Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

166. Chapter 163 If ​​You Can’T Fit It In, Then Put On A Facial Mask [4K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 163 If ​​you can’t fit it in, then put on a facial mask [4k please subscribe! ]

The main peak, where the inner sect of Heavenly Evolution Sect is located.

Unlike other peaks in the Heavenly Evolution Sect that are wide at the bottom and narrow at the top, it gets wider as it goes up, much like a giant peak turned upside down.

At the top, there is a group of mountains made up of several normal small peaks. They are lush and green, with beautiful mountains and rivers, and a unique beauty of a paradise.

"You guys came so slowly."

Internal Affairs Hall.

Unlike the hustle and bustle of the outer sect's affairs hall, the inner sect's affairs hall was a little deserted. Even if there were disciples coming in and out, most of them would not interact with each other. At most, they would greet acquaintances for a few words and then leave in a hurry.

Therefore, the noisy crowd formed by the outer disciples who had just entered the inner sect was particularly eye-catching.

"If you come later, all the projects with high contribution points will be snatched up!"

Seeing Yu Hongling's resentful expression with her hands on her waist, An Muxi narrowed her eyes slightly but did not make a sound to retaliate. She just slightly puffed up her rosy cheeks, which made her a little confused.

"Are you eating?"


Hearing this, An Muxi's pretty face turned red instantly, and then she rolled her eyes at Chu Ming at the side in embarrassment, and then he said with a smile.

"Xi'er bit her tongue."

Biting your tongue?

Whose Foundation Building monk can't speak if he bites his tongue!

Do you consider yourself an ordinary person?

Looking at An Muxi's shy gesture covering her mouth with her hands, Yu Hongling's expression became more and more confused until she was awakened by Chu Ming's questioning voice.

"Have you chosen the tasks you want to take on?"

"We have selected a few that are more suitable for us. Brother Chu, please take a look."

Xu Shuai handed the account book recording the affairs to Chu Ming, with a sad expression on his face revealing a hint of helplessness.

"Because the reward for the first place in the second round of the Inner Sect Competition is quite generous, Xiaoling chose some more difficult matters."

"Reward? What reward?"

Seeing Chu Ming's questioning gaze, the sadness on Xu Sheng's face rarely dissipated.

"The exclusive Rank Seven Law Weapon created by Bailianfeng."


Rank Seven Law Weapon?

Chu Ming couldn't help but look a little stunned.

This is too generous!

You know, just redeeming the Rank Seven Law Weapon will cost tens of thousands of contribution points, let alone the exclusive Law Weapon that suits your spiritual roots.

Because of the existence of dragon bones, I don’t have high demand for these, but Xi’er does!

Chu Ming glanced at An Muxi aside and found that her beautiful eyes were full of tears begging for mercy, and she quickly started to look through the account books in her hand.

You have to make a choice quickly, otherwise Yi Xi'er may not be able to hold on.

However, when his eyes briefly scanned the yellowed old book, Chu Ming's eyes narrowed slightly.

Why did these matters leave Heavenly Evolution Sect?

"Brother Chu, have you noticed it too?"

Seemingly seeing through Chu Ming's inner doubts, Xu Shuai explained quietly from the side.

"I heard that the outer disciples are responsible for all matters within the Heavenly Evolution Sect. Unless the situation is uncontrollable, it will be handed over to the inner sect."

"Most of the affairs handled by the inner sect disciples are in affiliated sects or countries outside the Heavenly Evolution Sect, covering the entire Heavenly Evolution Sect."

"I've also noticed it, because the latest affairs here are dozens of kilometers away."

After some thought, Chu Ming chose a person to deal with the Demonic Beast, which made Yu Hongling on the side frown slightly.

"This business provides so few contribution points, why did you choose it?"

"Because there are more rat demons, the number of demon crystals dropped will also increase."

Chu Ming pointed at the account book and explained with a chuckle.

[Business: Clean up the rat demon. ]

[Location: Northeast of Shengyang Kingdom. ]

[Description: A large number of rat demons are running rampant, and their leader’s strength is approximately that of the Fourth Layer of the Foundation Building realm. Please be careful. ]

[Reward: Basic reward 1500+demon crystal*100]

"If we can get more than 40 demon crystals, we will have more contribution points than other matters."

"You have to get it first."

Yu Hongling curled her lips in disdain, and immediately chose another matter with Xu Shuai that was also within the boundaries of the Shengyang Kingdom, and planned to split into two groups.

"Anyway, you are so strong and can handle the rat demon by yourself, so let's take on one more task to ensure that we can get first place in the end."

After making the selection, Yu Hongling returned the account book, and then handed over two crystal-clear light blue crystal stones.

"This is?"

