Chapter 49: Kiss Me


An Muxi's astonishing statement left Chu Ming's mind blank, momentarily stunned.

Could this be something Senior Sister would say?

Based on her personality, even if we were to harmonize our yin and yang, it would take a lot of effort just to get her to close her eyes obediently with some sweet words...

Could this person be some kind of Demonic Beast in disguise!?

"Chu Ming, are you still listening?"

"Ah? Yes, I'm listening!"

A slightly shy question brought Chu Ming back to his senses. He wrapped his arms around An Muxi's slender waist, finally remembering to fully appreciate the softness of her body in his embrace.

Although he didn't know why Senior Sister was being so affectionate today, he couldn't let this opportunity go to waste!

Perhaps it was because she had just taken a bath, but even through their clothes, Chu Ming could still feel the smoothness of An Muxi's delicate skin.

With a gentle sniff, the fragrance lingered around his nose, causing him to have some improper thoughts.

So this is how good a girl's body smells?

He really wanted to just devour her in one bite...

Chu Ming tightened his arms once again, resting his chin on An Muxi's head, quietly enjoying this tender moment. There was no desire in his heart, only a faint warmth like a clear spring.

They stayed like this for a long time, until a slightly shy voice suddenly interrupted the tranquility.

"You're just going to hold me like this? Don't you want to do something?"

Do something?

Chu Ming was taken aback, only then did he suddenly remember the matter of impurities in cultivating as Dao companions. He tentatively asked in a low voice.

"Senior Sister, is it okay?"


An Muxi nudged her head against Chu Ming's chest, her coquettish appearance almost melting his heart.

"I've been coming to you every night and you still have to ask!"

"I just wanted to confirm."

Chu Ming scratched his cheek awkwardly, then gently pushed An Muxi's shoulders to create some distance between them. He stared at her misty and shy eyes for a long time.

"Senior Sister, do you know what to do?"

Upon hearing this, An Muxi lightly bit her red lips, her eyelashes trembling. The coldness that used to be in her eyes had long disappeared, and amidst the intense softness, a hint of anticipation could be seen.

"Is... this how it's done?"


Chu Ming's pupils contracted. The once silent sea of his spirit seemed to have been hit by a nuclear bomb, and the suppressed heat within him gushed out like a spring!

When a usually cold and proud girl reveals her shyness in front of you, and even takes the initiative to seduce you, no man can resist such temptation.

Especially not Chu Ming, who had been single for over twenty years!

"There's nothing wrong with doing it this way, but everyone's constitution is different, so it still depends on the individual."

"What do you mean by 'depends on the individual'?"

"Because everyone has different weaknesses in their bodies," Chu Ming chuckled lightly, then, amidst An Muxi's exclamation, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her whole body into his embrace. With his arms wrapped around her from behind, he held her tightly.

Of course, while his hands were mischievous, Chu Ming didn't forget to whisper some ambiguous words in An Muxi's ear, making her feel overwhelmed by the heat and unable to bear it, her eyes hazy and subconscious.

"Because... because you said you could control these silk stockings, so I thought it would be convenient for you to collect the impurities from our cultivation as a couple."

"To be honest..."

Chu Ming's expression showed a slight displeasure as he opened his slightly unbuttoned collar a bit more, causing An Muxi to let out an uncontrollable low moan from her throat, her body constantly writhing.

"A lying child must face punishment~"

"You... you controlling the stockings feels so comfortable..."

An Muxi half-covered her blushing face shyly, which made the smile on Chu Ming's lips widen a bit.

"That's right."

In an instant, An Muxi widened her eyes, feeling that familiar tingling sensation crawling up her legs again, shattering the last bit of restraint in her heart. Her waist slightly arched, her red lips parted, and love slowly gathered in the depths of her eyes.

Chu Ming didn't seem to be in a hurry either, slowly simmering the person in his arms with various gentle methods, while using his divine knowledge to control the stockings and collect the impurities that had already formed from their cultivation as a couple.

After about half an incense stick's worth of time passed, An Muxi suddenly grabbed his wrist, raised her head, her cheeks burning, and her moist lips kept parting.

"Chu Ming... kiss me."


Chu Ming shook his head with some concern.

"Sister, have you forgotten? If I kiss you, my Natural Charm Body will erupt."

"I can help you, can't I? Hurry up and kiss me~"

An Muxi seemed almost on the verge of tears, a little anxious, raising her chin in an attempt to find that warmth that belonged only to her with her lips. However, Chu Ming turned his face away, still smiling lightly, neither fast nor slow.

"Then promise me one condition..."

"I promise, I promise!"

Before Chu Ming finished speaking, An Muxi struggled and turned around, her tender, boneless arms blocking his neck, and she raised her flushed little face, offering her soft lips...


An Muxi let out a sigh of relief, smacking her lips in satisfaction, then lightly tapped Chu Ming's chest with a hint of resentment.

"You bad person! You made me take the initiative, I hate you!"

"It can't always be me taking the initiative, right?"

Chu Ming endured the heat surging through his body and the blur in his consciousness, holding An Muxi's delicate and boneless hand, and breathed lightly.

"Don't forget the condition you promised me before."


The crimson on An Muxi's cheeks brightened again, and she let out a soft hum, wanting to reach out her hands but was stopped.


An Muxi looked puzzled, while Chu Ming shook his head, extending his right hand and using his thumb to caress her soft, moist lips, the smile on the corner of his mouth widening a bit.

"This time, let's switch it up."

(End of this chapter)

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