Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

178. Chapter 175 A Fight Like A Turtle [4K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 175 A fight like a turtle [4k please subscribe! ]

As old man Tian Yan's voice just fell, Chu Ming suddenly realized that the space around An Yilan was distorted. The whole person was like a cannonball, rushing forward with a sound of breaking through the air, and arrived in front of him in an instant.

So fast!

Chu Ming didn't have time to react, so he could only cross his arms in front of him, and An Yilan couldn't help but sneer as he prepared for a head-on confrontation.

Take my fist head-on?

This little guy is really young.

My anger cultivator is a higher Rank One than my physical cultivator, and I am invincible in close combat. But you, a stick cultivator, want to use your body to fight me?


An Yilan's lips curled up into a sneer, but as expected, the scene of Chu Ming's broken arm did not appear. He just staggered back dozens of steps before stabilizing his body, shaking his arm with an extremely painful expression.

"It hurts!"

It hurts?

Wenren Zixuan and Qinglan, who were fighting outside the dojo, were already stunned, their eyes full of astonishment.

We didn't even dare to take An Yilan's punch head-on, but you took a few steps back and were unharmed?

How is this possible!


Even with An Yilan's calm and composed character, she could not help but feel restless at the moment and said with a surprised expression.

"With your cultivation level at the Sixth Layer in the Foundation Building realm, how can you possibly take a punch from me at the Eighth Layer in the Foundation Building realm without falling down?"

"Isn't it normal to fight across ranks?"

Chu Ming smiled slightly, and the crystal ice scales on his cheeks spread slightly, making Wenren Zixuan outside the court couldn't help but scream in surprise.

"He seems to have used some kind of secret method to forcibly increase his strength?"

"Hmph, this kind of secret technique usually has a time limit, so it won't last long."

Qinglan snorted coldly and stared at the two people in the center of the dojo.

However, what happened later did not develop as she thought. Chu Ming, who was holding the dragon bone in hand, used the breath-producing stick method to constantly entangle An Yilan, and even vaguely gained the upper hand.

So strong!

Feeling the ever-changing spiritual power in Chu Ming's body, An Yilan's expression became more solemn.

In front of him, the dragon bone that originally had a cold aura turned into a blazing fire stick after being thrown in front of him. This was unexpected and difficult for him to deal with.

Isn't this guy with twin spiritual roots of ice and wood? Why does he still have the aura of fire and gold in his body?


How weird!

After being knocked away again by Chu Ming with a stick, An Yilan determined that although this guy was only in the Sixth Layer of the Foundation Building realm, with the blessing of a special secret method, his strength was already comparable to that of himself in the Eighth Layer of the Foundation Building realm.

You have to try your best!

An Yilan took a deep breath, then put her hands behind her head and pulled off the black belt covering her eyes.

And his eyes burning with fiery anger were fully displayed in front of everyone, making everyone slightly stunned, including Chu Ming.

No, "eyes burning with anger" are used by others to describe anger, but you are using it to describe the actual situation? !

It turns out your eyes are really on fire! ?

"It's time to activate the "angry body". "

Feeling the twisted fluctuations exuding a terrifying aura around An Yilan, Wenren Zixuan was slightly surprised and couldn't help but sigh.

"I can let An Yilan activate "Rage Body", Chu Ming has succeeded in this challenge. "

"I'm afraid there's more."

Qing Lan suddenly said coldly, the contempt and indifference in his eyes had long since disappeared, replaced by a deep sense of fear and surprise.

She found that Chu Ming remained unmoved by the crazy surge of spiritual power in An Yilan's body, and even yawned lazily.


Isn't this guy looking down on others too much?

"You are really looking for death!"

Chu Ming's random move directly ignited An Yilan's inner anger. He was already practicing the Way of Anger, but because he used a special cloth to cover his eyes, he usually suppressed his inner anger.

When the seal was released, coupled with Chu Ming's "unintentional" provocative behavior, this directly made An Yilan furious, and rushed towards Chu Ming with terrifying power.


Faced with the terrifying spiritual power fluctuations that broke through the Ninth Layer of the Foundation Building realm and even touched the threshold of the Core Formation realm, Chu Ming just smiled indifferently and immediately summoned the "Unmoving Bright King" to cover himself.

"This is……"

Wenren Zixuan's eyes suddenly widened, and his mouth was slightly open for a long time with a shocked expression, unable to close it.

Because he discovered that An Yilan, who used the "Wrath Body", had no way to deal with Chu Ming, who was protected by the "Unmoving Bright King".

