Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

183. Chapter 180 Muqing, Please Practice Double Cultivation With Me! [4K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 180 Muqing, please practice dual cultivation with me! [4k please subscribe! ]


Seeing the ferocious-looking ticks all around him, An Muqing's eyes became slightly serious, but without any fear, he directly held the "Fairy Phoenix Fire Prairie" in his hand, and his fiery red hair automatically and gradually ignited without any wind. The blazing flames made the delicate face look increasingly indifferent.

"You set a trap here to lure me here?"

"Lord Saintess is indeed smart."

The old man in black standing on the tick's head slowly opened his arms, with a wild smile on his face.

"I thought it would take some effort to lure Lady Saintess here, but I didn't expect to be fooled so easily!"

"You're stupid for being able to figure out that I'm hiding among the patients so quickly; you're smart for not being wary of me bringing you here."

"Because your strength is really not worthy of making me wary, even though I have already seen through your ambush and trap."

After sensing that the old man in black only had the cultivation level of the Sixth Layer of the Foundation Building realm, An Muqing snorted disdainfully, his eyes slightly stern, and the "Fairy Phoenix Fire Prairie" in his hand let out a loud phoenix cry, and immediately his whole body was covered with a layer of rich Wrapped in deep red flames.


Following An Muqing's cold groan, a circle of flames suddenly spread around. Wherever it touched, the ticks that were touched were engulfed in blazing flames and turned into ashes in a short while.

"Is this what you call an ambush?"

Looking at An Muqing's disdainful expression and the crazily surging spiritual energy around him, the old man in black's expression remained unchanged, and the smile at the corner of his mouth showed no signs of disappearing, instead rising slightly.

"As expected of Saintess, the ticks on the Fifth Layer of the Foundation Building are like ants in front of you."

"In that case, let's serve the second dish for this banquet."

After saying that, the old man in black bowed slightly very politely.

As his rickety body bent down, the corpses of ticks around him suddenly seemed to "come alive", squirming and condensing into a huge tick about several hundred feet high!


Looking at the huge black shadow in front of him, An Muqing felt deeply shocked and stunned for the first time. He subconsciously took a step back, clutched the hilt of the sword tightly with his right hand, and his eyes became extremely solemn.

Core Formation environment?

No, I probably just touched the threshold of the Core Formation environment.

It can actually condense the corpses of all ticks?

An Muqing held "Fairy Phoenix Fire Prairie" across her body, her whole body tense, but the other party didn't seem to give her much time to think.

The next second, the huge tick spit out scarlet blood from its ferocious mouth, turning into a torrent and rushing towards her crazily.


An Muqing groaned, and while dodging to the side with his calves, the "Fairy Phoenix Fire Prairie" in his hand suddenly swung forward, and once again condensed into a ring of fire that spread outward.

However, the flames that burned the surrounding ticks just now were extinguished by the blood this time, and did not even affect the power of its forward rush.

Nanming Lihuo can actually suppress me?

"Sure enough, the gap in cultivation is too big."

Faced with several waves of stinking blood coming toward him, An Muqing's feet suddenly glowed with fire wheels, his body instantly became agile, and he transformed into several Daoist shadows and easily dodged them.

However, after hitting the Shattering Void shadow, the blood turned around and continued to rush towards An Muqing's back!


This thing can actually turn?

An Muqing's beautiful eyes widened, and "Fairy Phoenix Started a Prairie Fire" quickly spun in the palm of his hand, turning around to condense a layer of dark red defensive spirit shield.


However, this blood water was surprisingly corrosive, and it melted away the moment it hit the spirit shield.


This sudden situation caught An Muqing off guard. The proximity of the bloody water even allowed her to clearly see the rotten flesh and mutilated corpses contained in it, which made her feel shocked.

Human corpse?

Why do these appear in tick blood?

"Nan Ming Li Huo!"

However, An Muqing didn't have much time to think. He immediately put the "Fairy Phoenix on Fire" into the scabbard at his waist with a low roar, and formed complicated flower prints with his hands.

In an instant, bright fireworks suddenly ignited in her deep eyes, and a lifelike Vermilion Bird appeared behind her!

The moment Vermilion Bird appeared, the surrounding air instantly became hot, and waves of heat and steaming white steam spread outward in waves.

