Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

160. Chapter 158 How About You Try It Too? [4K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 158 How about you give it a try? [4k please subscribe! ]

"Master, you have come empty again."

An Muxi looked a little helpless, but Wu Zuirao hadn't reacted yet. Instead, Chu Ming tidied her messy skirt a little nervously, and her heart couldn't help but thump.


Since Xi'er saw that Master was not wearing obscene pants, wouldn't she also have seen those things? !

"Gee, Muxi, you can try it too."

Wu Zuirao left Chu Ming's arms with a sweet smile, her eyes full of charm.

“If you find daily practice boring, it’s not a bad idea to find some excitement.”

"I don't want it!"

An Muxi blushed and immediately heard the referee's deep voice coming from the dojo.

"The next match is between Long Qing and An Muxi."

Long Qing?

Chu Ming suddenly remembered at this moment that there seemed to be a senior brother from Longqiang Peak in the group that he had not met, but the senior sister had met him first?

"Xi'er, be careful."


An Muxi nodded slightly, and after arriving at the center of the dojo, he looked at the young man in black who was slowly walking towards him, with a slightly serious look on his face.

Although he was slightly shorter and his face was slightly green, his whole body exuded an astonishing energy, and the spear in his hand was wrapped in a layer of space-distorting heat.

Fire root?

An Muxi's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and she stood with her sword without any fear. With a wave of ice, the entire dojo was covered with frost. The biting cold wind caused her skirt to flutter slightly, giving her a cold and glamorous beauty.

"Floating Jade Peak, An Muxi."

"Dragon Spear Peak, Long Qing."

Long Qing nodded slightly, seemingly ignoring the changes in the surrounding environment, his expression remained indifferent.

"Don't think that I will hold back just because you are popular outside, even if you are a girl."


An Muxi ignored him, didn't even look at him, and immediately retreated to the edge of the dojo, closing his eyes Nurturing Spirit and waiting quietly for the start of the competition.

"Senior Sister An is so sassy, ​​I really want to be Senior Sister An's dog!"

"Don't go crazy in the inner sect competition. The opponent is not weak either. Senior Sister An, this competition will probably be a tough battle."

"The competition begins."

As the referee's deep voice sounded, Long Qing was the first to attack. The dark spear in his hand danced with several fireworks and attacked An Muxi, and the fiery spiritual power fluctuations spread instantly.

"Yanxing Spear?"

Someone in the stands exclaimed, causing everyone to look extremely shocked.

"Isn't this the Rank Seven Law Weapon that was recently refined by the Hundred Refiners Peak? How come it was bought by the Dragon Spear Peak so quickly?"

"I heard that the Dragon Spear Peak was specially sought out by the Hundred Refiners Peak to refine it for Long Qing to use half a year ago. I didn't expect to meet him here."

"Senior Sister An is in trouble now. She has twin spiritual roots of ice and wood, and what she fears most is fire spiritual power, especially when the opponent uses this fire attribute Law Weapon."

Facing the several brightly blooming fireworks that floated towards him instantly, An Muxi's expression remained calm, and she waved the Frost Spirit Sword forward with her bare hand slightly raised.

In an instant, a half-moon-shaped wave of ice-blue spiritual energy collided with all the fireworks. The contact of ice and fire evaporated rich water vapor, instantly covering the entire dojo.

The dissolution of the two made An Muxi frown slightly, and she tightened her grip on the Frost Spirit Sword in her hand.

Logically speaking, even if ice spiritual power and fire spiritual power are mutually exclusive, the quality of the ice spiritual power produced by her Tianyan Ice Soul Art is much higher than the fire spiritual power produced by her Tianyan Neijing. The fireworks should be extinguished completely so that they do not dissipate themselves.

But the two "died together", which indirectly proves that the technique running in Long Qing's body is not Tianyan's inner diameter, but its advanced technique - Tianyan Burning Jue!

Of course, Long Qing also had the same idea.

Why were my fireworks scattered so easily by its spiritual waves?

Could it be that she was practicing the Tianyan Ice Soul Art?


I should be the only one in the outer sect who practices the advanced techniques of Tianyan Inner Diameter!

Even if she has cultivated the inner diameter of Tianyan to Rank Nine, she has no right to ask the inner sect for the Tianyan Ice Soul Art!

Long Qing's originally arrogant expression suddenly turned gloomy, and his slightly narrowed eyes were filled with strong gloom and resentment.

His calves were strong, sparks were generated from the friction between his soles, and he approached An Muxi in the mist at an extremely fast speed with a spear in hand.

A bit of cold light arrived first, and then the gun shot out like a dragon!

