Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

33. Chapter 33 Senior Sister, Can I Borrow It? (Please Follow Up On The Next Update!)

Chapter 33: Senior Sister, can I borrow it? (One more chapter, please!)


After hearing Chu Ming's description, the smile on the shopkeeper's face instantly disappeared, and she looked particularly confused.

"Young master, are you describing clothing?"

"Of course."

Chu Ming took out a piece of Middle Grade spirit stone and placed it on the table, with a playful smile.

"What's wrong? Don't you do business, shopkeeper?"

"We do! Of course we do!"

Seeing Chu Ming's generous offer, the shopkeeper's eyes widened, and she quickly and discreetly accepted the spirit stone, then took out paper and pen from behind the counter.

"But young master, your request is difficult to understand. Could you roughly sketch it here so that we can have a general idea?"

"No problem."

To be honest, Chu Ming knew nothing about drawing, especially with a brush.

But that didn't stop his determination. He carefully depicted the female figure and clothing, and even added annotations on the side, reminding that the revealing clothing should only cover half.


Picking up the rice paper and looking at Chu Ming's "masterpiece," the shopkeeper's previously confident heart was now in chaos. However, she didn't dare to show it, afraid that this young master would leave.

Having run a silk fabric shop for many years, she had a keen ability to read people's expressions. Through Chu Ming's attire and slightly excited expression, she could tell at a glance.

These scanty clothes were definitely meant for spicing up the atmosphere in the brothel!

Such exposure, who would dress like this normally?

"I see..."

The shopkeeper's expression suddenly became clear, and she quickly put away the rice paper, covering her mouth as she giggled. She led Chu Ming to a seat and served tea with confidence.

"Young master, rest assured, I will arrange for someone to make it. It will take about the time it takes for a few incense sticks to burn."


Seeing her confident promise, Chu Ming thought that the Middle Grade spirit stone was well spent.

Of course, during this waiting period, he didn't just sit idle. With the shopkeeper's company, he selected a few dresses and silk stockings, but he made some minor modifications to most of them.

For example, he had the shopkeeper add two slits to a close-fitting dress made of woven cotton, perfectly exposing his thighs, claiming that it liberated women's legs.

And for the long white silk stockings, he had four garters added under his emphasis, with lace embellishments along the edges.

After all these accomplishments, the custom-made revealing undergarments were also completed. With joy in his heart, Chu Ming took them and set off on his way back.

At this moment, the sun was setting, and the thin golden veil covered the countless mountains like cicada wings. Amidst the spiritual mist, there were many cultivators flying on their swords, creating a magnificent scene.

Of course, there were also traffic accidents caused by improper control of Law Weapons, resulting in collisions and falls. The noise was constant, and Chu Ming stopped to watch for a long time until it grew dark.

"Damn it! I really need to change this habit of joining in the fun in the future."

Under the starry sky, illuminated by the bright moonlight, Chu Ming finally returned to the back mountain of Floating Jade Peak.

However, at this moment, there was a graceful figure standing in front of the room, as if waiting for a long time.

"Senior Sister?"

Looking at the person in front of him, Chu Ming couldn't help but be surprised.

An Muxi tied her hair into a single ponytail, hanging it in front of her chest. She wore a white dress that looked particularly pure.

But unlike before, this white dress seemed slightly thinner, and the slightly open neckline revealed delicate collarbones. The style was particularly form-fitting, perfectly showcasing her graceful figure.

If one had to say, it resembled a nightgown.

And she wasn't wearing silk stockings, exposing her beautifully curved calves to the damp and cold air.

"You finally came."

After recognizing the face of the person who had arrived, An Muxi gathered her slightly fluttering hair due to the faint night breeze, and without saying a word, she pulled Chu Ming into the house. Her anxious appearance left him a bit confused.

"Where did you go?"

After entering the house and lighting the candles, when the dim room was filled with a faint light from the flames, An Muxi put her hands on her waist and immediately began questioning him.

"Why haven't you come back so late? Don't you know that Floating Jade Peak has restrictions on peaks? Master emphasized that you must return to the chamber at the hour of the pig. Look at what time it is now!"

Seeing An Muxi's angry expression, Chu Ming touched his nose, showing no signs of displeasure. Instead, he felt a hint of joy.

This appearance of a little wife complaining about her husband coming home late is quite cute!

"I went to buy clothes for you."

Chu Ming took out several luxurious dresses from his spatial bag, which immediately changed An Muxi's expression from slight anger to astonishment. Her bright eyes widened.

"Deep Moon Smoke Brocade Dress? White Thread Immortal Phoenix Dress?"

"You recognize them?"

Chu Ming didn't expect An Muxi to be able to name these dresses, and he felt slightly surprised.

For him, the only difference between these dresses was their colors. At most, he would glance at the style of the hem and determine their length by whether they exposed the thighs or not.

Seeing Chu Ming handing over the dresses, An Muxi carefully took them and looked at him with eyes full of joy and anticipation.

"Are these all for me?"

"Of course, can't I wear them myself?"

"Thank you..."

An Muxi blushed slightly and thanked him softly, then shyly put away the dresses.

Both of these dresses are made by a famous silk cloth shop and are of Rank Three quality. They can withstand most low-level spell attacks, and the "Deep Moon Smoke Brocade Dress" can even accelerate cultivation speed during moonlit nights!

So, in terms of price, they are particularly expensive, costing at least ten Middle Grade spirit stones.

He spent so much money just to buy me clothes...

An Muxi stole a few glances at Chu Ming's calm face, subconsciously tucking her hair behind her ear, her face turning red, and her heartbeat suddenly speeding up.

Of course, Chu Ming noticed this shy and flustered appearance. He smiled and approached her slowly, taking advantage of the situation.

"Sister, is there something you wanted to talk to me about tonight?"


After a brief moment of confusion, An Muxi lightly tapped Chu Ming's chest with a hint of coquetry. She murmured softly.

"You said you wanted... my provocative undergarments."


Chu Ming suddenly sighed lightly, his tone slightly helpless.

"To be honest with you, Sister, your provocative undergarments can no longer satisfy me."


Upon hearing this, An Muxi's first reaction was not embarrassment, but rather a feeling of extreme surprise. She even felt a hint of confusion and helplessness, her heart filled with doubt.

Even An Muxi herself was not sure why she felt so restless. Immediately, she anxiously worried.

"What should we do then? Can't you relieve the Natural Charm Body anymore?"

"There is another way."

Chu Ming slowly walked up to An Muxi, patting her shoulders with both hands, his expression extremely solemn.

"Sister, can you lend me your provocative attire?"

(End of this chapter)

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