Seeing that Chu Ming was a little confused, Yu Hongling explained softly.

"This is a multi-functional messenger stone. If we encounter any danger when dealing with affairs, after crushing it, the distress message will be transmitted to the surrounding Heavenly Evolution Sect disciples as soon as possible. Of course, the message will also be transmitted back. Sect.”

"And it also has a built-in memory function to prevent us from doing anything inappropriate."


This thing is good!

Chu Ming played with the crystal in his hand and couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

This Heavenly Evolution Sect is quite humane, at least much better than those sects that let their disciples practice outside regardless of life or death.

"Everything that needs to be explained has been clearly explained. Let's gather at the Affairs Hall in the evening."

After saying that, Yu Hongling hurriedly pulled Xu Shuai away.

Seeing the two people disappearing into the clouds and mist not far away, Chu Ming looked slightly stunned, but at this moment, a crisp "dong" sound suddenly came from the side.


An Muxi gasped for breath, then grabbed Chu Ming with a face full of embarrassment and punched and kicked her.

"Chu Ming! You pervert! You actually let me do such a shameful thing!"

"Who asked Xi'er to provoke me first?"

Chu Ming held An Muxi's slender waist and brought her into his arms, caressing her delicate face with his right hand, and raised a smirk on his lips.

"Let your husband see if you have taken care of it."


Although An Muxi was full of embarrassment and reluctance, under Chu Ming's order, his body honestly opened his mouth lightly, which made him nod and chuckle with great satisfaction.

"Yes, since this time it was very successful, let's add more time next time."

"don't want!"

An Muxi snuggled into Chu Ming's arms with a shy face, drew circles on his chest with her index finger as white as an onion root, and rolled her eyes at him charmingly.

"Too many, can't fit..."

"How about using part of the mask next time?"

Facial mask?

An Muxi looked slightly stunned. After looking at Chu Ming, he wiped his face and his expression suddenly became clear. His dimples turned red again. She chased him and beat him severely.

"Chu Ming! Will you die if you don't bully me?"

"Xier, you are always reluctant with your mouth but honest with your body. I really can't hold it back... Hey, hey, don't draw your sword! We can discuss it if we have anything to say!"

"Don't run!"

The capital of Shengyang Kingdom, Yangcheng.

A middle-aged man in a dragon robe was sitting in front of the dragon writing desk, reviewing the memorial in his hand. From time to time he would hold his forehead and sigh, his solemn expression full of helplessness.


At this time, a stunningly beautiful girl wearing a luxurious red brocade skirt walked up, bowed and saluted, then came behind the middle-aged man to rub his shoulders and back, her bright eyes filled with worry.

"It's lunch time. You can rest early."

"If the rat demon is not eliminated, the people will be uneasy. How can I rest?"

The middle-aged man put down the memorial in his hand and sighed, patted the girl's tender little hand and asked in a deep voice.

"Mian'er, I remember we have been contacting Heavenly Evolution Sect for a long time. When will they send someone?"


The girl lowered her eyebrows and said softly.

"The dean reported the rat demon rebellion to the Heavenly Evolution Sect a week ago. As for when someone will be able to take over this matter, I also..."

Before the girl finished speaking, a stream of light suddenly floated out from her waist, and in an instant, it turned into an exciting sound transmission and floated throughout the hall.

"The matter of dealing with the rat demon's rebellion has been taken over by Chu Ming, a disciple of our sect. Please come to Tianyan Academy as soon as possible, Princess!"

"Heavenly Evolution Sect is here?!"

After hearing the news, the middle-aged man was obviously more excited than the girl. He immediately stood up with excitement on his face, but was pulled by the girl to sit down.

"Father, as the king of a country, it is really inappropriate for you to take the initiative to welcome people. I will leave this matter to Mian'er."

"Okay, remember not to neglect them."

"Mian'er knows."

After saying that, the girl bowed and bowed to leave, and quickly led the guards and maids to Tianyan Academy in the north of Yangcheng.

Originally, matters like the Demonic Beast were handled by Tianyan Academy, but this time the rat demon disaster was so large and powerful that the dean, whose cultivation level was only at the Third Layer of the Foundation Building realm, was unable to do anything.

"your Highness."

Seeing the girl being helped out of the sedan chair by the maid, the dean of Tianyan Academy hurriedly stepped forward and bowed, his old face showing a hint of bitterness.

"I am incompetent, please forgive me, Your Highness the Princess."

"Dean, there is no need to blame yourself, please get up."

The girl helped the dean upright and said softly.

"This rat demon disaster is beyond everyone's expectations, and it is not something you can handle alone."

"By the way, haven't the disciples of Heavenly Evolution Sect arrived yet?"

