Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

180. Chapter 177 The Seal Of Heaven, Transmigrate The Truth [4K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 177 The seal of heaven, transmigrate the truth [4k please subscribe! ]


Hearing what Wu Zuirao said, Chu Ming couldn't help but look slightly stunned.

Master’s true form of the fox demon?

Is that for me to play with or to play with me?

"No need..."

After some thought, Chu Ming's inner reason still defeated his desire. He glanced at An Muxi, who was still sleeping next to him, and immediately asked tentatively while holding his sore lower back.

"Master, why don't we try another day? We are a little unable to do what we want today."


Wu Zuirao snorted, her slightly narrowed eyes filled with resentment.

"What? You begged Muxi to use the fox demon's true form, but you didn't want to when you came to my teacher? You are a partialist!"

"Master, you misunderstood me."

Chu Ming cried out that he was wronged, but when faced with Wu Zuirao's petty and accusatory behavior like a little girl, he felt that the softness in his heart was suddenly touched, and he immediately hugged Wu Zuirao's slender waist and pulled him into his arms, rubbing his ears together. At the same time, he kept telling sweet words.

"It's too late for me to like Master, how could I be partial?"

"Last night, Xi'er told me that using the fox demon's true form requires a lot of spiritual energy in the Dantian. Master, you are still injured. How dare I ask you to put in such effort?"


After hearing Chu Ming's words, Wu Zuirao stopped what he was doing, and immediately narrowed his phoenix eyes, hooked his fair arms behind his neck and pressed his delicate body close, and raised the corner of his mouth into a smile that was not a smile.

"Ming'er, how did you know that my master was injured?"

"I remember I never mentioned it to you, right?"


Chu Ming, who was still tugging at the silver gourd, was stunned for a moment, then suddenly looked shocked.


The Master's injury was what she saw from the simulation system last time, and she had no idea about it!

There were too many things going on during this period, and the relationship with the master was further developed, so the secret was exposed in the slightest carelessness.

"Ah this..."

Chu Ming was very annoyed, scratching his cheek in embarrassment and unable to explain it. Finally, an idea came to his mind and he suddenly said.

"Master, didn't you ask me to help you collect monsters before? I saw it in an ancient book..."


Before Chu Ming could finish speaking, Wu Zuirao put her index finger as white as an onion root to his mouth to make a silent sound, then leaned down and whispered in his ear.

"Ming'er, actually I know all your secrets as a teacher."

"Including why you like to ask my master for personal clothes, the reason for the skyrocketing cultivation level, the source of Tianyan Five Elements Technique in the body, and even the dragon bone, the God of Wealth's marrow and the Hundred Demon Life and Death Bottle 'stolen' from my master... …”


Feeling the charming and enchanting flavor in Wu Zuirao's tone, Chu Ming couldn't help but shudder, and quickly looked up at her phoenix eyes filled with a cunning smile. While she was extremely shocked, she could not help but be filled with a strong sense of bitterness. meaning.

I thought I had hidden it well enough, but Master found out everything.

"Ming'er, you don't have to be nervous."

After noticing Chu Ming's evasive eyes and the sweat stains on his forehead, Wu Zuirao couldn't bear to tease him, and quickly hugged him into his proud body, caressing his soft hair, and changed his voice. The charming tone of the past became extremely gentle.

"Ming'er, I know you have always been cautious. You hid this from me just to be careful. After all, people are unpredictable. A friend who was your brother-in-law one second may stab you secretly the next second."

"And everyone has their own secrets buried deep in their hearts. I still respect you for this."

Wu Zuirao held Chu Ming's cheek and asked him to look at her, her beautiful eyes full of sincerity.

"But I hope you, Ming'er, will remember one thing, that being a teacher will not harm you, so you can feel free to show your true side in front of me without restraining yourself."

"I know Master that you will not harm me."

Chu Ming gently pressed his forehead against Wu Zuirao's, looking slightly uneasy.

"I'm just worried that I've deceived Master so much, will you blame me and stay away from me..."

"How can it be!"

Wu Zuirao suddenly moved his head to kiss Chu Ming passionately, and wrapped his arms around his neck tightly, as if he wanted to use practical actions to dispel his worries.

After a while, the continuously interacting heads blurred apart. Wu Zuirao took the initiative to pick up Chu Ming's hand and led him to do all kinds of evil on her body. He breathed a few sweet and sweet words through his slightly opened and closed red lips.