Whether it was punching or kicking, except for the violent roar of "dong dong" that resounded throughout the dojo, not only did the "Unmoving Bright King" not move at all, there was not even a dent on the surface.

"This Law Weapon is at least Rank Seven."

After hearing what Wenren Zixuan said, Qinglan on the side said solemnly.

"I remember that Chu Ming won the first place in the second round of the Inner Sect Competition. Maybe this golden bell is the reward obtained from Bailian Peak."

"It's really weird."

Wenren Zixuan laughed hoarsely.

"Others would definitely choose weapons when they wanted to forge, but he actually made a defensive golden bell."

"Because the black stick in his hand is at least a Rank Seven Law Weapon, or even higher."

As soon as Qinglan said this, Wenren Zixuan was a little stunned.

"He has two Rank Seven Law Weapons?"

"This guy has such a good relationship with Bailianfeng? He actually helped him forge two Rank Seven Law Weapons."

"Don't forget, apart from the stick cultivator..."

Qinglan looked back, staring into Wen Renzixuan's eyes and said solemnly.

"He is also a genius alchemist. It only takes a few pills to establish a good relationship with Bailian Peak."


Wenren Zixuan looked slightly stunned, and then looked at the "Unmoving Bright King" that was still as stable as An Yilan's attack like a sudden rain and wind. He didn't know if he had thought of something, and he let out a long sigh, looking extremely melancholy.

"Bringing Gu Qingshan into contact with this guy is really Brother Yan's biggest failure. We should recruit him into our own faction before the conservatives take action."

"Senior Brother Yan has his own decision."

Qinglan snorted lightly, but Wenren Zixuan shrank his neck, smiled and came to the old man Tianyan and Chen Xiong, bowed slightly and apologized.

"Sect Master, Pavilion Master, this disciple is unable to continue participating in the challenge due to sudden physical discomfort. I am really ashamed."


Chen Xiong couldn't help but frown when he heard this. Just as he was about to say something, he was stopped by old man Tian Yan, who smiled and stroked his white beard and said cheerfully.

"In that case, then go back and rest."

"Thank you, Sect Master, for your concern. Disciple will resign."

Wenren Zixuan fled the dojo in a hurry, but he was stopped by Qinglan before he could take a few steps, with deep contempt in his deep eyes.

"Coward! He will only run away from the battlefield!"

"This is called strategic retreat, isn't it?"

Wenren Zixuan pointed to the dojo not far away and said helplessly.

"I'm in the Seventh Layer of the Foundation Building realm. I can't even beat An Yilan, so I'll fight Chu Ming with my head!"

"It's better to just give up and stop the losses in time to avoid humiliating yourself."


Qinglan snorted coldly, her eyes full of contempt. Just when she was about to say something, she heard a sudden roar of stampedes from the other side of the dojo, accompanied by violent earthquakes in the earth.


What happened?

Both of them looked back in confusion, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

I saw countless bisons suddenly rushing out of the dojo, their whole bodies burning with blazing flames, and they rammed towards Chu Ming and An Yilan indiscriminately!

What's this?

The burning anger in An Yilan's eyes flashed slightly, and he immediately ignored the attack on Chu Ming and tried his best to deal with the herd of bison charging towards him.

Because Chu Ming was protected by the "Unmoving Bright King", he didn't need to take any defensive measures at all. This made An Yilan look stunned for a moment before suddenly reacting.

Could these herds of cattle be caused by Chu Ming?

"This guy……"

An Yilan's eyes flashed with gloom and anger, but gradually turned into unwillingness. Eventually, the "angry body" subsided, and she surrendered due to exhaustion.

"I lost."

When he was slumped on the ground with a dejected look on his face and gasping for breath, the surrounding cattle that were rushing towards him suddenly disappeared.


After putting away the "Unmoving Bright King", Chu Ming came to An Yilan and smiled, feeling extremely comfortable.

It seems that I have invented an incredible combination of skills!

Originally, "Grown Ox Technique" was an indiscriminate spell that made no distinction between friend and foe. However, once "Unmoving Bright King" was added, it lost its disadvantages.

An Yilan's spiritual power being exhausted is the best reflection of the strength of this combo!

"Although I lost, I don't accept it."

An Yilan took out the black belt from her arms and covered her eyes with a particularly indifferent expression. This made Chu Ming innocently spread his hands, showing a rogue expression of "It doesn't matter if you don't accept it, I won anyway."

"If you win without force, it turns out that conservatives are such cowards."

