Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

31. Chapter 31 Master’S Pants Are A Treasure Of Heaven And Earth

Chapter 31: Master's Pants are Priceless Treasures

"Can this be simulated too?"

Chu Ming's mind suddenly became lively, and he immediately chose to simulate.

[Simulation complete]


What is going on?!

Chu Ming couldn't help but exclaim in his mind.

He realized that in the simulations involving An Muxi, he was usually the dominant one.

But why did it change when it came to Wu Zuirao?

"It seems that the content of the simulation is based on the master's personality."

Chu Ming clicked his tongue a few times and decisively chose the third reward.

Although the master's talent was tempting, ever since he encountered the problem of the Natural Charm Body, he no longer dared to easily obtain other people's qualifications.

Especially someone like Wu Zuirao, whose identity is mysterious. It would be even more troublesome if he obtained some strange physique.

In addition, Chu Ming urgently needed to improve his strength, so he chose cultivation and attributes.

[This simulation item "Silk Profane Pants," intimacy with Wu Zuirao 60, the third reward is:]

[Cultivation improvement: Qi Refining Fourth Layer (15%) - Qi Refining Fourth Layer (99%)]

[Attribute improvement: Constitution +20]


Chu Ming's expression froze slightly. Before he could recover from such a generous reward, the surging spiritual power instantly filled his withered Qi Sea in his dantian.

They were beating like a heart, and there were even signs of bursting and becoming five clusters.


The surging sense of fullness in his abdomen made Chu Ming groan in pain, and his forehead was instantly covered in sweat.

He quickly sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes, and focused his mind on his dantian, circulating the Tian Yan Inner Path.

Immediately, the spiritual power that was on the verge of a breakthrough found an outlet through the operation of the technique, surging out from the dantian, and in just a few breaths, it filled his entire body.


After a few sticks of incense, Chu Ming exhaled a long breath of relief, feeling that every cell in his body was cheering.

The acquisition of the attribute of constitution, coupled with his originally tenacious spiritual soul, allowed him to successfully overcome the danger of almost bursting due to the surge of spiritual power.

"That scared me."

Chu Ming tried to clench his fists and felt the abundant power in his body. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but slightly curl up in excitement.

The intimacy level of 60 from the master's profane pants actually allowed me to directly advance from the beginner stage of Qi Refining Fourth Layer to the half-step Qi Refining Fifth Layer.

If it's intimacy level 90 or above, wouldn't it directly promote me to a higher level?

"But why is it 60?"

After a brief excitement, Chu Ming's expression became slightly puzzled.

After all, these profane pants were taken off the master's body, so the intimacy level should be at least over 90, right?

Could it be because he tore it apart?

There is a possibility!

This reminded Chu Ming that in the future, when taking off someone else's pants, he must not use too much force, otherwise, it would be a loss of blood!

Not only would the intimacy level be low, but he also wouldn't be able to fully appreciate the delicate inner flesh.

"Now that my strength has improved, I can also prioritize the practice of spells."

Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, Chu Ming took out the spells given by Xu Shuai from his spatial bag.

He untied the red ribbon and unfolded the bamboo scroll, and the information recorded on it appeared before his eyes one by one.

[Longevity Art]

[Introduction: Can nurture any plant]


How disappointing!

Although he had already had a premonition, Chu Ming couldn't help but feel speechless.

He didn't think that Xu Shuai intentionally exchanged for this "trash" spell. It was just that the spells that could be practiced with the Wood Spirit Root were naturally inclined towards healing and recovery, making it difficult to find spells for combat.

Of course, if the "Longevity Technique" is practiced to the extreme, the seeds that are scattered can instantly sprout into plants, and when combined with the manipulation of the soul, they might have a certain combat power.

"But this method seems too complicated," Chu Ming secretly complained, helplessly sighing, and at this moment, the familiar light screen appeared again in front of him.

[Do you want to simulate the "Longevity Technique"?]


Chu Ming's expression was slightly stunned, his face full of disbelief.

Not only can this system simulate items and alchemy recipes, but it can even simulate mysterious spells?

The functionality is too extensive!

Amidst his astonishment, Chu Ming certainly didn't forget to make a choice.

In an instant, the information appeared before his eyes again.

[Since you were developed, you have always been the favorite spell of farming disciples, without exception.]

[Under this aura, you are particularly proud, and your daily task is to watch various plants grow, carefree and at ease.]

[However, one day, a crazy Demonic Beast, a raging bull, suddenly ran into the field you were cultivating and wreaked havoc with its ferocious iron hooves.]

[Watching your hard work go up in smoke, your eyes were about to burst into tears, but you could only stare helplessly. After all, the farming disciples who learned from you can only accelerate the growth of plants and have no combat power.]

[As the sun set, looking at the devastated field and the departing Demonic Beast, your Dao heart was damaged. At the moment of death, you secretly vowed to have combat power like that crazy bull in your next life!]

[Simulation complete. Since the "Longevity Technique" is your personal item, only one reward can be chosen.]

[Currently available entry: ]

["Minus One (Red)": As the name suggests.]


Looking at the red entry in front of him, although Chu Ming could understand each word individually, when they were put together, he was completely confused.

Minus one?

What does that mean?

And it's supposed to be self-explanatory, but who can understand the meaning behind these two words?

What's more, this mysterious entry is ranked just below the golden red entry?

Is it that powerful?

Chu Ming scratched his head and tried to add the "Minus One" entry to the "Longevity Technique."

In an instant, the bamboo book shimmered with a brilliant red light, which faintly condensed into several angry roaring wild buffaloes!

"Congratulations, host! The "Longevity Technique" has successfully evolved into the "Long Bull Technique"!"


Chu Ming put down his hands covering his face and couldn't help but complain.

"What the hell is the Long Bull Technique!"

I knew something was wrong. So "minus one" means removing the "one" from "life" and turning it into "bull"?

Are you playing word games with me?

Chu Ming rubbed his sore forehead.

But on the other hand, what does the Long Bull Technique mean?

Looking at the suddenly changing characters on the bamboo book, Chu Ming's mind suddenly became clear, and his eyes widened.

["Long Bull Technique"]

[Introduction: Can summon a crazy Demonic Beast bull to charge at the opponent. The strength and number of Demonic Beasts are proportional to one's own cultivation.]


"So that's how it is?!"

Chu Ming was shocked, and his right hand instinctively touched the bamboo book. The characters on it suddenly turned into black butterflies, flapping their wings like moths to a flame, rushing into his forehead.


Seeing this strange phenomenon, Chu Ming quickly closed his eyes, calmed his mind, and only slowly opened them after a while, sighing softly.

"Why is my alchemy cultivation heading towards such strange paths..."

Thanks to [DustShadow晨影], [二心丿无可奈何], [为爱已中毒], [书友尾号7248] for the monthly votes!

PS: Tomorrow is Tuesday, the day for weekly recommendations, so I will update two chapters in the early morning. I hope all readers can read up to the latest chapter and support this book to keep it going o(╥﹏╥)o. Thank you, dear readers!

(End of this chapter)

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