As soon as the girl finished asking, she saw the fiery red chariot flying across the sky like a shooting star above her head, causing everyone to raise their heads with shock on their faces.

"This is……"

In the blink of an eye, the retro and luxurious chariot stopped at the entrance of Tianyan Academy, and slowly walking down was a pair of handsome men and women in white clothes.

The boy has a handsome appearance, a smile on his face, and his whole person is full of positive energy.

The girl covered her face with tulle, but even so, her stunning beauty could still be seen.

What a pair of graceful Taoist couples!

But isn’t that a little too young?

Looking at Chu Ming's slightly green face, the girl frowned slightly, with a hint of sadness in her expression, but she still smiled and came forward to greet him and bowed slightly.

"My little girl's name is Sheng Jinmian, and she is the princess of Shengyang Kingdom. On behalf of Shengyang Kingdom, I welcome the arrival of the two senior monks."

"Disciple of Heavenly Evolution Sect, Chu Ming."

Chu Ming smiled slightly and introduced himself and An Muxi's identities to Sheng Jinmian.

"This is my Taoist companion, An Muxi. We are here to deal with the rat demon disaster that occurred within the borders of the Holy Sun Kingdom."

"Thank you so much."

At this time, the dean of Tianyan Academy also came up to him, holding Chu Ming's right hand and shaking it with excitement.

"Your arrival is a real help in times of need!"

"My daughter has organized a luncheon for the two seniors..."

"No need."

Chu Ming chuckled and refused.

"Your Highness, you just need to tell me where the rat demon disaster occurred. We don't need to rest."


After hearing what Chu Ming said, Sheng Jinmian was obviously a little confused. He was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses and said in shock.

"Don't you need to spend time coming up with a plan to deal with the rat demon?"

"Does this require any more planning?"

Chu Ming was obviously a little confused.

"Can one kill one, or a pair kill a pair?"


Hearing this, Sheng Jinmian was obviously speechless, and after thinking about it for a while, he couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, Heavenly Evolution Sect didn't pay attention to the rat demon disaster that happened in our Holy Sun country at all, and sent some inexperienced young disciples.

Reckless and arrogant.

"Two seniors, the rat demon disaster that occurred in our Holy Sun country this time is extremely serious. The leader's cultivation level has reached the Fourth Layer of Foundation Building."

"So please pay more attention to avoid accidents."

"Your Highness, please rest assured, I have experience in dealing with rat demons."

Chu Ming smiled slightly, and then waved his hand casually, and the terrifying spiritual pressure spread outwards, making everyone tremble and look frightened.

This kind of spiritual power fluctuation... has clearly reached the level of the Fifth Layer of the Foundation Building realm!

Could it be that the young man in front of him, no more than twenty years old at most, is actually a monk from the Fifth Layer of the Foundation Building realm! ?

"Or is it that Her Royal Highness the Princess is not confident about my strength?"


Looking at Chu Ming's gentle look with a smile on his lips, Sheng Jinmian finally recovered from the shock and immediately bowed and saluted, his expression full of apology and humility.

It turns out that it’s not him who is arrogant, but me!

"My little girl is so blind that she doesn't know the true strength of my senior. I hope that my senior will understand."

"Don't call me senior, we are about the same age."

Feeling the thorny indifferent gaze from the side, Chu Ming did not dare to say anything to Sheng Jinmian. After asking her about the location of the rat demon disaster, he controlled the chariot and left with An Muxi.

"Chu Ming..."

Looking up at the red tail flame disappearing between heaven and earth, Sheng Jinmian felt that he was still in an illusion.

He is about the same age as himself, but his cultivation has reached the terrifying Foundation Building realm, Fifth Layer?

Is he really human?

"Dean, have you heard of Chu Ming?"

Sheng Jinmian asked the dean on the side, but he just stroked his beard and shook his head helplessly.

"Unheard of."

"Logically speaking, someone with such amazing cultivation at such a young age would be considered one of the most favored ones even in the Tianyan Inner Sect. It's impossible for me not to know."

"So, he is either an outside disciple who has just returned from a mission abroad, or he is an outside disciple who has just joined the inner sect."

"Is it……"

Sheng Jinmian couldn't help but murmured to himself.

"So, it's very possible that he didn't join any force?"

"Your Highness Princess, you'd better not have any thoughts of recruiting him."

The dean's lips couldn't help but evoke a helpless smile.

"Although I don't know much about Chu Ming's past, I will always admire the name of the girl named An Muxi who followed him."

"She has attracted much attention since she entered the Heavenly Evolution Sect. It will be difficult for you to snatch Chu Ming away from her."


Sheng Jinmian's eyes flashed, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Dean, you don't know something. I inherited the skill of competing for favor in the harem from my mother."

(End of chapter)

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