At this time, Qing Lan, wearing a long dark green dress and soft black silk tied into a single ponytail, floated in front of Chu Ming, looking at him with a cold expression.

Looking at the delicate makeup of the girl in front of him, Chu Ming smiled slightly and teased.

"Of course I'm a coward. If I hadn't, I'm afraid you would have come to my bed and begged me for sex."


Qing Lan was stunned at first, then her face turned red. She pointed her right hand at Chu Ming's nose and wanted to scold Chu Ming, but her good tutoring prevented her from thinking of a single curse word, so she could only grit her teeth and complain.

"Don't talk nonsense, I will make you look good later!"

"Why do you want me to look good? You take off your clothes and you want me to look good?"


"Thanks for the compliment!"

After a verbal exchange, Qinglan's inner anger reached its peak. Before Old Man Tianyan could announce the start of the game, he took out a crystal clear recorder from his space bag and started playing.

In an instant, the melodious sound of the flute spread throughout the dojo, but An Yilan on the side hurried away as if he had seen a ghost, leaving only Chu Ming with narrowed eyes and a sarcastic smile at the corner of his mouth.

"You say I am invincible, so what does your sudden attack mean?"

"This is in response to you!"

Qinglan narrowed her eyes slightly, and her hair automatically fluttered without any wind.

In an instant, the invisible air around him suddenly condensed into a sharp blade and stabbed towards Chu Ming!

How can you still play like this?

Faced with this weird fighting method, Chu Ming directly summoned the "Unmoving Bright King" to cover himself in, staying the same to cope with the changes.



Faced with Chu Ming's defensive behavior, Qing Lan raised a smug smile, and the sound of the flute suddenly changed from melodious to deep, like a sharp needle piercing the soul of the Entering Spirit, making the listener feel that he It's like falling into an abyss, unable to wake up.

Soul-destroying song.

This is the tune she plays.

As a musician, it is a compulsory course for every musician to influence people's spirit and consciousness through the sound of playing instruments, causing them to sink and gradually lose their vitality.

And there is nowhere to hide with this kind of attack. Even if you cover your ears to prevent yourself from hearing it, the sound of the instrument can penetrate deep into your soul and spirit.

Therefore, when Chu Ming used the "Unmoving Bright King" to cover himself, Qinglan was very sure that he was not familiar with his methods.

Letting yourself shrink into such a narrow space will only make my soul-destroying song infinitely magnified in your mind!

As expected by Qinglan, the "Unmoving Bright King" disappeared just a moment later, leaving only Chu Ming lying unconscious on the ground.


Qinglan breathed a long sigh of relief, and just when her tense nerves were relaxing, she suddenly felt a chill coming down her back.


Qinglan's pupils shrank suddenly, and he turned around suddenly, only to find an ice gun floating at his back. The sharp tip of the ice was only a few centimeters away from his skin, and the slightest movement would cause blood to splash everywhere.

"you lose."

At this time, a faint chuckle suddenly sounded in Qinglan's ears. When she looked back, she saw Chu Ming, who was originally "unconscious", coming to her at some point, with a playful arc at the corner of his mouth.

"It's not a good habit to underestimate your enemy."

"Why... why?"

Qinglan's originally calm heart seemed to be stirred up by a stormy sea at this moment, and her calm expression became frightened and unbelievable.

"Why were you unscathed in Soulkiller?"

"Because I have a strong enough mental defense, your little trick just made me a little dizzy."

Chu Ming rubbed his sore eyebrows, then used his right hand to retract the keel, his deep eyes filled with deep indifference.

"Are you convinced?"


Qing Lan bit her red lips lightly, wanting to say something stubborn, but after seeing Chu Ming's calm expression, she suddenly realized that the boy in front of her, who was much younger than her, still seemed to have some backing up.

Is this the gap between myself and a true genius...

Qinglan looked a little depressed, and the arrogance in her eyes was completely shattered by Chu Ming's powerful strength. She stood up, cupped her fists and saluted, and hurriedly left the dojo.


After seeing Qinglan's back disappearing for a long time, Chu Ming breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground with empty steps, breathing heavily.

"This girl is so strong, I almost fell into her trap."

"Youlan Heart is specifically aimed at illusions, but it can only block a small part of this sonic spell, and you have to resist the rest by yourself."

After mumbling for a while, Chu Ming felt dizzy, and immediately his consciousness fell into darkness. Before he fell into coma, he only felt that his body was falling into two soft embraces filled with elegant fragrance.

(End of chapter)

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