Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 27 I Am Willing To Serve You For The Rest Of My Life!

Chapter 27: I am willing to serve you for a lifetime!

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Chu Ming staring at the pear in his hand, An Muxi quickly snatched it away, used her divine sense to sense it, and found no special spiritual power fluctuations attached to it before returning it.

"It's edible."


Chu Ming silently took a bite, and the sweet flesh turned into spiritual power that instantly filled his mouth. Its richness far exceeded his estimated thirty-year vintage.

It might even be a forty-year vintage!

Isn't this too unbelievable?

Chu Ming reexamined Hua Xiaoying in front of him. She was wearing tattered linen clothes, with her eyes lowered timidly and her hands clenched in front of her chest.

She lacked the innocence unique to young girls and had gained some maturity and strength.

After pondering for a moment, Chu Ming smiled gently.

"Xiaoying, can I go see your mother?"

Upon hearing this, Hua Xiaoying raised her head and nodded. Then she led Chu Ming to the innermost bedroom.

On the worn thatched bed, a middle-aged woman was quietly sleeping under the covers. However, her breathing was slightly rapid, and there was a faint chill lingering on her slightly wrinkled forehead, indicating that she had been affected by a cold for several days.

If left untreated, she might pass away in another day or two.

Worry filled Hua Xiaoying's face, and she was about to wake her mother up when Chu Ming stopped her and shook his head gently.

"No need to wake her up."

After saying that, he approached the bed, took the woman's left hand, and felt her pulse.

Although it was called feeling the pulse, it was actually transferring the gentle wood spiritual power from his body to the woman's limbs, dispelling the coldness within her.

The technique was simple, but it required a high level of control over spiritual power. However, for Chu Ming, whose spiritual sea was much broader than an ordinary person's, it was not difficult.

He continued for a few minutes, and the woman's furrowed brow relaxed, and her breathing became gentle and steady.

Seeing this, Hua Xiaoying sat by the bed and touched her mother's head. She was surprised to find that her high fever miraculously subsided, her eyes widening in astonishment.


Quietly watching her mother's peaceful sleeping face for a few minutes, Hua Xiaoying covered her with the blanket, then turned around slowly. Tears welled up in her eyes and flowed out instantly. She was about to kneel down, but Chu Ming quickly supported her.

"No need, it's just a small effort."

"Brother Chu Ming, I really don't know how to thank you."

While sobbing, Hua Xiaoying tremblingly handed him a piece of rice paper, still wet with her warm tears. Her pitiful appearance, coupled with her teary eyes, made Chu Ming feel a little embarrassed as he scratched his head.

To him, it was just a trivial matter, but it seemed different to Hua Xiaoying.

As a result, no matter how Chu Ming insisted that he didn't need any repayment, Hua Xiaoying stubbornly held onto his hand, staring at him with her swollen, teary eyes, seemingly determined to achieve her goal.

However, due to the effect of the Natural Charm Body, her cheeks involuntarily turned slightly red, her small mouth slightly opened as she gasped for breath, and her eyes gradually filled with affection. She even took the initiative to press Chu Ming's hand against her cheek...

Oh no!

Seeing this, Chu Ming quickly distanced himself from Hua Xiaoying, and with a helpless smile, he said, "How about this, can you show me the plants you've grown?"

As if awakened from a dream, Hua Xiaoying's body trembled, blinked her eyes, and tilted her head, seemingly contemplating the meaning behind Chu Ming's words.

After a moment, she grabbed Chu Ming's sleeve and led him to the backyard. An Muxi followed behind them with an indifferent expression, her eyes narrowed, revealing a hint of resentment.

Why does Chu Ming always like to provoke girls?

So annoying!

No, why am I annoyed?

An Muxi pouted unhappily, playing with her own ponytail in frustration.

Chu Ming, on the other hand, did not notice her unusual expression. He stared blankly at the lush medicinal herbs in the field, his face filled with disbelief.

"Are these really fifty-year-old Golden Yang Spirit Stems?"

"Wait! A hundred-year-old Lingzhi mushroom? Is this for real?"

"What the heck? Ice Xuan flower? Isn't this supposed to be grown in water? How did it sprout from the ground?"


Chu Ming looked around the field in astonishment, occasionally reaching out to touch the plants, his mind overwhelmed by shock.

Clearly, these things were not "normal."

Not only were they incredibly old, but their quality also far surpassed the medicinal materials commonly found in the market.

"How is this even possible?"

Seemingly understanding Chu Ming's confusion, Hua Xiaoying walked over, tugging at his sleeve and holding up a piece of paper.

"Brother Chu Ming, there's something strange that has been bothering me for a while."

"I've noticed that the things I grow are much better than what others grow, even though I haven't learned any farming techniques. These plants are exceptionally lush."


Reading this passage, Chu Ming was dumbfounded, his chin resting on his hand as he fell into deep thought.

The rapid growth of these plants must be related to Hua Xiaoying's constitution... Could she be the reincarnation of a flower deity?

It's possible!

In this Immortal Cultivation World, nothing is too surprising.

"So, Brother Chu Ming, do you know the reason?"

Seeing Hua Xiaoying's adorable puzzled expression, Chu Ming suddenly brightened up, a slight smile forming at the corners of his mouth.

He squatted down, looking like a mischievous uncle trying to deceive a child.

"I'm not sure about that, but speaking of which, Xiaoying, you mentioned earlier that you wanted to repay me, right?"

Hua Xiaoying nodded without hesitation, while An Muxi beside her looked at Chu Ming with a puzzled gaze.

What is he up to?

"Have you ever thought about changing your place of residence?"


Seeing Hua Xiaoying's confused expression, Chu Ming showed her the waist token of the Sacred Alchemy Hall.

"The stewards of the Sacred Alchemy Hall are rewarded with a small piece of land to cultivate various precious materials, saving time on buying and selling."

"And in order not to delay their cultivation and alchemy practice, they usually recruit handymen and servants to help with farming."

"So, Brother Chu Ming, are you suggesting that I become your maid?"


"No, no, no..."

Before Chu Ming could explain clearly, Hua Xiaoying excitedly raised the piece of paper again, her face full of anticipation.

"I'm willing to become your maid, to take care of the fields and serve you in daily life!"

Hua Xiaoying knew that if the handymen on Handyman Peak wanted to break free from their status, the only way was to work hard and cultivate to breakthrough their realm, thus qualifying as an official disciple of the Heavenly Evolution Sect's outer sect.

Of course, for those without talent, this path was almost completely blocked.

After all, the requirement of reaching the Qi Refining Second Layer alone could eliminate a large number of people, not to mention the hurdle of having a Low Grade spiritual root.

So, another path was born.

To cling to a powerful figure!

By gaining the favor of some elders and stewards of the Heavenly Evolution Sect, becoming their servants, they could obtain a comfortable living environment, rewards, and even some cultivation resources.

Perhaps others might look down on these things, but for handymen, it could be an excellent opportunity to rise to prominence.

Therefore, even before Chu Ming could fully express his request, Hua Xiaoying became extremely excited and joyful.

"Brother Chu Ming, I am willing to serve you for the rest of my life!"

(End of this chapter)

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