"Ming'er, I have given everything to you as my master, how could I leave you?"

"What's more, I never felt that you were deceiving me. After all, no matter how close you are to someone, there is no need to reveal all your secrets."

"Leave some space for each other. This is how Taoist couples get along, as a teacher."


After hearing Wu Zuirao's heartfelt words, Chu Ming was deeply moved and hugged her tightly in his arms again and said softly.

"Actually, I have wanted to talk to you about these things, Master. Since you know everything, there is no need for me to hide anything anymore."

"You keep saying that I am half fox demon, but actually the yin and yang Chaos Body in my body was just 'stolen' from Xi'er..."


Wu Zuirao suddenly interrupted.

"Ming'er, when I picked you up, you already had a naturally beautiful body in your body."


As soon as these words came out, Chu Ming's expression changed from dull to stunned, and then his pupils suddenly shrank, goosebumps appeared all over his body, and his heart seemed to be in a turmoil.


its not right!

I remember that I copied the natural body constitution from Xi'er through the plug-in of the simulation system!

What's more, I came to this Immortal Cultivation World through soul travel, not flesh travel. According to the original body's previous memories, he...

Chu Ming tried hard to recall what the original owner did before transmigrating, but this thought just appeared, and he had a splitting headache. His brain seemed to be pricked by thousands of fine needles, and even the sea of ​​​​spirits There was a faint sign of collapse, and there seemed to be something preventing him from remembering all of this.


Seeing the bloodshot eyes in Chu Ming's bulging eyes, Wu Zuirao quickly hugged Chu Ming tightly in his arms with his face full of pain, and gently pressed the back of his neck with his jade hands.

Immediately, a cold breath suddenly poured into Chu Ming's limbs and bones, and finally gathered in his spiritual sea, stabilizing his mental strength that was on the verge of collapse.

"There is a heavenly seal in your body. Although it has been unlocked, it is best not to challenge its majesty."

"Seal of Heaven?"

Chu Ming covered her forehead and gasped for breath. The bloodshot eyes in her eyes disappeared, replaced by a deep sense of confusion.

"What does it mean?"

"The great Dao in the world, thousands of people go hand in hand."

Wu Zuirao calmed Chu Ming's emotions and explained softly.

"Countless monks want to take the last step in their Taoism, achieve True Immortal, and at the same time have their Taoism practice enter the ranks of heaven."

"But there are exceptions, that is, some Taoist practices are expressly prohibited from entering the Dao of Heaven, and those who practice these Taoist practices will be sealed by the Dao of Heaven."


Chu Ming looked slightly stunned, frowning in confusion.

Listening to the meaning of Master's words, is it true that the way I practice is prohibited by the law of heaven?

its not right!

Stick cultivation and alchemy cultivation are both very common Taoist practices, and both of them even possess the True Immortal ability to break through the Heavenly Dao, so it is impossible for them to be prohibited from entering by the Heavenly Dao.

So... I am practicing another Taoist practice that is forbidden by heaven, but I don’t know?

Chu Ming couldn't help but widen his eyes, and suddenly felt hairy all over his body, and a chill rushed from his tailbone to Tianling Gai.


How weird!

Could it be that the original owner practiced a Taoism that I didn't know about before I transmigrated?

Chu Ming licked her dry lips, looked at Wu Zuirao's soft face and asked carefully

"Master, do you know of any Taoist practices that will be sealed by the Heavenly Dao?"

"There is only one thing I know, and that is..."

Wu Zuirao stared into Chu Ming's deep eyes and spoke in a concentrated voice.

"The way of cause and effect!"

The way of cause and effect?

Such an ethereal thing can actually be cultivated?

Seeing Chu Ming's confused expression, Wu Zuirao looked out the window and murmured in a low voice as if he was remembering something.

"The reason why Heaven seals some Dao practices is because those who practice these Dao practices to the extreme have the ability to change Heaven's Dao."

"The only way of heaven is that it does not allow such people to appear, so it is strangled in the cradle from the source and directly seals your opportunity to come into contact with this kind of way."

"And the way of cause and effect is one of them."

At this time, Wu Zuirao suddenly lightly scratched the back of Chu Ming's hand with his nails, and blood oozed out instantly.