The blood and water that could originally corrode spiritual power melted quickly when encountering these white vapors, just like ice encountering fire, and turned into a part of them.


After resisting the attack of blood and water, An Muqing once again pulled out the "Fairy Phoenix Fire Prairie". The originally round and smooth blade now embossed a Vermilion Bird of the same style as the one on the back, with the sharp beak and the tip of the sword complementing each other.

She rushed towards the giant tick with her sword, and the "Fairy Phoenix Fire Prairie" in her hand drew a brilliant line of fire in the air.


In the next second, the tick's ferocious head split into two parts, and then ignited in blazing flames and turned into ashes.

However, the tick that had lost its head did not fall down. Instead, it used both hands to stuff the corpses of the surrounding ticks into its neck.

In An Muqing's astonished look, the giant tick actually grew a head again, without even affecting its own movements.

how so?

Although An Muqing had raised her cultivation to the same level as a giant tick through the internal combustion of Nanming Lihuo's spiritual power, the opponent's terrifying regeneration ability and rapidly corrosive blood still made her feel particularly troublesome.

But it's not like she doesn't have good ways to deal with it.

Because the giant tick's body was too huge, the cumbersome limbs seemed to slow down in the eyes of the flexible An Muqing, which relieved her tense heart a little.

Since you can regenerate, I will burn you until there are no bones left!

An Muqing bit the corner of his mouth and pressed his right hand hard on his forehead.


With a slightly painful groan, she frowned slightly and pulled out a crimson flame glowing with yellow light from between her eyebrows.

"Destroy Ember!"

After using Nanming Lihuo's natal flame to activate its ember-extinguishing properties, An Muqing suddenly felt a sense of clarity in his body, as if his soul and consciousness were injected into the slightly beating fire ball in his hand.

Its entire body is shiny and smooth, and its appearance does not look dangerous. It does not even have the most basic radiance of a flame. There seems to be a thin Vermilion Bird condensed in its flame core, and the whole thing beats like a heart.

However, just such a small flame made the old man in black take a few steps back with horror on his face, as if he was about to run away.

"Humph, want to escape?"

An Muqing raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, flicked his right hand, and the flames drifted away in the wind. The moment it came into contact with the giant tick, it quickly curled up like paper in flames and turned into ashes all over the sky.

In the midst of the ashes, a bright firelight suddenly appeared, and in an instant it came behind the old man in black.


An Muqing held up the "Fairy Phoenix Fire Prairie" and stabbed the old man in black in the back of the heart. However, he had no intention of dodging. He just turned around and opened the corners of his mouth in a huge arc.

"Giggle, Saintess, you are so funny!"


The old man's laughter was eerie and eerie, and his tone was full of the pride of playing with prey. This made An Muqing couldn't help but recall the old acquaintances he had met before, and a hint of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

"Are you a Lotte person?!"

"Grrrr, isn't it too slow for Lady Saintess to react now?"


As the sword tip pierced the old man's heart, the imagined scene of blood splattering did not appear. Not even a little blood seeped out. It felt like it was pierced into a ball of cotton. This made An Muqing look extremely solemn. , hurriedly trying to distance themselves.

The people in Le Tianxing are very weird, so you should stay away quickly.

However, just when An Muqing was about to pull out the "Fairy Phoenix Fire Prairie", she suddenly felt that the long sword in her hand was being swallowed bit by bit by the old man in black.

And his originally old face became extremely distorted at this moment, and his facial features seemed to be being rebuilt, gradually condensing into the appearance of a tick!


Was this old man originally a Demonic Beast that transformed into a tick?

its not right!

Letianxing should only recruit people, not Demonic Beasts.

But before she had time to think about it, An Muqing decisively abandoned her sword and ran away. In the next second, the old man in black came to her, and his right hand full of ferocious blood vessels turned into a fist and hammered forward.

Without the "Fairy Phoenix" as a defense, An Muqing could only block with his hands crossed in front of him, but he was still punched away by the old man in black.



With a painful groan mixed with the clear sound of broken bones, An Muqing hit the solid ground with a face full of pain, causing a cloud of dust to fly.


After coughing out a few more mouthfuls of blood, An Muqing felt the boulder pressing on his chest slowly disappear, followed by severe pain that spread throughout his body, as if it penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and even his brain felt slightly dizzy. , making her tears flow slowly due to stress.

