuirao quickly put on a new Baidie scarlet dress. He immediately waved his right hand, sat cross-legged on the Dream Essence Platform and started to run the technique.

In an instant, a hazy red mist filled the entire hall, and the pounding heartbeat spread the shocking spiritual power fluctuations that made people tremble. Thousands of red threads continued to rewind and circle, and condensed into fox shadows with different postures.


As the sound of breaking through the air sounded one after another, countless fox shadows turned into pink streams of light and rushed into Wu Zuirao's eyebrows, causing her slightly opened phoenix eyes to sparkle with a very charming brilliance. Just a glance At one glance, you can't help but fall in love with it, unable to extricate yourself.

"It seems that my strength has recovered a bit."

Wu Zuirao smiled charmingly and slowly licked the corner of her mouth with her fragrant tongue. The heat in her heart could not help but not dissipate, but intensified.

"It just so happens that Ming'er comes back to participate in the inner sect competition, so I can find a reason to stay with him every day."

"finally reached!"

A stream of light shuttled through the mist-shrouded mountains. Chu Ming, who was flying with a sword, looked at the familiar Heavenly Evolution Sect building under his feet. His tense nerves suddenly relaxed, and he could not help but raise an excited smile.

"Xi'er, we are finally back."

"Is it."

Obviously, An Muxi, who was lying on Chu Ming's back, looked a little lazy. He just raised his red face and glanced down, then continued to close his eyes Nurturing Spirit.

Chu Ming pinched An Muxi's delicate nose and teased.

"Now you know how powerful your husband is, right?"


An Muxi's cheeks turned red, but she was so exhausted physically and mentally that she didn't want to say a word, so she could only cover Chu Ming's mouth with her white and tender hands, feeling extremely shy.

This can't go on like this!

It seems that the plan to find another one has to be advanced...

An Muxi's beautiful eyes were blurred, and many figures quickly appeared in her mind, but in the end, there was only one pretty person who looked similar to herself, which could not be dissipated for a long time.


An Muxi's eyes widened, and then she bit her red lips lightly, her heart gradually becoming entangled.

Muqing's natural Chaos Body has not yet evolved into the Yin and Yang Chaos Body, so it cannot control its outburst.

Maybe it would be a good choice to let her be Chu Ming's Taoist companion.

After all, Muqing likes Chu Ming, and he would be relieved if the other party is her...

An Muxi looked solemn, as if she was really thinking about the possibility of this matter. After thinking about it for a long time, she suddenly realized how shocking this matter was!

Sisters serving the same husband?

Why do I have such thoughts?

If word got out, wouldn't it mean that he would be despised by the world?

An Muxi quickly shook her head to get the matter out of her mind. Chu Ming couldn't help but wonder after noticing it.

"What's wrong?"


An Muxi muttered shyly, a little guilty, and put her cheek on Chu Ming's back and pressed her closer, constantly admonishing herself in her heart.

Serving Chu Ming with Muqing is absolutely impossible!


On the mountain behind Danfeng, lies the Chu family's mansion.

Hua Xiaoying stood in the middle of the yard with a broom in her hand. She wiped the sweat from her forehead with her right hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when she turned her gaze to the broken leaves piled up in the corner of the courtyard not far away, her stretched brows could not help but frown tightly, and she pouted slightly with resentment on her face.

At this time, a yellow stream of light suddenly flashed beside her, and the elixir inside turned into a human figure, snatched the broom from her hand, and began to clean the yard frantically.


Hua Xiaoying looked slightly stunned, and then quickly called it back with her mind.

"Xiao Zhen! You don't need to help me clean it!"

The figure looked stunned, then quickly melted and condensed into a small pill that flew into Hua Xiaoying's open palm, conveying his grievances and resentments through his thoughts.

"I know you want to help me with my work."

Hua Xiaoying had no choice but to squeeze the soft surface of the elixir with her small hands to soothe it, and then said with a sweet smile.

"But I can't always ask you to do it. I have to do something of my own."

"I'm looking at you and I'm practicing."

Upon hearing this, the True Child Pill jumped several times in Hua Xiaoying's hand, as if it conveyed some idea, causing her watery eyes to widen, and her soft gaze was full of emotion.

"It's not hard. On the contrary, I feel much better because of my practice. Thank you for caring about me."

After feeling the kindness from Hua Xiaoying, the True Child Pill excitedly rotated in her hand several times, causing her to frequently cover her mouth and smile.

"Why are you laughing so hard?"

