Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 25 Cockroach Demonic Beast

Chapter 25: Cockroach Demonic Beast

Hua Xiaoying?

Chu Ming pondered for a while before recalling who this familiar name belonged to.

Isn't she the mute girl he saved in the northern market that day?

Could it be that she caught a cold?

"I'll go first."

At this moment, An Muxi's indifferent voice interrupted Chu Ming's thoughts, and she left the affairs hall without looking back.

"Because the affairs hall only allows one task to be taken at a time, and the next one can only be taken after completing the current one, time is pressing."

"Wait for me!"

Chu Ming hurriedly caught up, his expression slightly helpless.

"Sister, besides cultivation, you only complete tasks all the time. Your body will break down sooner or later if you continue like this. I suggest taking a break, like going on a date or buying some clothes..."

"What rest is there for cultivators?"

An Muxi disdainfully pursed her lips and muttered to herself, her gaze fixed on the distance.

"Besides, I can't rest. There are still people waiting for me. I have to work hard in my cultivation..."

Waiting for you?

Curiosity arose in Chu Ming's mind, but seeing the dimness in An Muxi's eyes, he dismissed the thought and changed the subject.

"Then with Sister's strength, you should be able to take on tasks that earn more contribution points. These Handyman Peak tasks are not only tedious, but also have low contribution points."

"Because no one else takes them."

An Muxi sighed and casually said.

"The Handyman Peak disciples are said to be cultivators, but they are actually pitiful people who couldn't survive in the mortal world and turned to cultivation to become immortals."

"It's just a small favor, and besides..."

An Muxi looked into Chu Ming's eyes, her expression suddenly softened.

"You also took on Handyman Peak tasks, right? Only the tasks from the Sacred Alchemy Hall should meet the requirements of your position as an attendant, right?"

"I just wanted to spend more time with Sister, hehe."

Chu Ming grinned, his hands covering his head. This non-serious appearance not only didn't anger An Muxi, but instead filled her heart with a faint warmth.

She knew that Chu Ming, like herself, wanted to help Handyman Peak as much as possible, but because they were both too embarrassed to say it directly, they found an excuse to cover it up.

As the saying goes, cultivating the heart is the first step in cultivating immortality.

The elusive Heavenly Dao often favors those with pure and kind hearts.

Although he usually seemed carefree, he was quite reliable in these matters!

An Muxi felt joy in her heart, but on the surface, she still pretended to be slightly resentful, giving Chu Ming a coquettish glance.

"You talk too much!"

"Sister, I'm just speaking from the heart!"


In this way, the two of them bickered and arrived at Handyman Peak.

Thank you for the invitation. As soon as Chu Ming arrived at the foot of the mountain, he noticed that this place seemed different from the other peaks of the Heavenly Evolution Sect.

Chaotic and disorderly.

This was his first impression of Handyman Peak.

The village was built against the mountain, with countless villagers wearing coarse cloth clothes working and farming in the fields. Various types of spiritual energy fluctuations filled the sky, and there were also many strong men swinging their axes on the mountain, giving off a strong rustic atmosphere.

"Are you sure this place belongs to the Heavenly Evolution Sect?"

Chu Ming widened his eyes, finding it difficult to associate this place, which resembled a village, with cultivation.

"Don't they all say that they are just ordinary people who can perform some spells, mostly at the Qi Refining First Layer realm, and it's difficult for them to break through to the Second Layer?"

An Muxi lightly stepped and floated to the entrance of the village. After informing the people on duty from the Heavenly Evolution Sect of their purpose, he pointed in a direction and reminded them.

"Be careful, that Demonic Beast has the strength of Qi Refining Seventh Layer, and the liquid it spits out is highly corrosive."

"I know, thank you."

After receiving clues about the matter, the two of them arrived in a field in the northern part of the village.

Unlike the fertile soil of other areas, the soil here was pitch black, emitting a nauseating stench. A faint black mist lingered in the half-meter-high air, refusing to dissipate.

Seeing this, An Muxi quickly took out a face veil from his pocket and put it on, while Chu Ming, who was not prepared in advance, wrinkled his brow and coughed lightly, covering his mouth.

"You go further away and wait."

Seeing Chu Ming's continuous retching, An Muxi patted his back affectionately, then drew out his sword, rushing into the black mist with a dazzling blue tail flame, his eyes becoming colder.

She could clearly sense the strong Demonic Beast fluctuations inside, and there was more than one!

"Did it defecate all over the field?!"

Chu Ming complained as he ran far away. He sat down under a tree to rest after the smell lingering in his nose dissipated, contemplating whether to complete his own tasks first.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a sinister chill on his back rushing towards his heart!


Chu Ming reacted quickly, quickly rolling and grabbing the True Child Pill from his spatial bag with his right hand.

The next second, the corrosive black water pierced through the ancient tree behind him like an arrow, emitting a foul smell.

Chu Ming squinted his eyes and suddenly noticed a huge Demonic Beast in another field that had not been contaminated.

Its two long antennae swayed like braids, its body was brownish-yellow, with six hairy legs and transparent wings fluttering slightly.

Clearly, Chu Ming recognized its species at a glance from its appearance.

A cockroach!

And it was a damn giant cockroach!

Chu Ming shivered, a cold feeling shooting up from his tailbone to the top of his head. The fear from deep within made him instinctively take a few steps back.

Damn it,

However, Chu Ming squinted his eyes and suddenly saw a little girl sitting in the field, wearing coarse linen clothes and tightly hugging a basket filled with grains.

A basket?

Chu Ming looked stunned, suddenly feeling like he had seen this girl's back somewhere before. After pondering for a moment, his pupils contracted.

Isn't this the mute girl?

How could she be here?

Without thinking too much, Chu Ming's eyes turned cold. While retreating, he threw the True Child Pill out.

"Go, True Child Pill! Use Wing Chun on it!"

In an instant, a pale yellow spiritual mist gushed out from the pill, transforming into a handsome figure in the blink of an eye. With a flick of his long robe, he exuded a strong spiritual power and charged towards the Demonic Beast.

Chu Ming hid behind a tree and watched quietly.

His spiritual awareness was keen, and he instantly judged that the giant cockroach probably had the strength of Qi Refining Seventh Layer.

For himself at the Qi Refining Fourth Layer, it wouldn't even be enough to get stuck in its teeth.

But for the True Child Pill, it was more than enough.

Because it was composed of spiritual power itself, using it once only required igniting the green flame with wood spiritual power to replenish its energy automatically, making it extremely convenient.

Therefore, the Demonic Beast's proud attack method of "spitting black water" was completely useless against the True Child Pill. In just a few moves of Wing Chun, it was beaten half to death, and the final high chop of the right leg directly sent it to its grave.

"Indeed, martial arts are deadly skills."

Chu Ming couldn't help but sigh, then used his spiritual awareness to command the True Child Pill to throw the cockroach's corpse far away. He quickly ran to Hua Xiaoying's side to check her injuries.

"Are you okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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