Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 56 I Like To Watch Women Fight The Most

Chapter 56: I Love Watching Women Fight the Most

A hundred years old?

Is it true or not?

Chu Ming was amazed in his heart, listening to the two women exchanging cold and mocking words.

"I didn't expect to meet you here, Yu Hongling."

An Muxi crossed her arms and looked down at the petite girl in front of her with disdain.

"With your short stature, you managed to find a partner. Did the other person go blind?"

Xu Shuai: "..."

"You're the one who's blind! You and your master are blind!"

Yu Hongling put her hands on her waist and angrily scolded An Muxi.

"An Muxi, with your arrogant and domineering appearance, you managed to find a partner. Why can't I find one? I think the person in your family must be a masochist."

Chu Ming: "..."

So aggressive!

"They know each other?"

"I don't know."

Xu Shuai wiped the sweat off his forehead with a tissue and whispered after a moment of contemplation.

"But I heard from Hongling that she has a particularly annoying disciple in the outer sect of Heavenly Evolution Sect. Not only is his swordsmanship exquisite, but his cultivation and all aspects are also superior, and he constantly mocks her short stature."

"Now it seems that person might be your senior sister, An Muxi..."

"That's impossible."

Chu Ming shook his head and explained.

"My senior sister has a calm personality and never engages in conflicts with others. How could she actively provoke someone?"

"Perhaps it's a grudge between the sects."

"A grudge between sects?"

Chu Ming frowned slightly, gesturing for Xu Shuai to continue.

"I heard from Hongling that her master once pursued your master, Wu Zuirao, but was heartlessly rejected. As a result, out of resentment, she compares herself in various matters to prove 'I can live better without you!'"

"Unfortunately, it seems that she falls short in every aspect, so she focuses on cultivating her disciples. As a result, Wu Zuirao brought you and An Muxi..."

"The most crucial point is that Hongling's master has been kind to her, so Hongling is particularly obedient. As a result, she often speaks ill of Wu Zuirao in front of An Muxi, leading to arguments between them."

"I see..."

Chu Ming looked at Xu Shuai with a slightly apologetic expression and patted his shoulder with a sigh.

"Xu Xiong, I suggest you keep an eye on your partner. It's not good if she has a hot temper."

"I also want to, but..."

Xu Shuai had a look of frustration on his face. He was about to say something when he felt a surge of scorching spiritual power not far away. The hot waves of flames instantly burst open, causing the people around to scatter in surprise.

"If you have the ability, fight me. Whoever wins will get the embroidered ball and the title of 'First Couple'!"


An Muxi snorted coldly, her eyes narrowed. She took a step forward with her right foot, and the icy cold aura instantly extinguished part of the intense heat, forming a pale blue dense mist that enveloped her, creating a strong contrast with Yu Hongling.

She slowly drew out her matching sword and pointed it towards the front. The sword had a sky-blue body with intricate patterns engraved on it, emitting a chilling and terrifying killing intent.

Is senior sister really going all out?

Chu Ming looked slightly stunned, but was soon pulled back a few steps by Xu Shuai.

When the two of them were about to reach the edge of the martial arts arena, a buzzing sound filled the air. The red and blue spiritual powers instantly merged, tearing apart the center of the Martial Dao platform, accompanied by the constant interweaving of two figures.

"Is senior sister really this strong?"

Because An Muxi had been "bullying" her recently, Chu Ming gradually overlooked something.

That is, she seems to be the most talented sword cultivator that Heavenly Evolution Sect has recruited in the past hundred years!

"Oh dear..."

Chu Ming's Adam's apple involuntarily rolled, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He was relieved that he didn't provoke his senior sister.

Otherwise, his second brother's life would be in danger in no time.

Not far away, An Muxi stood with a sword in hand. Her left hand lightly touched the sword's body, and she swiftly drew it upwards, uttering a few cold words between her red lips.

