Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

29. Chapter 29 Master’S Reward

Chapter 29: Master's Reward


Chu Ming reacted quickly and instantly took out an Iceheart Pill from his pocket and fed it to An Muxi.

After she swallowed it, her eyes gradually regained clarity, and her blushing and hot jade-like skin returned to normal.


She exhaled a cold breath and squatted down, burying her face in her arms. Chu Ming felt a bit embarrassed seeing her pitiful appearance.

He had only intended to make a joke, but he didn't expect it to trigger An Muxi's Natural Charm Body.

What a sin!


Chu Ming scratched his head, looking like he wanted to say something but hesitated. In the end, An Muxi broke the awkward atmosphere between them. She suddenly raised her head and glared at him angrily.

"What's the deal with this Law Weapon?!"

"Um... because it has been contaminated with Thunder Spirit Power, and this Law Weapon has its own consciousness, that's why I can control it."


An Muxi stood up, her eyebrows slightly raised.

"Chu Ming, you're fooling me again! A Law Weapon can only have consciousness if it reaches the level of a Spirit Treasure. How could this pair of stockings have it?"


Chu Ming didn't explain, but instead shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he didn't know the reason either. This nonchalant appearance made An Muxi pause for a moment and fall into contemplation.

Could it be true that these stockings have consciousness?

If not, it would be difficult to explain how he could control them.

"I'm sorry, senior sister. I didn't expect it to be under my control. Since you don't like it, you can have it back."

Chu Ming forced a laugh. He didn't plan to continue teasing An Muxi in this way after being discovered.

If things didn't go well one day and it caused another outbreak of her seductive body like today, the consequences would be unimaginable!

However, faced with Chu Ming's request, An Muxi unexpectedly crossed her arms and coldly said, "Things that have been given away cannot be taken back. I won't give it to you!"


Now Chu Ming was confused.


I've already explained that I can control these stockings freely...

Could she be addicted?

Looking at Chu Ming's extremely puzzled expression, An Muxi blushed and glared at him.

"What are you thinking! I just think these stockings suit me."

"Just now, when I was dealing with the Demonic Beast, it suddenly spewed out black water. I couldn't dodge in time, and my legs got stained. But these stockings showed no signs of being corroded."

"Just as you said, it is a Law Weapon with high defensive power."

"Is that so..."

Chu Ming awkwardly touched his nose, not knowing what to say. On the other hand, An Muxi waved her fist, blushing, and threatened him.

"But I warn you, you can't control these stockings anymore. Otherwise... I'll... I'll ignore you forever!"

After saying that, An Muxi floated away in anger, her cheeks still flushed. The blush gradually spread to her neck and ears.

Although the reasons she didn't want to return the stockings were all true, she had overlooked one thing.

That is, the tingling and numbness in her legs earlier... It was quite comfortable?

Until now, An Muxi still savored it and even looked forward to when Chu Ming would do it again...

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Thinking of this, An Muxi covered her face in shame, cursing herself for being so unrestrained.

What has happened to me!

It's all because of the Natural Charm Body. It actually turned me into a pervert like Chu Ming!

"But speaking of the Natural Charm Body..."

An Muxi clenched her chest with her right hand, feeling a slight worry for no reason.

Although the heat in her body had been suppressed by the Iceheart Pill, it would occasionally escape and tease her whole body, bringing about irresistible desires.

It doesn't feel good!

If this continues, it will erupt again from time to time, and the Iceheart Pill is almost used up...

An Muxi's heartbeat seemed to skip a beat, and at this moment, Chu Ming caught up to her.

"That senior sister, do you plan to continue taking on tasks?"


Feeling the changes in her body, An Muxi rubbed her sore forehead, her face filled with exhaustion.

"I want to go back and rest for a while."


Seeing Chu Ming's hesitant expression, An Muxi paused for a moment and instantly understood his meaning, her face turning red again.

"Is your Natural Charm Body also becoming uncontrollable?"


Chu Ming nodded honestly, causing An Muxi to feel a bit embarrassed. After a while, she blushed and stammered.

"What do you want?"

"Obscene pants..."

"Then I'll come find you tonight."


Just like an old married couple, their conversation was short but carried a lot of information. Those who knew understood that they were discussing how to deal with the Natural Charm Body, while those who didn't know might think they were engaged in some perverted illegal transaction.

In this way, the two returned to the affairs hall and handed over their tasks before dispersing. However, Chu Ming stayed a bit longer and took on an alchemy task.

After all, the materials for the Sun Ascending Pill and the Six-Flavor Rehmannia Pill could easily be gathered in the courtyard outside the Sacred Alchemy Hall, making it very convenient.

Afterward, Chu Ming returned to his room and the first thing he did was refine the remaining materials from the assessment into Qi Condensation Powder, which he then swallowed.

"Cough! So salty!"

After taking a few big gulps of water, he sat cross-legged on the bed and began cultivating.

Qi Condensation Powder was a type of pill that assisted cultivators in the Qi Refining Realm. It couldn't immediately increase one's cultivation, but it could accelerate the speed at which the cultivation technique operated for a short period of time.

After a few incense sticks' worth of time passed, as dozens of meridians completed their cycles, Chu Ming exhaled a faint black mist and suddenly opened his bright eyes.

He accessed his personal panel and when he saw that he had only increased by 15% in the Qi Refining Realm, he couldn't help but sigh softly.

Who said cultivating immortality was easy? Come out and show yourself!

It had already been three days, and he had only increased by 15% in the Qi Refining Realm Fourth Layer.

At this rate, it would take about a month to break through to the Fifth Layer, and a year to possibly reach Foundation Building.

"No, there are only three months left until the Heavenly Evolution Sect's grand competition. At this rate, progress is too slow."

Chu Ming bit his thumbnail and fell into deep thought.

If it really couldn't be helped, he would have to ask his master...

"Knock, knock, knock..."

"Ming'er, are you there?"

Coincidentally, just as Chu Ming was contemplating how to borrow something intimate from his master, a seductive voice sounded at the door.

"Master, I'm coming in~"

With that, Wu Zuirao swayed and pushed open the door, holding a jar of spirit wine in her hand.

She was still dressed in a crimson robe, but unlike before, her face was as rosy as peach blossoms, filled with intoxication. Every now and then, she would hiccup.

She seemed a bit drunk?

Chu Ming's expression froze, the strong smell of alcohol wrinkling his brow. But before he could react, the world spun before his eyes, and the next second, he was suddenly pushed down onto the bed by the unexpected figure, their plump and soft body pressing tightly against him.

"I heard that Ming'er passed the assessment to become a Fourth Grade alchemist, and even obtained the position of an official in the Sacred Alchemy Hall. I am very pleased," Wu Zuirao said, her left hand pressing on Chu Ming's shoulder while her right hand caressed his cheek, her fingertips tracing his neck and solid chest, as if she was about to undo his clothes...


Chu Ming panicked and quickly grabbed Wu Zuirao's soft hand, looking embarrassed.

"Master, you're drunk."

"I'm not drunk!"

Wu Zuirao pouted, her expression full of grievance. This cute appearance, different from her usual seductiveness, made Chu Ming's eyes go blank. Before he could react, she had already pulled open his collar, revealing his muscular chest.

"My Ming'er! Hehe!"

Wu Zuirao's eyes were filled with excitement, her mouth curling up as if she was about to drool. She leaned down, her burning cheek pressed tightly against Chu Ming's, causing his whole body to tremble.


Who could resist this?

Chu Ming's mind went blank, and then he heard a soft and tender voice in his ear.

"Ming'er, what reward do you want? Master can fulfill anything for you~"

(End of this chapter)

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