Looking at the sharp spear point that came in front of him, An Muxi tilted his head to dodge without any fluctuation in his expression, and his left hand that was not holding the sword quietly formed a lotus seal.

In an instant, the surrounding steam and mist condensed into countless ice picks that stabbed towards Long Qing crazily.

not good!

The furious Long Qing regained some sense and quickly waved the spear in his hand to form a bowl-shaped spiritual light film around himself, temporarily blocking the ice cone.

However, the next second, the Frost Spirit Sword in An Muxi's hand was already stabbed at him with nine hilts. Every shadow condensed into reality, and the sharp sword tip hit his vital point.

Damn it!

In desperation, Long Qing had no choice but to retreat a long distance to dodge the sword tip that was attacking him. He then took a deep breath, clapped his hands on his chest, and the majestic fiery breath instantly dispersed and cleared away the surrounding fog.

Ice can be condensed into ice by borrowing water, but fire obviously cannot be borrowed, so Long Qing thought of the reason for his disadvantage in a short period of time and solved it.

"Let's see how you sneak up on me this time."

Long Qing once again held a spear and rushed towards An Muxi. Between the figures, there was a clash of marksmanship and swordsmanship. The harsh sound of metal friction resounded throughout the dojo, making Chu Ming in the stands clenched his fists. , his forehead was slightly sweaty due to nervousness, and his face was solemn.

Judging from the situation of the confrontation just now, Chu Ming can confirm that An Muxi's overall strength is weaker than Long Qing in terms of cultivation, spells, and the quality of the Spirit Weapon in his hand.

If this stalemate continues for a long time, I'm afraid it will definitely lead to defeat.

Perhaps there is only one way for Xi'er to easily defeat his opponent...

But Xi'er, you must hold back!

Chu Ming couldn't help but move his left leg, staring at the two people facing each other in the dojo.


After a while, with the sound of violent collision, An Muxi retreated dozens of meters, barely able to stand still.

Her expression was still cold and arrogant, but her beautiful face was already covered with fragrant sweat, and a few black hairs were still attached to her forehead.

Her plump chest rose and fell with the heavy breathing between her red lips, making her look slightly embarrassed.

"It's really difficult."

Long Qing's condition seemed to be a little bad. Not only was his body looking exhausted with the spear supporting him, but even the black clothes on his body were scratched several times.

After taking a few heavy breaths, he pursed his lips tightly, threw the spear aside under the astonished gazes of many people in the stands, and immediately formed a seal with his hands on his chest.


In an instant, the scalding heat wave suddenly spread to the surroundings. You could clearly see that Long Qing was vaguely wrapped in a ball of blazing fireworks, and his originally gloomy eyes were gradually stained with a burning red light.

"Is this the Dragon Flame Transformation?!"

"It seems so. It is said that this spell imitates the method of the Yanlong clan to increase their cultivation by burning the fire spirit power in the body. Only those who practice the Tianyan Burning Jue can practice it, and it will also cause seven days and seven nights to be burned by flames afterwards. Side effects of burning the internal organs.”

"Dear me, this is just an ordinary inner sect competition. Is it necessary to go to such great lengths?"

Looking at the "little flame man" whose whole body was on fire not far away, An Muxi bit her red lips lightly, then took a deep breath, and her originally confused expression became extremely determined again.


As Long Qing shouted loudly, he was like a blazing meteor streaking through the sky, rushing towards An Muxi like crazy, his consciousness completely locking her.

"Muxi, give in."

At this time, Wu Zuirao's soft voice suddenly sounded in An Muxi's ears.

"There is no need to reveal your secrets, just admit defeat. This is just a competition."


Hearing this, An Muxi struggled in her heart for a long time. How could her arrogant personality allow herself to admit defeat?

But Long Qing resorted to the trick of suppressing the situation, but her true body of the fox demon could not be used because she was afraid of exposing her secrets.

Finally, An Muxi put the sword behind him and said softly.

"I surrender."

"I used the Dragon Flame Transformation, but you actually gave in?"

What no one expected was that, facing An Muxi's posture of lowering his defense, Long Qing not only did not stop, but the flames around him burned more intensely, and the terrifying fluctuations in spiritual power left the referee on the side dumbfounded and his heart pounding. one time.


It's okay if you don't stop trying when someone admits defeat, but you end up hitting hard?

However, just as the referee was about to intercept, it was too late. At this moment, Long Qing had already arrived in front of An Muxi. The sharp tip of the spear reflected in her frightened beautiful eyes, making her subconsciously close her eyes tightly.