At this time, a slightly playful chuckle suddenly floated into Hua Xiaoying's ears, which made her look stunned for a long time. When her little brain analyzed that the owner of the sound source was the person she missed day and night, her face was filled with tears. He turned around suddenly in disbelief.

"Xiaoying, I'm back."

Chu Ming smiled softly, put away the Dior Spirit Sword after landing, and then put down An Muxi on his back.

After doing this, he saw a green figure rushing towards him, which made him subconsciously spread his arms and actively hugged the petite body with hazy eyes.


Feeling the familiar and warm embrace, Hua Xiaoying could no longer control the tears that were rolling crazily in her eyes, and soon she burst into tears.

An Muxi who was on the side was not angry or jealous when she saw this. She immediately stepped forward and lovingly stroked Hua Xiaoying's back to comfort her excited emotions. Her heart was filled with a warm feeling.

It feels like Hua Xiaoying is my and Chu Ming’s child!

After a long while, Hua Xiaoying had almost vented her inner longing and attachment, and then she broke away from Chu Ming's arms with sobs. She took out a small notebook with red eyes, wrote something on it with her trembling right hand and held it up.

"Master, you are finally back, I miss you so much!"


Chu Ming raised his eyebrows, looked at An Muxi who was also puzzled, and asked softly.

"Didn't you always call me Brother Chu? Why did you suddenly call me Master?"

"It was Master Mu who asked me to scream."

Master! ?

Seeing the words written in the notebook, Chu Ming didn't react much, but An Muxi on the side suddenly became excited. She pushed him away and squatted in front of Hua Xiaoying, holding her petite shoulders with both hands. He said in a condensed voice.

"What's going on, Master's wife?"

Hua Xiaoying was stunned for a moment, and then told An Muxi that Wu Zuirao accepted her as a disciple on Chu Ming's behalf, taught her Kung Fu and Divine Ability, and asked her to call herself master's wife.

"So this is ah."

After learning what happened, An Muxi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and glanced at Chu Ming, who looked helpless, with a hint of apology.

"Feel sorry."

"It's okay, I'm still a little confused now."

Chu Ming smiled helplessly and complained secretly in his heart.

Master, Master, how can you bring up a child in such a bad way?

Even if you think the title of Master is a bit old, you can't let Hua Xiaoying call you Master!

I can hear this calculation even from such a distance.

"It looks like it was just an own mistake."

Chu Ming stood up with a chuckle, looked around and changed the topic with a slightly surprised expression.

"Why do you feel like your home has changed?"

Indeed, before he left, because there were only four people living in the compound including Hua Xiaoying's mother, it seemed particularly empty and lonely.

Nowadays, not only are there a large number of flowers, fruits and trees planted in the courtyard, but even each of the rooms is filled with hollow furniture carved from fine sandalwood. The majestic feeling of a wealthy family comes across, and Chu Ming can't help but sigh. Admire.

"My home feels much more luxurious."

"These are all arranged by the Xu family."

Hua Xiaoying quickly raised her notebook and showed Chu Ming the speech she had prepared.

"Didn't the master give the Xu family some elixirs before he left? Among them, "Qi Condensation Spiritual Pills" and "Bingxinxin Pills" were very popular. "

"Using the opportunity of selling these elixirs, the Xu family successfully annexed all the competitors in the northern city, and even expanded its business to the other three cities, becoming the first family in all the cities in Heavenly Evolution Sect!"

"In order to thank the master for the help he gave them, the Xu family sent someone to check the bills every week, keeping all the sales of the elixirs without taking any money, and also gave away spiritual stones, material seeds, etc., and even helped to clean up the compound. It’s been decorated a lot.”

"Is it."

Chu Ming nodded slightly to show that he understood clearly, and couldn't help but think about it carefully.

It seems that Mrs. Xu is quite decent.

I used my power to protect their Xu family, and their Xu family used their interests to win over me.

The fact that the Xu family has risen so quickly in such a short period of time probably has something to do with my "Life-Eating Pill".

Just when Chu Ming was distracted and thinking about things, Hua Xiaoying suddenly slapped the notebook in his face.

"Master, last time someone from the Xu family came to check the bill with me, they specifically asked me to inform them when you come back."

"That's not necessary for now."

Chu Ming shook his head and said softly.

"I just came back and I am very busy with my affairs. In addition, the Heavenly Evolution Sect will hold an internal sect competition soon, so the news of my return should not be spread outside for the time being."

Hua Xiaoying nodded obediently when she heard the words, then suddenly she blushed as if she thought of something, walked up to Chu Ming shyly, took his hand and held up his notebook.

"Master, since you are back, can you guide me in my cultivation privately?"

(End of chapter)

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