Before Chu Ming could react or even feel pain, the wound on the back of his hand healed automatically, which made him look at Wu Zuirao with some confusion.

"Master, what are you doing?"

"I scratched you, and there was a wound on the back of your hand, right?"

Wu Zuirao gently stroked Chu Ming's healed wound and spoke softly.

"Among them, 'I scratched you' is the cause, and 'the wound appears' is the effect. This is cause and effect."

"And those who have practiced the law of cause and effect to the extreme can blur the concepts of the two, tamper with the order, and change 'wound appears' to cause, and 'I will mark you' to effect."

"So, if you never have a wound on your body, then no one will hurt you in the future, no matter how strong he is!"


After hearing Wu Zuirao's mysterious remarks, Chu Ming felt that the CPU in his brain was about to burn out, and his thoughts were confused.

Because I have never had a wound on my body, no one will hurt me in the future?

what is this?

In this case, if I have a wound on my body, wouldn't it mean that someone will definitely hurt me in the future?

This situation has pros and cons!

"It just needs timely treatment."

Seemingly seeing through Chu Ming's inner thoughts, Wu Zuirao covered her mouth and smiled charmingly, her expression returning to its former enchanting look.

"When an inexplicable wound appears on the body, a person who practices the law of cause and effect will immediately find an uninhabited place to heal the wound quietly, and wait for the wound to heal before leaving the mountain."

"In this way, the 'cause' is changed, and the 'effect' will also change accordingly."

"So magical?"

Chu Ming also relaxed from the tense state all over his body, and then he chuckled and joked.

"In this case, if they live forever, wouldn't their longevity be endless?"

"After all, for the average person, if there is no accident,‘ Shouyuan uses' in natural death is caused by the cause, and ‘death’ is a result. ”

"If they turn the cause and effect, the" death "is turned into a cause, and the results of‘ Shouyuan use all ’to achieve the results.


Seeing Wu Zuirao's smile but silent, Chu Ming suddenly stared at his eyes and shocked.

"Is this really the case?"

"So, this cause and effect path has a weird ability to threaten the heavens, so it will be sealed by it without allowing anyone to realize the mystery."

"So Master ... Is this the dealer that was sealed by Tiandao in my body?"

Chu Ming tentatively asked, his expression was unhappy, and he was even a little excited.

If the seal of the seal in the body is the cause and effect, wouldn't it be possible to live forever in the future?


However, WU Zuirao's words are like pouring a pot of cold water for Chu Ming, making him lose his heart and suddenly becoming nervous.

"Master, what kind of way I practiced?"

"I don't know this for the teacher."

Wu Zuirao's expression slightly apologized, staring at Chu Ming's phoenix eyes full of warmth and tenderness.

"Ming'er, you have a mature mind that is far beyond the age when you are young. He often lying on the hillside lawn at night and looking at the stars in the night sky."

"Is it."

Regarding Wu Zuirao suddenly mentioned what was happening when he was a child, Chu Ming smiled with his brows.

"But I don't remember it a little bit."


Wu Zuirao covered his mouth and laughed, his expression was full of nostalgia.

"You still say that I want to go home and talk to myself often, and my mouth murmist with strange words like‘ how does the plug -in? ’.”


When Chu Ming laughed twice when he just wanted to answer, the spin suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong.


Why did the original owner of this body know the word "plug -in" before I had a transmitrate?

Isn't he the indigo of this world?

Am I gone into his body?

At this time, Chu Ming suddenly seemed to think of something. His pupils suddenly narrowed, and his body was like falling in the ice cellar. He had a sense of disobedience hidden around him before. At this moment, he suddenly merged into his brain.

No wonder the night when Transmigrate had just had the memory of the original owner's death or the dissipation of the soul.

It turns out that I am not a soul wear, but a reincarnation?

I was sealed partly because of some reasons. It was not until that night that I suddenly recovered in the alchemy room that night, so I misunderstood that I came through the soul at that time?

How to say, I have lived in this world for sixteen years ago?

But I don't have this memory. Is it because of the seal of the Tiandao?

Chu Ming couldn't help frowning.

I feel that there is a lot of secrets on my body.


Just as Chu Ming's thoughts were alive, AN MUXI on the side suddenly turned over and whispered, which made him instantly returned from the surprise.

"Fujun, I promised to use the gourd tug of war with Master."

(End of chapter)

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