Everyone in the stands closed their eyes tightly, not daring to look at what was happening in the dojo at this moment.

However, the expected scene of flesh and blood splattering and beauty disappearing did not happen. An Muxi didn't even move, and Long Qing flew out like a kite with its string broken.


After a long while, An Muxi opened his eyes slightly after hearing the familiar gasping sound, and then saw Chu Ming holding the keel in front of him, his calves rushing towards Long Qing with all his strength.

"This is……"

The referee on the side finally came to his senses and was about to stop the fight between the two. However, after being glanced at by Chu Ming, his whole body felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar and his consciousness trembled.

What a look that is!

Cold and solemn, it seems to be filled with endless majesty and anger, and its attitude of contempt for all things is like the supreme god who is the only one between heaven and earth.

"Chu Ming?!"

After Long Qing adjusted his body balance in mid-air, he watched Chu Ming, who was exuding a cold aura, attack him crazily. After a moment of shock, his expression turned into a strong fighting spirit and excitement, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"you wanna die!"

After saying that, he used the spear in his hand to fight against the dragon bone.


However, what made Long Qing's pupils shrink suddenly was that the Yanxing Spear in his hand not only failed to block the impact of the dragon bone, but instead shattered in response to a mysterious dragon power!

? ?

Rank Seven Law Weapon breaks at a touch?

How can it be? !

This sudden change caused Long Qing to panic. He was accidentally elbowed in the face by Chu Ming. His nose was broken and blood spattered everywhere. He passed out instantly.


Facing such a vulnerable opponent, Chu Ming sneered, and a strong anger burst out from the depths of his wide eyes. The dragon bone in his hand turned into an ice spear and suddenly stabbed Long Qing's heart!

"Stop it."

At this time, under the horrified eyes of many people, a soft spiritual power wrapped the ice spear transformed from the dragon bone and slowly brought it back to Chu Ming.

What followed was the illusory projection of Old Man Tianyan.

At this moment, the dojo fell into a deathly silence, and the sound of heavy breathing spread throughout the stands.

Everyone's attention was not focused on Old Man Tianyan at all, but all focused on Chu Ming, who had ice scales on his face, a dragon bone in his hand, and terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations all over his body.

He actually seriously injured Long Qing, who used dragon flame transformation, in just one confrontation?

seriously? !

Long Qing is the fourth layer of the Foundation Building realm!

Although his spiritual power was somewhat depleted in the competition with An Muxi, with the blessing of the Dragon Flame Transformation, his strength was at the peak of the Fifth Layer of the Foundation Building realm, but in the end he couldn't even take a blow from Chu Ming?

It turns out that this kid has been hiding his strength!

This is too scary!

"Be good..."

"Chu Ming, you shouldn't be murderous."

Old Man Tianyan sighed softly, which made Chu Ming feel very angry. He held the keel and pointed at Long Qing, who had fallen not far away and was dripping with blood. He said in a hoarse voice.

"He was the one who struck first."

"Then you should know..."

"I won't let anyone hurt Xi'er."

Chu Ming interrupted what the old man Tian Yan was about to say with a cold tone, which not only caused everyone in the stands to take a breath of cold air, but even the inner sect disciples watching the battle in the sky looked horrified.

How dare this outer disciple contradict the sect master?

You are too brave!

Maybe you don’t have to continue messing around in the Heavenly Evolution Sect!

"I know."

However, what everyone did not expect was that old man Tian Yan actually acted as a peacemaker in a weak manner, like an elder, comforting Chu Ming to let go of the resentment and resentment in his heart.

"But you also seriously injured Long Qing and let the matter pass by, how about that?"


Chu Ming did not say anything, but glanced at An Muxi aside. Seeing her nodding towards him with a worried look on her face, Chu Ming breathed a sigh of relief, suppressed the cold aura brought by the ice dragon transformation, and bowed with respect.

"Since you said so, let's let this matter go."

"However, Long Qing deliberately kills his fellow disciples. I believe that the inner sect does not need such disciples."

After Chu Ming left these words, he came to An Muxi's side, directly picked her up from the waist, who looked slightly stunned, and left the dojo with his sword flying.

It wasn't until the two figures disappeared between heaven and earth that everyone came back to their senses, and the noise filled the entire dojo again.

Just leave like that?

Did they give up on the next competition?

But it doesn’t matter whether you give up or not. After this battle, Chu Ming has completely imprinted his name in the depths of everyone’s minds, becoming the number one person in the outer sect, and even developed friendships with Xu Shuai, Situ Jing and others behind him. A huge gap!

(End of chapter)

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