"Frosty Ice Sword, activate!"

In an instant, the sword in her hand emitted a dazzling white light, accompanied by several blossoming ice flowers.

An Muxi's right hand suddenly dropped, and she instantly charged towards the nearby Yu Hongling with her sword, causing the surrounding people to exclaim in surprise.

"An Muxi actually drew her sword?"

Xu Shuai's eyes were filled with worry. He took a few steps forward, intending to say something, but all he heard was a furious roar from Yu Hongling in the center of the Martial Dao stage.

"Xu, you don't need to help me! Just make sure An Muxi's partner is defeated, otherwise, you'll be sleeping on the floor tonight!"

"Chu Ming, don't hold back! I want another embroidered ball, or else you'll be sleeping on the floor too!"

Listening to the deadly orders from both sides, Chu Ming and Xu Shuai looked at each other, neither of them speaking first. The atmosphere fell into silence for a while.

At this moment, a young steward from the Moon Elder Hall hurriedly ran over with an embroidered ball, his expression filled with apology.

"Sorry, sorry. We haven't held the 'Embroidered Ball Competition' for a long time, so we weren't prepared. This is the embroidered ball you'll be competing for."

"Do we need one too?"

Chu Ming took it and pointed at himself, looking puzzled, while the steward explained with a light laugh.

"Usually, we prepare two embroidered balls, one for men and one for women to compete against each other. If the final winners are not partners, they will continue to fight until the ultimate victor is determined."


Unexpectedly, this small competition had so many rules.

Chu Ming sighed lightly and casually tossed the embroidered ball to Xu Shuai.

He hurriedly caught it, his tone tinged with a hint of crying.

"Brother Chu, what should we do? If I don't have this embroidered ball, I won't be able to sleep on the bed!"

"Don't I have the same problem?"

Chu Ming sat down and patted the ground next to him, then looked lazily at the intense fight between the two figures in the center of the Martial Dao stage.

"But compared to all this, I still prefer watching women fight."


Xu Shuai sat down with an anxious mood, sighing and wiping away tears. This made Chu Ming feel a bit annoyed, and he scratched his head before suddenly brightening up.

"Alright, how about this? Let's split the embroidered ball in half, so we can both fulfill our obligations."


Can this thing be split in half?

Xu Shuai looked at the embroidered ball in his hand, unable to help but mutter.

"Even if we can fulfill our obligations this way, it will be easily seen through! According to my Red Ling's temperament, if she sees that we get along so well, she will definitely get angry."

"Then let her know that this is the result of your efforts, isn't that enough?"

Chu Ming smirked, then whispered something in Xu Shuai's ear, causing him to turn his head back in confusion.

"Will that work?"

"Trust me."

Chu Ming patted his chest and made a guarantee, then swiftly brought his right hand down like a knife, instantly splitting the embroidered ball into two halves.


"Inferno Dragon Technique!"

With Yu Hongling's sweet shout, a giant dragon engulfed in blazing flames rushed towards An Muxi.

Her eyes narrowed, and she quickly dodged, forming hand seals with her right hand. A lotus made of ice suddenly attacked the dragon's head, and a burst of spiritual power instantly exploded, forcefully sending the somewhat exhausted Yu Hongling flying far away.

"Is that all?"

An Muxi sneered twice, her gaze shifting towards Chu Ming's direction.

At this moment, within the dense mist that obscured the internal situation, two figures frequently crossed paths.

Then, a painful low roar was heard, and Chu Ming, like a kite with a broken string, flew out and rolled on the Martial Dao stage for a dozen times before lying on the ground like a dead body. This caused An Muxi's pupils to shrink.

"Chu Ming!"

Thanks to the monthly votes from readers with the last digits 7709, Great Dao Honoring the Hongmeng, 2422, 6202, swaying into the clear sky, that touch of lake light, Ah Qi_, Queen Qiyana, and yak1389!

(End of this chapter)

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