Chapter 42: Relief

Chu Ming: "......"

An Muxi: "......"

Inside the room, a gentle breeze caused the candlelight to flicker. The awkward atmosphere suddenly became filled with a warm and romantic feeling.

Chu Ming found it difficult to describe his current mood. It was like being interrupted at a crucial moment by a beautiful girl who then declared that they should be together, causing a complex mix of emotions.


Before he could break the silence, a sudden cold wind blew through the room. As An Muxi made a move to escape, he grabbed her wrist firmly.

"Sister, wait!"

Chu Ming held up his pants with his left hand and tightly grasped her snow-white wrist with his right hand, his expression unusually serious.

"We need to have a serious talk."

Seemingly taken aback by Chu Ming's serious expression, An Muxi didn't struggle. Instead, she washed her hands and sat back at the table as he had pleaded, clutching her skirt with both hands. Her blushing face looked especially charming.

"What... What do you want to talk about?"

"Have you always been doing this?"

After tidying up his appearance, Chu Ming sat across from An Muxi with a pensive expression.

"Every time I kiss you, I experience this condition where my body becomes hot and my consciousness becomes fuzzy. But it's all better the next day."

"So it was you, Sister, who has been helping me..."

"Stop talking!"

An Muxi suddenly interrupted Chu Ming, then mumbled after a moment of shyness.

"I don't know why kissing only relieves my Natural Charm Body, but for you, it seems to trigger its eruption. So I can only... help you balance the yin and yang, after all, I'm the one who caused this."

Listening to An Muxi's increasingly soft voice, Chu Ming fell into a brief contemplation. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he clenched his right fist and hammered it against his left palm, his expression suddenly enlightened.

"Perhaps it's not kissing that relieves the Natural Charm Body!"


An Muxi looked at Chu Ming with a puzzled expression.

"But doesn't the Joyous Union Heart Sutra say that kissing is one of the ways to balance yin and yang?"

"Maybe the Natural Charm Body is a special case."

Chu Ming carefully observed An Muxi, his eyes flashing with surprise.

One had to admit that Sister, wearing a green sleeping gown embroidered with lotus flowers and with her hair draped in front of her, had an extra touch of femininity.

Especially with her blushing cheeks and the alluring appearance of her chest rising and falling, she looked like a seductive fairy tempting someone to taste her beauty.

Seeing Chu Ming remain silent for a long time, An Muxi raised her head and found him staring at her intently. She then shyly combed her hair and pouted.

"What are you looking at? Say something!"

"It's all because you're so beautiful. I can't think of what to say for a moment!"

Hearing Chu Ming's indignant protest, An Muxi's heart blossomed with joy. Her lips involuntarily curled up, and she gave him a coquettish glance.

"You talk too much! Get to the point."

"Cough, cough."

Chu Ming cleared his throat twice.

"You see, although kissing is a way to balance yin and yang, this method only accumulates the inner heat of both people. Sister, do you have this feeling?"

Caught off guard by this sudden question, An Muxi pondered for a while before uncertainly responding.

"Well... it seems like it."

Every time she kissed Chu Ming, her body would indeed experience a special intoxicating heat.

This feeling would spread throughout her entire body, making her unable to resist the urge to get close and respond...


Realizing her own thoughts, An Muxi held her burning cheeks and lowered her eyelids, unable to look Chu Ming in the eye.

Why was she becoming stranger and stranger?

"That's right!"

Chu Ming snapped his fingers and chuckled lightly.

"The Natural Charm Body relies on the release during the balance of yin and yang, rather than accumulation. So kissing can never be one of the methods to solve the Natural Charm Body."

"Then why does my Natural Charm Body get relieved?"

An Muxi turned her gaze away and asked, and the answer Chu Ming gave made her widen her eyes in astonishment.

"That's because I helped you relieve it by touching," Chu Ming said seriously.

"Sister, you should know that every time we kiss, I always touch, and from your initial resistance to now tacitly accepting this situation, you even intentionally don't wear underwear, as if to make it convenient for me..."

"What nonsense are you talking about?!" Before Chu Ming could finish speaking, An Muxi slammed the table, her face turning red. She stood up, her body trembling, and angrily rebuked him.

"I don't not wear underwear because... because it feels comfortable after taking a bath at night! It's not for the purpose of letting you conveniently touch!"

"Sorry, I was just talking nonsense."

Seeing An Muxi biting her lip in shyness, Chu Ming helplessly spread his hands and continued along with her words.

"I helped relieve your Natural Charm Body by touching, but you didn't do anything similar to help me relieve it when we kissed."

"So that's why I feel restless and hot all over because of the accumulation of yin and yang. That's the fundamental reason!"

"... "

Facing Chu Ming's explanation, An Muxi slowly sat back down, hesitating to argue, but suddenly realized that this explanation seemed... quite accurate?

Could it be that kissing really couldn't relieve the Natural Charm Body?

An Muxi bit her lip, feeling inexplicably annoyed and displeased.

So, does that mean she can't kiss Chu Ming anymore?

That's actually a good thing!

Why is she feeling so down?

An Muxi took a deep breath, soothing her chest, and her expression returned to its usual calmness.

"Since that's the case, I won't come to you anymore."

"Then how do you relieve the Natural Charm Body?"

Chu Ming's question caught An Muxi off guard. She was first stunned, then her cheeks suddenly turned red.


If what Chu Ming said is true, then in the future, she would have to let him touch to relieve the Natural Charm Body?

"... "

An Muxi was suddenly caught in a dilemma, as if there were two little people in her mind arguing fiercely.

The reserved and shy side made her refuse Chu Ming's proposal, while the other side's desire and pursuit of strength deep within her made her agree.

After struggling for a long time, An Muxi blinked her watery eyes, her mouth slightly soft, and said in a tender voice.

"Then... then I'll come to you in the future."

"Sister, you're so righteous!" Chu Ming exclaimed excitedly, then got up and lay on the bed in a spread-eagle position, laughing lightly.

"We shouldn't delay, so sister, help me balance the yin and yang tonight."


An Muxi was first stunned, then she glared at Chu Ming angrily.

"You're asking me to help you even though you're fine? No way!"


Upon hearing this, Chu Ming curled up on the bed, rolling around in pain, his face filled with agony.

"It's so hot! It's so uncomfortable!"

"You're just pretending!"

An Muxi snorted coldly, and without looking back, she left the room.

However, she hadn't walked far when she hesitated, her crimson face filled with conflict and shyness.

Although Chu Ming was definitely pretending in that state, but what if... I mean, what if he wasn't pretending?

After all, I didn't completely help him balance the yin and yang, and if it's true, the consequences would be unimaginable!

"Chu Ming! I hate you!"

After muttering these words in embarrassment and anger, An Muxi turned around, pushed the door slowly, and walked back into the room...

Thank you to [Reader with the last four digits 1781], [Passing Destroyer], [Lani turning into a werewolf], [White Wing Ink Feather], [Reader with the last four digits 6814], [Reader with the last four digits 2669] for the tips! Thank you to [Reader with the last four digits 5494] for the monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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