"Core Formation environment?"

An Muqing wiped away the blood and tears from the corner of his mouth, and a deep sense of panic flashed through his bright eyes.

"So you've been hiding your cultivation? Why?"

"Because it's fun! Giggles..."

For a moment, the corners of the old man's mouth seemed to be about to crack to the base of his ears, his bloodshot eyeballs bulged, and he fell into a state of madness and confusion.

"Giggle! Blazing Fire Immortal Sect, Saintess was teased like this by me, and her originally proud heart turned out to be full of despair. It's so fun!"


Faced with the ridicule of the old man in black, An Muqing narrowed his eyes and quietly used Nanming Lihuo to heal himself, while his calves were strong and he suddenly ran away.

As the Saintess of the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect, she originally had a proud personality, and she would never have been able to do such a shameful act as running away.

But during the time she spent with Chu Ming, after she deeply understood the truth that "running away is not shameful, but retreating strategically and looking for opportunities to take down the opponent in one fell swoop", she suddenly felt that this behavior was not so unacceptable. .

"Want to escape?"

Perhaps it was the exchange between hunter and prey that excited the old man in black to the extreme. He tore his face with both hands wildly, his sharp nails digging into the flesh and causing a burst of blood to flow, in an attempt to suppress the manic joy in his heart.

However, even so, his soul and consciousness were still immersed in the word "happy", and soon an idea flashed in his mind, and fun thoughts resurfaced.

"If the superior Saintess takes the initiative to court an old man like me and makes the matter public, will it bring more fun to the public?"

"In that case, let's try my newly developed tick poison."

The old man in black's eyes bulged crazily due to excitement, fell to the ground and rolled away, and the corners of his mouth were cracked in a huge arc.

He suddenly caught up with An Muqing, and his right hand, which was as black as ink, suddenly melted and gradually condensed into a tick-like limb with a sharp tip, thrusting forward.


An Muqing looked back with a look of horror on his face.

Because she didn't even notice the old man in black suddenly appeared behind her, and even her consciousness couldn't sense his breath!

How could this person still do this?

An Muqing was still secretly happy about his easy escape, but he fell into the abyss the next second.

Damn it!

An Muqing bit the corner of his mouth, a hint of cruelty and determination flashing through his bright eyes.

Just when she had just woken up from the seals on her hands and turned over her last "trump card", a cold voice suddenly sounded.

"Unmoving Bright King Bell!"



Hearing this familiar voice, An Muqing's eyes suddenly widened and he slowly lowered his hands.

However, before she could recall who the owner of the voice was, her vision suddenly dimmed, and she immediately found that she was covered by an ancient bell, and there was a half-crouching young man in white in front of her.

"Chu Ming?"

When his eyes gradually adapted to the darkness, An Muqing was stunned for a long time before he dared to confirm the true identity of the young man in front of him. His original fierce expression was gradually replaced by ecstasy and excitement, and his soft lips that trembled slightly opened and closed and shouted excitedly again.

"Chu Ming!"

She threw herself into Chu Ming's arms, hugged his neck tightly with her white arms and pushed him against the inner wall of the Unmoving Bright King, her expression ecstatic.

"how did you find me?"

"The space crystal you gave me will lead me to yours."

A gentle smile appeared at the corner of Chu Ming's mouth. Just as he was about to say something, the Unmoving Bright King's clock began to tremble violently, and angry and angry laughter could be heard outside.

"Giggle! Get out of here! Has the dignified Blazing Fire Immortal Sect Saintess turned into a coward?"

"It seems like now is not the time to reminisce about the past."

Chu Ming smiled helplessly, immediately pulled An Muqing away from her arms, held her shoulders and said seriously.

"With my Unmoving Bright King's defensive capabilities, even if the person outside has broken through the Core Formation realm, there is nothing he can do against us in a short period of time."

"But if it goes on for a long time, I'm not sure if he has any other means to crack my Unmoving Bright King clock."

"And my Unmoving Bright King clock cannot be moved. If the person outside calls his companions, then our situation will be dangerous."

"So you have to rehabilitate the injury as quickly as possible."

After Chu Ming said this, he formed a lotus platform under An Muqing's slightly astonished gaze, and then said with a serious face.

"So, Muqing, please practice dual cultivation with me!"

(End of chapter)

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